CBY Weekly Shabbat Announcements 8-15 Adar 5778 - February 23-March 2, 2018 SHABBAT TETZAVEH/PARSHAT ZACHOR SHABBAT FEBRUARY 23-24 SPECIAL EVENTS Candles ....................................................................... 5:20 pm Friday night Feb. 23rd join R’ Zahtz at a pre-purim Plag ............................................................................. 4:31 pm Tisch at the Schreiber home 622 Winthrop Road at Mincha ........................................................................ 5:30 pm 8:15 pm. Everyone is invited! Moroccan Shir HaShirim/mincha ............................... 5:30 pm Shabbat Feb. 24th Michal Zahtz will give a pre- Kids Parsha Shiur ....................................................... 8:00 pm Minyanim: Purim women’s shiur in the Social Hall at 4pm. Hashkama ................................................................... 7:00 am CBY welcomes Rabbi Menachem Burstein of Sefard (Beis Medrash) ............................................. 8:30 am Machon Puah. He will address the Nusach Sefard Ashkenaz (Social Hall) ............................................. 8:30 am minyan on Shabbat. Moroccan ................................................................ 9:00 am Ashkenaz (New Main) ............................................. 9:00 am NEXT SHABBAT-SHABBAT KI TISA Ashkenaz (Old Main) ............................................... 9:15 am Candles ............................................................... 5:28 pm Teen Minyan (Social Hall)........................................ 9:00 am Plag ..................................................................... 4:37 pm CBY David Frohlich z”l Youth Department Youth Supervised Play ............................................. 9:00 am Mincha ................................................................ 5:40 pm Youth Groups (Nursery - 5th grade) ......................... 9:20 am Moroccan Shir HaShirim/mincha ....................... 5:40 pm Mommy & Me (in the Nursery class) ...................... 9:20 am *The readings of Zachor will take place in the context of MAZAL TOV the regular Torah readings in each minyan. There is no Marilyn & Joseph Bench, on their 50th wedding separate reading of Zachor. Please plan accordingly! anniversary, and on the bat mitzvah of their Daf Yomi- Manny Adler ............................ 7:30 am & 4:20 pm granddaughter, Halley Rose, daughter of Drorit & Ramban al HaParsha - R’ Zahtz ................................... 8:40 am David. Gemara Shiur-R’ Breslau & Dr. Bench ................ after 8:30 am Elly & Jerry Frenkel on the birth of a great ...................................................... shacharit (back of BM) granddaughter to Yosef & Bat Ami in Israel. Minchas Chinuch–R’ Weinberger ....... after 8:30 am shacharit Vivian & Avrumi Gross on the birth of a grandson, Michal Zahtz women’s shiur ...................................... 4:00 pm a son to Estee & Rabbi Willie Balk of Englewood. Josh Notkin shiur Rav Kook-Ein Ayah ........................ 4:50 pm Mincha .............................................................1:45 & 5:20 pm Sharon & Eli Kolb, on the birth of a grandson, a son R’ Zahtz shiur “Seudat Purim” .............. after 5:20 pm mincha to Zahava & Yitzy. Moroccan mincha....................................................... 5:00 pm Carol & Mike Roth, on the birth of a grandson, a Maariv (Kiddush Levana) ............................................ 6:26 pm son to Judith & Shuey Fogel in Israel. Manny Freed z”l Parent Child Learning (BM) ............. 6:45 pm Marion Schechter, on the birth of a great- granddaughter, a daughter born to Rifki & Yehuda WEEKDAY SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 2 Strauss in Israel. Daf Yomi ................................... 7:00 am (Sun), 5:30 am (M-F) Shacharit Tammy & Benjy Silverberg, on the bat mitzvah of Sun ....................................... 6:25, 7, 7:30, 8, 8:50, 9:15 am their granddaughter Devora, daughter of Brigitte & M .......................................... 6:05, 6:20, 7, 7:20, 8, 8:50 am Rabbi David Silverberg, in Israel. *Wed. & Thurs. please see separate section on other side. T/F ................................ 6:15, 6:30, 7, 7:30, 8:00, 8:50 am Earliest tefillin ............................................................. 5:42 am VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Latest shema .............................................................. 9:22 am Please join us on Monday night, February 26th to help pack Mincha gedola .......................................................... 12:40 pm the BNOT Mishloach Manot. We will be packing in the Early mincha Sun (Old Main) .........................12:45 & 1:45 pm Social Hall from 5:00-7:00 PM. Pizza dinner will be served. Early mincha Mon – Thurs .......................................... 1:45 pm Chessed hours will be given. Thank you! Mincha ........................................................................ 5:30 pm Maariv Sun, M, T, Th (not Wed) ........ 7, 8, 9, 10:01, 10:45 pm *Please note there will no longer be a 6pm maariv. TAANIT ESTHER & PURIM SCHEDULE BEIS MEDRASH PROGRAM Fast starts ................................................................... 5:19 am DAILY Shacharit (Wed) .................. 5:55, 6:10, 6:40, 7:10, 8, 8:50 am Daf Yomi .................................. 7:00 am (Sun), 5:30 am (M-F) Mincha .............................................................1:45 & 5:20 pm Mishna Yomit Masechet Yevamot Maariv ....................................................................... 6:10 pm ................... Sun 8:30 am, M-F 7:45 am, Shabbat 8:15 am Sefard Maariv & Megilla (Kenny Bander) ................... 6:10 pm R’ Zahtz Emunah U’Betachon T-Th .............. after 9pm maariv Megilla .............................................................6:25 & 8:15 pm Daf Yomi B’Halacha Chavura (S-Th)............................ 8:30 pm 6:25 pm New Main: Irwin Levenbrown / Old Main: Moshe SUNDAY Weinberger / 8:15 pm: Ari Ganchrow Purim Chagiga following megilla reading. MONDAY Puim Day Schacharit/megilla (megilla times are approx.) R’ Meir Shalem learning program ........... 9:35 am – 10:45 am 5:55/6:25 Ronnie Aranoff- New Main Daf Yomi B’Halacha Chavura ...................................... 8:30 pm 6:30/7:00 Harold Keiser-Old Main TUESDAY 7:00/7:30 Moshe Weinberger- Beis Medresh- SEFARD Kollel Yitzchak Yaakov ............................................... 6:20 am 7:10/7:40 Ari Ganchrow- New Main R’ & Michal Zahtz’s women’s shiur “Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh- 7:45/8:15 Yossie Siev- Old Main Developing our Spiritual Personalities” ................... 10:15 am 8:30/9:00 Josh Jaffe- New Main Navi Chavura w/R’ Schachter ..................................... 8:15 pm 9:15/9:45 Stanley Shapiro- Old Main Parsha shiur w/Rav Goldwicht ................................... 8:30 pm 10:30 sharp Megilla Only- Moshe Weinberger Early Mincha ....................................... 12:45, 1:45, & 3:30 pm WEDNESDAY - Taanit Esther/ Purim Night – Zman Mincha & Regular Maariv minyanim taking place. No evening shiurim taking place CBY NOTES Kollel Yitzchak Yaakov ............................................... 6:20 am R’ Yonason Sacks, Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash THURSDAY- Purim Day L’Talmud & Rav of Agudas Yisroel Passaic, will be giving No Shiurim Taking Place a shiur on PURIM on Sunday, Feb. 25th after the 8 AM minyan. A shiur on PESACH will be given on Sunday, FRIDAY March 18th. Shiur will take place in the large classroom. Kollel Yitzchak Yaakov ................................................ 6:20 am CBY Purim Chagiga on Wednesday, February 28th! There will be a magic show for kids during the 6:25 pm Looking to mark a special occasion, commemorate a Megilla Reading, followed by the Chagiga. Delicious yahrzeit, or say thank you? Consider sponsoring the food, JAP Entertainment, Carnival games!! Cost is Shabbat Bulletin, a Day of Learning, or one week of Manny $30/family. Raffle tickets are available; $2/ticket Freed z”l Parent Child Learning. 15/$15 or 30/$25. To sponsor contact the shul office. For pricing and availability please contact the CBY Office. th March 10 at 8:45pm join CBY, the Family of Coby Levi a”h & YU Connects for a Melava Malka & shiur, for college-age & young professional singles, by R’ Moshe CBY is participating in the Community Wide March Mega Tzvi Weinberg, “From Galus to Geulah; Escaping the Food Drive. Bins will be available in the shul to drop off Mitzrayim Mindset. To sponsor contact the CBY office. food donations until March 23rd. Please be sure to check Register at yuconnects.com/upcoming-events. expiration dates. No glass containers or soda. Canned or CBY Project Ometz is available to provide peer support dry goods, along w/baby food & supplies are most for parents who have children suffering with mental needed. illness. For more info: www.projectometz.org or email [email protected] This month’s calendar can be found at Please be aware that the Keylim Mikvah will be closed on https://www.bnaiyeshurun.org/monthlycalendar Monday February 26th from 7 am until 12PM, for pre- BNOT pesach maintenance. Thank you for your understanding! Join ICE (Inspirational Community Events) on March 17, Miss Chevi Garfinkel will be speaking on a topic relating to Pesach. Refreshments at 9:15PM; the Women’s Shiur Thank you to all the volunteers who helped will begin at 9:30PM. Please be in touch with Lauren in the office this week. Szpilzinger ([email protected]) for more info. We are happy to include your family announcements in the Weekly Bulletin. Please submit
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