Home Delivery and Online Shopping ‘Proud to be Hampshire Fare members’ Are you looking for alternative ways to shop for your groceries? Then look no further as we have some amazing producers and retailers in Hampshire who have an array of produce available to you, who are offering online shopping and home delivery. Take a look at the table below to see which Hampshire Fare member is offering what. From local eggs to milk, from tender beef to yummy pies, you will certainly find a product to meet your needs. Keep scrolling and you will also see our local drink and craft producers. Here is a key on categories and what each category may contain. Please check the company’s website or call them directly for more details on specific products, availability and delivery options (including delivery radius and if it’s collection only). Fruit & Veg- Fruit, Vegetables, Herbs Dairy- Milk, Butter, Eggs, Ice cream Meat / Fish- Meat, Fish & Game Bakery- Bread, Pies, Cakes, Confectionary (Chocolate, Fudge) Preserves / Cond.- Jams, Chutneys, Honey, Pickles, Sauces, Oils Other- Beauty products, Candles, Soaps, Craft, Household Goods Drinks- Wine, Beer, Spirits, Coffee, Tea, Soft alternatives Produce (Food and Drink) Company Fruit / Dairy Meat / Preserves Ready Company Contact details Bakery Other Drinks Location Veg Fish / Cond Meals www.agaxtons.co A.G Axton & .uk Southampton ✓ ✓ ✓ Sons 01489 878000 www.applegarthf Applegarth arm.co.uk Grayshott ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Farm 01428 712777 www.bitternebox .co.uk Bitterne Box Co Southampton ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ orders@bitterneb ox.co.uk www.boxxfresh.c Fareham and Boxxfresh om ✓ ✓ Wickham 01329 846815 www.ceevansand CE Evans and son.co.uk Alresford ✓ ✓ ✓ Son 01962 732477 Company Fruit / Dairy Meat / Preserves Ready Company Contact details Bakery Other Drinks Location Veg Fish / Cond Meals www.dishdelikitc Dish Deli & hen.co.uk/deli Romsey ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Kitchen 01794 513663 www.farmerschoi Farmer's Choice Fareham and ce.co.uk ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Free Range Wickham 01489 583828 www.facebook.co m/gambledownfa Gambledown rm/ Romsey ✓ ✓ ✓ Farm farm@gambledo wnfarm.co.uk 01794 340286 www.harvestfinef Harvest Fine oods.co.uk Southampton ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Foods 01202 470444 Headley headleyshop@ho Community tmail.co.uk Headley ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Shop 01635 268849 www.hockeys- Hockey's Farm farm.co.uk Ringwood ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Shop 01425 652542 www.newforesth New Forest ampercompany.c Hamper New Forest ✓ ✓ om Company 01590 644513 www.newlyns- Newlyns Farm farmshop.co.uk Hook ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Shop 01256 704128 www.openhouse Open House deli.co.uk Winchester ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Deli 07917 208682 www.southbourn Southbourne efarmshop.co.uk/ Farm Shop / home Southbourne ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ South Downs South Downs Water Water 01243 377521 www.stanstedfar Stansted Park Havant and mshop.com ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Farm Shop Emsworth 02392 413576 www.facebook.co St Mary Bourne m/smbvillagesho Andover ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Village Shop p 01264 738337 www.tatchburym Tatchbury anorfarm.co.uk Southampton ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Manor Farm info@tatchburym anorfarm.co.uk www.crownupton The Crown Inn, .co.uk Andover ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Upton 01264 736044 www.thegarlicfar The Garlic Farm m.co.uk IOW ✓ ✓ 01983 865378 www.hampshires The Hampshire alami.co.uk Wolverton ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Salami Co 07990 556090 www.thepheasan The Pheasant thighclere.co.uk/ Highclere ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Highclere blog Company Fruit / Dairy Meat / Preserves Ready Company Contact details Bakery Other Drinks Location Veg Fish / Cond Meals 01635 253360 www.thetomatos The Tomato tall.co.uk IOW ✓ ✓ ✓ Stall 01983 866907 www.facebook.co Thyme & Tides m/thymeandtides Stockbridge ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 01264 810101 www.osolocal2u. Wellington com Southampton ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Fresh 02382 358853 www.westlandsfa Westlands Farm rmshop.co.uk/ord Southampton ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Shop er 01329 833832 www.facebook.co Wild Garlic m/wildgarliccateri Chandlers ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Catering ng Ford 07734 064386 www.wildislandst Wild Island ore.co.uk IOW ✓ 01983 868305 www.longbarn.co Long Barn Cafe .uk Alresford ✓ ✓ 01962 738684 www.facebook.co Balmer Lawn .uk/balmerlawn New Forest ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Hotel 01590 623116 www.blackmoore Blackmoor state.co.uk Petersfield ✓ Estate 01420 476003 New Forest www.newforestm Wild & Exotic ushrooms.co.uk New Forest ✓ Mushrooms 07970 470334 www.thewasabic The Wasabi ompany.co.uk Alresford ✓ ✓ ✓ Company 01929 463824 www.fourbrother Four Brothers scheese.com Andover ✓ Cheese 01264 730654 www.hampshirec Hampshire heeses.co.uk Basingstoke ✓ Cheeses 07880 738470 www.anyish.co.u Anyfish (Peter Bishops k ✓ Atkinson) Waltham 01489 896111 www.ashfordfar Ashford Farm mturkeys.co.uk Petersfield ✓ 01730 268131 www.beremillfar Bere Mill Farm m.co.uk Andover ✓ and Butchery 07815 904084 www.butler- Butler Country country- Winchester ✓ Estates estates.co.uk 01962 658081 www.chalkstream Chalk Stream foods.co.uk Romsey ✓ 01794 330000 Crow Farm www.crowfarmsh Ringwood ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Shop op.co.uk Company Fruit / Dairy Meat / Preserves Ready Company Contact details Bakery Other Drinks Location Veg Fish / Cond Meals 01425 473290 www.groverbutch ers.co.uk Bishops 01489 891937 Grover Butchers Waltham ✓ ✓ ✓ (BW) Locks Heath 01489 880914 (LH) www.jsfresh.fish JS Fresh Fish Southampton ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 02380 201627 www.sausages4al LJ Smith Family l.co.uk Southampton ✓ ✓ ✓ Butchers 02380 644040 www.owtons.com Owtons 02380 600558 Southampton ✓ ✓ (opt 1) / Petersfield www.facebook.co Solent Butchers m/SolentButchers Portsmouth ✓ 02392 669228 www.stagandbull. Stag and Bull com Stockbridge ✓ Biltong 07799 137787 www.thefarmers The Farmers butcher.co.uk Bramshaw ✓ Butcher 01794 322686 www.uptonsbutc Uptons of hers.co.uk Southampton ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Bassett 02380 393959 Wholesome www.wholesome Wolf (prev. Bad wolf.com Petersfield ✓ Boys Biltong) 01730 821062 www.abasingbak A Basing Bakes es.co.uk Basingstoke ✓ 07889 780537 Beaulieu www.bealieuchoc Chocolate olatestudio.co.uk New Forest ✓ Studio 01590 612279 www.blackberryc Blackberry ottagefayre.co.uk Kingsclere ✓ Cottage 01635 579730 www.chococo.co. Chococo uk Winchester ✓ 01962 421777 www.fnkpies.co.u FNK Pies k Havant ✓ (Vegan) 07582 023947 www.fordingbrid Fordingbridge gefudge.co.uk New Forest ✓ Fudge 01425 658277 www.jakesartisan Jake's Artisan foods.co.uk Petersfield ✓ Foods (Pork Pies) www.mudfoods.c Mud Foods Ltd om Midhurst ✓ 01730 815435 www.mumandda Mum and Dad's dskitchen.co.uk Portsmouth ✓ Kitchen 02392 293890 www.redfoxfinefo Red Fox Fine ods.co.uk Stockbridge ✓ Foods 01794 301280 Company Fruit / Dairy Meat / Preserves Ready Company Contact details Bakery Other Drinks Location Veg Fish / Cond Meals www.summerdo Summerdown wnmint.com Basingstoke ✓ ✓ ✓ Mint 01256 780252 The Little www.thelittlekitc Kitchen hencompany.com Winchester ✓ ✓ Company 01962 886924 VGF’s Vegan & www.vgf- Gluten Free food.com New Forest ✓ Foods 07921 779154 www.winchesterc Winchester ocoa.co.uk Winchester ✓ Cocoa Company 0345 017 0809 www.wow- Wow Cupcakes cupcakes.com Southampton ✓ 07954 820842 www.beckysbees Beckys Beezzzs onlineshop.co.uk Andover ✓ ✓ 01264 351104 www.burtonbees. Mrs B's Bees co.uk Alton ✓ ✓ www.olivesdirect. Olives Direct co.uk New Forest ✓ 01452 613000 www.sinahcomm Sinah Common Havant and onhoney.com ✓ ✓ Honey Emsworth 07708 922013 The Cold www.coldpressed Pressed Oil oil.co.uk Alton ✓ ✓ Company 07795 632919 Drinks (Coffee, Beer, Wine, Sparkling, Soft) Other Company Fruit & Dairy Meat/ Preserves Company Contact details Bakery household Drinks Location Veg Fish / Cond. goods Anvil Coffee www.anvilcoffee.co.uk ✓ Basingstoke Roasters 01256 300050 www.beachcombergin.co. ✓ Beachcomber uk New Forest Gin Ltd 07716 232462 www.blackchalkwine.co.u ✓ Black Chalk k Alresford Wine 01264 860440 www.bluestonevineyards. ✓ Bluestone co.uk Cholderton Vineyard 07501 091132 www.bowman-ales.com Bishops ✓ Bowman Ales 01489 878110 Waltham Area www.chalicemead.co.uk ✓ Chalice Mead Petersfield 07799 142710 Chalkdown www.chalkdowncider.com ✓ Andover Cider 01962 217760 www.shop.ciderniks.com ✓ Ciderniks Kingsclere 07885 296789 www.conkerspirit.co.uk ✓ Conker Spirit Ringwood 01202 430384 Other Company Fruit & Dairy Meat/ Preserves Company Contact details Bakery household Drinks Location Veg Fish / Cond. goods www.cornerfiftythree.co.u ✓ Corner Fifty Bishops k Three Waltham area Dampney's www.remarkabledrinks.co ✓ Remarkable .uk Petersfield Drinks 07828 285862 www.extonparkvineyard.c ✓ Exton Park om Southampton Vineyard 01489 878788 Flack Manor www.flackmanor.co.uk ✓ Romsey Brewery 01794 518520 www.goddardsbrewery.co ✓ Goddards m IOW Brewery 01983 611011 Gorilla Spirits www.gorillaspirits.co.uk ✓ Alton Co. 01420 446175 www.hambledonvineyard. ✓ Hambledon Bishops co.uk Vineyard Waltham area 02392 632358 Hattingley www.hattingleyvalley.com ✓ Alresford Valley Wines 01256 389188 Hawkins Bros www.hawkinsbros.co.uk ✓ Fine English 07976 247903 Wines Petersfield www.hillfarmjuice.co.uk Bishops ✓ Hill Farm Juice 01489 878685 Waltham area www.islandbrewery.co.uk ✓ Island Brewery IOW 01983 821731 www.islandroasted.co.uk ✓ Island Roasted IOW 01983 857670 Isle of Wight www.isleofwightdistillery. ✓ Distillery: com IOW Mermaid Gin 01983 613653 www.itchenvalleybrewery. ✓ Itchen Valley com Alresford Brewery 01962 735111 Jenkyn Place www.jenkynplace.com ✓ Alton Vineyard 01420 481581 www.rivertestdistillery.co. ✓ The River Test uk Distillery 07775 425068 Long Parish www.meonvalleycider.co. ✓ Meon Valley uk Petersfield Cider 02087 209204 Moonroast www.moonroast.co.uk ✓ Alresford Coffee 01256 389996 www.mozzocapsules.com ✓ Mozzo Coffee Southampton 02380 700007 www.pothecarygin.co.uk ✓ Pothecary Gin [email protected] New Forest k www.priorsdeanvineyard. ✓ Priors Dean
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