For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted. To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com The Battery- Powered Commute MAO NOW REVIEW OFF DUTY VOL. CCLXVII NO. 113 ******* WEEKEND HHHH $4.00 SATURDAY/SUNDAY, MAY 14 - 15, 2016 WSJ.com Blocks Burned, Blocks Spared in Canada Wildfire Retail What’s Sales Gain News Is Fueled World-Wide By Web slamic State is turning Ito less elaborate but lethal attacks on civilian targets as BY ERIC MORATH it loses territory in the grind- AND SUZANNE KAPNER ing war in the Mideast. A1 The commander of Hez- Consumers boosted spend- bollah’s operations in sup- ing in April to the highest lev- port of Assad was killed by els in more than a year, accel- an explosion in Syria. A6 erating their turn toward online shopping and widening The Obama administra- the divide between in-store re- tion is making a nationwide tailers and Internet outlets push to bar discrimination pitching lower prices and con- against transgender people. A3 venience. Pfizer unveiled new con- While data from the Com- trols on its drug-distribution merce Department on Friday channels to stop the use of its showed overall retail sales products in executions. A3 rose 1.3% in April from a month earlier, the category Argentina’s Kirchner was that includes shopping on Am- indicted in a case involving azon.com Inc. and rival web- derivatives trading by the sites and apps grew 2.4%. And nation’s central bank. A7 in the past year, Internet and Chinese prosecutors in- JASON FRANSON/ASSOCIATED PRESS catalog sales have grown more dicted a former aide to re- CHARRED: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the Alberta town of Fort McMurray Friday to assess the damage firsthand. A7 than three times as fast as tired President Hu. A7 overall sales, up 10.2%. Depart- ment-store sales, meanwhile, Turkey and the EU sank 1.7% over the past 12 failed to overcome differ- months. ences threatening to derail Results from the retail sec- their migration deal. A12 IslamicStateShiftsTactics tor this past week showed how The House Benghazi Com- the shift is knocking down ma- mittee and the State Depart- jor companies despite resil- ment are at an impasse over As foes cut into as this past week’s series of lies increasingly on suicide at- nocent people,” Gen. Maan ience in the broader economy. a number of documents. A3 deadly suicide bombings in tacks. said Wednesday after three Major retailers including group’s pseudo-state, Iraq. Iraq’s Interior Ministry suicide bombings killed at Macy’s Inc., Kohl’s Corp. and The federal government In three straight days of spokesman Brig. Gen. Saad least 88 people. Another sui- Nordstrom Inc. this week re- will begin scanning secu- its militants turn more bombings in Baghdad starting Maan said the latest terror at- cide attack on Friday at a ported sharply lower sales and rity-clearance applicants’ to suicide bombings on Wednesday, the group killed tacks in Iraq stem from Islamic Baghdad coffee shop killed at profits, while Gap Inc. said it posts on social media. A3 more than 100 people. In the State’s need to make an impact least 13 more. was considering closing more BY MARIA ABI-HABIB wake of the terror attacks in away from the battlefield. Islamic State remains a for- stores after sales continued to Business&Finance Paris in November and Brus- “It is well known that when- midable enemy in both Iraq sink. As Islamic State loses terri- sels in March, Western and re- ever there is a military victory and Syria despite nearly Amazon is now the second- tory in the grinding war in the gional officials said they are against [Islamic State, they] Please see TACTICS page A6 largest apparel seller in the Consumers boosted Middle East, it is turning to seeing more signs the militants resort to this criminal, cow- U.S., behind Wal-Mart Stores spending in April to the less elaborate but lethal direct are morphing back into a guer- ardly act by using car bombs Hezbollah military leader Inc., according to Morgan highest levels in more than a attacks on civilian targets such rilla-style insurgency that re- or suicide bombers to kill in- killed in Syria............................. A6 Please see RETAIL page A2 year, accelerating their turn toward online shopping. A1 Apple’s investment in a Chinese ride-sharing firm re- ONE FAMILY’S ORDEAL WITH FENTANYL flects an intensifying battle over the future of driving. A1 Peltz’s Trian has shed its The synthetic painkiller, up to 50 times as powerful as heroin, presents a new level of peril in America’s opioid crisis stake in PepsiCo, three years after launching an unsuccess- ful effort to break it up. B1 BY JON KAMP AND ARIAN CAMPO-FLORES tive and difficult to stop. Unlike heroin, which requires large Exco shares plunged after MANCHESTER, N. H.—When his swaths of land for poppy production, the oil producer said it is ex- son fell prey to America’s latest drug fentanyl is the product of simple ploring alternatives, includ- scourge, Joel Murphy, a funeral-home chemistry. U.S. officials believe much ing bankruptcy protection. B1 worker, knew his family had plenty of of the supply comes from illegal labs U.S. stocks declined for company. in Mexico, meaning there is no need the third consecutive week. He could see it in the faces of the for prescribing doctors, the enablers The Dow on Friday tumbled dead. of an earlier generation of American 185.18 points to 17535.32. B5 Many of the corpses he picked up pain-pill abuse. Some buyers have on the job were men in their 20s, with even ordered fentanyl, or close imita- Volatile art sales at New close-cropped hair, baseball caps and tions of it, through the mail from fac- York’s chief auction houses gaunt frames. They made him think of tories in China. this week tested the mar- his youngest son, Joseph. Fentanyl is a reason why deadly ket for blue-chip works. B1 “I see him sometimes, I see him in a overdoses from painkillers continue to An anticounterfeiting lot of them,” he said. climb in the U.S., reaching a record group revoked Alibaba’s This is the human toll of the ille- 18,893 in 2014, according to the Na- membership amid concern gally made painkiller fentanyl, a syn- tional Center for Health Statistics. about the firm’s commit- thetic narcotic that presents a new Fentanyl-related fatalities are soaring ment to fighting fakes. B3 level of peril in the opioid crisis ravag- in many parts of New England, the ing the U.S. Up to 50 times as power- Midwest and the South. In 12 states Honda swung to a quar- ful as heroin, and cheaper to produce, racked by the crisis, including New terly loss on costs tied to fentanyl is the end result of a drug Hampshire, Massachusetts and Ohio, KIERAN KESNER FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL recalls of Takata air bags. B3 trade that has proven wildly innova- Please see OPIOID page A8 Joseph Murphy’s painkiller addiction drove his parents into bankruptcy and despair. GM halted sales of cross- over wagons to replace window stickers that over- Libya’s Central Bank Tries Breaking Into Own Safe stated fuel economy. B3 Apple’s Bet Shakes Up iii Inside In other problems, the coins in question feature Gadhafi’s face Car-Sharing Alliances BY HASSAN MORAJEA metal pieces bear the face of street by advertising the face BY DAISUKE WAKABAYASHI historic shift from internal- NOONAN A11 AND TAMER EL-GHOBASHY Moammar Gadhafi, the reviled of Gadhafi.” AND DOUGLAS MACMILLAN combustion engines to electric leader who was overthrown, Libya, an oil rich country vehicles controlled by soft- Mr. Trump BEYDA, Libya—Underneath captured and killed in 2011. strapped for cash, is divided Apple Inc.’s $1 billion in- ware and chips, essentially a bank in this eastern coastal Assuming he could reach between two rival govern- vestment in Chinese ride-shar- computers on wheels. At the Goes to city, a vault holds a trove of the coins, “I can’t sell them as ments, and is also struggling ing company Didi Chuxing same time, ride-sharing ser- gold and silver coins worth they are,” said Ali El Hibri, the with an Islamic State insur- Technology Co. reflects an in- vices are redefining traditional Washington $184 million. It belongs to the central bank governor in east- gency. tensifying battle over the fu- views of transportation, call- central bank, which could use ern Libya. “I don’t want to Mr. Hibri said he is waiting ture of driving and highlights ing into question the future of the money to alleviate a crip- cause any controversy in the for a shipment of fresh cur- emerging alliances among car ownership and public CONTENTS Opinion................. A9-11 Books.................... C5-10 Style & Fashion D3-6 pling cash shortage. rency from a foreign printing auto makers, technology firms transport. Business News. B3-4 Travel.................. D10-11 The pile, however, presents house totaling four billion di- and ride-sharing companies. Apple’s investment aligns it Election 2016.... A4-5 U.S. News............. A2-3 some problems. The coins are nar, or close to $3 billion. But The competition to build with Chinese Internet giants Food......................... D8-9 Weather.................... B11 locked away with a five-num- the cash infusion isn’t expected and provide autonomous vehi- Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
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