Br J Vener Dis: first published as 10.1136/sti.35.2.101 on 1 June 1959. Downloaded from Brit. J. vener. Dis. (1959), 35, 101. REITER'S DISEASE* BY HAMILTON BAILEY AND W. J. BISHOP Reiter's disease is characterized by non-gonococcal purulent urethritis followed in 2 to 14 days by arthritis and conjunctivitis. The arthritis is very painful, and is punctuated by remissions and exacer- bations. The knees, the great toe joints, and the interphalangeal joints are affected most often, but other joints are frequently involved. The con- junctivitis is severe and long-lasting. Complications such as iritis are not uncommon. Intermittent pyrexia, night sweats, and secondary anaemia are the rule. The disease often continues for months or years, and in spite of intensive research, neither the cause nor any effective treatment has yet been found. Hans Reiter was born in 1881 in Leipzig, the son of a manufacturer and owner of a factory. After FIG. 1.-Hans Reiter, b. 1881. Reiter had matriculated from the Thomas Gym- nasium at the age of 20, he commenced his medical Western Front, and in September, while stationed at http://sti.bmj.com/ studies in the University of Leipzig, and continued Chauny, France, he was called upon to care for a them in Breslau and Tubingen. In 1906 he graduated number of soldiers suffering from Weil's disease. It M.D. Leipzig, and then undertook post-graduate was here that he made his first great discovery-he training in bacteriology and hygiene. This prolonged found the causative organism of Weil'st disease, the study was exceptionally thorough and highly cos- Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, by inoculating in- mopolitan. It was calculated to embrace training numerable animals. This was a remarkable achieve- under the greatest masters in bacteriology in all ment, seeing that the causative organism of Weil's on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Europe, and there are but few, if any, who have disease had been sought unsuccessfully since 1880. emulated Reiter in this respect. Commencing with Promoted to a higher rank, Reiter was transferred 9 months at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, Reiter then to the Balkan Front. In 1916 a patient was sent to spent a year at the Institute of Hygiene and Pharma- him with severe inflammation of the conjunctivae, cology at Berlin University. He then undertook the urethra, and a number ofjoints. Reiter published 2 years' training under Sir Almroth Wrightt at St. an account of this disease in the Deutsche medizin- Mary's Hospital, London. This was followed by ische Wochenschrift in 1916; soon afterwards others 2 years as Assistant and Lecturer at the Institute of reported similar cases, and it was not long before the Hygiene, K6nigsberg. In May, 1914, Reiter was syndrome of abacterial urethritis, conjunctivitis, and elected deputy Head of a special ward at the Institute arthritis became known universally as Reiter's for Hygiene, Berlin. August of that year found him disease. an assistant doctor in the German army on the After World War I, Hans Reiter became eminent in the field of preventive medicine. He became * Received for publication, October 31, 1958. Thanks are due to Messrs. H. K. Lewis and Co. Ltd., London, for permission to reprint successively Professor of Hygiene at Rostock Uni- this biography from the 3rd edition of "Notable Names in Medicine and Surgery" by Hamilton Bailey and W. J. Bishop, and to Professor Reiter for supplying particulars of his career. t Adolph Weil, 1848-1916, Director of the Medical Clinic, Dorpat, t Sir Almroth Wright, 1961-1947, Professor of Bacteriology, St. Esthonia. Developed laryngeal tuberculosis and subsequently prac- Mary's Hospital, London. tised at various spas. 101 Br J Vener Dis: first published as 10.1136/sti.35.2.101 on 1 June 1959. Downloaded from 102 BRITISH JOURNAL OF VENEREAL DISEASES ....... FIG. 2.-The University of Leipzig. versity (1919-1923), Chief of a department of the hygiene. Professor Reiter is a Gold Medallist of the Hygiene Institute in that city (1923-1925), Chief of a University of Leipzig (1957) and a Robert Koch department in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Medallist, holds the Grand Order of the Red Cross, Experimental Therapy, Berlin, under Professor and is an honorary member of many scientific August von Wassermann,* Director of the Health associations at home and abroad. In later years he Department of Mecklenburg, and finally President has made an intensive study of the illegitimate child of the Health Service in Berlin and Honorary Pro- and its problems. Professor Reiter now resides at his fessor of Hygiene in the University of Berlin. From country home at Kassel-Wilhelmshohe, Hessen. October, 1933, to 1945 he represented Germany at The interest and importance of Reiter's disease is the International Health Organization in Paris. exemplified by the fact that many hundreds of papers One of the innovations Reiter made while occupy- on this condition have been published in the medical ing the Chair of Hygiene in Rostock was to make journals of the world. From these, Professor Reiter special trips with his students to various industrial has himselfselected for the British Journal of Venereal http://sti.bmj.com/ centres in Germany, where he lectured on social Diseases nearly 400 references as those he considers to be the most valuable which have appeared up to * August von Wassermann, 1866-1925. Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Experimental Therapeutics, Berlin. December 31, 1958. SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY 1916 STErTNER, E. (1917). 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"Drei als wahrscheinlich Spiro- Differential-Diagnose seltener friihluetischer und chaetosis Reiter arthritica anzusprechende Krankheits- gonorrhoischer Komplikationen", Derm. Z., 24, 406. falle", Dtsch. med. Wschr., 44, 403. REITER, H. (1917). "Ueber die Spirochaete forans", Zbl. 1920 Bakt., 79, 176. MANSON-BAHR, P. H. (1920). "The Commoner Complica- - (1917). "Eine bisher unerkannte Spirochaeten- tions of Bacillary Dysentery in Military Practice", infektion", Dtsch. med. Wschr., 43, 302. Brit. med. J., 1, 791. Br J Vener Dis: first published as 10.1136/sti.35.2.101 on 1 June 1959. Downloaded from REITER'S DISEASE 103 SCHITTELHELM, A. (1920). "Polyarthritis enterica und 1931 verwandte Arthritisformen", Med. Klin., 16, 1173. SCOMAZZONI, T. (1931). "Patogenesi della cheratodermia 1921 blenorragica", G. ital. Derm. Sif., 72, 716. REITER, H. (1921). "Uber die sogenannte Spirochaetosis ZIA, S. H., AND SMYLY, H. J. (1931). "Arthritis in arthritica (Reiter)", Munch. med. Wschr., 68, 950. Association with Bacillary Dysentery", Nat. med. J. STUHMWR, A. (1921). "Uber die sogenannte Spirochaeto- China, 17, 307. sis arthritica (Reiter)", Munch. med. Wschr., 68, 769; 1932 1053. TIEMANN (1932). "IIber die Polyarthritis-rheumatica 1922 enterica", Z. klin. Med., 122, 724. GAGER, E. C. (1922). J. Amer. med. Ass., 78, 941. 1923 1933 BUSCHKE, A., AND LANGER, E. (1923). "Hyperkeratotische FOERSTER, R. (1933). "Zwei Falle von Reitersche Exantheme bei Gonorrhoe und ihre Beziehungen zur Erkrankung", Med. Welt., 7, 700. Psoriasis", Derm. Wschr., 76, 145. GADRAT, J. (1933). "Keratose symetrique et polyarthrite 1924 soi-disant blennorrhagique (Syndrome de Vidal) hors Du Bois, C. (1924). "Keratoses blennorrhagiques ou de toute gonococcie", Ann. Derm. Syph. (Paris), 7 ser., dermatites gonococciques", Acta derm.-venereol. 4, 1040. (Stockh.), 5, 1. 1934 JOURDANET, P. (1924). Bull. Soc. franc. Derm. Syph., 31, BALBAN, W. (1934). "Zur Kenntnis der sogenannten 277. 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