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Product List

PRODUCT LIST Item Description LONG & SHORT PASTA LONG & SHORT PASTA:P3col 3 Color MIX LONG & SHORT PASTA:P3colx 3 color X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pbckwht Buckwheat LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pblk&wht Black & White LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pblk&whtx Black & White X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pblkolv&cap Black Olive & Capers LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pblkpepp Black Pepper LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pblucrn Blue corn LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pbsl Basil LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pbslx Basil X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pbslxx Basil XX LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pchptl Chipotle LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pchv Chive LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pcjn Cajun LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pclntr Cilantro LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pclntrx Cilantro X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pcnftti Confetti Speckled Pasta LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pcrrt Carrot LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pcrry Curry LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pdll Dill LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pdllx Dill X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pegg Egg LONG & SHORT PASTA:Peggxx Egg XX LONG & SHORT PASTA:Peggylk Egg Yolk Only LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pfrhrb Four Herb LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pgngr Ginger LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pgrlc Garlic LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pgrlcxx Garlic X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pjlpn Jalapeno LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pjmshll Jumbo Shells (not filled) egg pasta LONG & SHORT PASTA:Plmn Lemon LONG & SHORT PASTA:Plmnbsl Lemon Basil LONG & SHORT PASTA:Plmnbslx Lemon Basil X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Plmnpepp Lemon Pepper LONG & SHORT PASTA:Plmnpprx Lemon Pepper X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Plmnx Lemon X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Porg Orange Page 1 of 7 Item Description LONG & SHORT PASTA:Ppmpkn Pumpkin LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pprcn Porcini LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pprsly Parsley LONG & SHORT PASTA:Prdbllpp Red Bell Pepper LONG & SHORT PASTA:Price Rice (Gluten Free) available only in short shaped pasta LONG & SHORT PASTA:Prnbwstrpd Rainbow Striped LONG & SHORT PASTA:Prsmry Rosemary LONG & SHORT PASTA:Psdtom Sundried Tomato LONG & SHORT PASTA:Psffrn Saffron LONG & SHORT PASTA:Psffrnx Saffron X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Psoy Low Carb Soy Blend LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pspn Spinach LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pspnxx Spinach XX LONG & SHORT PASTA:Psqd Squid Ink LONG & SHORT PASTA:Psqdx Squid X LONG & SHORT PASTA:Ptom Tomato LONG & SHORT PASTA:Ptomxx Tomato XX LONG & SHORT PASTA:Ptrrgn Taragon LONG & SHORT PASTA:Pwhlwht Whole Wheat PASTA SHEETS PASTA SHEETS:PScnftt Confetti Pasta Sheets PASTA SHEETS:PSegg Egg Pasta Sheets PASTA SHEETS:PSeggxx Egg XX Pasta Sheets PASTA SHEETS:PSrnbw Rainbow Striped Pasta Sheets PASTA SHEETS:PSspn Spinach Pasta Sheets PASTA SHEETS:PSspnxx Spinach XX Pasta sheets PASTA SHEETS:PStgr Tiger Pasta Sheet PASTA SHEETS:PStom Tomato Pasta Sheets VEGAN PRODUCTS VEGAN PRODUCTS:Ptfu Vegan Tofu Pasta (long & short shapes) Vegan Manicotti filled with Ratatouille, Tofutti cream Cheese VEGAN PRODUCTS:VGNMNrttle and Tofu, made with Vegan (tofu) Pasta 2 oz. ea. VEGAN PRODUCTS:VGNRrttle Ratatouille/Tofu Ravioli (100% Vegan) VEGAN PRODUCTS:VGNshts Vegan (tofu) Lasagna sheets Vegan (Ratatouille & tofu) tortellini VEGAN PRODUCTS:VGNTTI made with Plain vegan (tofu) Pasta VEGAN PRODUCTS:VGNRstric Vegan Cheese Ravioli (Stedda Ricotta) VEGAN PRODUCTS:VGNRstchbrg Vegan Meat Ravioli (Stedda cheese Burger) VEGAN PRODUCTS:VGNLPch Vegan lasagna 1/2 Pan Serves 12 VEGAN PRODUCTS:VGNeggparm Vegan Eggplant & Parmesan 1/2 Pan Serves 12 ORGANIC CERTIFIED (CCOF) PRODUCTS ORGANIC PRODUCTS:OCPegg Organic Egg Pasta (Long & Short Shapes) ORGANIC PRODUCTS:OCPSpin Organic Spinach Pasta (Long & Short Shapes) ORGANIC PRODUCTS:OCPwhlwht OrganicWhole Wheat Pasta (Long & Short Shapes) ORGANIC PRODUCTS:OCPrdbll Organic Red Bell Pepper Pasta (Long & Short Shapes) ORGANIC PRODUCTS:OCP3colmix Organic 3 color Mix Pasta (Long & Short Shapes) Page 2 of 7 Item Description ORGANIC PRODUCTS:OCReggplnt Organic/Vegan Eggplant & Garlic Ravioli ORGANIC PRODUCTS:OCRmush Organic Mushroom & Ricotta Ravioli GNOCCHI GNOCCHI:GNhrb 4 Herb Gnocchi GNOCCHI:GNpot Potato Gnocchi GNOCCHI:GNspin Spinach Gnocchi GNOCCHI:GNswtpot Sweet Potato Gnocchi GNOCCHI:Gnspsto Pesto Gnocchi GNOCCHI:Gnric Ricotta Gnocchi GNOCCHI:Gmush Mushroom Gnocchi RAVIOLI RAVIOLI:Rartfont Artichoke & Fontina RAVIOLI:Rartx Artichoke X RAVIOLI:Rarug Arugula Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rasp Fresh Asparagus RAVIOLI:Rblkbn Black Bean & Chipotle RAVIOLI:Rbuttsq Butternut Squash RAVIOLI:Rchclt Chocolate Ravioli With Mascarpone RAVIOLI:Rchk Chicken RAVIOLI:Rcrb Crab Claw Meat RAVIOLI:Rcrbxx Crab XX RAVIOLI:Rcrmchs Cream Cheese Ravioli RAVIOLI:Reggpl&fntn Eggplant & Fontina RAVIOLI:Reggpl&gtch Eggplant & Goatcheese RAVIOLI:Reggplntgrlc Eggplant & Garlic Ravioli w/ Eggplant Pasta RAVIOLI:Reggplntrstd Roasted Eggplant & Sundried Tomato Ravioli Eggplant pasta RAVIOLI:Rfrchs Four Cheese RAVIOLI:Rft&mnt Feta Cheese & Mint RAVIOLI:Rgorgwlnt Gorgonzola & Walnut RAVIOLI:Rgorgx Gorgonzola X RAVIOLI:Rgorgxsdt Gorgonzola & Sundried Tomato Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rgtch Goat Cheese RAVIOLI:Rgtchsdtx Goat cheese & Sundried Tomato X RAVIOLI:Rhtlflng Hotel Filling RAVIOLI:Rlobchprm Chunky Lobster w/ Claw & Knuckle Meat RAVIOLI:Rlobchx Lobster XX Chunky With Slipper Lobster Meat RAVIOLI:Rlobcrbprm Lobster & Crabmeat Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rlobcrbxx Lobster & Crab XX (w/ imitation crabmeat) RAVIOLI:Rlobxx Lobster XX Multi Cheese RAVIOLI:Rmltch (mascarpone, gorgonzola, Parmesan & Ricotta) Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rmshrm Domestic Mushroom RAVIOLI:Rmshrmxx Mushroom XX RAVIOLI:Rmxdmush Portobello & Porcini X mix RAVIOLI:Rmxdsfd Mixed Seafood (Red Snapper, Shrimp, Crabmeat & lobster) RAVIOLI:Rpmpkn Pumpkin RAVIOLI:Rpot Potato RAVIOLI:Rprcff&shtk FF Porcini Mushroom & Shitake RAVIOLI:Rprcnmshrm Porcini Mushroom RAVIOLI:Rprcnx Porcini X Page 3 of 7 Item Description Primavera Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rprmvr (sundr. Tom, Basil, Pinenuts, mascarpone & asiago) RAVIOLI:Rprtbllmshrm Portobello Mushroom RAVIOLI:Rprtbllmshrmx Portobello Mushroom X RAVIOLI:Rpsto Pesto Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rric Ricotta Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rricbrdd Breaded Ricotta Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rricfont Ricotta & Fontina Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rrichrb Ricotta & Herb Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rricx Ricotta X RAVIOLI:Rrttle Ratatouille RAVIOLI:Rscllp Scallop & walnut Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rshrmp Shrimp RAVIOLI:Rshrmpx Shrimp X (Bay) RAVIOLI:Rshtk Shitake Mushroom & Caramalized Onions RAVIOLI:Rsmkdmozz Smoked Mozzarella RAVIOLI:Rsmkdslmn Smoked Salmon RAVIOLI:Rsmkdslmnx Smoked Salmon X Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rspnchrcta Spinach & Ricotta Ravioli RAVIOLI:Rswtpot Sweet Potato RAVIOLI:Rwldmshrm Wild Mushroom TORTELLINI TORTELLINI:TTIbutsq Butternut Squash Tortellini TORTELLINI:TTIchkn Chicken Tortellini TORTELLINI:TTIgtchs Goat CheeseTortellini TORTELLINI:TTIgrgnz Gorgonzola Tortellini TORTELLINI:TTIporc Porcini Mushroom Tortellini TORTELLINI:TTIqtro Tortellini Ai Quattro Formaggi TORTELLINI:TTIric Ricotta Cheese Tortellini TORTELLINI:TTIric Ricotta Cheese Tortellini 3 color mix TORTELLINI:TTIricx Cheese X Tortellini TORTELLINI:TTIricx Cheese X Tortellini 3 color mix TORTELLACCI TORTELLONI:TTOhm4ch Four Cheese Tortellacci 1 oz. ea.Handmade TORTELLONI:TTOhmart Artichoke Tortellacci 1 oz. ea. Handmade TORTELLONI:TTOhmchcrmy Creamy Ricotta Tortellacci 1 oz. ea. Handmade TORTELLONI:TTOhmric Ricotta Tortellacci 1 oz. ea. Handmade TORTELLONI:TTOhmspric Spinach & Ricotta Tortellacci 1 oz. ea. Handmade TORTELLONI:TTOhmbttsq Butternut Squash Tortellacci 1 oz. ea. Handmade TORTELLONI:TTOhmmshrm Mushroom Tortellacci 1 oz. ea. Handmade MANICOTTI MANICOTTI:MN2rctta Manicotti-Ricotta 2 oz. ea. MANICOTTI:MN2spnrctta Spinach & Ricotta Manicotti-2 oz. ea. MANICOTTI:MN3rctta Manicotti-Ricotta 3 oz. ea. MANICOTTI:MN3spnrccta Spinach & Ricotta Manicotti 3 oz. ea. Goat Cheese, Ricotta, Basil & Pinenuts manicotti X MANICOTTI:MN3gtchsx 3 oz. ea. Page 4 of 7 Item Description MANICOTTI:MN3rttle Ratatouille Manicotti 3 oz. ea. LASAGNA LASAGNA:LSImt Meat individual lasagna (45 pc per case LASAGNA:LSIrttle Ratatouille Individual Lasagna (45 pc per case) LASAGNA:LSPch 1/2 Pan Cheese Lasagna LASAGNA:LSPvgtbl 1/2 Pan Vegetable Lasagna Page 5 of 7 Item Description KOSHER PRODUCTS KOSHER PRODUCTS:KGNpot Kosher Potato Gnocchi KOSHER PRODUCTS:KGNswtpot Kosher Sweet Potato KOSHER PRODUCTS:KRbuttsq Kosher Butternut Squash KOSHER PRODUCTS:KRmshrm Kosher Mushroom KOSHER PRODUCTS:Krmshrmsdtom Kosher Mushroom & Sundried Tomato KOSHER PRODUCTS:KRrttle Kosher Ratatouille KOSHER PRODUCTS:KRslmn Kosher Smoked Salmon KOSHER PRODUCTS:KRslmnx Kosher Salmon X Ravioli KOSHER PRODUCTS:KRspn&tfu Kosher Spinach & Tofu Ravioli KOSHER PRODUCTS:KRwldmshrm Kosher Woodland Mushroom KOSHER PRODUCTS:KTTIrttle Kosher Ratatouille Tortellini OUTSOURCED OTS-FR:GNfrchs Four Cheese Filled Gnocchi OTS-FR:OTSBSTfrchs FourCheese Borsettini Plain OTS-FR:OTSBSTlbstr Lobster Borsettini Tomato Striped OTS-FR:OTSBSTmshrm Wild Mushroom Borsettino Porcini Stripes OTS-FR:OTSDPbwtegg Egg Bowtie 20# case OTS-FR:OTSGNart Artichoke Filled Gnocchi OTS-FR:OTSGNbslchs Basil & Cheese Filled Gnocchi OTS-FR:OTSGNbttsqsh Butternut Squash Filled Gnocchi OTS-FR:OTSGNmshrm Mushroom Filled Gnocchi OTS-FR:OTSGNpmkn Pumpkin Filled Gnocchi OTS-FR:OTSSPpnne Egg Penne Slant-cut OTS-FR:OTSTPcav Cavatelli-Plain OTS-FR:OTSTPfusspac Fusilli Spaccati-Plain OTS-FR:OTSTPorecc Orecchiette Pasta OTS-FR:OTSTPsrapln Strazzoprette-Plain OTS-FR:OTSTPstrlem Strazzoprette-Lemon OTS-FR:OTSTPtrof Trofie Genovesi-Plain *No extra charge Nitrogen Flush Packaging available for fresh pastas upto 3 weeks shelf life in the refrigerator 12 lbs. & 24 lbs. Cases Page 6 of 7 Item Description COST EXTRAS : Rainbow Striped Ravioli & Tortellinis Confetti Ravioli & Tortellinis Tiger, B&W Porcini, Saffron Stripes Bi Color Raviolini- one side/one side Jumbo Ravioli Jumbo Shells not stuffed Dumplings-half moon or traditional Handmade Bowtie Ravioli w. Solid pasta other than egg,tom,spin: Saffron, Porcini and Squid Egg Yolk only All others Portioning Fresh Pasta (i.e. 6 oz pkg) Rainbow Manicotti Breaded Ravioli Page 7 of 7.

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