Brittonia, 31(1), 1979, pp. 156-163. ? 1979, by the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458 NOTES ON NEOTROPICAL VACCINIEAE (ERICACEAE) VII. NOVELTIES FROM ECUADOR JAMES L. LUTEYN Luteyn, James L. (The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458). Notes on Neotropical Vaccinieae (Ericaceae) VII. Novelties from Ecuador. Brittonia 31: 156-163. 1979.-Four new Ericaceae are described from the Andes of Ecuador: Cavendishia lebroniae, Ceratostema megabracteatum, Orthaea fimbriata,and Sphyrospermumboekei. In theflora of Ecuador, theEricaceae are representedby 21 generaand approxi- mately 200 species. Nearly 60% of the species are endemic to this small but ecologically diverse country. The Ericaceae are no less diverse, occurringas terrestrialand/or epiphyticshrubs, from sea level to well over 3000 meters,and fromthe rain forestto the paramo. DuringApril and May, 1978, I had the opportunityto spend six weeks observing and studyingEricaceae in Ecuador, whereI collectedno fewerthan ten new taxa, four of which are describedherein. This large numberof newly collected taxa demonstratesnot only the richnessof the ericad flora in Ecuador but, more im- portantly,emphasizes the need for specialiststo be allowed to concentratetheir effortsin the groupsthey know best. Cavendishia lebroniae Luteyn, sp. nov. (Fig. 1) Quoad inflorescentiaehabitum ad C. martii et C. divaricatam accedit, sed ab eis glandulis calycis pubescentia et floribus differt. Terrestrialshrub arching to 2.5 m frommostly single stems. Maturestems terete, glabrous,brown, the bark crackinglongitudinally. Immature stems and twigsof new growthbluntly angled, striate,densely short pilose, light brown, glaucous. Petiole terete,rugose, 5-15 x 2-4 mm,densely pilose, darkreddish-brown. Leaves coriaceous,elliptic or ovate-elliptic,10-27 x 3.5-10 cm,basally roundedto slightly subcordate,apically shortacuminate, entire, sparsely short pilose along the nerves on both surfaces,also with scatteredglandular fimbriae on the lamina beneath; 5 (-7) -plinerved,the midriband lateralnerves impressed above and conspicuously elievatedbeneath, reticulate veinlets slightly but noticeablyelevated on bothsurfaces. Inflorescenceaxillary, paniculate, up to 150-flowered.Primary axis 12-14 (19) cm long and the branches 5-10 cm long, both subterete,conspicuously striate and densely short pilose. Floral bracts early caducous, none seen. Pedicels terete, striate,short pilose, 4-5 mm long at anthesis,elongating to ca 8 mm. Bracteoles basal, subreniformor hemispheric,0.2 mm long and broad, densely glandular- fimbriatemarginally, the fimbriaecoalescing distally. Calyx glabrous, ca 3 mm long; tube cylindric,slightly 5-angled, 1 mm long, basally truncate;limb campan- ulate, 2 mm long includingthe lobes; lobes broadly triangular,acute, 0.75 mm long, with a tiny oblong gland on each side towards the apex, conniventafter anthesis;sinus rounded. Corolla urceolate, 9-10 mm long and 8 mm in diam towardsthe base whenfresh but dryingto 6 mm long and 4 mm in diam, glabrous, mauve to violet with paler lobes when fresh;lobes stronglyrevolute and tightly appressedto the corolla tube,ca 1 mmlong. Stamens10, ca 6 mm long; filaments BRITTONIA31: 156-163. January-March, 1979. 1979] LUTEYN: ERICACEAE FROM ECUADOR 157 B~~~~~~ FIG. 1. Cavendishia lebroniae. A. Habit showingpaniculate inflorescence. B. FloWer. C. Stamens,ventral view. D. Portionof stamen,dorsal view, showingconspicuous connective and filamentpubescence. Drawn from holotype. 158 BRITTONIA [VOL. 31 slightlycoherent at the base, ciliate distally,alternately 3.2 and 2.5 mm long; connectiveconspicuously tapering onto the tubules of the long anthers (see Fig. 1D); anthersalternately 3 and 4 mm long includingthe tubules; thecae slightly granular,ca 1 mm long; tubules dehiscentby elongateclefts. Style glabrous,ca 8 mm long. Berryspherical, glabrous, 8-9 mm in diam, dark blue-black. TYPE: ECUADOR. CANAR: El Triunfo-Cafiarroad, 33 km E of El Triunfo. Steep roadside slopes withremnant forest vegetation; 615 m elev., 18 Apr 1978, JamesL. Luteyn& Maria L. Lebron-Luteyn5759 (HOLOTYPE: NY; ISOTYPES: 14 to be distributed). One of thedistinctive features of Cavendishialebroniae is its paniculateinflores- cence. Only two otherspecies in this genus of approximately150 species are so characterized: C. martii (Meissn.) A. C. Smithfrom Peru and Bolivia, and C. divaricataA. C. Smithfrom Colombia. The new species is not particularlyclosely relatedto eitherof the above. Its distinctivecalyx lobes and theirglands, as well as its pubescenthabit and smaller,different colored flowerspoint to a separate evolutionarylineage. The low elevationfrom which C. lebroniaewas collected is also noteworthy. The inflorescences,when collected, were covered with black, non-bitingants whichwere feedingon the seeds of the matureberries, leaving the juicy pulp un- touched. The species is named in honor of my wife,Dr. Maria L. Lebron-Luteynwho helped me to collect this species and manyother new plants. Ceratostemamegabracteatum Luteyn, sp. nov. (Fig. 2) A Ceratostemaperuviana bracteis floralibus 4.5-7 (nec 2-2.5) cm, bracteolis3.5-4.5 X 1 (nec 1.5-2.5 X 0.3-0.5) cm, pseudostipulisque18-25 (nec 3-5) mm longis et pedicellis brevioribus10-12 (nec 30-40) mm differt. Terrestrialor epiphyticshrub to 3 m tall withsingle stems up to 5 cm in diam. Mature stemsand twigs tereteto subterete,somewhat striate, densely short-pilose withwhite to graytrichomes. Petiole subterete,densely short-pilose, up to 5 mm long and 3 mm in diam. Leaves coriaceous, amplexicaul,ovate, ovate-lanceolate or elliptic,broadest at the base or in the middle,then noticeably constricted below the middlewith a shallow sinuson each side, (5) 8.5-15 x (2.5) 5-8 cm, basally cordate-auriculatewith rounded lobes, apicallyacuminate with the apex itselfacute, entire,yellowish- or brownish-greenwhen dry, sparsely short-pilosealong the nervesabove and denselysoft-pilose with both solitaryhairs and fasciclesof 4-6 hairs beneath; pinnatelyveined or weakly plinervedwith 3-5 lateral nerves per side, midrib,lateral nerves and reticulateveinlets impressed above, midrib and lateral nerves conspicuously elevated beneath; pseudostipuls lanceolate, (12) 22-25 mm long. Inflorescenceaxillary, racemose, pendent, 10-ca 25-flowered. Rachis bluntlyangled, ca 5-9 cm long, pale yellowish-greenwhen fresh,densely woollywith white or cream-coloredtrichomes. Floral bractspersistent, lanceolate, (4.5) 6-7 x 1.5-2 cm, membranaceous,noticeably reticulate veined, pale yel- lowish-greensuffused with red at the base when fresh,densely softly short-pilose. Pedicel subterete,expanded distally, densely woolly as rachis,10-12 (17) mmlong and 3-4 mm in diam, pale yellowish-green.Bracteoles similarto floralbracts but 3.5-4.5 x 1 cm, insertedca midwayup the pedicel. Calyx (22) 25-35 mm long; tubecylindrical, coarsely 10-ribbed, densely woolly, 5-7 mmlong, dark green when fresh;limb erect,sparsely pilose, 16-30 mm long includingthe lobes, pale yel- lowish-greensuffused with red when fresh;lobes lanceolate, 15-25 x 4-5 mm, .
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