The Journal of Neuroscience, March 2, 2005 • 25(9):2285–2294 • 2285 Development/Plasticity/Repair Neurosteroid-Induced Plasticity of Immature Synapses via Retrograde Modulation of Presynaptic NMDA Receptors Manuel Mameli, Mario Carta, L. Donald Partridge, and C. Fernando Valenzuela Department of Neurosciences, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 Neurosteroids are produced de novo in neuronal and glial cells, which begin to express steroidogenic enzymes early in development. Studies suggest that neurosteroids may play important roles in neuronal circuit maturation via autocrine and/or paracrine actions. However, the mechanism of action of these agents is not fully understood. We report here that the excitatory neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate induces a long-lasting strengthening of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in rat hippocampal neurons during a restricted developmental period. Using the acute hippocampal slice preparation and patch-clamp electrophysiological techniques, we found that pregnenolone sulfate increases the frequency of AMPA-mediated miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents in CA1 pyrami- dal neurons. This effect could not be observed in slices from rats older than postnatal day 5. The mechanism of action of pregnenolone sulfate involved a short-term increase in the probability of glutamate release, and this effect is likely mediated by presynaptic NMDA receptors containing the NR2D subunit, which is transiently expressed in the hippocampus. The increase in glutamate release triggered a long-term enhancement of AMPA receptor function that requires activation of postsynaptic NMDA receptors containing NR2B sub- units. Importantly, synaptic strengthening could also be triggered by postsynaptic neuron depolarization, and an anti-pregnenolone sulfate antibody scavenger blocked this effect. This finding indicates that a pregnenolone sulfate-like neurosteroid is a previously unrecognized retrograde messenger that is released in an activity-dependent manner during development. Key words: steroid; neurotransmitter; release; channel; presynaptic; plasticity Introduction Several lines of evidence suggest that neurosteroids play impor- Steroid hormones produce many metabolic effects in non- tant roles during neurodevelopment. First, the enzymes neces- neuronal tissues by interacting with nuclear receptors that regu- sary for neurosteroidogenesis are expressed in the immature late gene transcription. In addition, these agents affect the brain, brain, where levels of some neurosteroids are higher than in the where they have enduring organizational effects that are particu- mature brain (Ukena et al., 1998; Mellon and Vaudry, 2001; larly important during development. For instance, sex steroids Grobin et al., 2003; Ibanez et al., 2003; Caldeira et al., 2004). permanently program immature neuronal circuits (Hutchison, Second, treatment of cultured neuronal and/or glial cells with 1997), and developmental exposure to glucocorticoids induces neurosteroids has trophic effects (Compagnone and Mellon, long-term changes in neurotransmitter systems leading to persis- 1998; Schumacher et al., 2000). Third, in vivo or in vitro treatment tent hyperactivity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis with exogenous progesterone promotes dendritic outgrowth of (Welberg and Seckl, 2001). Steroids can also be produced locally Purkinje neurons (Sakamoto et al., 2001). Finally, developmental in the brain independently of peripheral glands, and these agents exposure of rat pups to allopregnanolone alters interneuronal are known as the neurosteroids (Baulieu et al., 2001). The first distribution in the adult prefrontal cortex (Grobin et al., 2003). step in the biosynthesis of neurosteroids is the conversion of The mechanisms by which neurosteroids produce these effects, cholesterol into pregnenolone by the cytochrome P450 side- however, are not fully understood, and it has yet to be determined chain cleavage enzyme. Pregnenolone itself is a neurosteroid whether endogenous neurosteroids have any physiological along with several of its derivatives, including pregnenolone sul- and/or pathophysiological roles in neurodevelopment. fate (PREGS), dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandros- Activity-dependent synaptic plasticity refines immature neu- terone sulfate (DHEAS), progesterone, and allopregnanolone. ronal circuits by generating, stabilizing, or eliminating synapses (Katz and Shatz, 1996; Hua and Smith, 2004). A number of mech- Received Sept. 17, 2004; revised Jan. 18, 2005; accepted Jan. 20, 2005. anisms are responsible for synaptic strengthening, including the This work was supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institute of activity-dependent postsynaptic secretion of factors that retro- Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. We thank Dr. Daniel T. Monaghan (Department of Pharmacology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE) for generously providing PPDA and Jeff Weiner, Enrico Sanna, John Connor, gradely influence neurotransmitter release from presynaptic ter- Mike Wilson, Bill Shuttleworth, and Alex Smith for helpful discussions. minals. Candidate retrograde messengers that could participate CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoDr.C.FernandoValenzuela,DepartmentofNeurosciences,MSC084740, in developmental synaptic plasticity at central synapses have been 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001. E-mail: [email protected]. identified and include nitric oxide, brain-derived neurotrophic M. Carta’s present address: Department of Experimental Biology, University of Cagliari, 09042 Monserrato, Ca- gliari, Sardinia, Italy. factor, arachidonic acid, cannabinoids, and glutamate (Tao and DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3877-04.2005 Poo, 2001; Duguid and Smart, 2004; Schmidt, 2004). Production Copyright © 2005 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/05/252285-10$15.00/0 and/or secretion of these messengers is regulated by elevations in 2286 • J. Neurosci., March 2, 2005 • 25(9):2285–2294 Mameli et al. • Neurosteroids and Immature Synapses ϩ intracellular Ca 2 levels in which NMDA receptor activation 4; GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA). Unless indicated, post hoc anal- plays a central role. Given that neurosteroid synthesis can be yses were performed with respect to initial values (i.e., in time course regulated by NMDA receptor-dependent intracellular Ca 2ϩ ele- experiments) or vehicle control values. All values are expressed as Ϯ vations (Guarneri et al., 1998; Kimoto et al., 2001), we investi- mean SEM. gated whether neurosteroids might represent a novel class of ret- rograde messenger that could be involved in neuronal circuit Results maturation. PREGS induces a long-lasting increase in mEPSC frequency To this end, we recorded from CA1 pyramidal neurons in during a restricted developmental period hippocampal slices from developing rats. We found (1) that ex- We recorded mEPSCs in the whole-cell patch-clamp configura- ogenous PREGS strengthens synaptic transmission during a re- tion from CA1 pyramidal neurons in hippocampal slices from stricted developmental period, (2) that this effect involves poten- postnatal day 3–4 (P3–P4) rats. Recordings were obtained at a tiation of presynaptic and postsynaptic NMDA receptors with holding membrane potential of Ϫ70 mV in the presence of 1 mM different subunit compositions, and (3) that depolarization of Mg 2ϩ. Under these conditions, mEPSCs were blocked by 2,3- postsynaptic neurons releases a PREGS-like neurosteroid that dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfonyl-benzo[f]quinoxaline (NBQX) (10 retrogradely modulates synaptic transmission. M; n ϭ 4; data not shown), indicating that these events are predominantly mediated by AMPA receptors. Brief (5 min) ex- Materials and Methods posure to 25 M PREGS increased mEPSC frequency but not amplitude (Fig. 1a) or half-width (102 Ϯ 4 and 109 Ϯ 6% of Unless indicated, all chemicals were from Sigma (St. Louis, MO) or Toc- control during and 15 min after PREGS application, respectively; ris Cookson (Bristol, UK). Coronal slices (350–400 m) were prepared ϭ from Sprague Dawley rats that were deeply anesthetized with 250 mg/kg n 8). The effect of brief exposure to 25 M PREGS was long ketamine. After a recovery period of Ն80 min, slices were transferred to lasting, reaching a plateau by 40 min in some neurons (Fig. 1a) a chamber perfused at a rate of 2 ml/min with artificial CSF (ACSF) but not all neurons (for instance, see Fig. 5 below). In contrast, the ϳ equilibrated with 95% O2/5% CO2 and containing the following (in mM): effect of 17 M PREGS reached a plateau by 25 min (Fig. 1a). 126 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.25 NaH2PO4, 1 MgSO4, 26 NaHCO3, 2 CaCl2,10 The PREGS-induced increase of mEPSC frequency was robust glucose, and 0.02 bicuculline methiodide. Whole-cell patch-clamp elec- in slices from P3–P4 rats and gradually decreased at P5 to become trophysiological recordings from CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells were undetectable by P6 (Fig. 1b). KCl (10 mM in ACSF) increased performed under infrared-differential interference contrast microscopy mEPSC frequency to a similar extent in slices from P3–P4 and P7 at 32°C with an Axopatch 200B amplifier (Axon Instruments, Union rats (Fig. 1b). In slices from P3–P4 rats, PREGS (25 M) increased City, CA). Patch electrodes (3–5 M⍀) were filled with an internal solu- the frequency of spontaneous EPSCs, recorded in the absence of tion containing the following (in mM): 135 Cs-gluconate, 10 MgCl , 0.1 2 Ϯ CaCl , 2 Mg-ATP, 1 EGTA, and 10 HEPES,
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