:3 == Hawkey •• ./ Continued Cold d Lose ~o Indiana H_le,. IOWA: Conlloued cold today For Second Time. II'-n TilE DAILY 'IOWAN· bllt with IlJIbtly rlIlo&' See 8~ry 00 Pue 4 Iowa City's Morning Newspaper temperatures. nvE CENTS THE A8IOOlATID ,aEI. IOWA CITY. IOWA TUf,SDAY. JANUARY 26, 1943 VOLUME XLIU NUMBER 103 e t lId. at an s ress Ine lb_ ioYiel Defenders Oilsf. Nazis From Voronezh, U.S. SUB ~NAPS DEATH THROES OF ENEMY SHIP IT SANK U.S. Forces (lose In as ' Nazis Make ,Substantial Advances in'- Drive on Rostov Withdraw Along Gulf of Gabes .:.::.-.....~- .-. ---:--; sk.lin Announce~ 200,000 German Troo~, caprur~I.Repo' rt United Nations With French Pounding Enemy's Flank, American. In Past Two Months as Reds Continue Capture 80 Axis Prisoners in Thrust To Maintain ~ffensive Agree on Strategy Into Town of Maknassy By THE AS80ClATED PRIS!; By LEWIS HAWKINS LONDON' - 'fhe Red army rolling westward 011 a 500·nlilo 10 Win War in 1943 LONDON (AP) - A rajd by American tJ'OOps to wiUlin strik. front has cxpcUuu ull tit· Oel·lmm. from Vorolltlzh. upper Don cit;: iug distauce of Mal hal Rommel . line of retreat Idoug the Gulf Ide~ and reachco a P0i11t 40 miles from 'l'ikhol'ctsk, key Caueas· New Plan to Include of Gabes in Tuni ia Ilnd harp progress of the Fighting French ian rail jUllction below RostoY, Moscow repol·ted ycstcrday, UI]U columns seeking to hit his flank. were disclo 'ed yest~rday as the Premier Jo eph 8lulill JU1S ord red llis troopl> to hurl back the in.. Kind of High Council bulk of his army poured into Tuni ia for a po ib1e rendezvous \'Iders "orcl' the bOllndLlI'i es of onr mothcrland." To Unify Allied Effort wilh the forces of General von Arnim, SUilin's ordcl' of' tIle day bl.'oudclIst lJy MOtlcow ultd l'CcOJ'ueu Allied beadquarters in north Africa announced that American here by the oviet l'Udio monitol' quoted him u' 'uying morc than LONDON (AP) - The united tJ'OOps 'had tllrust into the town of l\[aknassy, capturing 80 axis 200,000 axis ClIllli\'('s Ilud b ell tallell ill two Ulontlls, ]02 enemy nations were reported last night in prisoners in all area only 33 miles short of tho Gulf of Gabes, and Brigadier Geueral Jacque LeClerc' lleadquul-ters reported that divisious l'outed, 11IIll 13,000 gUIL~ und OU!Cl' equipmcnt !leizeu. ill.. IDPlomatic circles to have agreed the Fightjng French were 110W operating we t of Tripoli and bad advance lUill! . - a formula for some kind 01 a an of 24[; olf onJy 50 miles more to go to reaell 1lre Mediterranean. orreusi \'e of our h'oops con unues," llc said in thanking supreme council to direct and uni- "The LeClerc's communique a broadcast by the Brazzaville radio . the Red troops allu a 'king them 1y efforts to win the war in 1943. aid the Fighting French had entercd the Jebel Nefusa, a tou~bl'aro. \V thc (lcrmunl; out of 17.Year.Olds British, United States, Russian R "" and Chinese olficlals remalncd sil- U.S. Outstrips Allies long range of hill 30 to 100 SI$ial COllllUUlliqu h 'anl cnt on the grand strategy talks This photo, taken throu,b the periscope of a United states submarine, shows an enemy v-.I a'lre 'and mile 01ltl1 of Tripoli and ex­ and slnkln, after it a5 torpedoed by the submarine somewhere In the Pacific. Searehll.. h~ above tbe brldee tending into eastern Tunisia h 8 d . I ,1 known to havc been under way, In War Production )U'l\ ere un uy lllg It UnnOllJ1CCu May En II IS t In'' but it 'is no secret that some ex- and tbe small boa.ts on the tonvard deck Indicate the ship may have been a troop trampOn. ODe boa' bas about the same distance from the lOur \he comp}etc occupation 01 Voro- tremely important announcement broken away 'rom Us davits as men, vapely dlscern:\ble at rl,ht, attempt to launcb a lifeboat. Mediterranean. t gl ~n W~lch the Germans had affecting the allied conduct of the Lend-Lease for 1942 • • • A communique 'rom ' Gen. l(iud par']y in their summer war is imminent. drive. Eleven thousand more pris- Reserve (orps ' Unify Strak,y Five Tim.s as Great lIenrt Glraud'i headllaaa1era It is no secret either Olat a uni- 'Arm~,. Navy . Offic~rs ,Army Enlisled Reserve·, Co.rls As All 1941 Shipments said Frencb troops IUjtporletl b,. ODell were reported takcn to make Iication of strategy has been high UnUed States al'llllOred fCll'Oel \he had Improved their poiUIo.. toW for that front 75,000. on the allied agenda for months, WASHING';t'ON (AP) - The 'tnt midnight communique told The St. Louis naval aviation nor that as part of tbis unity, north and northe•• t of 0 .....1- ~~ United States has now outstripped Curtailing ProductIOn To :Be (ailed for Active Dbly tla and repulsed a German ai­ 01 ~e capture in the Caucasus of cadet selection board will now great attention is being given to I, or Lhe war production rate of every tack ~ the east In tbe 1IIOIDli­ Belays Gllna, a 12-ml'le advancc 'd th I' ti f 17 the problem of coordinating allieli Czar 'William Jeffers . asle! cons I er e app Ica ons 0 - armies in north Africa under ( a other allled nation and has sup­ alnl "with heavy 1000000." 'fbls lalk· .im Sunday. It put the Russians year-old college students for ap- slngle ecmmar)d. Defends Manufacture action wal In nonbw_' Tullia. ocks, 0011 .O ,mlles from Tikhoretsk, Ii Induction Sclleciulecl plied $8,253,000,000 worth of lend­ wtiere the Stallngl'od-Novorosslsk pointmcnt at apprentice seamen. T e British Eighth army com- Of Synthetic Rubber lellSe goods and services to other • • • .•• V-5, It was announced by Prof. C. manded by Gen. Sir Bernard In Very Near F~tu... , . Rommel's retreat :from Libya, ow Rostov-Baku railways meet. ~ontgomery under supervision 01 Wedded Bliss countries :{rom March 11, 1941, to meanwhile, had taken · most 01 By JAMES E. Hf\GUE War Department S~ys !WIore&lk's capture would Woody Thompson, head 'of the of- Gen. Sir Harold Alexander, thc Dec. 31, . 1942, Lend-Lease Ad- his forces some 60 miles within BALTIMORE> (AP) - Rubl)el' Newlyweds Start Out nw • firmer Rus lall nOOlle lice or student affairs, and mili- middle east commander, is near­ WASfUNGTON (AP) - 'I'he mlnistrator Edward R. Stetunlus Tunisln. Field dispatches ,reported .,.~ tbe blf Nazi base of ROB- tory representative here. ing a junction with the British Administratol' William M. Jeerers that all his Italians and the g for In the Money bulk of the army's enlisted re- Jr., reported to congress yester­ ,mos­ '" Itftanl wblch ovlet troops Word has also been received First army, the U. S. Fiith army charged ycsterday that army and greater part of his German' corps .. ate fl,htltr, 56 miles thnt 17-year-olds may now enlist and the French, all under the di- servists In colleges throughout the d ~o Is • CARTHAGE, Mo. (AP)-Mlss United States will be ordered to ay. .. were behind thc Mareth llJle ' in _ et navy oflicers wcre cUl·taiUng and , Bellov alld '70 mUe to in the army enlisted resel've corps redion of Lieut. Gen Dwight D. Lillis Esther Stiles aod Frank active ciuty in the near future war The lW'[pshmgs of lend-lease aId southern Tunlsla, and a critlea1 ... aartfl. It also would cut 011 and the all' corps reserve. Army Eisenhower the American. illterfering with wal' plant pro­ duction and said hc was against department officials Bald y~ate .. - dl!l:Uned from a peak of .$915,- phase was approachin" in the lilt retreat 01 Nul troop!! based aviation cadet reqUirements :for speeuiaUoJl OIl l\larshalJ Zel'bonia wanted to be man'ied any fut·ther rubbcr resh'ictlons on day. In Oclobel' to $810,000,000 allied effort to cut hlm down or &lie. TlklMlrel 11 1I11e Ilud this new enlistment remllio the Recent sp,cculalioll has (:eni.cl'ed 000,000 seriously weaken him silort of War.,. ch'ilJun WP\lll tiOIl . ~ '1. wini cr, 'hQ j',1S cll5.toclian .... ~:ept by evae- 8aJDe as ueto1'l!, lin ERC .TI1eIr·'(1ll Gen. Ge r,c C. MarlihaU. U. ~ ' o .. ~I~l' W 11t Saturday by 1n -Nm'cmb rand $757,000,000 in any junclu~ w~tll' VuH lfim_ $. "KOCp the ucmy lind navy uud ut .... uanl~. lie couldn't g t aWay • Ie Crimea atl'Gll Ule nar- mus~ meet .the general IhWtary army chief of !>taU, as eommander- Maj. Gen. James A. UllQ, t.l;re ad- December, the report disclosed . mber. loafers out of the war plants," he from the bank at the hour the There was nothiDI to fDdicat. [)L. ,." Ilenb atraits. servIce phYSIcal requirements. in-chief ot. allied fOI'ces in the jutant general, to the ecmmanding But the total for those three that the American action at mak­ Russian troops in the lowel' Cau- Hickerson Rep,resentatlve ' European theatcr. WaItcr FaiT told a cheering round-tablc con­ couple wished the ceremony pcr­ generals of the nine service cojll- months was twice the total tor all ference of thc couDcil o( stale gov­ nussy was more than a rald in CIISUS already are menacing Krop- EnS. Lot'en L. HIckerson, form- cabled to the Daily Mail that fonned. mands reminding thcm that the of 1941 and tile full year's total force and United States military otkln, 40 miles soulh of Tikhor- er editor of The D811y IOWa\l now ."keen observer's" hl Washington ernments, and Ict the .men who specialized training progtam an.
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