SAYC Tabulated for BBO ver 0.45 2008 Sep 24 Page 1 of 8 Compiled by Roger Pfister (RogerPfi on BBO) The latest version of this file is down loadable in MS Word (97/2000/XP) format from http://RogerPf.com Background I started to compile this document in August 2008. I was returning to bridge having not played for over 20 years. Back when I did play my world was full of four card majors and ACOL. My first introduction is to Internet Bridge left me completely thrown. I felt like a beginner again in the game I had once played well. I found it extremely hard to understand what was happening in the instant partnership five card major world that is Internet Bridge at least is bridge at BBO (Bridge Base Online). http://online.bridgebase.com The general style of system description appears to be just to say you play a SAYC and then list a bag full of conventions. Others claim to play two over one (2/1). Some just start by saying five card majors and yet again others give none of the above and just released a bag of conventions, if they say anything. I assume these people believe they are playing five card majors I think Italy by not saying they're playing five card majors are playing for card majors, but who knows, I don't I just hope they do. My response has been to go out and collect what information I could about SAYC and attempt to write from it a SAYC guide to bidding. The core reference document is of course the - ACBL SAYC SYSTEM BOOKLET http://web2.acbl.org/documentlibrary/play/SP3%20(bk)%20single%20pages.pdf Secondly I was inspired by J Korpela's (yucca on BBO) wonderfully exact summary of the booklet at http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/sayc.html I find the SAYC booklet very idiosyncratic. But that should not surprise me because I assume it is for players who have five card majors 'in their blood'. For example it makes no mention of what the interrupted bidding sequence 1♠ - 2♥ would mean. Yet it finds space to tell you that an opening bid of 3 NT means 25-27 points. These gaps which are I suppose something every five card major player 'just knows' I have filled by consulting Fred Gitelman's Basic and Advanced BBO convention cards. These are .bbs files and come with and are read/accessed via the MS Windows BBO Bridge playing client. I am sure there must be other documents like this one out there in 'Internet Bridge' land that I can assure you 'dear reader' that I did not see them or all use them to compile tables that follow. I hope this document is useful for for both intermediates and beginners. But if you are a beginner and are reading this document please do not be put off by the mass of information on the apparent detail. It there to make life easy not to make it more complex. So to beginners I say, if you find this document too much put it aside until another stage of your Bridge playing life. I also imagine this document will be useful for partnership discussion. What should sequence X really mean? The next version's of this document will start to describe the various conventions that seem so common at BBO tables. Of course that will mean needing to add a section on the contested auction. SAYC Tabulated for BBO ver 0.45 2008 Sep 24 Page 2 of 8 This is an image of the SAYC 'card'. For those unfamiliar with the actual yellow card (as I was), yes this is how it comes partly filled out in printed hand writing. SAYC the Book Since writing this article I have bought Standard Bidding with SAYC written by Ned Downey and Ellen Pomer "Caitlin" of BBO. I recommend this book but it does take a lot of "5 card major approach" for granted. It has to of course given the naturally restricted scope of any such book. SAYC Tabulated for BBO ver 0.45 2008 Sep 24 Page 3 of 8 Common Terms hcp or h => count only high card points pts or p => both high card points and distributional points , distributional points are one for every card after the 4th, in any suit balanced => no void or singleton or 5422 shape F => Force GF => Game Force STry => Slam Try limit => all strength shown ! => alertable bid Guide to the Opening Bid – First and Second Seat Length Values & Suit Other requirements Open Future Bid Plan 4-9hcp 6+♣ or should be too weak to Hand fully described. Do not expect to bid again. ♦ open at the 1 level 7+ or 3 of that suit < 13 pts 7+ ♥ or See section on Preempts Rule of 2/3/4 (consider 4 bid) 7+ ♠ 6-10 hcp 6♦ or Do you play? Hand fully described. Do not expect 2 of AKQ or 3 hons to bid again unless told to by partner. ♥ 2 of that suit 6 or Should not have a good Ronf => Raise is the only non-forcing 8-12 pts 6♠ second suit response. See section on Weak 2 12 hcp no 5 suit 'Take a view' or ......... pass with 13-15 pts a minimum hand - ♦ ♣ hcp no 5 suit if - 4-4 or 3-2 bid 1♦ 1♣ 13-14 or Pass partners 1 NT 1♦ otherwise bid 1♣ Bid NT at the lowest level then bid a if 5-5 bid ♦ (highest) new suit at 1 level 5+ minor no 5 maj Non reverse in a new 2 level suit 12-14 hcp 1 of that suit Raise partners suit - 3 card support! 5+ ♥ or if 5-5 bid ♠ (highest) 13-15 pts 5+ ♠ SAYC Tabulated for BBO ver 0.45 2008 Sep 24 Page 4 of 8 Length Values & Suit Other requirements Open Future Bid Plan 15-17 hcp 5+ ♥ or Have a good reason for 1 of that suit with 16-18 pts a good hand - 5+ ♠ not using the 1NT bid Reverse in a new suit Jump rebid your suit 16-18 pts below, as it tells partner such a lot. Jump raise of partners suit (not plan) hcp balanced may have 5 ♥ or 5♠ 1 NT You have handed control to partner 15-17 NT who may be happy to play in 1 or ♣ 4441 is a 'problem' hand may ask about your hand with 2 (Stayman) or invite you with 2 NT or. ♦ ♣ 18-19 hcp no 5 suit if - 4-4 or 3-2 bid ♦ ♣ with 19-20 pts a very strong hand - 1 otherwise bid 1 Jump in NT 5+ minor if both bid longest Dbl jump in own suit no 5 maj otherwise bid ♦ 1 of that suit 18-19 hcp Jump shift in a new suit Dbl jump in responders suit 5+ ♥ or if both bid longest 19-20 pts 5+ ♠ otherwise bid ♠ You have handed control to partner 20-21 hcp balanced may have 5 ♥ or 5♠ 2 NT who may be very week and leave you to play in 2NT or bid 2♣ or ... 21 +pts un balanced at least one 5 card suit Partner will respond probably with 2 ♣ 2♦ asking see the section on ♣ 22 -24 hcp balanced may have 5 ♥ or 5♠ Opening 2 . This opening is in the SAYC booklet. 25 -27 hcp 3 NT SAYC Tabulated for BBO ver 0.45 2008 Sep 24 Page 5 of 8 Guide to the First Response – in an Uncontested Auction partners values Bid values cards details info notes pass 0-5p - 1♦ 6+ p 4+ ♦ may have 4 ♥/4 ♠ F 1♥ 6+ p 4+ ♥ if weak can skip a 4 card ♦ suit F ♠ ♠ ♦ 1 6+ p 4+ if weak can skip a 4 card suit F 1NT 6-10 h denies 4♥/4 ♠ limit p ♣ 13-20 3+ 2♣ 6-10 p 5+♣ denies 4♥/4 ♠ weak partner only 3 ♣? limit 2♦ 17+ p strong jump shift GF ♣ only 3 ♣ means 1 442 3 2♥ 17+ p strong jump shift GF 433 3 2♠ 17+ p strong jump shift GF 343 3 NT ♥ ♠ NT 2 11-12 h denies 4 /4 invites 3 limit 3♣ 11-13 h 5+♣ 5+ ♣ (partner may only have 3 ♣ ? ) limit no 5 card major 3♦ ! 11-13 h 6+♣ 0-1♦ denies 4♥/4 ♠ splinter STry 3♥ ! 11-13 h 6+♣ 0-1♥ denies 4♠ splinter STry 3♠ ! 11-13 h 6+♣ 0-1♠ denies 4♥ splinter STry 3NT 13-15 h denies 4♥/4♠ GF pass 0-5p - 1♥ 6+ p 4+ ♥ F 1♠ 6+ p 4+ ♠ F 1NT 6-10 h denies 4♥/4♠ limit 2♣ 11+ p 5+♣ denies 4♥/4♠ avoid this bid if possible F 2♦ 6-10 h 4+♦ denies 4♥/4♠ weak hand limit ♦ 13-20 p 3+ 2♥ 17+ p 4+ ♥ strong jump shift GF 1♦ only 3 ♦ means 2♠ 17+ p 4+ ♠ strong jump shift GF 44 32 2NT 11-12 h denies 4♥/4♠ invites 3 NT limit ♣ ♣ ♥ ♠ 3 17+ p 5+ denies 4 /4 strong jump shift GF no 5 card major 3♦ 11-12 p 5+♦ denies 4♥/4♠ limit 3♥ 11-13 h 6+♦ 0-1♥ denies 4♠ splinter GF 3♠ 11-13 h 6+♦ 0-1♠ denies 4♥ splinter GF 3NT 11-12 h denies 4♥/4 ♠ GF 4♣ 11+ h 6+♣ 0-1♣ denies 4♥/4♠ splinter STry SAYC Tabulated for BBO ver 0.45 2008 Sep 24 Page 6 of 8 partners values Bid values cards details info notes pass 0-5p - 1♠ 6+ p 4+ ♠ if 6-10p then only 0-2♥ F 1NT 6-10 h 0-2♥ 0-3♠ may be unbalanced limit 2♣ 11+ p 4+♣ F 2♦ 11+ p 4+♦ F 2♥ 6-10 p 3/ 4♥ week limit 2♠ 17+ p 5+♠ strong jump shift GF p +♥ 13-20 5 2NT ! 11-12 h 4+♥ no void or singleton Jacoby 2NT STry see Jacoby 2NT 1♥ 3♣ 17+ p 5+♣ strong jump shift GF 3♦ 17 +p 5+♦ strong jump shift GF 3♥ 11-12 h 3/ 4♥ usually 4♥ limit 3♠ ! 9-12 h 4+♥ 0-1♠ splinter STry 3NT 13-15 h limit 4♣ ! 9-12 h 4+♥ 0-1♣ splinter STry 4♦ ! 9-12 h 4+♥ 0-1♦ splinter STry 4♥ ! 0-8h 5+♥ and a void or singleton STry pass 0-5p - 1NT 6-10 h 0-2♠ may be unbalanced limit 2♣ 11+ p 4+♣ F 2♦ 11+ p 4+♦ F 2♥ 11+ p 5+♥ F 2♠ 6-10 p 3/4 ♠ usually 4♠ limit 2NT ! 13+ h 4+♠ no void or singleton Jacoby 2NT STry see Jacoby 2NT 13-20 p 5+♠ ♣ ♣ strong jump shift 1♠ 3 17+ p 5+ GF 3♦ 17 +p 5+♦ strong jump shift GF 3♥ 17 +p 5+♥ strong jump shift GF 3♠ 11-12 h 3/4 ♠ usually 4♠ limit 3NT 13-15 h GF 4♣ ! 9-12 h 4+♠ 0-1♣ splinter STry 4♦ ! 9-12 h 4+♠ 0-1♦ splinter STry 4♥ ! 9-12 h 4+♠ 0-1♥ splinter STry 4♠ 0-7h 5+♠ and a void or singleton STry SAYC Tabulated for BBO ver 0.45 2008 Sep 24 Page 7 of 8 partners values Bid values cards details info notes pass 0-5p is like - 2♣ 8+ p asks for 4♥/4 ♠ Stayman Ask 2♦ any 5+♥ transfer to ♥ Tran 2♥ any 5+♠ transfer to ♠ Tran 2♠ 0-7p 6+♦/♣ transfer to ♣ opener may bid 3 ♦ Tran 13 - 15 h 2NT ! 8-9h denies 4♥/♠ unless 4333 limit ♣ ♣ NT 3 6-8h 6+ invites 3 GF 1NT balanced 3♦ 6-8h 6+♦ invites 3 NT GF 3♥ 6+p 6+♥ strong ♥ sets trumps asks for que bid STry may have a 5 card 3♠ 6+p 6+♠ strong ♠ sets trumps asks for que bid STry suit inc 5♥/5 ♠ 3NT 10-14 h denies 4♥/♠ unless 4333 limit 4♣ ! asks for aces Gerber STry 4♦ ! weak 6+♥ transfer to ♥ Texas limit 4♥ ! weak 6+♠ transfer to ♠ Texas limit 4♠ 4NT quantitative ♣ 20 +p 2♦ any Wait
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