Communication Management of Islamic Sharia Agency in Applying Women's Islamic Fashion in Banda Aceh Ade Irma1’2, Mohd. Hatta3, Syukur Kholil3 1Ph.D Student in State IslamicUniversity of North Sumatera (UINSU) Medan, Indonesia 2Lecturer in State Islamic University of Ar- Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia 3Lecturer in State IslamicUniversity of North Sumatera (UINSU) Medan, Indonesia [email protected] Abstract Keywords Accounting information; The aim of the study is to find out the communication organizational culture; management of Islamic Sharia Agency in Applying Women's decision Islamic Fashion in Banda Aceh. The result shows that the most girls’ appearance in Banda Aceh still does not apply the rules as socialized by the Islamic Sharia Agency. The mismatch between the applications in appearance with the rules for Islamic appearance is certainly not only seen as a single violation, but more understood as a whole reality, as a social reality of communication. The reality of life is very dynamic and constantly changing. Changes in the way students look must be balanced with the rules in force. Offsetting can be circumvented through communication management. I. Introduction A person's education both obtained from formal and non-formal institutions will contribute in appearance. Every individual tends to choose and wear clothes according to what they know, learn, and understand. In addition, mass media and social media today greatly affect the community, especially the younger generation in clothing. In accordance with the statement of Edy P. Irawady as Deputy for the Coordination of Trade Industry that the Indonesian Muslim community is now fashion literate and the launch of Indonesia as the center of world Muslim fashion in 2020 is not excessive.1 Mass media and social media offer many choices of modes that can be consumed by everyone in a very easy way. The ease of accessing the media enriches the style of diversity of appearance for Banda Aceh City women. Communication management is one of the important aspects in implementing a program or policy. Whether an activity is reached or not depends on the management of communication carried out by an institution. This achievement dependence is caused by the institution that has communication management, of course, will carry out the process of managing messages intentionally, concretely, planned, and measured. Message management is carried out by the stages of planning, organizing, implementing, controlling, and evaluating the elements of communication. These stages of management will provide a clear, measurable picture of the program's journey and will also show where the strengths and weaknesses of the process are. And this stage process should also be carried out effectively and efficiently by Banda Aceh Islamic Sharia Agency in order to implement an Islamic appearance in Banda Aceh. 1 Edy P. Irawady, “Potensi Kiblat Mode Muslim Dunia,” dalam Warta Ekspor (April 2015), p. 6. _______________________________________________________ DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v3i1. 808 576 Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Volume 3, No 1, February 2020, Page: 576-587 e-ISSN: 2615-3076(Online), p-ISSN: 2615-1715(Print) www.bircu-journal.com/index.php/birci emails: [email protected] Thus the importance of communication management to be carried out in Banda Aceh Islamic Sharia Agency in order to implement the Islamic appearance of Banda Aceh women, this research is important to do. Aceh Province Special Region Qanun Number 11 Year 2002 Article 13 and Article 23 have been established, socialized and carried out by the Aceh Regional Government. And for the smooth implementation of Qanun effective and efficient communication management is needed. Thus, proper, clear, and relevant communication management must certainly be carried out in Banda Aceh Islamic Sharia Agency so that the implementation of Islamic appearance can proceed as expected, and get a positive response from the community, especially in Tanah Rencong, Aceh. II. Review of Literature 2.1 Communication Management Communication is a form of human interaction that influences each other influences one another, intentionally or unintentionally. Not limited to forms of communication using verbal language, but also in terms of facial expression, painting, art and technology. Whereas Islam in language means submissive, obedient, and peaceful. Islam according to the term is the name of religion which Allah revealed to guide people to the right path and according to human nature. Islam is a religion of da'wah means religion which always encourages its followers to always actively carry out Da'wah activities. (Batubara, 2019) Communication management is one of the solutions in addressing the phenomenon of student appearance that is not in accordance with Qanun perspective in the Banda Aceh State University. The application of policies requires appropriate management by paying attention to and considering aspects of the changes that occur in each individual in his life. These changes include changes in the environment, technological progress, and also changes in the way of looking at a problem and phenomenon. To obtain the right solution, this study uses references in the form of theories that are relevant to the problems raised. Communication management consists of two different basic concepts. The two concepts are management and communication. The management concept is more about how to manage. While the concept of communication as a process of information transmission and the process of interaction of ideas. Although both concepts show differences because they originate from two different studies, these two concepts can be integrated into one specific study in communication studies. In the era of information globalization, the concept of communication management is increasingly being used, especially institutions that want to run programs. As Siagian revealed, this century is a century of management because everything requires management and knowledge.2 Therefore, communication management becomes important so that the institution's program of activities can be applied effectively and efficiently. Following is an explanation of these two concepts. 2.2 Management Stages Management stages include planning, organizing, mobilizing, controlling, and evaluating.3 The following five stages of communication management should be carried out by individuals or institutions when running their programs. a. Communication planning Communication planning is a management function that includes the process of defining goals, establishing strategies to achieve those goals, and developing plans to 2 Sondang P. Siagian, Manajemen Strategis (Yogyakarta: BPFE UGM, 1998), p. 2. 3 Riswandi, Ilmu Komunikasi (Jakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2009), p. 147. _______________________________________________________ DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v3i1.808 577 Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Volume 3, No 1, February 2020, Page: 576-587 e-ISSN: 2615-3076(Online), p-ISSN: 2615-1715(Print) www.bircu-journal.com/index.php/birci emails: [email protected] integrate and coordinate activities.4 The slightest work done by someone begins with a plan or intention. The plan is sometimes implied in the heart or written in a neat, complete, and systematic program. Programming does not work well if it does not have a clear purpose. This shows that every planning that will be done, there is hope in it, and that hope becomes the motivation. To achieve expectations or goals, it requires guidelines (planning) that contain various programs that are organized and systematic. This is important so that people who carry it out are easier and have uniformity in working.5 Planning tends to be more action oriented.6 Three principles for preparing communication planning. First, communication planning requires consultation. Planning is a shared grip. Planning should be a reflection of shared aspirations. Planning compiled together will be carried out properly by all parties who compile it. Second, planning must be flexible. Planning is arranged not rigidly. Planning considers some anticipation of changes in the implementation of the plan. Plans made can still be implemented even with adjustments. Third, communication planning must be clear and concrete. The series of process activities is made clear and real, understandable, and does not cause multiple interpretations. Communication planning is intended to overcome obstacles to achieve effectiveness. While the usefulness of planning to implement the program to be achieved, whether for imaging and others.7 There are eight principles of communication planning; 1) significance, namely the level of meaningfulness that depends on the social interests of the proposed communication objectives; 2) feasibility, i.e. technical feasibility and cost estimation, 3) relevance, 4) definitiveness, namely the use of simulation techniques to carry out plans, 5) adaptability, i.e. dynamic and changeable planning, 6) time, namely the natural cycle of the subject of planning , the need to change situations that cannot be endured. 7) Monitoring, namely to ensure the plan works effectively, 8) subject matter, which is the subject that will be planned consisting of goals and objectives, programs, resources, budget, and social context.8 b. Organizing Organizing is the preparation of organizational structure related to the objectives and in accordance with the resources
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