ASA Publication— Since 1895 ISSN 0030-1442 • Volume 113 • July 2007 >il Mill Gazetteer Inside: Catching Up With Raymond Rush GSPI Algae-To-Biodiesel Phase II Successful Iowa Biodiesel Production Tops 225 MGY Muiholland Joins N. Hunt Moore Finland’s Neste Oil Producing “Second-Generation” Biodiesel JETBELT Air supported belt conveyor M ODEL "RB" TRAMROLL™ BUCKET ELEVATOR Feed mill conveyor Enclosed belt conveyor with Centrifugal Discharge BULK-FLO1 Heavy-duty chain conveyor M O DEL "RS RETROFIT STATIONARY 3-LEGGED TRAMCO components are designed to use 400 TPH unloader with Mobile or stationary TRAM-3 (tripod) design with existing fixed towers or mobile loader 14 ton bulldozer hoist at work in assures equal weight distribution, regardless and unloader frames. San Juan Bay, Puerto Rico. of rail or dock conditions. TRAMCO, Inc. • 1020 East 19th Street TRAMCO-EUROPE LTD EURO-TRAMCO, B.V. • Space-shuttle 8 W ichita, KS 67214 • Phone: 316-264-4604 Unit 1 • Bankside Industrial Estate • Valleta Street 3824 ML Amersfoort • The Netherlands Fax: 316-264-7965 • Email: [email protected] Hull, England H U9 5NP • Phone: 011-44-1482-782666 Phone: 011-31-33-4567033 Web Site: www.tramcoinc.com Fax: 011-44-1482-793920 Fax:011-31-33-4558149 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Oil Mill Gazetteer • Volume 113, July 2007 Contents Index to Advertisers Algae-to-Biodiesel?.................................................................................. 2 3 E ................................................................................................................ 8 Neste O il's New Refinery.........................................................................3 Anderson International C orp....................................................................4 A & M Vegetable Oil Short C o u rse...........................................................6 Breitenbach Trupbach G m b H ............................................................... 11 New Crush Facility at Arkansas Port................................................... 1 2 C.A. Picard International........................................................................17 N. Hunt Moore Adds Mulholland ........................................................ 14 Cantrell Worldwide, Inc.......................................................................... 16 Catching Up with Raymond Rush........................................................ 1 9 Carver, Inc.......................................................................................Cover 4 Creason Corrugating............................................................................. 12 On the cover... Neste Oil’s Porvoo, Finland, refinery recently fin­ Crown Iron Works C o m p a n y................................................................ 15 ished a $965 million diesel production line that had been under con­ Desmet Bellestra........................................................................................3 struction for the last four years, and a $138 million biodiesel plant that Fell & Com pany International............................................................... 10 had been under construction for the last 18 months. The new biodie­ Harburg-Freudenberger M aschine..............................................Cover 3 sel plant is the first to produce second-generation biodiesel based on Interstates C om panies...............................................................................5 Neste Oil’s proprietary NExBTL (Next Generation Biomass To Liq­ IO M SA Booster C lu b ...............................................................................13 uid) technology. Neste Oil and Raisio have agreed to a contract under Laidig Sytems Inc....................................................................................... 6 which Raisio will supply 10,000 tons of rapeseed oil to Neste Oil this M & W Contractors......................................................................................9 year for use as a feedstock. Photo by Erkki Ollikka. Roskamp C h am p io n .............................................................................. 18 Tramco, Inc......................................................................................Cover 2 Oil Mill Gazetteer IOMSA Officers Oil Mill Gazetteer AOCS Press Phone: +1-217-359-2344 2710 S. Boulder Drive Fax: +1-217-351-8091 P.O.Box 17190 E-mail: [email protected] Urbana, IL 61803-7190 USA Web: www.iomsa.org Oil Mill Gazetteer Staff Managing Editor: Brian Moore Design: William Gillespie Advertising Instructions and Deadlines John Jefferson Jerry Strickland Eric Craig Linda Paukert Closing date is approximately the fifth of the month preceding date of is­ sue. Insertion orders received after closing will be subject to acceptance at President: John Jefferson advertisers’ risk. No cancellations accepted after closing date. Ad materials Planters Cotton Oil Mill Inc., Senior Vice President, 2901 Planters Drive, must be in final form for press upon materials’ closing date. Film received POB 7427, Pine Bluff, AR 71611; Phone: 870-534-3631, ext. 24; after deadline or materials requiring changes will be published at advertis­ Fax: 870-535-3668; Cell: 870-866-6922; ers’ risk. Send insertion orders and mechanical materials to advertising E-mail: [email protected] offices at the address listed above. Oil Mill Gazetteer reserves the right to 1st Vice President: Jerry Strickland reject advertising copy which in its opinion is unethical, misleading, unfair, Ag Processing Inc., 900 Lower Lake Rd., PO Box 427, Saint Joseph, MO or otherwise inappropriate or incompatible with the character of the Oil 64502-0427; Phone: 816-396-2274; Fax: 816-396-2322; Mill Gazetteer. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all Email: [email protected] content (including text, representation, and illustrations) of advertisements 2nd Vice President: Eric Craig printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom Eric Craig, Carolina Soya, LLC, 253 Third Street West, PO Box 818, made against the publisher. Estill, SC 29918; Phone: 803-625-5462; Fax: 803-625-2229 Email: [email protected] Oil Mill Gazetteer Advertising Phone: +1-217-359-2344 Secretary Treasurer: Linda Paukert Fax: +1-217-351-8091 E-mail: [email protected] 940 Mesa Vista Dr., Crowley, TX 76036; Phone: 817-297-4668; Fax: 817-297-6016; Copyright © 2007 by the International Oil Mill Superintendents Associa­ E-mail: [email protected] tion (IOMSA). The IOMSA assumes no responsibility for statements or opinions of contributors to its columns. Subscriptions to Oil Mill Gazetteer for members of the IOMSA are in­ cluded in the annual dues. An individual subscription to the Oil Mill Gazet­ Editorial Board Frank Boling N. Hunt Moore & Associates teer is only $40. Outside the U.S., subscriptions are $40 for surface mail, or frank @ nhmoore.com $115 for air mail. Claims for copies lost in the mail must be received within Hersh Austin Retired, Cargill 30 days (90 days outside the U.S.) of the date of issue. Notice of change [email protected] of address must be received two weeks before the date of issue. For sub­ Jake Bentley PYCO Industries, Inc. scription inquiries, please contact Doreen Berning at [email protected]. [email protected] Oil Mill Gazetteer (ISSN: 0030-1442) is published monthly on behalf of Use of IOMSA Names and Logos IOMSA by AOCS Press, 2710 S. Boulder Dr., Urbana, IL 61802-6996. Individually or in combination, the design of the name and logo of the Phone: +1-217-359-2344. Periodicals postage paid at Urbana, Illinois, and International Oil Mill Superintendents Association (IOMSA) or Oil Mill at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gazetteer may not be reproduced or used by any person or organization other Oil Mill Gazetteer, AOCS Press, P.O. Box 17190, Urbana, IL 61803-7190 than the IOMSA, its elected and appointed officers, sections, or committees, USA. except by special permission of the IOMSA officers. IOMSA membership information and IOMSA membership applications can be obtained from: Linda Paukert, 940 Mesa Vista Dr., Crowley, TX 76036 USA. Notice to copiers. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal International O il Mill use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the Superintendents IOMSA for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clear- Association [ ance Center (CCC) Transactional reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $15.00 and a page charge of $0.50 per copy are paid directly to CCC, 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970. MSA 2 Oil Mill Gazetteer ■ Volume 113, July 2007 GSPI Algae-To-Biodiesel Phase II Successful Green Star Products, Inc. announced recently that its Phase II Algae-to-Biodiesel Demonstration Facility (40,000 liters) has been ? UPQL-- successfully completed. GSPI’s May 11, 2007 press release, titled “Green Star for growth are available.” Completes Algae Phase I Demo Facility,” explained in detail Algae harvesting occurred sooner than expected and the five most important operating parameters that need to be GSPI had not yet received all harvesting equipment. GSPI controlled. However, management of these parameters has harvesting techniques allow only the algae cells larger than so far eluded the commercial microalgae industry. 2 microns to be captured and the smaller size algae returned These parameters include daily and seasonal pond to the pond to reproduce. temperatures,
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