THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside Greece email: VEMA [email protected] NOVEMBER 2005 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 In this issue... Our Primate’s View ‘Audacity’ and ‘hypocrisy’ PAGE 5/23 Holy Land’s WINDOWS TO ORTHODOXY: Neo-Chalcedonism oldest church and the Fifth Ecumenical Council: A Supplement to the Christological Teaching of Chalcedon PAGES 8/26-9/27 uncovered Workers at an archeological dig next to an Israeli prison close to the site of the Biblical Armageddon have uncovered the remains of a church believed to be among the earliest ever found. The remains were found two weeks ago, while excavations were being carried out prior to issuing building permits for a new wing of the Megiddo prison, in northern Israel, which houses security prisoners. The site is close to Tel Megiddo, believed to be the Armageddon of the New Testa- ment book of Revelation. Found on the floor of the structure was an inscription written in Greek dedicating the monument (photo) to the “Lord Jesus Christ”. The mosaic floor also featured dec- GIANNA ANGELOPOULOS: orations of fish, the symbol of early Chris- tianity. ‘Games paid off Ruins of an altar were found in the centre of the building. Israel Archeological Associ- Christianity as a well-known and official 330 AD, are the Holy Sepulchre in for Greece’ ation excavation supervisor Jotham Tefer religion,” he was quoted as saying. Jerusalem, the Nativity in Bethlehem and said the content, wording and style of the Christian rituals were prohibited in the Alonei Mamre near Hebron. But they con- PAGE 19/37 inscriptions date the structure to the 3rd-4th Roman Empire prior to the year 313 AD, tain only scant remains of the original struc- centuries AD. and Christians were forced to pray in secret tures, which were built by Emperor “This is a unique building, which is impor- in catacombs or private homes. Constantine I. tant for an initial understanding of The earliest churches, dating from about FULL STORY PAGE 18/36 UNESCO honours Zorba the Greek composer PAGE 18/36 TRAVEL: Mountains and beaches uro Funeral Service Eëëçíéêü Ïéêïãåíåéáêü Ãñáöåßï Ôåëåôþí in southwestern Crete Tel: (02) 9747 6604 PAGE 16/34 Available 24 hrs 114543 NOVEMBER 2005 2/20 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA Archbishop’s Speech from the Year 12 Doxology at St Spyridon Church Reverend Clergy, Committee Members, The God keeps in His providence for each one of staff of the College, parents, supporters and you boys and girls. I am sure that your above all beloved boys and girls beloved teachers, your parents, your relatives, all children in the Lord. those who care for you have tried to do their best for you; but still there remains a great It gives all of us great satisfaction and a feel- deal for you to do to make the best out of the ing of gratitude to God and to you as well for qualities that God has given you. coming to this great moment of your endeav- ours. The subjects that you have been taught You have heard in the Epistle of St Paul to the in this College are not irrelevant to the will Corinthians, how he tries to describe the of God. This is why you are in a Church contradictory nature of the Apostle. He is school. You do not necessarily need to be not ashamed, the greatest and the most Christian. It is enough if you respect the developed, the most intelligent and the most Almighty, the invisible, whatever one may spiritual of the Apostles I would say, to state call Him. You are entitled to participate in that we have become a question mark to these studies because we Christians and human beings and the angels, with all the Jews and a lot of other monotheistic reli- contradictions that we have in our lives. On gions, know how to respect God the Almighty the one hand we are wise in Christ, on the PEARL HARBOR BOMBED even if in different ways. Of course, the other hand we are foolish for this world. December 7, 1941 majority of you as is natural, are Greek Secular values are different from spiritual Orthodox and we are happy to know this, not values and this becomes tragic for the At 7:55 a.m. Hawaii time, a Japanese because we want to separate the Orthodox Apostles. And the Apostles were not only the dive bomber bearing the red symbol from other denominations and other reli- 12, not only the 70, not only the 500. of the Rising Sun of Japan on its gions but because we know that the Apostles are all those who have received wings appears out of the clouds Orthodox have the highest responsibility to and followed the mission. Ôhey have above the island of Oahu. A swarm of serve the non Orthodox and non Christians received some gifts with the obligation to 360 Japanese warplanes followed, more than their own sisters and brothers in spread these gifts to all of us. In another ing you throughout your whole lives. We descending on the U.S. naval base at common faith, in order to convince them that context, the divine text states “Ìáèçôåýóáôå shall pray not only today, officially, but in the Pearl Harbor in a ferocious assault. God incarnate whom we adore is present in ðÜíôá ôá Ýèíç. Go and make disciples next weeks and months until you have The surprise attack struck a critical everyone, in every human being regardless if among all nations”. This is the point all already reached some concrete stage of your blow against the U.S. Pacific fleet they know it or not. The main thing for us is nations. We are proud in Australia to live in endeavours in the future. And we shall com- and drew the United States irrevoca- that we know who they are, we know how a society which we always call with pride memorate you and follow you in all the activ- bly into World War II. much we have to do for them for the sake of multicultural. All possible cultures, all pos- ities which you will undertake. I do not need the common Lord. sible religions, moral, social and ideological to remind you once again that your Parish values but with one common denominator, and Church, your College, your teachers ARCHAEOLOGISTS ENTER Today, once more, we have come together; one quality - respect for the human person. and friends will be ready to advise and col- KING TUT'S TOMB the entire College, the staff, the Head of Not because we think “everything God made laborate with you, to rejoice in your success- November 26, 1922 College, the teachers, the Board of is for us; let us do whatever we like with the es. Governors, the clergy, and my humble per- entire universe!” This would be hubris, arro- In Egypt's Valley of the Kings, British son as your spiritual Father. I come first in gance and blasphemy. And we do not need Only one thing I will ask: let us know when- archaeologists Howard Carter and Lord responsibility for spiritual questions and for the Greens to teach us how to respect nature ever you have a problem, whenever you have Carnarvon become the first souls to enter all those who care for you, in order to pray and the universe. The sacredness of nature a question, whenever you need to share some King Tutankhamen's tomb in more than especially for one class, for Year 12. A year is the first obligation. things or thoughts. Come back and speak 3,000 years. Tutankhamen's sealed burial which is in my heart, specifically signified by with us, regardless of what it is and we shall chambers were miraculously intact, and the tragic event that we miss one. Petroula If we all respect the human person we again be happy to be of assistance and to inside was a collection of several thousand is present today in the person of her mother. respect God. If we respect our neighbour we rejoice as I said in your achievements. priceless objects, including a gold coffin Maria is with us and Maria is also the Virgin respect ourselves. If we respect our fellow containing the mummy of the teenage Mary who cares more than Maria about human beings and ourselves we do His will. I do not need to say more, I am not able to king. Petroula. How quickly time has gone since We do not need to be afraid of the contradic- say more, actually we should only pray at you were in Year 10, when we experienced tions in our lives. I am sure you are mature this moment. FIRST HUMAN that pain. enough after receiving your certificate to see God bless you and have full success in all HEART TRANSPLANT how you can utilise in the best possible way that you undertake so that we can be proud December 3, 1967 Now you have completed your studies, you both knowledge and virtue. Because knowl- of you, so that we can be happy to know that are preparing for the HSC examination, you edge without virtue cannot bear any fruits. you are enriching Australia and through On December 3, 1967, 53 year-old Lewis are preparing for your continuation in life in The fear of God and the love of human Australia, you are enriching our present Washkansky receives the first human different walks of life. Only God knows what beings.
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