NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION FOR Tenberge Dairy ENGINEER: __~J~o~e~W~i~ll~i~f~o~rd~____________RE~~IT #________2~9~0~1_-~W__________~DATE: 10/3/83 Mr. John Tenberge plans to construct and operate a 60 cow dairy operation. This facility is located in Section 15; Township 16 North, Range 26 West of Madison County or about two miles south­ east of Huntsville on Arkansas Highway 23. Waste material from the milking area will be flushed to a holding pond with 365 days storage capacity. The pond wil I have a one foot thick clay I iner. Contents of the pond are to be land appl ied to 234 acres of pasture, 22 acres are required for nitrogen assumilation. If runoff should occur it wouild go to War Eagle Creek, a tributary to the Beaver Reservoir, Segment No. 4K of the White River Basin. Dead animals will be disposed of by burial. -..-:-:- . _. ' .... PERMIT luuecl By DEPARTMENT OF POLLUTION CONTROL & ECOLOGY 8001 National Drin UHf. Rock, AJokcmaal 72209 Permit No._--=2 ....9.=..0.:...1--'W"--­ __ Date Novembe r 1! 1983 TO: Tenberge Dairy Consulting Engineers: c/o John Tenberge U.S. Soil Conservation Service Post Office Box 511 Post Office Box 2323 Huntsville, Arkansas 72740 Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 This permit is your authority to construct, operate, and maintain the waste disposal system set forth in your application doted Sep tembe r 25; 198 3.This permit is issued subject to the provisions of Act 472 of 1949, as amended (sec.82-190) et seq., Ark. Stots.l and the following terms and conditions: I. The disposal system shall be constructed In acc:ordanc:e with the final plans and specifications as appl'CMld by the De­ portment of Pollution Control 6- Ecology. 2. This pennit sholl automatically tenninate unless construction of the disposal system has been commenced wlthl~ months of the dote hereof and completed with all reosonable diligence. The Deportment sholl be notified in writing when the dis­ posal system has been completed In order that it may be Inspected. 3. The disposal system shall be operated by qualified personnel and molntained in good operating condition at all time&. 4. By-possi!'lg of the disposal system is prohibited and will result in revocation 'of this permit and/or other approprtate en­ forcement action by the Deportment. 5. There snail be no increase in the volume or strength of thewoste being treated by the disposal system except wltnln design limits covered by the plans and specifications approved by the Deportment. No extension or modification of the dispoeal sy$tem may be made without the issuance of a new permit. 6. This pennlt may be revoked or modified whenever It is necasary, in the opinion of the Deportment, to prevent or abate pollution of any waten of the State. 7. Nothing herein contained sholl be construed as releasing the permittee from ony liability for damage to penoN or pr0p­ erty by reason of the installation, mclntenonce, or operation of the disposal system. 8. This permit is issued In reliance upon the statements and representations made in the application and the plans and speci­ fications and the Deportment has no responsibility for the adequacy or proper functioning of the disposal system. 9. PLEASE NOTE ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS ON ATTACHED SHEET. DEPARTMENT OF POLLUTICt~ C(»ITI(1 & ECOlOGY \0\ By______- ~~~~~ l __~~~~~~ _____________ Permit No. 2901-W Tenberge Da i ry 9. Land appl ication of waste shall not be undertaken when the soi I in the applicable pasture is saturated, during rainy weather, or when rain is in the immediate weather forecast. 10. The holding basin shall be pumped down by withdrawing water from the top 12 inches of basin surface, where feasible. 11. The waste shall not be appl ied in a manner that wil I allow the waste to enter the waters of the state. 12. All operational procedures and/or conditions as outl ined in the design report submitted to the Department shall be followed. 13. Dead animal disposal shall be handled as specified in the U. S. Soil Conservation Service Management Plan. 14. Appropriate waste handl ing equipment shall be available for effective operation of the system. 15. The owner shall take all reasonable and necessary measures to minimize obnoxious and offensive odors. 16. The pond shall be I ined with at least one foot of compacted clay maferial. 17. The Department reserves the right to require additional measures, as necessary, to el iminate publ ic nuisance conditions. 18. Animals shall not be placed on the facility until an on-site inspection has been made by Department personnel and final approval for operation has been granted. ARKANSAS I..JASTEwATER PERMIT SUMr~ARY SHEET ;;L qa I PERMIT NO. w DATE ~! II 1 EXPIRES~ MO DAY YR r10 DAY ~IPDES NO. AR (I f Temporary) ,., . 4 CSN ~IO. 1 {-OO1~ SIC NO. I V-- STATUS (Check One) New Revised PERMITIEE CONSULTING ENGINEER(S) e:/(~ CHARACTER OF WASTE --S - SANITARY __I - INDUSTRIAL LA - AGRICULTURAL (Check One) B - BRINE W - ltlATER PLANT BACKWASH -- --a - OTHER LOADUJG RATES/DESIGN FLOW ~&-­ RECEIVING STR~ ~v-!~~~~~~~~-~---r----------~ OTHER :NFORMATION (Limitations) 1) () Ar~ ESiIf'~ATC:D CCNSTRUCTION COST S__ ___ ____.00 TREAT1-1 DT FAC ILI TY ~ ):1 ~, ...... _______ LOC.; T~ON sEC-TI-O-N~~~/~~~~~~_-_-_-_-_-_ ----3A-S-Hl===---"1d~.;...U RANGE.___fL_~_W___ ScGi.1ENT_Lf..J........J.K_______ (OVER) TOWNSHIP_....../_6__N___ USE CLASS ~A A B , (Check On~'" ----.; ---' COUNTY III ~ STREM~ CLASS )( 1,~Q EL CITY !lt~ DISTRICT_________ PROCE~SED BY L flJ~j:t ~ ! ~ .
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