Virtual Reality Gaming Media Pull First Last Works for email Phone City St / Prov Nadia Oxford 148Apps N/A Toronto ON Larry Braz 1Life2Play N/A Cleveland OH Jason Belec 2ndOpinionPod N/A Webster MA Caleb Gayle 2ndOpinionPod N/A 1(936) 204-0191 Webster MA Jeremy Roughan 2ndOpinionPod N/A 1(508) 983-4317 Webster MA Joel Albert 2old2play N/A Chicago IL Derek Nolan 2old2play N/A Chicago IL Rod Wyman 2old2play N/A Chicago IL Sean Robinson 3GEM Studios N/A Guelph ON Jeffrey Harris 411mania.com N/A 1(818) 980-1995 Studio City CA Dan Watson 411mania.com N/A 1(832) 654-6437 Woodridge IL Nick Henderson 4Player Network N/A Austin TX David Liao 4Player Network N/A Austin TX Paige Jagan 7 Kids and Us N/A Orlando FL John C. A Gaming Website.com N/A Joey Held A Hot Cup of Joey N/A Austin TX Eric Abbruzzese ABI Research Group N/A 1(516) 624-2500 Oyster Bay NY Craig Kaufman AbleGamers N/A Harpers FerryWV Steve Spohn AbleGamers N/A Harpers FerryWV Dan Ackerman Ackerman, Dan N/A 1(646) 472-3986 New York NY Teddy Adafruit Industries Blog N/A New York NY cosmo Adult Gaming Enthusiasts N/A Jigsaw hc Adult Gaming Enthusiasts N/A Jack Allin Adventure Gamers N/A Pascal Tekaia Adventure Gamers N/A Curtis Sindrey Aesthetic Magazine N/A Toronto ON Adam Taylor Aesthetic Magazine N/A Toronto ON Daniel Carosella Affairesdegars.com N/A 1(819) 200-0834 x201SherbrookeQC Ronald Mina AFKer Games N/A Christina Janke Agents of Geek N/A Jim Napier Agents of Geek N/A Anthony JohnAgnello Agnello, Anthony John N/A 1(215) 801-0766 Astoria NY Richard Aihoshi Aihoshi, Richard N/A 1(905) 820-4025 MississaugaON ChristopherAdams Aimless Podcasts N/A Albert Chen Aimless Podcasts N/A Joseph Orellano Aimless Podcasts N/A Ryan Smith Aimless Podcasts N/A Glen Oliver Ain't It Cool News N/A 1(512) 784-6876 Austin TX Hilda Hernandez Al Borde N/A 1(323) 867-9455 x4555Norwalk CA Steve Lerner Albino Blacksheep N/A Steven Wong AList Daily N/A Derrick Hopkins All Games Network N/A Los AngelesCA Tricia Ennis All Geek to Me N/A 1(413) 531-9884 Loquacious Muse All Things Fangirl N/A Michael Bencic Alpha Nerdage N/A 1(613) 623-6269 Smiths FallsON Amanda Blain Amanda Blain N/A Toronto ON David Yellope An 8 Bit Mind N/A Jamie Briggs Analog Addiction N/A Hope Hornsby Analog Addiction N/A Deanna And She Games N/A Shari Goss And She Games N/A Quentyn Kennemer Android Central N/A 1(352) 400-4400 Pensacola FL Marc Lagace Android Central N/A 1(352) 400-4400 Winnipeg MB Jessica Brown Anjel Syndicate N/A 1(708) 529-1453 David Slauenwhite Anjel Syndicate N/A BridgewaterNS Tiffany Toms Anjel Syndicate N/A Anthony Dows AntDaGamer.com N/A 1(843) 623-5395 ChesterfieldSC Daniel George App Trigger N/A Toronto ON Rebekah Valentine App Trigger N/A New York NY Brett Nolan AppAddict.net N/A Enuh Englesias appSIZED N/A Ann AppySmarts N/A Luke Brown Arcade Sushi N/A 1(203) 861-0900 Greenwich CT John Martin Arcade Sushi N/A 1(203) 861-0900 Greenwich CT Matt Chandronait Area 5 N/A San FranciscoCA Robbie Smith ARGNet N/A 1(630) 274-5425 La BroquerieMB Jonathan Waite ARGNet N/A 1(630) 274-5425 La BroquerieMB Andrew Tilghman Army Times N/A 1(703) 750-9000 Vienna VA Sam Machkovech Ars Technica N/A Seattle WA Kyle Orland Ars Technica N/A Silver SpringMD Steven Strom Ars Technica N/A Fargo ND Lou Kesten Associated Press - WashingtonN/A Bureau1(571) 275-1729 Alexandria VA Denny Atkin Atkin, Denny N/A 1(425) 703-1073 Duvall WA Al McCarthy Attack of the Fanboy N/A William Schwartz Attack of the Fanboy N/A 1(985) 264-2426 Omar L. Gallaga Austin American-StatesmanN/A 1(512) 445-3672 Austin TX James Renovitch Austin Chronicle N/A 1(512) 454-5766 Austin TX Austin Evans Austin Evans N/A Los AngelesCA Ian Jane AVmaniacs.com N/A 1(718) 779-3191 Gareth Von KallenbachB.J. & Migs - KISW-FM N/A 1(206) 577-8600 Maricopa AZ Brian Phillips BadSeed Tech N/A Kansas CityMO Trevor Kincaid BagoGames N/A 1(860) 469-4176 Torrington CT Robert Walton BagoGames N/A 1(860) 469-4176 Torrington CT Brandon Baker Baker, Brandon N/A WaynesboroPA Chris Baker Baker, Chris N/A San FranciscoCA Joshuah Bearman Bearman, Joshuah N/A 1(323) 307-1359 Los AngelesCA Jeff Berman Berman, Jeff N/A New York NY Jeff Weisbein BestTechie N/A 1(516) 633-4684 NY BJ Cardon BeyondUnreal.com N/A Hal BeyondUnreal.com N/A Jacob Siegal BGR N/A New York NY Erin Biba Biba, Erin N/A San FranciscoCA Andy Burns Biff Bam Pop N/A Andre Augustin Bifuteki N/A 1(347) 263-7355 Brooklyn NY Bryan Young Big Shiny Robot! N/A Salt Lake CityUT Amanda Dyar BioGamer Girl N/A 1(256) 273-9752 Madison AL Ron Bloom BiteSize TV N/A Los AngelesCA Ross Elliot BiteSize TV N/A Los AngelesCA Matthew Levin BiteSize TV N/A Los AngelesCA Kyle Hansen BitWit N/A La Mirada CA Will Wiggins Black Oni Podcast N/A 1(617) 970-0510 Mark Sandau Black Phosphor N/A 1(612) 227-9339 MinneapolisMN Daniel Blackwell Blackwell, Daniel N/A 1(647) 261-0323 Toronto ON Corey Atwood Blast Magazine N/A Boston MA Giancarlo Saldana Blast Magazine N/A Revere MA Haley Rose-Lyon Bleeding Cool N/A Saint Louis MO Elizabeth Harper Blizzard Watch N/A Adam Holisky Blizzard Watch N/A Matt Rossi Blizzard Watch N/A Anne Stickney Blizzard Watch N/A Alex Ziebart Blizzard Watch N/A Luigi Bastardo Blogcritics.org N/A 1(330) 562-4692 Ken Edwards Blogcritics.org N/A 1(330) 562-4692 Bowling GreenOH Josh Lasser Blogcritics.org N/A 1(914) 414-7045 Hastings onNY Hudson Michael Siebenaler Blogcritics.org N/A 1(419) 629-1510 New BremenOH Alexandre Vallieres-LagareBlogue de Geek N/A Montreal QC Brittney Brombacher Blonde Nerd N/A Olympia WA Adam Dodd Bloody Disgusting N/A 1(832) 523-1433 Houston TX TJ Taraszka Bloody Disgusting N/A 1(323) 370-1500 Beverly HillsCA Stephen Heaslip Blue's News N/A 1(914) 827-9424 Croton On HudsonNY Tracy Kokemuller Bookroom Reviews N/A 1(515) 986-1816 Johnston IA Aaron Boulding Boulding, Aaron N/A 1(510) 682-3114 Long BeachCA Ronald Nicholls Box Office Buz N/A 1(647) 888-3264 Calgary AB Harold Goldberg Boys' Life N/A 1(917) 310-1540 New York NY Paula Murphey Boys' Life N/A 1(972) 580-2369 Irving TX Matthew Bradford Bradford, Matthew N/A John Brandon Brandon, John N/A (218) 321-4176 MinneapolisMN Elias Makos Breakfast Television MontrealN/A - CJNT-TV1(514) (CITY 845-5141 TV Montreal)Montreal QC Nate Church Breitbart N/A Los AngelesCA Brock McLaughlin Brockstar Gaming N/A 1(647) 869-1269 Toronto ON Rae MichelleRichards Broken Joysticks N/A David Minsky Broward Palm Beach New TimesN/A 1(954) 342-7700 Hollywood FL Damon Brown Brown, Damon N/A 1(773) 551-3698 San Diego CA Jason Micciche Brutal Gamer N/A 1(347) 421-1756 Forest Hills NY Jessica Russo Brutal Gamer N/A Forest Hills NY Bernardo Arocho BTNHD N/A 1(646) 389-6401 New York NY Daniel Rosen Built to Play N/A Toronto ON Jake Bunk in the Trunk N/A London ON Ben Gilbert Business Insider N/A 1(215) 839-6317 New York NY Emily Rems Bust N/A 1(212) 675-1707 x103Brooklyn NY Joseph Bernstein BuzzFeed N/A (212) 431-7464 NY Warren Bowman BWOne.com N/A Chuey Okoye BWOne.com N/A Wayne Chamberlain Canada.com N/A 1(289) 396-7717 Hamilton ON Chip Carter Carter, Chip N/A 1(813) 838-1577 Tampa FL Raphael Bennett Castle Couch N/A Olivier Bouchard Castle Couch N/A Andrew Couto Castle Couch N/A Anna De Cicco Castle Couch N/A Tom Hoeler Castles and Cooks N/A Jesse Lyons Castles and Cooks N/A 1(207) 831-2620 Tracy Jerry Casual Games Guides N/A Orlando FL Lawrence Bonk CBS Television Network N/A 1(212) 975-4321 Brooklyn NY Isabelle Robichaud CFBO-FM (BO FM Moncton N/A90,7) 1(506) 532-0080 Shediac NB Brendan Frye CGMagazine N/A 1(416) 516-2894 Toronto ON Jeff Rider Charleston Gazette-Mail OnlineN/A 1(304) 348-4811 Charleston WV David Abrams Cheap Ass Gamer N/A Robert Goode Cheap Ass Gamer N/A 1(513) 314-4382 Cincinnati OH Jason Messer Cheat Code Central N/A CO Jordan Terry Chip Chick N/A New York NY Mathieu Roy CHMP-FM (98,5 FM Montr‚al)N/A 1(514) 789-0985 x7237Montreal QC Luis Edgardo Rodriguezchozadigital.com N/A Sharbel Fadul chozadigital.com N/A Cheryl Gress Christ Centered Gamer N/A 1(847) 231-4803 Lake Villa IL Cavan Gallagher CHUD.com - Cinematic HappeningsN/A Under1(678) Development 520-6838 Alpharetta GA Tyler Carr CHWE-FM (Energy WinnipegN/A 106,1) 1(204) 477-1221 Winnipeg MB Gabriel Barboza Cinelinx N/A 1(817) 262-2468 Mansfield TX Jordan Maison Cinelinx N/A 1(817) 262-2468 Mansfield TX Dustin Spino Cinelinx N/A 1(817) 262-2468 Mansfield TX Ryan Winslett Cinema Blend N/A Saint Louis MO enne Dubuc CISM-FM N/A (514) 343-7511 Montreal QC Kyle Moore CJEG-FM (Kool Bonnyville 101,3)N/A 1(780) 812-3058 Bonnyville AB Alysha Williams CJMG-FM (SUN FM PentictonN/A 97,1) 1(250) 492-2800 Penticton BC Brandon Graziano CKBI-AM (Today's Country PrinceN/A Albert1(306) 900) 763-7421 Prince AlbertSK Darren Worts CKLZ-FM (Power Best Rock KelownaN/A 1(250)104,7) 763-1047 Kelowna BC Jamie Balogun CKVH-FM (Real Country HighN/A Prairie 1(780)93,5) 523-5120 High PrairieAB Mark Bussler Classic Game Room N/A Oakmont PA Julie Halapchuk Classic Game Room N/A 1(412) 246-8920 Pittsburgh PA Dan Van Buhler Clear Seas Research N/A 1(248) 786-1683 Troy MI Ian Sherr CNET N/A 1(415) 344-1875 San FranciscoCA Jeff Bakalar CNET - New York Bureau N/A 1(646) 472-3921 New York NY Phil Villarreal COED N/A 1(212) 206-9306 Tucson AZ Trevor Houston COGconnected N/A AbbotsfordBC Shawn Petraschuk COGconnected N/A Robert Welkner Coin-Op TV N/A Hollywood CA Scott Benton Colony of Gamers N/A Michael Chauvet Colony of Gamers N/A New York NY Anthony Silva Comic Issues N/A San Diego CA Jeff Haynes Common Sense Media N/A 1(415) 863-0600 San FranciscoCA Karen Moltenbrey Computer Graphics World N/A (603) 432-7568 Windham NH Shaun Conlin Conlin,
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