BULK SPORTS US POSTAGE PAID Eatontown NJ 07724 Permitt #66* L a n c e r s i n f i n a l ;e 48 ^ matawan. n j 0 7 7 4 7 VOLUME 24, NUMBER 12 Gathering m ore than dust Stories on pages a _______________ BY LAUREN JAEGER ______________ Staff Writer t a recent tag sale at Temple Beth Ahm, Aberdeen, a young woman searched A energetically through a barrel of used stuffed animals. She wasn’t searching for a child’s gift, though; she was thinking of herself ... and getting rich. In December, she recalled, an old, scruffy teddy bear was auctioned at Christie’s auction house in London for more than $70,000. The bear, made by the well-known German stuffed animal firm, Steiff, dated to the early 1900s. The bear, colored an unusual shade of blue, was a one-of-a-kind and just had to be bought by a collector who owned examples of nearly everything made by Steiff. There are approximately 50 million collec­ tors in the United States, according to Howard E. Fischer, the publisher of Treasure Chest, a collectors’ newspaper based out of New York City. Fischer, who did an independent survey, said that in this country, people spend approximately Anne Ventura Celeste of Hazlet, has collected m ore than 2,000 dolls, ranging from the finest antiques to the m ass-pro- duced m odern exam ples. For her story, see page 4. Continued on page 5 (Photo by Rich Schultz) Teacher recertification considered BY SCOTT MULLER AND CANDY TRUNZO Staff Writers ublic school teachers can test their students’ abilities at any time. But if Gov. Christie Todd Whitman has her way, they soon may be asked to sit on the other P side of the desk. In recent appearances before state educators, Whitman has suggested that recertifica­ tion might be one way to remove “burned out,” tenured teachers from the classroom. Whitman proposed requiring teachers to take part in professional development pro­ grams to have their licenses renewed periodically. A teacher without a license cannot teach, even with tenure. Whitman did not propose a specific program or license-renewal time. New Jersey now requires that teachers be licensed or certified, which involves comple­ tion of college courses, classroom training and college-graduation requirements. But New Jersey is one of only nine states which issues a permanent or lifetime teacher certificate. Moreover, it is one of only four states that grants a permanent license to teach without requiring any education beyond the bachelor’s degree. If Gov. Christie W hitm an and the New Jersey School Board Association get Carl Golden, press secretary for Whitman, said recertification was proposed to ensure their way, teachers like Andrea Forest, a fourth-grade teacher at the Indian teachers remain professional. H ill School in Holm del, w ill be sitting on the other side of the desk in order to becom e recertified. (Photo by Rich Schultz) Continued on page 24 ... t miss Customs & Cuisines' inside, for stories about ethnic foods and recipes submitted by our readers. 2 MARCH 23, 1994, THE INDEPENDENT I f ; v- Stone *9 4 ' palmh a v e GARDEN W O R L D Quau, i $ fecBon-V«WS- Com e see the Easter Parade • DeliciouslyFragrantEASTER’S ’FINEST” ,IM C 0 | Huge Selection of •£ » s 'aSfisfiKfr EASTER GIFTWARE azaleasspim and DECORATIONS S 0Ts '’ 1 HYDRAIMGF/ i q aAd*™uch m°re... .'y, FOR INDOORS & OUT • ANNA LEE • DEPT. 56 wSSSISSf18 & SILVESTRI • Tall, Stately CORSAGES & Collectibles T U L IP S UNIQUE SELECTmw LIGHTS • W INDSOCKS GARLANDS • RABBITS RABBITS AND MUCH MORE! You Have to See...W e have m any NEW & UNUSUAL Gifts " f o r E a s t e r VISIT OUR SOUTHSIDE GREENHOUSE ALL PLANTS Our Southside Greenhouse is just loaded with beautiful House Trees, FOIL WRAPPED Tropical Plants and Hanging Baskets for the Easter Holiday Gift Giving. FREE Nothing but Wall to Wall Flowers. G lo p fo n EASY-TO-USE 15,000 Sq. Ft. I-Sas* 4 STER PROGRAMS 4 STEP PROGRAM 'p iM o t • 2 in 1 Crabgrass Preventer & Fertilizer 4-STEP PROGRAM • Deluxe Weed & Feed Ro s e s hy consider a lawn service when • Lawn Insect Control plus Fertilizer S c o tts • Deluxe Grass Food with 5,000 sq. ft. Bonus 3 f o r guarantees results. Reg. 99” Less Mfg Rebate 15°° 84" Wonderlawn Buy a years CONTROLLED RELEASE program for 1 Q o o 5,000 sq. ft. TW IN LIG H T 4 STEP 15,000 SQ. FT. rLAWN FERTILIZER 1. Crabstopper Lawn Food 2. Weed Stopper W f F r o m O u r Best formula for 15,000 Sq. Ft Our Price 4Q 95 3. No Grub Insect Killer • * * * * building and Reg. 19.00 Less Mfg. Rebate 8°° I9 9 4. Super Turf Food BIRD GALLERY maintaining a sturdy m A Q Q FINAL COST TO YOU.. We have the usual and dense dark green 1 f l the unusual in lawn all season long. I Purchase any 15,000 SQ. FT. 4-STEP PROGRAM S c o tts BIRD HOUSES Spreader with O u r P r i c e 1 3 9 " 4 Step program a n d FEEDERS : 9 9 ^ , and receive an Less Mfg. Rebate 24 00 additional Caldwell BEST BRAND 25 lbs. Reg. 7.99 SUPER F I N A L C O S T T O Y O U .. I $10.00 Rebate. W ILD BIRD SEED TURFBUILDER S T O P CRABGRASS BEFORE IT STARTS! 5 " 15,000 SQ. FT. MULCHES O u r P ric e .................. 2 3 . 9 9 Twinlight 15,000 Glorion 2 in 1 Scotts Super 5 ,0 0 0 Dehydrated S Q .F T . BIG 3 CU. FT. BAG Less Mfg. Rebate ...... 6 . 0 0 CRAB FERTILIZER Plus Turfbuilder S q . F t. COW MANURE/ CRABGRASS p lu s H A L T S FOREST Shredded BBS* Final Cost 4 -vQQ STOPPER PREVENTER Hardwood M ulch or ToYou.. I 7 Our Price... 1 4 " 0 9 9 35 LBSJ LAWN FERTILIZER 15,000 SQ.FT. BAG Less Mfg. 200 Pine Bark Nuggets Plus TEAM SALE Rebate- Sale 't/n it Oun. |99 Final Cost 9 9 25" tSB 29' Reg. 51.95 To You... 1 2 1 0 f o r $33 _ f r o m O U R NURSERY HOUSE p l a n t s BROCKBUSTERS O r t h O DORMANT Cias»ic Cowroiraa VO LCK OIL SPRAY COMPOST BIN I Red Ribbon Leal b y B a rc la y Snow Fountain , P T . R e g . 6 . 2 9 ..............4 7 9 R e g . BURPEE 9 9 .9 9 JAP. MAPLE WEEPING CHERRY I 'BT 6 9 " S e e d s 99 1 Q T. Reg. 9.69 ............T 2 9 J V e S e d 3 9 ! HEADS A Q 9 9 Cem ent Garden O R T H O R e p u b lic CEMENT BIRD Statuary m ake* FRUIT TREES DIAL n1 SPRAY® 50% DROP PUSSYWILLOWS ra *t Faster G ifts, Hose-End Sprayer BATHS, 2 9 " B R O A D C A S T OFF 1 9 " Tall - | Q 9 9 only NO MIXING R „ n SALE NO MEASURING SPREADER ROUTE 9 NORTH NO CONVERSION 1 2 .9 9 f l 9 9 REGULAR ] It's easy as 1 • 2 • 3 M Reg- » . 9 7 " PRICE F R E E H O L D 39.99 S a le L I G . N ^ Af e S LIME -------------¥ — 4 6 2 - 2 7 0 0 3 9 " 1 2 " by Lim ecrest OPEN MON.-SUN. 40 LB. BAG -J 2 9 a b a g 9 A M - 6 P M BROCK’S PRICE POLICY We Guarantee we will not be undersold. Brock will match Bakers 40 LBS ROUTE 34 NORTH any Current-Newspaper advertised price on brand name items. Simply present the AD to the cashier prior to PELLETIZED LIME C O L T S N E C K purchase. Items must be of equal size and quality., 4 6 2 - 0 9 0 0 2 " a b a g OPEN MON.-SUN. Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right BIG 40 LB. BAG 9 A M - 6 P M to lim it quantities. Sale prices effective thru 3/29/94. " 1881 Potting Soil P r e m iu m 0 9 9 1 Q u a lit y O GARDEN WORLD THE INDEPENDENT, MARCH 23,1994 3 THIS ISSUE: Stanley Midose is a key player on Middletown’s emergency management team. He is GETTING BUGGED — Jackie Cidisen (I) and Stephen Hurley, students at Beers Street M iddle School, featured In the Spotlight. Hazlet, talk w ith Principal Susan Sposato about their recent BUG Awards for “Bringing Up Grades” from Page 12 the first to second m arking period. O ther w inners were M ichael Alexander, Jessica Korpas, Shaun Altneu, Nrupen Baxi, M ichael Mera and Lonnie Squires. (Photo by Rich Schultz) REGULAR FEATURES • Calendar Page 36 Legal battles continue • Classifieds Page 50 • Editorials Page 32 • Letters Page 32 • Milestones Page 38 over Keyport chief job • Obituaries Page 41 • Sports Page 46 • Police Beat Page 42 Lee’s lawyer, Norman Hobbie of • Property Lines Page 44 Ruth, Lee still Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, Middle­ TO SPEAK OUT • Yesteryear Page 39 town, declined to comment last week on Call 1 -800-390-NEW S have pending the latest round of litigation.
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