AT«iagie Daily Net Press Ron For Hie Week Ende4 The Weather Bbreh 9, IM* Ratal tonight and tomorrow iiattrIjPHtPr SiiPtitttjg llpralli momlns. Low tonight In 40s. 15,580 Tomorrow, about 60. Manehetter A City of WUage Charm VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 142 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, BIARCH 18, 1968 (Ckuwlfled AdverUainr on n i(e 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Kennedy Hits Johnson Calls on Americans KBNNEDV NOT INVITED BRUNSWICK, Maine (AP) — Sen. Eugene J. MoOartby War Policies said today he would not Invite Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, ^ MANHATTAN, Kan. (AP) — Sen. Eugene M. McCarthy, D- fellow challenger of President For National Austerity Sen. Robert P. Kennedy Minn. Johnson for the Demooratlo launched hia campaign tor the “ *• cam- presidential nomination, to ___ _ 7. paJgn. Kennedy urged atudenta campaign for him In Wiscon­ DemocraOc presldenUal nomln- sin. ” I have asked his peoiJe aUon today with a polnt-by-polnt lurk behind the maek of official not to sohedule him In,” the denunciation of President John* Illusion with 'which we have con- .Minnesota Democrat told a son’s Vietnam war strategy cealed our true circumstances. news conference at Bowdoin Urges Effort He charged that the adm’lnls- ourselves.” College, McCarthy said he tration’s "only response to faU- country Is In dangeiv- might change his mind later lan- ure Is to repeat It on a larger 1*“ ^ foreign enemies, but he wanted-the opportonlty T o W in W ar scale.” but above all from our own mls- to show that he oonid win on Kennedy’s first campaign SVlded policies.” his oira In Wisconsin as he speech was prepared for a Kennedy said the last two had campaigned in New And Peace youthful audience at Kansas months have shown that: Hampshire. len- State University In a contest In —"Our control over the (Viet- MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) Uui whlch many- of the nation's namese) rural population—so — President Johnson called on Deal Deal youth have shifted their support long described as the key to our the American people today for :he) to another dissident Democrat, efforts—has evaporated SteUe News "a program of national austeri­ seat Like It or not, the government ty” and an all-out effort to win of South Vietnam Is pursuing an the Vietnam war, win the peace enclave polley. It’s writ runs and "complete the Job at where Amerlcsui arms proteet Robber Shot home.” tter Brown it: that far and no farther.” Making an unannounced trip —‘‘The Saigon government Is here from his Texas ranch to no more or better an ally than it And K illed address the National Farmers' was before; it may even he Union convention, Johnson said Tells W hy less; and the war Inexorably is the tasks ahead will require "a growing more, not less, an By Grocer program of national austerity to Amerloan effort.” Insure that our economy will <C> He —"It Is beeomlng more evl- WEST HARTFORD (AP)—An prosper and our fiscal position dent with every passing day attempted holdup was foiled will be sound." that the vletorles we achieve Sunday night when a grocer shot Speaking more forcefully than LONDON AP) — Former will only come at the cost of de- the robber dead, police said, ever before on the subject, Be- Foreign Secretary George structlon for the nation we once The bandit was shot In the Johnson declared: Brown told the House of Com­ hoped to help . Hardly a city back as he was about to flee “ The time has come when mons today he resigned In an ef­ In Vietnam has been spared with $70 by Donald Arcarl, man- your President must aak you to fort to maintain democratic rule from the new ravages of the ager of Prospect Market here, Join in a total national effort to in Britain. past two months.” according to Asst. Chief Rlch- win the war, to win the peace, Without any direct name call­ and to camplete the Job at ing Brown thus stopped short of —"The war In Vietnam, far ard E. O'Mara of the locsd po- from being the last critical test Hce force, home.” accusing Prime Minister Harold Johnson announced what reli­ Wilson of dictatorial tactics. for the United States, Is in fact Arcarl told Investigators that weakening our position In Asia a man entered his email gro- able sources reported Saturday Brown made it abundantly —that he Is working with Con­ clear that his resignation Fri­ and around the world, and erod- c^ry store at 8 p.m. and asked ing the structure of taitematlon- for a bottle of milk 'after walt- gress to make major budget day resulted from annoyance cuts in an effort to gain enact­ that he was not consulted prop­ al cooperation which has direct- ing for several customers to ly supported odr security for the leave, O’Mara said, ment of a 10 per cent Income erly by Wilson on the gold crisis tax increase. past three decades.” After taking a drink from the and on other Issues. If such cuts are made—and The Indirect attack on Wil­ —“ We set out to prove our bottle and complaining of an up- they could slasAi $8 billion to |4 son’s methods of running the wlUingness to keep our commit- set stomach, the robber pulled billion of federal spending In thd iclud- government was certain to pro­ ments everywhere In the world, a Sun on another employe, 17- ■Uata, next fiscal year—Johnson ac­ anl- vide ammunition for the Con­ What we are insuring instead Is year-old Michael Jacques, and knowledged the result would be lltloo servative opposition at a time that it is most unlikely that the demanded money. on to "postpone many needed ac­ host when Wilson needs all the sup­ American people would ever Arcarl said Jacques turned tions.” port he can get for the tough again be willing to engage In over $70. Meanwhile, the 82- With the dollar under new as­ budget expected to be an­ [meat thls kind of struggle.” year-old manager slipped be- sault in Intematlcnal money nounced Tuesday. , Kennedy said the Johnson ad- hind a counter and got a gun markets, Johnson also promised o( As Brown rose to speak e eapio- ministration has no answer "but ho had bought last month. Ar- an Intensified program to ouiT was clearly under emotional coun- the ever-expanding use of mill- carl told the police he fired at nonessential travel outside the apon. strain. His face was pale, his tary force and the lives of our the gunman as he turned to Icaon, hands trembled and his voice hemisphere and to reduce busi­ brave soldiers in a conflict leave with the money, ness spending and investment in oarea was hoarse. William M. Martin making gold statement in Washington yesterday. (AP Photofax) where military force has failed A medical examiner said the Western Europe. He did not go >naett Brown centered his g^^evance to solve anything In the past.’ ’ robber died instantly. on the way the gold crisis was into detail. Hoar Quoting Johnson as seeking Investigators tentatively Iden- Johnson said that "most of all ilcolal handled last Thursday night. victory "at the negotiating table tified the dead man from pa- MetaVs Flow Halted . I ask your help and your pa- Tito Wilson conferred with President i( possible, on the battlefield If pers he carried as Charles lldred Johnson by telephone, then or­ ’ triotlc support of our men who :hony, necessary," Kennedy said: Beckno, about 86, of PhUa- are bearing the burden of battle pecUu dered the London gold market "A t a real negotiating table delphla. In Vietnam." He said: closed before consulting Brown there can be no victory for ei- •tense "We seek not the victory of and some other Cabinet mem­ Ninth Fire ‘Suspicious’ Two-Level Gold Price System Set bers. (See Page Ten) conquest, but the triumph of STAMFORD (AP) — Smoke Justice. We will win.” ather WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. officials radiated confl- 1. The rate of exchange be- seven bank governors said, WlU and water caused extensive tween dollars and other curren- henceforth sell to private buyers Accompanying the President damage to 89 office spaces Sun- two-level -gold -pricing system dence .that . the frenzied... j specula- and Mrs. Johnson to Minneapo­ day night after a fire which took effect today as the gold live attacks on the dollar would cies will stay put. Those Amerl- or buy from private sellers, young can travelers who suddenly They seemed confident the rule lis was Chairman W. R. Pogue, !S In- InvesUgators termed ’’susplcl- governments halted the die away. Most Congressmen D-Tex., of the House AgricuJ- npany London Riot Ends flow of metal from their trcas- were pleased and relieved. Lon- could not spend dollar bills or would be followed by all free Gnr- ous,” broke out in a modem, cash travelers checks overseas world governments, not Just the ture Committee. three-story building here. urles Into the fevered specula- don was dubious. Paris saw the Discussing the farm pro­ r” ’S3. action as a stopgap, not a solu­ should have no more trouble. seven signers. Miles, Flre Captain Albert KeUy saiid ‘ ‘ve markets, grams, Johnson said, “ I know the blaze In the Summer Street Cablegrams sped to all capl- tion. 2. The pound sterling has been Speculators and legitimate what the farmer wants—and I (C) Police File Charges bullding was the ninth such tals reporting Sunda/ night’s And no official ventured a bolstered further. The six other users alike thus will have to buy want you to have it.” countries which have supplied from those who mine the metal Sr (C) "suspicious" fire In the vicinity decision by the seven central public guess on where the free Declaring that farmers want Com<- In 10 days.
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