Estók P. Hystrix It. J. Mamm. (n.s.) 22(1) 2011: 105-110 Estók P., Gombkötő P. 2007. Review of the Lanza B. 1959. Chiroptera. In: Toschi A., ECTOPARASITE ASSOCIATIONS OF BATS FROM Hungarian data of Nyctalus lasiopterus Lanza B. (Eds.). Fauna d'Italia. IV. (Schreber, 1780). Fol. Hist. Nat. Mus. Mammalia, Calderini, Bologna, Italy, THE URALS (RUSSIA) Matr. 31: 167–172. pp. 187–473. Estók P., Gombkötő P., Cserkész T. 2007. Lewis S.E. 1995. Roost-switching in bats: a MARIA V. ORLOVA Roosting behaviour of Greater Noctule review. J. Mammal. 76: 481-496. Nyctalus lasiopterus Schreber, 1780 Matis Š., Boldogh S., Pjenčák P. 2003. (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in Hun- Records of Nyctalus lasiopterus in the Institute of plant and animal ecology of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science 8 Marta str. 202, Ekaterinburg, Russia 620144; E-mail: [email protected] gary as revealed by radio-tracking. Gömör-Torna Karst (Slovakia, Hun- Mammalia 71: (1-2): 86–88. gary). Vespertilio 7: 135–138. Estók P., Görföl T. 2009. The research of Received 25 August 2010; accepted 12 March 2011 Popa-Lisseanu A.G., Delgado A., Forero forest-dweller bat ensembles with spe- M., Rodriguez A., Arlettaz R., Ibáñez ABSTRACT - New data on bat ectoparasites from the Middle and Northern Urals are re- cial respect to Nyctalus lasiopterus - C. 2007. Bats’ conquest of a formida- ported. Twenty species, belonging to 8 families of insects and mites were found on six bat preliminary results of a EUROBATS ble foraging niche: the myriads of noc- species: Myotis dasycneme, M. daubentonii, M. brandtii, Eptesicus nilsonii, Vespertilio project conducted in 2009. Pro- turnally migrating songbirds. PLoS murinus, Plecotus auritus. All ectoparasite species are usual for Northern Eurasia. ceedings of the VIIth Conference on One 2: 1–6. the Bat Conservation in Hungary Popa-Lisseanu A.G., Bontadina F., Mora Key words: distribution, prevalence, Acari, Insecta, Russia (Felsőtárkány 2009, október 16-18.), O., Ibáñez C. 2008. Highly structured BEKE and MDBK, Eger, pp. 53–60 fission-fusion societies in an aerial- RIASSUNTO - Ectoparassiti dei chirotteri degli Urali (Russia). Sono riportati nuovi dati [In Hungarian with English summary]. hawking carnivorous bat. Anim. sugli ectoparassiti dei chirotteri degli Urali medio-settentrionali. Venti specie, appartenenti Estók P., Siemers B.M. 2009. Calls of a Behav. 75: 471–482. a 8 famiglie di insetti e acari, sono stati trovati sui seguenti pipistrelli: Myotis dasycneme, bird-eater: the echolocation behaviour Simmons N.B. 2005. Order Chiroptera. In: M. daubentonii, M. brandtii, Eptesicus nilsonii, Vespertilio murinus, Plecotus auritus. Tutti of the enigmatic greater noctule, Wilson D.E., Reeder D.M. (Eds.). gli ectoparassiti sono specie comuni per l’Eurasia settentrionale. Nyctalus lasiopterus. Acta Chiropterol. Mammal species of the world: A taxo- 11(2): 405–414. nomic and geographic reference, 3rd Parole chiave: distribuzione, prevalenza, Acari, Insetti, Russia Fatio V. 1869. Faune des vertébrés de la edition The Johns Hopkins University Suisse. Vol. 1 Histoire naturelle des DOI: 10.4404/Hystrix-22.1-4470 Press, Baltimore, pp. 312–529. mammifères. Genève, 410 pp. Topál Gy. 1959. Two rare bat species in the Gombkötő P., Bihari Z., Estók P. 1996. fauna of the Carpathian Basin. Ver- INTRODUCTION caves “Arakaevskaya” and “Bolshoy prov- New Records of Greater Noctule al”, “Olenyi ruchyi” natural park (Nizhne- (Nyctalus lasiopterus) and Parti- tebr. Hung. 1: 89–103 [In Hunga-rian]. Topál Gy. 1976. New Records of Vesper- While some information is available serginskiy district); Ekaterinburg city; Dvu- coloured Bat (Vespertilio murinus) in rechensk settlement (Sysertskiy district); tilio murinus (Linnaeus) and of Nycta- about bat ectoparasites of north- North-Hungary. Hungarian Bat Re- Smolinskaya cave (Kamenskiy district) and lus lasiopterus (Schreber) in Hungary. western Russia (Leningradskaya re- search News 2: 38–39 [In Hungarian gion) and the Russian Far East (Sta- Divja cave (Perm region) (Fig. 1). Overall with English summary]. Vertebr. Hung. 17: 9–14. nyukovich 1990; Medvedev et al. 83 individuals were caught, belonging to Helversen O. von, Weid R. 1990. Die Ver- Tvrtković N., Baltić M.1996. Giant noctule 1991), little is known about their occu- three tribes and six species (Myotini: Myo- breitung einiger Fledermausarten in (Nyctalus lasiopterus Schreber, 1780), tis dasycneme, M. daubentonii, M. brand- Griechenland. Bonn. Zool. Beitr. first refinding in Croatia (Mljet Island) rence and distribution in the Urals. Till tii; Vespertilionini: Eptesicus nilsonii, Ves- 41(2): 9–22. after 69 years. Nat. Croat. 5: 89–93. now, only two species, Spinturnix pertilio murinus; Plecotini: Plecotus auri- Ibáñez C., Guillén A., Bogdanowicz W. Uhrin M., Kaňuch P., Benda P., Hapl E., myoti and Macronyssus kolenatii have tus). 2004. Nyctalus lasiopterus (Schreber, Verbeek H.D.J., Kristin A., Krištofík been reported (Stanyukovich 1997). A total of 908 ectoparasites was collected 1780) – Riesenabendsegler. In: Krapp J., Mašán P., Andreas M. 2006. On the The aim of this work was to investigate from the animals’ skin, and then fixed in F. (Eds.). Handbuch Säugetiere Euro- greater noctule (Nyctalus lasiopterus) the fauna of bat ectoparasites from this 70% alcohol. Bats were released soon after pas, Fledertiere (Chiroptera) II. Wie- in central Slovakia. Vespertilio 9-10: Russian region. their examination at the site of capture. belsheim: AULA Verlag, pp. 695–716. 183–192. Successively, ticks, mites and fleas were MATERIALS AND METHODS preserved in the Berlese media for perma- nent storage. Bat flies were stored in 70% From 2004 to 2009, bats were captured in alcohol. Ectoparasite species were deter- the Northern and Middle Urals at five sites: mined using light microscopy, according to 105 Orlova M.V. Figure 1 - Study area (1. Divja cave; 2. Ekaterinburg city; 3. “Olenyi ruchyi” Natural park; 4. Dvurechensk Settlement; 5. Smolinskaya cave). several identification keys (Stanyukovich nus in Ekateriburg. 1997; Rudnick 1960; Medvedev 1996; Bartonička 2007). They included gamasid 1.2 Order Mesostigmata, Family Spin- and myobiid mites, argasid ticks and three turnicidae orders of insects: Siphonaptera, Diptera and Hemiptera. Voucher arthropod specimens Spinturnix myoti (Kolenati 1856): 56 were deposited in the Zoological Museum specimens were found on three hosts: of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecolo- M. dasycneme (2 females from Smolin- gy, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of skaya cave), M. daubentonii (10 fe- Sciences. males, 16 males, 5 deutonymphs, 2 Both the prevalence (percentage of infested protonymphs near Dvurechensk and bats) and mean intensity (mean number of ectoparasites per infested bat) of each ecto- one female in Smolinskaya cave) and parasite were assessed. M. brandtii (3 females, 2 males, 3 deu- tonymphs, 2 protonymphs in Dvure- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION chensk; 2 females, 7 males, one deuto- nymphs in Divya cave). Twenty species of parasites, belonging Spinturnix plecotinus (Koch 1839): 20 to eight families (insects, mites and specimens (14 females, 6 males) were ticks), were obtained from bats (Tab. collected on Plecotus auritus in Divya 1). cave. Spinturnix kolenatii (Oudemans, 1910): 1. Class Arachnida, Subclass Acari 72 specimens (22 males, 28 females, 21 deutonymphs and one protonymphs) 1.1 Order Ixodida, Family Argasidae were found on Eptesicus nilsonii near Argas vespertilionis (Latreille 1802): Dvurechensk. Two females were found 49 larvae were collected from V. muri- on E. nilsonii in Bolshoy proval cave. 106 4. parasite assessed were ectoparasites bats) Both the Science gy Figure Figure 1 and myobiid mites, argasid 1. 1). ticks), were obtained from bats (Tab. to eight families (insects, Twenty mites and DISCUSSION AND RESULTS of were deposited in the Hemiptera. orders insects: of Siphonaptera, Diptera B 1997 s 1.1 Argas vespertilionis 49 larvae were collected from from collected were 49 larvae everal identification keys (Stanyukovich artonička artonička 2007 , Dvurechensk C the the Order Ixodida Order Ural lass ; and mean intensity (mean number of Institute of Rudnick Rudnick 1960; Medvedev 1996 s . - prevalence (percentage of infested species of parasites, belonging Arachnida Branch of S tudy area Voucher arthropod specimens per infested bat) S ). ettle P They They included , lant lant and , Family Family Russian Academy of ment ( Subclass Acari Subclass . 1. Zoological (Latreille Divja Divja cave ; ; 5. ticks A Argasidae nimal nimal of of each ect Smolinskaya caveSmolinskaya V. and three Museum gamasid ; ; mu 1802): 1802): E 2. col Orlova M.V. ri and Ekaterinburg - o- o- ; ; Spinturnix Spinturnix kolenatii cave. collected collected on specimens (14 females, 6 males) were M. dasycneme specimens were found on three hosts: Spinturnix Spinturnix myoti turnicidae were found on deutonymphs and one 21 females, 28 (22 males, 72 specimens protonymphs) Spinturnix plecotinus cave). in Divya nymphs chensk; 2 females, 7 males, one deut tonymphs, 2 protonymphs in Dvur M. one protonymphs near Dvurechensk males, and 16 males, 5 skaya cave), deutonymphs, 2 1.2 nus on Dvurechensk. Two females were found ). E. nilsonii brandtii Order Mesostigmata in Ekateriburg. in female female in Smolinskaya cave) and city; 3 . (3 (3 females, 2 males, 3 de “Olenyi “Olenyi ruchyi” Plecot in Bolshoy proval cave. proval in Bolshoy M. M. (2 females from Smoli Eptesicus Eptesicus nilsonii (Kolenati daubentonii us auritus (Oudemans, 1910): (Oudemans, (Koch , Family Family
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