36462 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 27 December 19, 2007 In December, Mayor Turnage turned over The PanPaphian Association of American is ternity, which he serves as acting president, the gavel and the city had its first new mayor holding its annual dinner-dance this month, at and also participates in the Pancyprian soccer in 34 years. Mayor Turnage, and his wife, which its members will honor Mr. Nikos team and the Cyprian dance group. One of his Norma, have been strong and steady leaders Tziazas with the Evagoras Pallikarides Award. most noteworthy contributions to civic life is for their community, and they have succeeded Born in Paphos, Mr. Tziazas immigrated to the his generous and selfless devotion to the Ra- in making their community a better place for United States in 1979 after graduating from chel Cooper Foundation, which enables chil- everyone there. high school and serving more than two years dren with congenital heart disease from Cy- Please join me in recognizing the great ac- in the Cypriot National Guard as an artillery of- prus and other countries to be flown to the complishments of Rocky Mount’s mayor, Fred ficer. While in college, he became an active U.S. for urgent medical care. Although he re- Turnage. member of the Zenon Association; general cently lost his beloved wife Olympia, Mr. Mi- f secretary and a member of the soccer team at chaels remains devoted to her memory and to the Eleftheria Football Club; and an active his daughter, Martha, and her husband, Andy. PERSONAL EXPLANATION member of the Cypriot Students Association. Madam Speaker, I ask that my distinguished After graduating from St. Francis College with colleagues rise to join me in paying tribute to HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY a degree in management and finance in 1986, the PanPaphian Association of America and OF CALIFORNIA Nikos Tziazas started his first company, Na- all its good works. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tional Mortgage Finders, and simultaneously f began coaching soccer at the Eleftheria Wednesday, December 19, 2007 Pancyprian Youth association. In 2006, he be- HONORING THE WEST GENESEE Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, on De- came president of its soccer club. Under his HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM cember 18, I was unavoidably detained and leadership, the club became one of the largest was not able to record my votes for rollcall No. and most successful in the Cosmopolitan Jun- HON. JAMES T. WALSH 1174–1182, had I been present I would have ior Soccer League and in the community of OF NEW YORK voted: persons of Hellenic descent. In 2005 he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rollcall No. 1174, ‘‘yes’’—Providing for the served as president of the Panpaphian Asso- Wednesday, December 19, 2007 consideration of the Senate Amendment to the ciation. Currently Nicos Tziazas is president of Mr. WALSH of New York. Madam Speaker, House Amendment to the Senate Amendment Lyons General Insurance Agency, and re- I rise today in tribute to the West Genesee to H.R. 6. Energy Independence and Security mains active in youth activities as president of High School Football Team, 2007 Class AA Act. the Eleftheria Pancyprian Youth Soccer Club. New York State Football Champions. The Rollcall No. 1175, ‘‘yes’’—Providing for the He is a devoted to his wife, Kalina, and his West Genesee Wildcats defeated Monroe- consideration of the Senate Amendment to the children, Kristothea and Nicholas. Woodbury Crusader by a score of 42–21, House Amendment to the Senate Amendment The PanPaphian Association is bestowing earning West Genesee High School’s first to H.R. 6, Energy Independence and Security its Distinguished Fellow Cyprian Award on state football championship title. Act. Despina Axiotakis. She was born in Asgata, On behalf of the people of New York’s 25th Rollcall No. 1176, ‘‘yes’’—Veterans Guaran- Limassol on Cyprus, where her father, Congressional District, I congratulate these teed Bonus Act. Kyriacos Ioannou, was well known as the young men on their outstanding athletic Rollcall No. 1177, ‘‘yes’’—Energy Independ- ‘‘Palikari’’ for exhibiting tremendous feats of achievement and praise head coach Steve ence and Security Act. strength. With her family, she immigrated here Bush, and Assistant Coaches Joe Corley. Rollcall No. 1178, ‘‘yes’’—Terrorism Risk In- in 1956. After her education at the Traphagen John Lawrence, Tim Lane, Corey Brooks, and surance Revision and Extension Act. School of Fashion, she entered the business Dana Eells on their team’s success. I look for- Rollcall No. 1179, ‘‘yes’’— Sudan Account- world and today serves as president of ward to another exciting year when the Wild- ability and Divestment Act. Axiocom Productions, a firm specializing in cats take the field to defend their title in 2008. Rollcall No. 1180, ‘‘yes’’—Expressing the public relations. Joe Kesler, Dave Hildman, Matt McCabe, Despina Axiotakis became active in the po- unconditional support of the House of Rep- Joe Fazio, Ryan McConnell, George Eunice, litical arena, serving the presidential cam- resentatives for the members of the National Jim Marks, James Grecco, Nick Aiken, Tim paigns of Governors Michael Dukakis and Bill Guard. Moran, Jeremy Jones, Kyle Nojaim, Nick Col- Clinton. She has served on the Board of Di- Rollcall No. 1181, ‘‘yes’’—Providing for the lins, Pat Shanley, Mike Carter, Jeremy Con- rectors of the Greek Children’s Fund and the concurrence by the House in the Senate nors, Tim Town, Mike Simiele, Yaw Awuah, Church of the Assumption in Windham, New Amendments to H.R. 3997, with an amend- Mike Mercer, Ben Waldron, Sirron Wright, York. While serving as president of the Asgata ment. Mike Delaney, Marcus Armstrong, Josh Cruz, Association Cyprus Woman’s Division, she Rollcall No. 1182, ‘‘yes’’—U.S. Capitol Po- Tom Flynn, Will Furdyn, AJ Reese, Scott founded the Asgata Youth and Dance Division lice and Library of Congress Police Merger Im- Erikson, Nate Wells, Rich Longo, Mark Fer- that included teaching the group Hellenic and plementation Act of 2007. guson, Nick Pedrotti, Christos Dimkos, Mike Cypriot dances. In addition, she was the editor f Gagnon, Nick Cammuso, Nick Rinaldi, Kevin of the ‘‘Asgata Newsletter’’ for more than eight Heron, Stefan Cavedine, Mike Severance, IN RECOGNITION OF THE years. She serves as general secretary of the John Gacek, Vinny Lananna, Ossamia Mere, PANPAPHIAN ASSOCIATION OF Cyprus Federation of America, a position she Craig Simmons, Ben Wysokowski, Stephen AMERICA ON THE OCCASION OF has held for more than 15 years. At the same Pooler, Tony Pedrotti, Doug Ayer, Jake ITS ANNUAL DINNER-DANCE time she has served as executive director of Fietkiewicz, Dan Kolinski, Jeff Mancuso, Kevin the Cyprus United States Chamber of Com- Petrick, Luke Cometti HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY merce. Despina is devoted to her husband, f OF NEW YORK John, their 2 children, Lucas and Irene, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their 5 grandchildren. THE NATIONAL DIABETES The PanPaphian Association is honoring as COORDINATOR ACT Wednesday, December 19, 2007 its ‘‘Member of the Year’’ Mr. Michael Ioannou Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Madam Michaels. Born in Kalavasos, Cyprus, he immi- HON. JAY INSLEE Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the grated to the United States at the age of 21 OF WASHINGTON PanPaphian Association of America for its tre- and began working on ships as a welder. Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mendous contributions to our cultural and civic Michaels eventually started his own construc- life. Founded two decades ago by Hellenic tion company. Although he adopted the United Wednesday, December 19, 2007 Cypriot Americans of Paphian ancestry, the States as his new home, he never lost the Mr. INSLEE. Madam Speaker, yesterday I Association has carried out its vital edu- connection with his native country, and be- introduced The National Diabetes Coordinator cational and humanitarian mission while help- came involved in several organizations such Act, H.R. 4836. As some of my colleagues ing promote peace and understanding on the as the Cyprus Federation of America, the who have worked on issues relating to diabe- occupied island of Cyprus. PanPaphian Association, and Kalavasos Fra- tes may be aware, the Federal Government VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:08 Oct 08, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E19DE7.000 E19DE7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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