Ⅵ Karoshi (Death from Overwork) Job Stress and Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease JMAJ 47(5): 222–226, 2004 Fumio KOBAYASHI Professor, Department of Health and Psychosocial Medicine, School of Medicine, Aichi Medical University Abstract: Repetitive or long-lasting effects of work stressors cause a type of exhaustion referred to as “accumulated fatigue,” that may eventually cause ische- mic heart disease or stroke. Among the various work stressors to which people may be exposed, long work hours combined with lack of sleep is a major risk factor in our society. Irregular work hours, shift work, frequent work-related trips, working in a cold or noisy environment, and jet lag are also potent risk factors for workers. In addition, the chronic effects of psychological job strain, which can be concep- tualized by the job demand-control-support model, are related to cardiovascular disease. In this model, high job demand and low work control accompanied by low social support at work are the most harmful to health. However, the biomedical mechanisms connecting psychological job strain to cardiovascular disease remain to be fully clarified. Key words: Job stress; Cardiovascular disease; Long hour work; Job strain The Concept of Work Stress ‘stress reactions’. There are various stress reac- tions, including psychological responses (de- The Occupational Stress Model1) of National pression and dissatisfaction at work), physio- Institute of Occupational Safety and Health logical responses (blood pressure elevation and (NIOSH) is shown in Fig. 1 to facilitate under- increased heart rate), and behavioral responses standing of the concept of work stress and its (overeating, overdrinking, smoking, drug use, effect. sickness absence, and accidents). Since the re- Stressors that constantly affect our health sponses are usually acute and transient, health exist in all types of work. By interacting with can be restored by taking breaks, resting, sleep, personal factors or non-workplace factors, these or other adequate approaches. work-related stressors induce what are called When exposed to a powerful stressor for a This article is a revised English version of a paper originally published in the Journal of the Japan Medical Association (Vol. 128, No. 6, 2002, pages 885–888). The Japanese text is a transcript of a lecture originally aired on May 28, 2002, by the Nihon Shortwave Broadcasting Co., Ltd., in its regular program “Special Course in Medicine”. 222 JMAJ, May 2004—Vol. 47, No. 5 WORK RELATED CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Individual factors Workplace Acute stress Stress-related stressors reactions disorders Off-work factors/ demands from family or at home Support from family, supervisors, colleagues Fig. 1 NIOSH occupational stress model long period, however, the stress responses ical, and ergonomic factors in the workplace, increase and become excessive, making it dif- and the third is related to the characteristics of ficult to restore health. This condition is gener- the work that are associated with psychological ally called ‘accumulation of fatigue’, and when stress. it persists for a long time, irreversible changes, In this paper, we shall only briefly refer to such as poor physical function and the develop- the first and second categories and focus on ment of vascular disease, may occur. It may the third stressor, the characteristics of work also induce stroke and coronary heart disease that are associated with psychological stress or in combination with other factors. mental strain, and their effects. Thus, from the standpoint of occupational health, it is important to focus on high-risk, 1. Stressors associated with type of work work-related stressors in order to investigate One of the major work stressors associated associations between job stress and stroke and with stroke and coronary heart disease is long coronary heart disease. Stress responses vary working hours. The data in Japan show that the with age, gender, personality, behavior and atti- risk of acute myocardial infarction for male tude toward work, work skill, underlying dis- workers who work more than 11 hours a day eases, and treatment status. Other factors, such (i.e., approximately 60 hours a month over time) as relationships with supervisors or colleagues is 2.44 higher than for those who work 7–9 at work, regulations and atmosphere in the hours a day. Working more than 60 hours a week workplace, daily life outside work, and family also increases the risk of cerebrovascular and relationships and role at home, modify stress cardiovascular disease. responses, and they also need to be examined. The effect of long working hours is closely associated with lack of sleep. Lack of sleep is Work-Related Stressors that generally thought to increase the reactivity of Increase the Risk of Stroke and the circulatory and sympathetic nervous sys- Coronary Heart Disease tems. High angina pectoris and myocardial infarction morbidity among persons getting Based on the results of previous studies and less than 6 hours sleep a day and 2.08 times cases reported in Japan, there are three main higher mortality from ischemic heart disease work stressors related to stroke and coronary and cerebrovascular disease among those get- heart disease. ting less than 4 hours sleep a day than 7 hours The first stressor is the type of work, which is have been reported in some studies. based on the manner in which the work is per- The entire time spent in the workplace, in- formed. The second category is physical, chem- cluding nap time, break time, and staying at the JMAJ, May 2004—Vol. 47, No. 5 223 F. KOBAYASHI office all night, in addition to actual working Job control (freedom of decision, hours, also needs to be considered as a problem or latitude) involved in long working hours. Moreover, high some studies have found that when work hours are irregular and the changes of starting time are more than 3 hours, the risk of myocardial infarction is 2.53 times higher than when the High job strain change in work hours is less than 1 hour. This indicates that irregular work hours may inter- low fere with sleep-wakefulness rhythm and increase low high the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. Job demand Mental strain and (intensity of work) risk of disease Some negative research results have been re- ported for associations between cardiovascular Fig. 2 Job demand-control model disease and shift work, night work, and early work, but many studies have reported a higher risk of cardiovascular disease associated with changes in shift work, ranging from approxi- trophy, systolic blood pressure elevation, and mately 1.2 to 1.5 higher. high serum cholesterol were more frequently As to other types of work, work with many observed in the commercial pilot group, sug- business trips increases the risk of stroke and gesting that shift work system is associated with coronary heart disease. Breaks and rests, in- time difference, and that there is an association cluding sleep time, and recovery from fatigue between large time difference and stroke and are keys to prevent such disease, especially in coronary heart disease. work involving business trips to other countries with large time differences. 3. Work-related psychological stressors Some work stressors that induce mental 2. Physical, chemical, or ergonomic factors in strain have sudden powerful effects, or power- the workplace ful effects for relatively short periods, and Working in a cold environment induces or others have repeated effects at work every day aggravates ischemic heart disease and cerebro- over long periods. The latter will be examined vascular disease. A temperature decrease of 10 in this section. degrees Celsius has been found to be associ- Psychological stressors in the workplace and ated with a 13% increase in the incidence of their effects have not been fully clarified, because attack in coronary artery, an 11% increase in evaluation of work stress is difficult. However, mortality and incidence of coronary artery the concept of work stress and evaluation disease, and a 26% increase in recurrence of methods have recently become established, attack in coronary artery. and the reliability and validity of the method During chronic exposure to noise in a noisy have been assessed. The number of findings environment (i.e., more than an 80 dB noise based on these methods has been increasing level), systolic and diastolic pressure elevation, and we will introduce one of the findings. high hypertension morbidity, a 1.2–1.4 higher Karasek2) proposed a ‘job demand-control’ times relative risk of hypertension due to noise, model (Fig. 2) to evaluate psychological stressors and a direct association between noise and in the workplace. In this model, work-related ischemic heart disease have been observed. psychological stresses occur as the result of the In a comparative study between commercial interaction between two factors. One factor is pilots and a control group, left ventricular hyper- workload and allocation of work, or so-called 224 JMAJ, May 2004—Vol. 47, No. 5 WORK RELATED CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE ‘job demand’, including the concentration and chological strain affects the onset of stroke and degree of tension required to do the work, coronary heart disease have not been iden- in other words, the intensity of the work. The tified, but the following have been suggested. other factor is latitude, or the freedom of First, work-related psychological strain may execution and decision at work, or what is increase the cardiovascular risk associated with referred to as ‘job control’, under which talents risk factors such as smoking, drinking, blood and skills can be demonstrated and improved. pressure, obesity, and low physical activity. The According to Karasek’s model, psycholog- overall trend in previous research has shown ical work stress is determined by these two relatively negative results for an association factors and the interaction between them. The between job stress and serum lipids, and no combination of a high-level of job demand and consensus has been reached in regard to smok- low-level of job control, that is, an environment ing.
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