DmECTORY.) HAMPSHIRE.- DROXFORD. 139 Dll.OXFORD (or Drokinsford) is a parish and small Liddell Edward Henry, Kitnocks, Botley Klwn, pleasantly situated on the river .M:eon, and is the Long Waiter esq. The Halt, .Bishop's Waltham llead of a union and petty sessional division, 5 miles Mnrray-Aynsley Vice-Admiral Charles C.B. Hall court., east from Bishop·s "1-Valtham terminal station on a Bot.ley, Southampton branch of the London and South Western railway, 8 .Myers William Henry esq. M.P. Swanmore house, Bishop'& north-north-east from Fareham, in the Eastern division Waltham of the county, hundred and county court district '11 Woods Col. William, Warnford park, Bishop's Waltham Bishop's ·wattham, rural deanery of Bishop's 1-Valtham Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles Richards Gunner,. and archdeaconry and dioct>se of Winchester. The Bishop's Waltham church of St. Mary and All Saints is a building of stou~ Petty Sessions are held at the Court house every al­ and flint, in the Norman, Early English and later styles. ternate thursday, at I2 noon. The following place.... consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, south m:.a~. are included in the Petty Sessional d_ivision: .Bishop"& south porch and an embattled western tower, with turn~t, Waltbam, Corhampton, Curdridge, Droxford, Durley,. containing 4 bells and a clock : the chancel arch and the Exton, Hambledon, Meon Stoke, Shedfield, Swanmore. north and south doorways are ~orman, and the nave Soberton, Upham, Warnford & West Meon a.rcades Early English: a mixed style of archiitecturc County Police Station, Geo. Barton, sergt. & I constable- pervades the remainder of the building: in the nortlJ aisle is the recumbent stone effigy of a lady, found in Droxford Rural District Council. "'Palace meadow," in this parish, about 1820: the stained Meets at the Workhouse eve-ry fourth tuesday at 2 p.m. east window and all the titl;ings in the chancel wer~> Clerk, l<'rancis Clark, Bis.hop's \Valtham presented by Capt. C. Jackson R.N.: the brass eagle Treasurer, Charles Richards Gunner, Bishop's Walthan• lectern was presented in 1875 by the late R. R. Goodlad Medical Officer of Health, Edgar Oourtney Peru M.R.C.S. esq. of Hill place, in memory of Emma, his wife: a Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Droxford library of very valuable theological books, formerly in the Sanitary Inspector, William Hawkes, S"anmore church, are now kept at the rectory: the church was re­ Surveyor, Henry J. Norris, Meon Stoke paired and repewed in 1847: in 1872 it. was again re­ Droxford Union. stored at a cost of about £8oo, and affords 350 sit­ The union comprises the following parishes :-Bishop's. tings, one-bhird of which are appropriated. The registt>r l\"altham, Corhampton, Curdridge, Droxford, Dnrley,. 0: marriages and burials dates from the year 1633 ; Exton, Hambledon, Meon Stoke, Sbedfield, Soberton. baptisms, 1635. The living is a rectory, net yearly value Swanmore, Upham, Warnford & West Meon. The area l443, with residence, in the gift of the Jlishop of Win­ Chester, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Robert Everson of the union is 48,649 acres; rateable value in 1897,. Harrisson M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. The £,58,o66; the population in 1891 was n,392 Board day, fortnightly, on tuesdays, at the Eoard room Primitive Methodist chapel was built in 1886. Here is Clerk to t;he Guardians & Assessment Committee (wbicb. a :flour mill. The Independent Order of Oddfellows, meets every alternate board day), Francis Clark,. :Manchester Unity, 6,374, "Loyal Pride of the Valley," Eishop's Waltbam is held at the White Horse inn every fourth Treasurer, Charles Richards Gunner, Bishop's "\Valtham Monday in the month. The charities, amounting to Relieving Officer & Collector to the Guardians for th& £13 13s. yearly, are distributed to the widows and aged Union, 'l'h:Jmas Edward Crouch, Droxford poor of the parish on St. Thomas' day. The poor Vaccmation Officers, the RPgistrars of Births &; Deaths parishioners have the dividend of £215 21 per Cent. Stock, purchased with £168 left by John Dee, John ~iedical Officers & Public Vaccinator<:, Bishop's Waltham district, Claude Philip Hemming M.R.C.S.Eng. A.rthur and the Rev. James Cutler about the middle of Bishop's Waltham; Droxford & Soberton districts.. last century. There is also a charity called the the Edgar Courtney Pem M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. "Boucher charity." Hazelholt Park, the property of Droxford; Hambledon district, James William Jeram,. Christian de Falbe esq. is pleasantly situated in the parish Ha.mbledon; West Meon district, George Wm. IJntler in grounds of 283 acres. The principal landowners are the L.R.C.P.Edin. Meon Stoke Ecclesia'ltical Commissioners, who are lords of the Superintendent Registrar, Francis Clnrk, Eishop's Wal­ manor, F. J. Minchin e11q. Col. Philip Arthur Pleydell tham; deputy, Alex. Lindsay, The ·workhouse Bonverie-Campbell-·Wyndham, of Corhampton, C. de :F. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Eishop's WaJt.ham sub­ Fa.lbe esq. Col. C. B. Bashford A.D.O., J.P. and W. H. llyers esq. M.P. of Swanmore. The soil is chalky; sub· district, William Gilbert, Eishop"s \Valtham; deputy,. eoil, chalk, stone, flint and gravel. The chief crops are Ebenezer Sims, Bishop's Waltham; Hambledon sub­ wheat, oats, barley and some land in pasturage. The district, Thomas Edward Crouch, Droxford; deputy,. area is 2,436 acres of land and 33 of water ; rateable value, James Westbrook, Corhampton; West Meon sub-dis­ £2,802; and the population in 1891 was 532, including 76 trict, Abram Rice Martin, West Meon; deputy, Mrs. officers and inmates of the workhouse. Martin, West Meon Registrar of Marriages, George Taylor, Droxford; Hill is a tithing, 2 miles south-west. Parish Clerk, George Taylor deputy, Alfred James Taylor, f>roxford Post, M. 0. &; T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery & Insur­ The Workhouse, built in 1837, will hold 200 inmates; ance & Annuity Oflice.-Mrs. Elizh. Westbrook, :;;ub­ average, 61; Rev. Robert Everson Harrisson M.A. chap­ po!Jtm.istr~ss. Le-tters through Bishop'sWaltham S.O. lain; Edgar C. Peru M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. medical arrive at 6.45 a.m. k 2 p.m. ; dispatched at 9 a.m. 2 & offioer; Alex. P. Lindsay, master; Mrs. Ka.te Lind­ -6.30 p.m. ; sunday, 10.50 a.m say, matron Oounty Magistrates for the Droxford Division. School .Attendance Committee. Wyndham Col. Philip Arthur Pleydell-Bouverie-Campbell, Meets at the Workhouse every fourth tuesday at 3 p.mo... Corhampton house, Bishop's Waltham, chairman Clerk, :lt'rancis Clark, Bishop's Waltham Bower Col. John, Studwell lodge, Droxford Attendance Officer, Thomas Edward Crouch, D:roxforlf Burrell Robt. Anthony esq. Fa.irlhorne, Botley, Sthmptn Butler Capt. Thomas Dacre~. Bury lodge, Ham bledon, Xational ~chool (mixed), f()r 96 clu1dren; average a~ Cosham tendance, 75 ; Miss H. M. Brown, mistress Carpenter-Garnier John esq. M.A. Rookesbury park, Fareham Carrie'rs to:- Earwaker Richard esq. West ~Ieon, Petersfield Bishop's Waltham Station-John Boswell Ha.sler Henry Gratwicke esq. Exton cottage, Exton, J>ortsmouth-John Cousins, thurs. returning same day Bishop's \Valtham Southampton--John Cousins, mon. returning same day Hornby Thomas \Vynn esq. Upham ho. Bishop's \Valthm . WinchBster Jolin Cousins, sat. returning same day PRIVATE RESIDENTS. King Daniel, Stedham cottage Bunning Fredk. White Horse F.H Baggs John Lock Mrs. Sunnyside Clark Anne (Mrs.), grocer, dl'aper., Bower Col. John J.P. Stndwe1lodge Page Rev. Thomas (Primitive Meth) ironmonger & wine merchant; Bridge The Misses, :Manor house Pern Edgar Courtney horses & traps on hire Brown Mis..<~, Manor cottage Phelps Capt. "\Villiam, Meon iea Cooper Hy. Dean, farmr. :Midlington­ de Falbe Christian (Capt. 4th Batt. Westbrook Richard, North End fa.,.,rm'" Crouch Thomas Edward, relieving & Worcestershire Regiment}. Haze:holt Wi.Liams Frederick, Eden house vaccination & school attendance park; & Hyde Park club, London SW Wiltshire Jobn. sen. Stedham house officer, collector to the guardians for Dumbleton Gen. G'has. Midlington ho Wiltshire John, jun. The Brewery the union, & registrar of births & Harrisson Rev. Robert Everson. :\<LA. Withers John Cyril deaths for Hambledon snl:J-Jistrict Rectory . W oodley :Miss, Hill Side cottage Edwards Brewery Lim.brewers (stores) Hurley A2.fred Waiter, West house COMMERCIAL. Freemant~~ Harriett (Mrs.), dJess ma Hurlev Frank, The Grove Boswell John, carrier & cowkeeper, Gammon Soloman, farm bai~iff to R. King Rev. Samuel M . .A.. Fir 'iull Midlington cottage Austin l'~q .
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