\ jf~Jl)Jb$ 1Vlf , ~1VJD~~JD~-© -----~---, I JlJ~JlJDWoo o ~ o,Jl_V o o n~~])JDJiJDW I o~~ • • ~ 'V."Y! ........ ~ o ;>,-.} ·.- ],ji]JjiJD~ 0 0 0 qicn _v~ , - ~ . - ~WJJll~~~JiJD~ o o El]JJJJ :- - .. ' -:. :--·.-.- 1?]iW.[3JiJD~ 1' o CJ 0 0 jiJD~~llJ 2 ~ . 3 4 T 6 8 10 11 12 14 ------ -· ..J /f(AQ.~ 19 7'l ~j)'~J §.µIng ~ .i<i, am. ~ ~~ ~~~~...9- ­ ~~ ~· ~ Lpu.~ J;o ~~ ~ ~1AL~~ cJ,o ~ OlAJ'Y1 ~fl.. e-~ ~ ~'j_J ~ ~ l J.,u.:t ~~~~,~CAtn ~~~~~or 0-~~~~I~ ~ ~ f~'- "4t; ~~ ~ ~· . #, . , ,, , , ... , , .14.... __16 SOPHOMORES CLASS TAKES BIG STEP Terry Adams Lori Allen Quin Allen Larry McCoy .,Wt!df\t!.:5dd 19 21. John Anderson ~~I Paul Babb ~~...u~ Doug Barnes Lisa Batchelder ~,~~~,~ Bernadine Bennett Carl Bennum ~~&'t~~ .. ~·~3~~ G\ ~ fa. ~ J.L- Curt Bennum Brian Berg ~ Jl~~~~ Donnie Berry Susie Betz ~~~~~ Jerry Black ~ ~ ").k~~ <l ~,~~ Steve Bland Lori Bonnett 1. Sophomore Sonjia Gott makes campaign speech. 11 David Bouzek ~~~~ Melanie Bowe • ..k~~et.· 2. Mark Juric casts a warning glance at the camera . Michelle Bowe ~ io ~ ,,, ,~ ~~ ~. Tom Bowe Stoney Bowers Brenda Brennenstuhl Gertie Brewer Terri Brodie 79 of1:, was a year for TH S sophomores to begin. First I, had to learn what was expected of them academicallyl~ey such h wh t th h ' as w ere the classrooms were, and a ey ad to study for a test. David Brown at II thhe trafd itions to learn about and new or;!1:r;a~eornes o c oose rom Joe Brown Athletically and 1 h · Roberta Brown new part of an old n sc 00 1 government they were a Mike Brown But that place wa t;ar1, and had to learn their place. Marcia Burkeybile know where ou s Jus the beginning, you have to just what they so ahre before You can achieve, and that's P omores did. 19 Mona Cal I ihan Kirk Hamilton Betty Carpenter Boyd Harrison Bryan Chumbley Kelly Hobbs Tammy Cooksey Brenda Hines Patricia Coon Sonna Horner Mark Crawford Randy Hughes Denise Daniels Timothy Hughes Barbara Dittberner Cindy Hunsaker Gary Dryer Brad Ireland Sandy Eads Rhonda Jackson Chanse Elliott Mark Juric Jackie Elliott David Keith Bobby Etherton Alan Kennedy Brad Ewing Nancy KI mbrough Tom Falcon Robby Kincaid Randy Felzien Randy Kinnison Jana Ferris David Kramer Tammy Fields Jill Lanpher Larry Finley Tad Lisle Daniel Galloway Pam long Rick Gardner Tamarra Garrett Angela l loyd Glenna Gates Kathy L ynch Annette George Kevin Mantlo Steven Giles Mindy Mack Donna Merrel Monica Gondringer Steven Gott Jim Molloy Sonjia Gott Bob Moore Parthelia Grimes Lisa Moore Wanda Hall T eresa Morgan Raymond McAtee 20 21 Connie McClure Wendell Waltner Steven Naber Cindy Whiteaker Cecelia Nelson Jeff Whitney Perry Newton Brian Williams Tim Persell lee Ann Williams Marci Potter Brenda Wilson Debbie Powers Ilish ia Wi Ison Ginni Ramsbottom David Winters Soncl Reeter Stacey Wipf Joe Reim Tammy Wise Ricky Renfro Mark Wood Paula Ricker Dennis Allen Roger Roberts Joe Bankson Suzanne Sawyer Steve Gardner Ronda Schroeder Debbie Gott Daniel Searcy Stephanie Serr Debbie McKnight Greg Sharp Brett Robb Lyn Shipley David Sampson Sheila Simmons Beth Wimer Nancy Salsbury Steve Snuffer Ronnie Stevens Sherry Stoops Larry Swank David Swigart David Tatu m Lori Thomason Deanna Turley Paul Turner Tammie Vandevender ,~~~,~ I 2:> 23 JUNIORS STUDENTS MAKE MEMORIES Brian Adams photo Bobby Adkins not Mark All en available Matt Anderson Ron Anderson 11 We 1re the class that's on the go, •cause we 're the class of 8- 0.11 Juniors at T HS gave the school a cheery outlook not only in assem­ blies, but in the everyday classroom situation. Their main job throughout the year was to achieve enough money to sponsor the Junior­ Tracy Anderson Senior Prom. This meant alot of hard work. Ju­ Mark Arbuckle photo niors submitted classmen to Stuco and various Karen Austin not sporting events. As the " middle kids" they had Thayne Barton avai lable experience of being a sophomore and hopes of Nancy Bethards becoming Seniors. In a l I honesty, juniors of THS did a lot to bri ghten the year and leave some good memori es. photo 1. J un ior c lass officers: Brad Perry, Andy Hill, Rodney Bethards not vice- president; Dennis Adamson, sponsor; Mary Scott Bingham a vailable Jane Dennis, president; Ka ren Wallace, secre­ Carl Bland tary-treasurer; Steve Marlay. Tim Brennenstuhl L Inda Brewer 11 2. Farrah 11 alias Rhonda Marrs, plays one of Charlie's Angels in a pep assembly. 3. Juniors Thayne Barton and Scott Spillman apply their scientific skills to Chemistry class. .. Robert Brinser Debbie Brown photo photo Jeff Brown not not Mike Brown available available Bret Buswell Laura Callihan Tina Carder Connie Carpenter Barry Chenoweth Pam Coffman Terri Conlee Charla Crawford photo Dianna Crawford not Pam Crow a vailable Rhonda Davis , 25 Mary Jane Dennis Donna Jones Murray Dennis Sally Jones Mitch Dougan Nie Juric Cheryl Drake Karen Keith Danny Dunkin Kevin Keith John Elliott Cara Kennedy Dirk Erp David K ilburn photo Melinda Estes Barb Kinion not Lori Finley Ronnie Kinnison availab le Jim Forbes Ronda Kirk photo photo not not Steve Forson David Klingensmith photo available available Brenda Fredricks L arry Knapp not Garland Garrett Pat Kost available Tom Gass Brenda Kramer Jimmy Glidewell Deidra LaFollette David Gooch Marty Gooch David Lanning Pat Gott Jimmy Lawrence Tammy Gott photo photo Dale Leeper Renee Griffith not not Theresa Lent available available TyAnn Lisle Robin Griffith A llson Gurss Kevin L ober Tammy Hall Brenda Lovell Brad Harrison photo David Lowrey Scott Hel mandollar not Lance Leuhrs available Rick Manuel Donita Hickman Chris Hicks Steve Marlay Andy Hill Rhonda Marrs Rick Hughes photo Diana Merrel Kim Israel not Norman Meservey available Brigette Moore 26 27 photo Don Morrison Arnie Rosenboom not Steve Muff Martin Russell photo photo available Jackie Mullins Becky Sager not not Debbie Munday Jeff Scott available available Laurie Myer Jeff M. Scott Randall McAtee Chris Shuler David McCollum Tressla Shuler Randy Mclain Jim Shull Valerie McNeal Marla Simpson Bud Nelson David Slater Julie Parker Phillip Spillman Karen Patterson Doug Spencer Brad Perry Scott Splllman Linda Pettit Danny Stark Phy II is Petty Jeff Stevenson Pam Pi lcher Darrell Plumb Chris Stickler Barb Porter Danny Stottlemyre Marty Prewitt Rusty Stottlemyre Bobby Prothero photo Jenny Stotts not Kathy Stratton available Mary Ragan Billy Ralls Kim Reid David Swank photo photo Bill Swopes Renee Reim not John Renfro not photo Sabrina Tanquary available available not Lori Tapscott avallable Lisa Taylor Sharon Rentfrow Chester Rice Kenny Ricketts Teresa Taylor Cathy Roberts Brenda Tharp Brenda Robertson photo Danny Tolle not Eric Trainer a vailable Bob VanFleet 28 29 hr Brad Walker Jackie Walker Karen Wallace Mike Wilcox T im Wilcox Laura Wynne Tony Wynne Ky Yeager Loretta Zang 1. Sharon Rentfrow displays spirit during Spirit Week. ' 2. Sabrina Tanquary talks over play scripts with Martha Jones. 3. Junior Robin Griffith is carried off by a Marceline enemy (alias Jeff Sigmund). ' )1 ~~I x.~ ~~ ~ etiL . ~~ ~~~~~ d..o~ cao t.a~. a~~ ~ ~~~~c.rv­ ~ ~~~~.~ ~ ~~~,~~ UJi..tk ~I /i{)vJ..J, ~ J 4,nvd ~~~~~~~ . :;faXvt ~ ~ · ~ I ~ wi.aJ_ ~'L ~~~~~ - W"tn.h. ~~ ~~~~ ~ , •. wt.:tJv ~ ~ ~ J:Jv- WtJ'LLd • 43 11 ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION HAIL TO A NEW CHIEF GUIDANCE AND DECISIONS THS couldn1t have made it without all the ~1\-- people behind the scenes, such as Mr. Frank Fregoe, THS principal, who beca me fa miliar with the students and the mechanics of TH S. The school board and Mr. Paul Ricker are not to go unnoticed. They continued to coop­ erate with the facu lty and helped to make this a good year. Groups using the gym and cafeteria fre­ l quentl_y had to contact Mr. Gary Ferguson, who .directed scheduling for use of these fa,..­ clllt1es. If students lived a reasonable distance from school, transportation was provided an­ ot~er responsibility of Ferguson. When o~e ~hrnks of all the sports the school participates rn, Fe!guson as athletic director, kept busy planning sports events throughout the year. 1. School changes year after year. Here, Fre­ goe re.ads a~out some of those changes. 2. Office wires are sometimes crossed. Fergu­ 1 . Schedules are very lmpoi:ta nt; the clases you lake Guidance and decisions, those two words become son and Celia Vaughn attempt to straighten can be a building block or a st umbling block lo your very important to high school students as they begin to them out. success. glimpse their future. 3. Fiv~ schools within the district kept District 2. Cc;i unsellng is hard on a guy! The first time they received gu idance from George Superintendent Paul Ricker busy. 3. Seniors receive help from Rentfrow lo get connec­ Rentfrow or Okie Rose was when they signed up for tions with the college of their c hoice. t heir Sophomore c lasses. The second time was when 4. Brenda Wisner and Monty Lynch end their TH S ca­ t he y beca me dissatisfied with the classes they c hose reers by accepting awards from Rentfrow. previously. Vocational, general, or collegiate-which­ ever a rea you students decide lo wander off into Rent­ frow or Rose can make the transition from high school into the 11real world 11 alot easier. SAT, S CAT, Aptitide, CLEP, ACT, - Rose and Rentfrow consta tly test us students. DENNIS ADAMSON MIKE ARBUCKLE ENERGY RELATES TO CLASSES HISTORY AND DRIVING MIX Dennis ~damson, instructor of Local History, whose marn purpose is to find information about the. past and share that knowledge with county res1~ents !hrough Time Was Magazine. Part of pultrng Ti me Was together is teaching photogra­ phy,.
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