Minutes of Meeting Project Transboundary Biosphere Reserve “Prespa” Albania BMZ No. 2013.66.830 Subject PRE-BID MEETING on “Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Refurbishment of Selected Buildings of Pustec and Devoll Municipalities Date April 12, 2021, 12.00 H Location Conference room, Ministry of Tourism and Environment (MoTE), Tirane, Participants - Prespa Project representatives - NAPA representatives - Potential Bidders - EE consultant 1. Introduction The Project Executing Agency (“PEA”), National Agency of Protected Areas on behalf of Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania, has received financing from KfW toward the cost of the “Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Prespa” (PRESPA-Albania), Phase II, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for the Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Refurbishment of Selected Buildings of Pustec and Devoll Municipalities. The Project Executing Agency (“PEA”) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the supplies, works and services on the Energy Efficiency Measures applied in the first selected Residential Buildings of Pustec and Devoll Municipalities at the building envelope and installation of the space heating stoves or space heating central systems, composed by one Lot: to promote energy efficiency measures, by selecting cost-effective projects with high visibility, ensuring high benefit to the end-users, energy savings and environmental benefits, contributing to the growth and productivity of the Albanian economy. The objective of the pre bid meeting is to reply to potential bidders about any clarification they should ask related to bidding documents (Instruction to Bid-ITB) published in the NAPA webpage. 2. Discussions - The meeting was held on April 12, 2021, hr 12.00, at the premises of conference room of MoTE with the representatives of NAPA, Prespa project team leader and respective staff and three potential bidders. A short power point presentation was done by the Project staff, to highlight the relevant topics for this assignment and after that a session of question and answers started. Some important topics were stressed out during the above presentation (refer to Annex 1 for the power point) such as: The bidders are encouraged to visit the site of the works and make their own measurements of the surfaces etc. in order to be accurate in their bill of quantities. The cost of the visit should be covered by the bidders. 1 The provisional sums (contingency) could be part of the quotation in separate line but will not be considered for the evaluation process. (refer to PARA 32) The quotations should be presented net of VAT. The VAT amount will be not be considered for evaluation purposes. The sub-contracting is not foreseen in this assignment (refer to PARA 34.1 of ITB). The administrative documents such as: One document that proves that the subject is not in bankruptcy, issued by National Registration Center. One document that proves that the subject has not been punished for law violation, issued by the competent authority. One document that proves that the subject has not been punished by the Court, related to professional activity, issued by the competent authority. One document that proves that assets of the subject, are not in the hands of Court Executer, or exists any sequester order for them, issued by Executers Office. One document that proves that the subject has fulfilled all employment insurance obligations, issued by Tax Administration. should be submitted in original only by the awarded company (economic operator) before contract signature. For the purpose of bidding documents, only the Declaration of the fulfilment of the general conditions (refer to Annex 2) is sufficient. The own contribution of the direct beneficiaries as indicated in the ITB (pg 63-64 of ITB) should be a prerequisite for the commencement of the works. PARA 20.2 of ITB specifies the rule to be applied for the authorized person to sign the bidding documents. The BID validity is 120 days (calendar days) The BID security validity is 162 days (calendar days) The BID security amount is Euro 2,250. The main questions/answers discussed in the bidders meeting are stated below: i. Question from potential bidder: Is there any breakdown cost needed or only the summary forms for each type of measure, how to present the calculation of the works to be done? Answer: In addition to the “summary of payments currencies tables” (refer to pages from 44 to 48 of ITB), pursuant to PARA 11.1 point (b) of the ITB, the priced bill of quantities is needed and the details are provided in PARA 12 of ITB. ii. Question: Is this assignment a lump-sum, meaning turnkey contract? Answer: Yes, it is. iii. Question: Is it required a particular Environmental and social report or the ESHS of the Works is sufficient? Answer: The ESHS template, part of ITB, from page 80 to page 97, should be filled with Signature confirmation/ Yes or No/ Short clarification text on the measures to be applied, as indicated in the relevant section. 2 iv. Question: Is the requirement of having experience in similar projects/works in Devoll and Pustec Municipality, mandatory? Answer: No. it is not mandatory. 3. Follow-up required The below topics were left for further internal consultation and the respective decisions were taken after the pre-bid meeting: - Audit report requirement: as per National legislation (Law 10091 dated 05.03.2009, “On legal auditing, organisation of approved licensed statutory auditor”) only part of the suppliers/service providers (juridical persons) are subject to mandatory audit. In order to avoid any restriction in bid participation, it was decided to amend PARA 16.1 point (f) by waiving the auditor’s report requirement if not applicable by the national legislation. All the bidders which are subject to mandatory auditing should submit the audit reports, while the bidders not subject to auditing as per legislation, should not. - Translation into English: The administrative documents obtained by e-albania system; balance sheets; profit and loss statements; auditor’s reports (if any) should not be translated in English but submitted in original language (Albanian). - Conversion into Euro currency of the values of supporting documents such as balance sheets, profit and loss statement, contracts for similar assignments, etc. should be done only for the overall amounts not for each item presented in the above-mentioned documents. Attention! A summary of the most relevant data of ITB (for an easy reference) has been extracted from ITB document and is presented in annex 3 of this document. All the text in red in the EXTRACT document, refers to the amendments made to ITB after the pre-bid meeting. 4. List of Annexes: Annex 1: Presentation Annex 2: Declaration of the fulfilment of the general conditions (in Albanian language) Annex 3: Extract of relevant data of ITB (for easy reference) 3 Annex 1: Power point presentation during Pre Bid meeting 4 5 6 7 Annex 2: Declaration of the fulfilment of the general conditions (in Albanian language) DEKLARATË MBI PËRMBUSHJEN E KRITEREVE TË PËRGJITHSHME1 Deklaratë e operatorit ekonomik2 pjesemarrës në procedurën e prokurimit që do të zhvillohet në datë_______________ nga Autoriteti Kontraktor ___________ me objekt ___________________me fond limit __________. Unë i nënshkruari __________________me cilesinë ___________të operatorit ekonomik ___________________ deklaroj nën përgjegjësinë time të plotë se: Operatori ekonomik ______________________ është i regjistruar në Qendrën Kombëtare të Biznesit dhe ka në fushën e veprimtarisë objektin e prokurimit. Në rastin kur ofertuesi është një organizatë jofitimprurëse, duhet të deklarojë se është i regjistruar si person juridik, sipas Ligjit Nr.8788, datë 07.05.2001 “Për Organizatat jo Fitimprurëse”. Operatori ekonomik ____________________ nuk është dënuar për asnjë nga veprat penale, të parashikuara Nenin 45/1 të LPP. Personi/at në cilësinë e anëtarit të organit administrativ, drejtuesit ose mbikëqyrësit, aksionerit ose ortakut, ose ka kompetenca përfaqësuese, vendimmarrjeje ose kontrolluese brenda operatorit ekonomik, si më poshtë: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________etj. nuk janë ose kanë qenë të dënuar me vendim gjyqësor të formës së prerë për asnjë nga veprat penale, të përcaktuara në nenin 45/1 të LPP3. Operatori ekonomik ____________________ nuk është dënuar me vendim të gjykatës së formës së prerë, për vepra që lidhen me veprimtarinë profesionale. Operatori ekonomik ____________________ nuk është në proces falimentimi (statusi aktiv). Operatori ekonomik ____________________ ka paguar të gjitha detyrimet për pagimin e tatimeve e të kontributeve të sigurimeve shoqërore, sipas legjislacionit në fuqi. 1 Pasi te shpallet fituesi, Autoriteti Kontraktor gëzon të drejtën ti kërkojë operatorit ekonomik fitues, dorëzimin e të gjithë dokumentacionit të listuar në këtë deklaratë, (origjinalin e dokumentacionit të marrë nga organet përkatëse) para lidhjes së kontratës. Deklarata është e vlefshme si pjesë e dokumentacionit të tenderit për të gjithë operatorët ekonomikë pjesëmarrës në tender. 2 Në rastet e bashkimit të operatorëve ekonomikë, çdo anëtar i grupit duhet të dorëzojë vetëdeklaratën e lartpërmendur. 3 Autorizoj Autoritetin Kontraktor të bëjë verifikimet përkatëse të gjendjes gjyqësore të personave të deklaruar në këtë Deklaratë. 8 Operatori ekonomik_____________________ vërteton se pasuritë e subjektit nuk janë në duart e Përmbaruesit të Gjykatës,
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