FinancialFinancial ResultsResults forfor FY2008FY2008 (Fiscal(Fiscal YearYear EndedEnded MarchMarch 31,31, 2008)2008) AprilApril 24,24, 20082008 HinoHino Motors,Motors, Ltd.Ltd. 1 CaCautionaryutionary Statement Statement Re Regardigardingng Forward Forward-looking-looking Statements Statements / / CaCautionution Concerning Concerning Insider Insider Trading Trading This document contains statements on the outlook for Hino (including consolidated subsidiaries) and its future goals, plans and strategies. These statements are based on judgments and hypotheses made using information currently in the possession of Hino, and, in light of the possibility of change due to future business operations and circumstances inside or outside the company, and uncertainties in these judgments and hypotheses, may greatly differ to the actual future financial results and growth of Hino. Notes concerning Insider Trading: Investors who have received important and undisclosed information from a company (primary recipients of information) are forbidden from the purchase or sale of shares prior to the disclosure of the said information. (Financial Instruments and Exchange Act Article 166) According to enforcement ordinances of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, disclosure is viewed as having taken place 12 hours after announcement by the company through two or more media institutions, or when notification has been made to the securities exchange, and through electromagnetic means recognized by Cabinet Office regulations (using appropriately-timed information disclosure viewing services on TDnet or the ED-NET disclosure Internet site). 2 PresidentPresident ShojiShoji KondoKondo 3 AgendaAgendaAgenda ItemsItemsItems 1.1.1. FinancialFinancialFinancial ResultsResultsResults forforfor FY2008FY2008FY2008 2.2.2. SalesSalesSales TurnoverTurnoverTurnover (FY2008(FY2008 Results Results / /FY2009 FY2009 Plan) Plan) 3.3.3. BusinessBusinessBusiness GoalsGoalsGoals 4.4.4. InitiativesInitiativesInitiatives ininin FY2008FY2008FY2008 5.5.5. InitiativesInitiativesInitiatives forforfor FY2009FY2009FY2009 6.6.6. BusinessBusinessBusiness GoalsGoalsGoals forforfor FY2009FY2009FY2009 4 1.1.1. FinancialFinancialFinancial ResultsResultsResults forforfor FY2008FY2008FY2008 5 1. Financial Results for FY2008 UnitUnitUnit SalesSalesSales /// SalesSalesSales /// IncomeIncomeIncome (Consolidated)(Consolidated)(Consolidated) (Units) FY2008 (’07/4 - ’08/3) Results FY2007 (’06/4 – ’07/3) Results Unit Sales (YoY Change) In Japan 46,000 (87%) 53,000 Record High Overseas 63,000 (133%) 48,000 Record High Hino Total 109,000 (109%) 100,000 Toyota Brand 201,000 (99%) 203,000 6 1. Financial Results for FY2008 UnitUnitUnit SalesSalesSales /// SalesSalesSales /// IncomeIncomeIncome (Consolidated)(Consolidated)(Consolidated) FY2008 (’07/4 - ’08/3) Results (YoY Change) FY2007 (’06/4 – ’07/3) Results Record High Net Sales ¥ 1,368.6 billion (106%) ¥ 1,287.6 billion Record High Operating Income ¥ 45.9 billion (125%) ¥ 36.7 billion Ordinary Income ¥ 41.0 billion (111%) ¥ 36.8 billion Net Income ¥ 22.2 billion (111%) ¥ 20.0 billion Operating Income 3.4% 2.9% Margin 7 2.2.2. SalesSalesSales TurnoverTurnoverTurnover (FY2008(FY2008 Results Results / /FY2009 FY2009 Plan) Plan) 8 2. Sales Turnover (FY2008 Results / FY2009 Plan) JapaneseJapanese SalesSales (Market)(Market) (Thousands of units) 350 Heavy-/Medium-/Light-duty Trucks & Buses (Market) 300 278 14 238 250 226 235 13 12 Buses 185 12 186 180 200 147 11 11 10 117 121 114 Light-duty 150 Trucks 95 90 90 100 Medium- 62 50 48 50 duty 36 Trucks 41 32 50 55 56 58 Heavy- 38 49 49 48 duty 0 Trucks FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 Forecast (Japanese(Japanese market) market) FY2008FY2008 ( ’(07/4’07/4 – – ’ 08/3)’08/3) : :Year Year-on-year-on-year drop drop of of 22% 22% FY2009FY2009 ( ’(08/4’08/4 – – ’ 09/3)’09/3) : :Flat Flat to to FY2008 FY2008 9 2. Sales Turnover (FY2008 Results / FY2009 Plan) JapaneseJapanese SalesSales (Hino(Hino MarketMarket Share)Share) Heavy-/Medium-/Light-duty Trucks / Buses (Share and Registered Numbers) 32.1% 32.8% 31.1% 32.4% 33.0% Heavy- /Med- 28.8% 28.7% 29.9% duty Trucks 30% 26.4% 25.5% 25.4% 30.0% Buses 20.1% 18.3% 20% 17.0% Light-duty 15.2% 16.6% 13.5% 13.8% Trucks 10.6% 10.0% 10% FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 Plan (Thousands of units) 55.7 52.6 Buses 60 51.2 50.5 45.7 3.3 44.8 3.2 50 34.8 2.8 3.1 Light-duty 17.8 3.2 3.1 Trucks 40 14.7 15.5 16.7 2.1 14.9 15.3 Medium- 30 duty Trucks 10.1 16.3 18.2 15.9 15.2 20 12.8 11.3 Heavy-duty 12.0 Trucks 10 15.5 16.1 18.3 17.6 14.8 15.1 10.7 0 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 Plan ( (Japanese Japanese sales sales ) ) FY2008FY2008 ( ’(’07/407/4 – – ’ 08/3)’08/3) : :Year Year-on-on-y-yearear net ne tdemand demand drops drops 22 22%%, ,but but sales sales drop drop and and hold hold at at 13 13%% FY2009FY2009 ( ’(’08/408/4 – – ’ 09/3)’09/3) : :Maintains Maintains similar similar numb numberer of of unit uni tsales sales to to FY2008 FY2008 10 2. Sales Turnover (FY2008 Results / FY2009 Plan) OverseasOverseas SalesSales (Local(Local UnitUnit SalesSales Basis)Basis) (Thousands of units) Overseas unit sales 77 80 Middle East 6 63.3 70 7 60 4.9 44.8 47.6 11 Europe/ 4.1 Africa 43.8 50 8.5 6 35.0 0.6 2.2 2.9 1.8 3.3 6.7 40 3.5 2.6 Central and 25.6 4.2 5.6 South 0.9 3.9 America 2.1 6.0 8.2 30 2.8 0.7 3.1 1.5 47 N.America 2.7 20 39.2 2.8 34.0 29.6 26.1 27.6 10 18.0 Asia/ Oceania 0 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 Plan ( (Overseas Overseas sales sales ) ) FY2008FY2008 ( ’(07/4’07/4 – – ’ 08/3)’08/3) : :Set Set new new h highigh of of 63,000 63,000 (33% (33% year year-on-year-on-year r rise)ise) FY2009FY2009 ( ’(08/4’08/4 – – ’ 09/3)’09/3) : :Year Year-on-year-on-year increase increase of of 14,000 14,000 (r (riseise of of 22%) 22%) 11 2. Sales Turnover (FY2008 Results / FY2009 Plan) HinoHino BrandBrand VehiclesVehicles –– PercentagePercentage ofof OverseasOverseas UnitUnit SalesSales (%) 100 90 80 70 60 63 50 58 40 46 45 48 41 30 20 10 0 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 Plan CompositionComposition ofof salessales forfor overseasoverseas increasedincreased (became(became majoritymajority inin FY2008)FY2008) 12 2. Sales Turnover (FY2008 Results / FY2009 Plan) HinoHino BrandBrand VehiclesVehicles – – Unit Unit Sale Saless of of Light Light-duty-duty Trucks Trucks (Thousands of units) 40 35.2 29.4 30 27.0 26.2 25.4 26.2 Overseas 19.9 22.5 9.2 9.5 14.5 20 9.9 7.8 10 17.8 16.7 14.7 15.5 14.9 15.3 Japan 0 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 Plan UnitUnit salessales ofof lightlight-duty-duty truckstrucks increaseincrease inin JapanJapan andand overseasoverseas 13 2. Sales Turnover (FY2008 Results / FY2009 Plan) ToyotaToyota BrandBrand VehiclesVehicles (Built (Built-Up-Up andand KDKD Vehicles)Vehicles) (Thousands of units) 248.0 250 222.7 217.6 203.1 200.9 200 191.7 188.8 Hilux Pick-Up production over FJ Cruiser 150 production starts 100 50 0 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 Plan NumberNumber of of vehicles vehicles over over FY2008 FY2008 – – FY2009: FY2009: Flattening Flattening out out 14 2. Sales Turnover (FY2008 Results / FY2009 Plan) ToyotaToyota BrandBrand VehiclesVehicles (Parts)(Parts) (Thousands of units) Supply of parts overseas (Conversion(Conversion to vehicles) 1000 909022 864 Sequoia 800 Tundra 600 570 528 Tacoma 400 200 182 IMV 0 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 Plan FY2008:FY2008: Increase Increase due due to to full full operation operation of of Arkansas Arkansas Plant Plant FY2009:FY2009: Flat Flat to to FY2008 FY2008 15 3.3.3. BusinessBusinessBusiness GoalsGoalsGoals 16 3. Business Goals HinoHinoHino MotorsMotorsMotors’’’ SlogansSlogansSlogans zz““HinoHino asas thethe GlobalGlobal StandardStandard”” zz““RaiseRaise HinoHino’’ss presencepresence fromfrom mediummedium--/heavy/heavy--dutyduty truckstrucks toto allall rangesranges ofof truckstrucks”” (Making a social contribution through a wider range of products, including light-duty trucks along with heavy-/medium-duty trucks) 17 4.4.4. InitiativesInitiativesInitiatives ininin FY2008FY2008FY2008 18 4. Initiatives in FY2008 BusinessBusinessBusiness InitiativesInitiativesInitiatives ininin JapanJapanJapan (1)(1)(1) Hino Motors developed and launched environment & energy-focused products Environment / Fuel Economy • We launched vehicles conforming to Japan’s New Long-term Emission Regulations of 2005 onto the market with all possible speed - Our lineup of heavy-/medium-/light-duty trucks and large-/medium-/small-sized Hino Dutro Hybrid buses is now complete (Jul./07) • We developed vehicles meeting the heavy vehicle fuel economy standards + launched vehicles with NOx / PM 10% reduced vehicles ~ 2% reduction on consumption tax ~ (until Jan./08) Hino S’elega - Heavy-/medium-/light-duty trucks, medium-/light-duty hybrid trucks, large-sized buses, large-sized hybrid buses • We launched the Hino Profia, mounted with the light / low fuel consumption engine “A09C” series (Apr./07) • We launched the “Hino Drive Master PRO,” a low fuel consumption Hino Drive Master PRO IT driving support tool (Apr./07) 19 4. Initiatives in FY2008 BusinessBusinessBusiness InitiativesInitiativesInitiatives ininin JapanJapanJapan (2)(2)(2) We Moved to Expand our Total Support Operations We enhanced our sales performance • The Kobe Used Vehicle Center and Service Training Center was put into full operation (Apr./07) • The “Hino Premium ePlan” for remaining value credit (Oct./07) • A comprehensive business organization was established for Kobe Used Vehicle Center services / parts / used vehicles / insurance / finance and so on We continued to promote useful activities • The sales companies held “Fuel Economy Driving Seminars” as part of our promotional activities (Jul./07) • More than 10,000 people have been through a course at the Customer Technical Center Customer Technical Center Customer Technical Center (Nov./07) 20 4.
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