iI Ii - ~~~~~~~~---I I -Continuous News Serice The Weather. I I Since 1881." Clear and warmer; high in the 70's I iI i VOLUME 89, No. 35' - MITCAMBRIDGE,MASSAC:HUSETTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1969 FIVE CENTS -- _ _- ,- - _ . .. Faculty meeting convenes i GA i to consider Oct. 15 action voces panel support - ~ ~~~~~~~-: A special faculty meeting wil C.'L. Miller, Head of the Depa#!- convene today-to consider a'-re- ment- of Civil Engineering; I. solution calling for "a convoca- 'Ross, -Headcof the Department tion of the MIT community 'at of -Chemistry;, A.H. Shapiro, 1:30 pm Wednesday, October Read of the Departinent of Me- IS." chanical Engineering; L.D. As evidence of widespread Smullin- Head of the Depast- community support for the ment of Electrical Engineering; Moratorium, the resolution cites and V.F. Wwisskopf, Head of the petition circulated' among the Department of Physics. the faculty, the vote of the Ge- neral Assembly, and the state- A similar meeting of the Har- ment approved by the Corpora- vard faculty took place Tuesday. tion. After much discussion, an amended moratorium resolution A second resolution, to be in- was- passed which states that the troduced by SA-CC, calls- for -faculty "recognizes that October completely dlosing the Institute. 15th is a day of protest against Until now, tliere has been no 'the war and, while not commit- official recognition of the Mora- ting any individual member,- torium by the, Institute. How- re-affirms its members' right to,- ever, - many -faculty members suspend classes on that day." have already canceled or resche- duled their October 15 classes. During' the debate it was.ar- MMells Eddleman '71 -gives his opinion on~the question of undergraduate representation on President guled that -a faculty vote would Johnson's new educational commi Photo by Craig Davis The meeting was called.at the coerce the minority of the facull- President Howard -Johnson's the two recommended by the decide on just two undergrad- request of R.A. Alberty, Dean of ty that disagreed. new planning commission won Planning Commission. This de- uate members, Eddleman indi- the School -of Science~; W.F. the support of the General As- mand, reported one delegate, cated he will not serve. Pounds, Dean of the School of A- well attuned source feels sembly Tuesday, night, but the would trap the president be- The rest of the evening was Manageinent, - R.F. Baddour, the MIT faculty will not vote to approval was far from.-anthusi- tween the faculty and the stu- spent on some rather routine Head of the Departnient of Che- collectreiiy-commit itself to any astic. dents. bousekeeping. The bylaws of the ,mical Engineeiig" R.M.R Doug- definitive position, and will leave A, sizeable number of the The argument developed Student Information Processing Was, Head of the-lDepartanent'of the decision to cancel classes to delegates were intent on forcing from an oversight by the special Board were approved, as was the Hurhanitiis;, B. Magasmik, H4ead 'the discretion of those individu- Johnson> to accept.three under- student committee appointed appointment of Ed Fox to the of the'Department of Biology; :two weeks ago to consider plans post of SIPB chairman. Students 40. t als concerned. graduate members, rather than for the' commission. Under the interested in computer time can mistaken impression that three reach him at x6026. undergraduate nominations were Owen Franken's resignation Bomb tests risk- expected,, the group offered from the Execomm was an- earthquake Charlie Mann '72, Wells'Eddle- noulnced. Elections to fill the man '7 I, and Larry Storch '7 1. former student's seat By Diff Mc~oberts slight possibility the explosions commented, "The AEC is lucky will be Many representatives balked at held at the October 21 meeting. Underground nuclear tests on may release stresses and hence the earthquake -in Californmi allowing Johnson the option of As the meeting ended, dele- Amchitka Island in Alaska in- actually prevent a large quake, didn't occur a day later." trimming this list. gvaes presented two motions to volve a-s ight,'--but perhaps not but said he regards that view as The necessity for having-three be acted on after the representa- insignificant, possibility of a ma- perhaps too simplistic. "if this He estimated odds against t undergraduates was not so ob- tiv" poll their living groups. it jor earthquake, warns EDr Frank can -be, done safely it has a tre- blast-caused major earthguake al vious to the other delegates. As was moved that the Assembly Press, Head of the Department mnnendous scientific value," he about 44a hundred to one" and one member argued, there is no request MIT to release.the de- of Earth and Planetary Sciences. -said, partly' because such ques- said the among seismologist, 't need to run the risk of jeopar- tails on all their Defense Depart- Dr. Keiiti Aki of the same de- tions ,and many others are not with whom he is acquainted, the dizing the mient partment agrees that thepossibi- yet resolved: belief that an element'bf danger commission's future contracts, including expira- I over such a small issue. The tion dates. Delegates were lity exists., but adds, "I'm more is involved is running about also worried about contamination Seismographic·.data from the two-to-one. majority apparantly agreed, vo- asked to consider the yet-to-be- and the development of -the Ala-ska explosion will not be co- t ting to give Johnson the three- released Pounds Commission re- name list. port. devices." ordinated and analyzed for se- Larger explosions are planned Should the president A one-megaton blast, the first veral months, but the results will for the Anmchitka test series, but in a controversial test series, was be eagerly received. Dr. Press Dr. Press stAted that the AEC detonated, on the island last said it is not yet known whether rnade the test last week partly week. Both men ·agreed that, as there were aftershocks following for the propose of -evaluating the RLSDS plans CIS situps Dr. Press put it, "Lhe-possibility. the- explosion, an improtant safety factor. Rosa' Luxemburg SOS laid an area-wide offensive against of a major blast-triggered eiith- peice of data in safety connsidera- He added, "An impartial1. plans Tuesday night for action the war and related issues and is quake is very-small-but not ze- tions. group should evaluate t~he total today at the Center for Inter- being co-ordinated by an area- Concern among seismologists question of whether security national Studies and for the wide committee. Present plans Tidat waves concerning the Amchitka test needs. .really justify such. large area-wide November action, call for co-ordinated.action on Dr. Aki said he regards'any series existed well before last tests in this highly seismic area," which.will take place November area campuses on Novemnber 1, possible consequences to-popy- week, and was not related at.all and both men agreed that the 1 through 8. an action at Harvard on Novem- lated areas in the-unlikely event to the California earthquake a size of the explosions-should at The action today will be in, 'ber 3 which .;u bring students of a severe quake as serious, day before the blast. Dr. Press least' be escalated only gradually keeping with the group's inten- from the entire Boston area, a "not from the point of earth- tion of ending research at MIT demonstration at MIT on No- quake damage" but due to the that contributes to US imperial- vember .4, again with students possibility of tidal waves. ism abroad. RLSDS cites such from throughout the area, and a Their concernmis based largely ChoamskX races Hessen proiects, as the Moving Target demonstration at a Selective Ser- on a "domino theory" of earth- Indicator (MTI), MIRV, CAM, vice facility' on November 8. quakes, which asserts that shocks helicopter stabilization, and var- Other activities will be planned occurring in rapid succession in weapons work debate ious CIS studies as examples of for the week, including protests may have a cause-and-effect rela- imperialist research. in local high schools. The mini- tionship. This would mean that The group will meet outside mal political line for the demon- one shock could, trigger others. building 7 today at 10:30 and strations has been chosen as There is speculation that severe will march to the CIS in building "Immediate withdrawal - vic- earthquakes with intensity'- of E-53. Their intention will be to tory to the NLF!" The purpose magnitude 8-81/2 (Richter Scale) enter the. building and sit in CIS of the demonstrations will be to may actually be series of shocks offices to prevent normal activ- raise the cost of carrying on the of magnitude 664', triggering ity. Organizers of the action, Vietnam war and to help the each other at intervals of a few speaking at the meeting Tues- NLF. seconds. day, emphasizeQ that no violent Albert stressed that activities action should be' taken toward at MIT will be planned primarily Dr. Press noted that a one- secretaries or other employees in by a coalition of megaton underground blast is MIT students, the building, as was the case in a not exclusively the equivalent of an earthquake by RLSDS. Al- recent confrontation at Har- bert said that.he expects of magnitude 6-6!2, and added to have vard's counterpart to the CIS, working people, that "large explosions in Nevada welfare the Center for International Af- mothers, and students from have triggered thousands of fairs. small earthquakes, but none so other schools here to protest as November action well as MIT students.
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