PfiJCjfz !5p _______________________ No 26 OOlcm:.}?A?31 MORISTON MATTERS AT THE CROSSROADS This Dnfort.unat.ely seems very 'The availability of photocopying likely to be the last issue for 5 as a me I: hod of production Is a some time of "Moriston Matters" great boon ; it af f o rds a. grea I in i ts present format, made deal of handiness and f Lex i.bi 1 i ty possible by the method of photo­ in preparation; it allows photos copying. The next issue will be and drawings, etc, to be used produced by "Ges te tner" dupli c­ with some ease. So we have been ation, the method used at the making enquiries as to how this beginning. method of produc ing t he mugaz.i no For some time now we have been could be continued. These re- ! lucky enough to have had access vealed, first, that the, cost of to facilities for pho tocopyi.ng having the magazine produced in the office of Glenmoriston professionally would be complete­ Estates Ltd., and at a very ly prohibitive. economic cost. But now Glen­ At this point perhaps we can moriston Estates Ltd h ave ad vised deal wi th the quest r.iii m the us that the pho! / > selling price of "Moriston be used for our particular pur­ Matters". Wc have been consider­ pose. This for technical reas­ ing increasing, in line with ons* the photocopier is not other publicat ions, the price. geared for the job of printing We have decided that not: more a periodic magazine'of 1 50 ~ than a 5 pence increase would 200 copies each issue. We take be justifiable for a community this opportunity of thanking magazine at ’the present time. Glenmoriston Estates Ltd, for Beginning wi th this issue,there­ > making available so economical 1 y . fore , "Mori s ton Mattel s" wi. 11 1 the use of the copier and accompanying facilities. cost 15p- * ‘ 1 V J In the coursf? of our enquiri.f’P practicable; but as ye i. we have Aboia i f 1 nd i. nq an a 1 ternn t ive had no time to explore the means of printing we learned possibili ties. tliAt Inverness district Council So* wi lb Glenmoriston tistat.es would give us their printing Ltd., having offered us "Gestet- facili ties for the cost, of what ner" facilities, we have decided won Id work oit t At 3 0 p pe r copy - to revert t.o this method of This 1ed us to the thought that printing meantime, We regard we might Apply to the Community 1 1 as a hoi d i ng ope ration? i t Council for A grant. Hut it is will enable "Moris ton Matters" doub t f u I , assviming our appl lc~ ! to continue vi.ab.ly for the Al l cin went 1 cl hf> successful , if . ... "ntjit will give ...... '.... t 1.0 Cnmi'Mt O : '.vot.t Id t If up Some fund:, ■ able to spare from its resources i to ijyi.id d and i.t will give us some leeway the sum necessary to keep "Moris- so t hat we can tb t nk of wn ys of ton M a i e r s " runn log a t its (raising some extra-sal.es revenue present frequency of issue. .This particular issue lias been It is ctear, therefore, that i printed by Inverness Dist.rlc I. " Mo r I s t on Ma tiers" w| 11 be ab I e Council. The selling price of to continue only if it is self- !!5p’. will pay for half of the financing. That we might, be cost of pri n t ing. Out r entire at)I.e to rai.se extra-sales revenue funds will cover the shortfall - from offerina advertising - just.. space, from fund-raising efforts, Bd. oto - mtabt bn feasible and Published by: Moriston MattersT Correspondence tot Margaret Gillies, Br.idgend, GI ertmorJ, s ton , Inverness, Te t: Glenmoris ton 312.1A or Kll.tarllty dOO St tor l \v hoforo (!hi Is (mas on a vo i y frost v ('von i iki ) c;M'H hr\r.K THE on du I y aoou I i x o'clock and f ntinfl that a lv>] on which had beer f l i g h t hovo r i.ng al on I I hr on I rnncr1 In t. bo ( i.timr1 i of G I o i imor i sfon I'nwoi Station had notv ventured about OF A half-way down, d rawn, tm don h t , by the wn. r m a i r; com i no (tom I f ie I II rb t. no s . ft icihtened hy the HERON tig h ts of the l.androvor i V f 1 ow right, i. nto the power s I a t i on where perhaps if I hough I t 1 had reached daylight . t I flew ionnr5 the tn rhino s a couple of t i mo a tie f o re .landing in a co m e v o f the sta tio n who i e euonlunt ly, once j.t had se ttle d down, 1 managed to calm i I: and cap tu ie it.. The pnni- bittl must have thought i 1 was in another woild, w ith t he no i fig of t he much i no s and (tie b right lights of: the S t a ( ion - The big bird t ooked very strange f 1 y i.ng iionnrl and round t lie turbines, anti Indeed it reminded me of an aeroplane w i t 1 1 its big wing-span. 1 put it In the I and rove r and di ovo it oi.it of (lie sf, at ion fo I he side of the river where it ftew of f int o t tie cold, dark night . lbs. J pu Ji y^sway... j,i ?„ fU ej i L . G . mgrIs.toil. Pywp.r .Stat 1 o n ... » ls benevg 1 cnl.^_ar)jiOXH LJlUJlUi!Li?sAdbun.R ,_Jdl5J2il£.d uL lL jll'd J)ay<> ’ ROYAL DAY IN INVERNESS Poddy ond Jon fhte/;mn( 7he Rev and Mis Vimer m eet thv. Queen Her Majes ly, the Queen, expressed plat form in red and gol d carna­ a desire to include Inverness in tions and roses and the Gaelic her visit, t.o Scotland this summer welcome, ' Ceud mile faille* and sc? Inverness District Council prominen tly beside i. t. Round the arranged to entertain tier and the walls well-known places were Duke o f .Edinburgh, who accompan­ h i gh1 1 ghted in the variour dis­ ied her on the visit., to lunch plays - Cawdor Castle with shades in the Stoat ion Hotel on Friday, of green 1suggesting the grandeur 10M» July. The climax of the of marble{ Fort George) Fort visit was to be the official Augu s tus where a red Abbey School opening of Highland Craf1 poJnt1s blazer and a cricket ball com­ piemises in Homily in the after­ plimented .the? predominantly red noon . -- Hut first, on the arrival display ; Avl.otnorc with a cas­ of the Ro y a I. pa r t: y from A v :i etno r e, cading arrangement suggest ing tliey went to the Town Hall where ski slopes and an osprey presid­ t hey we re received by the Provos t. ing in the background) Glen and met: the members and officials Affric) Loch Ness with the of the District: Council with "waters" of the loch "mirroring" COnU their wives and husbands. The Urqubart Castle and the .John pho tooraph shows Her Majesty Cobb memorial, and, of course, speaking to PADDY PATFRSON, (tie Nessie herself, and arrangements comic I I. tor for this area, and made up of the simple flowers to Vi i s wife. be found on its shores *- pink spirea, feverfew and belt The Town Hal. I. had been beautiful­ beat.her) Culloden where a t arge ly decorated for the occasion by and some pieces of pottery the Inverness Floral. Art: Club provided the assoc i a t ions) and with the badge of the District o f Invernoss p 1.eked on t on the 1 G.l.enf i. nn an where? pillars of At High 1. and C r a f tpo i n I , an flowers reminded us of the mon­ organi. sa t ion dove I oped io p rov- ument: and a dirk in the heather ide prof ession al serv i toes i n its implications. In the after­ 1 he fields of marital ino, leeh- noon and on the following day n i.cal , i n forma t \ on , t ra i n i ng, this thought - provoking foast e<c, to craff firms all. ovor o f beau ty was open to the pub.! ic Scotland, I ho Royal party saw as the FJ.oral Art Club's annual the summer exhibition "Craft, effort, to raise funds for charity. ^ in Context" aimed at showing something of the range of After the luncheon when the main craf twork producetl i n Sco 1.1 and , course following the hors d'oeu- and al so at r ai s i. ng some quest- vres was salmon, and it in turn ions about how and why crafts was followed by water ices and are made. coffee, their Royal Highnesses visited the Royal British Legion Then it.
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