PHOTOGRAPHS EDWIN WALKER Le1—.1 EDWIN A. WALhR FILE (DALLAS P.D. DEPT.) a-VeaCe:11-m-rf./5i- :,/ Jas sary 511 1964 4py- JUN2 0 Co ______ 19OS I Mr. J. R. Curry 1.hief of Police Subjects General '.(iwiet A. wellsor turGlazy by firc=1:19 Offence !ir Sirs On April 11, 1963, I wen imatruetz4 by Captain O. A. Jong* to cake an icvoaticatica ea the above effsnac. 1 Thie oniony ecatnoted Cameral Walter at his hose at 4011 ?u. 10 GrecO Blvd on April 12, 1963. In the oat co of this invertigntioe I have porCmelly interviewed GcsArml Welkor at his botze at letat five tic e. I huge toad t=erons telephone con- Iv-mations with Cvnerml walkor recnrdirj VAG in- veeLication. The lent tine I had te1c2t!ene eon- tact with Cones:n.1 Valkor vae on the evanitzs of December 20, 1963, at which time ha had received a long dipt=noo 4=11 throntonin5 hie life. At the present tics *hie offence ie still boing investisatod. I have receivod no inetrnotiona to close this case. This once will =mein motive until it onn be ehJen whs we responsible ror thisLoffamoe. Respectfully, tg.:Cm Lt. •f Police Per-gory Bureau 1.T.ELComa . 4 0 f4 41 ' • t December 31, 1963 O Hr. J. r. Curry Chief of Police Subject! General &twin A. Talker Burglary by Firearms Offense f F 48156 Pursuant to your inetructiona of December 24, 1963, a complete file of the investigation of Offense 0 F 48156 has bean compiled. /ou will find 5 copies of this report attached. It should be noted Exhibit H is includcd only in the sl file as this is a tape of a conversation explained in attachment 09. Respectfully, O. Jones Captain of Police Forgery Bureau CiAJ snit 0 0 Doecr.Zev 31, 15,53 a. Kr. J. L. Cw,r2y Chief of Pelting Dubjastt Done o1 Mmin A. Wolter ftimlary ty Fircaro2 Offcmoo 0 F 4n15s Sirt °coeval Walker to seated at kb Atz% at apprrttly WO so April 10, us', Vbca a trallfA 'gap fled CI% tsi. aZr of the roc= and comting- co tkrezzb tho wall to M.1.3 Itft. 4,t 0czo71 walker. Th. bullet woo rst--overed orlrelAsel to Dneetivo 0. D. rgtza of the Grits Sacast Scarch tlest.Lom of the Dins., Policy Dc;.lwtat. 'irk Coleimg, W/g/114 4333 extUs brA73 it) rat frca hie rens/mad mmo listed no a taltn000. (Dca attmammt 1) Apticativeo D. A. tsnlray and I. F. re_Lim-4,33r,d2 a golumwE, invostizaties a feu cinOca after Its cs.1511 117c7t 104 macivs4. Ma also inlevoi44-4 a V=1aLT3 aczecicle cf lacnoraltakszr by the Joao of wort Dorm, Win/53, 55C6 Liadc=10, Lea4741. attaahr.aa% 2) Dotootirso C. B. Vellir:ero=1 Y. W. P.,ocottl=e14 is int3tir atlas ca A;vil 11, lc-53, ard csml to toss eeralzals that Itti.7211 oesallaml fired tae Ot f Us allu CirW'411.7 of the re.37 of 0,moro1 Walhcaols hsumo. Er. Lc:' s124 re-Latersiew-4. (samattookzatot,) Dotoativo V. C. Cherbsro ow:Aosta:I Kiel Colman W/4/14, 43.S3 nerltm -X s April 11, ISO, cni ctainzi imfevantiee rcZwiltztL oi:aposts bsing C3 cf soveral sore ti-.;at 'cora cm tkac:x1=c1 Forlam3 LA that is edpscat to Ccasral Waner's 16-mmo. Ca definite infornation vas obtains*. (Sae atta.sacct 4) Dotootivo J. A. f=ey (Kra:toted mat, )3,T2 Deloodbo, 120-33Z7 au April ln, 14'3. Antal ele tas InAvgail by General Walk.? listed a °Cal Uff2 ca a passible ovaest. *ha • Page 2 - General Mein A. Maker stated that Duff was a colunlnryworher for Deanna. Valtcm. ET. Duff au! to onz.catd to a Kies Ebitloy Lto tms at 4223 Oah Lora 010113. Mos Lhitley for that Kr. 0_,:ff had bean horrovina comy from tie. taitloylo cothar. After this vas knern Hro. chcaltsd with the Evitinb E7....-%ncny in tarot= regarding Mr. Cuff bUn3 an 4...nt frca Great rzitoin. Mr.. wbitlsy *cold eJtain ea confirontien cal the cm:ozaa=1 rah broken. (Soo atttob ant Liratemtnt. S. L. Cant an and Dztentivo J. D. torsoy acre ..al Mr. Robert SurroY, 3525 /a-to:mood, LA6-7741 on April 12, 1c53. hr. Surrey no rrintervied. Mr. Surrey Ease et!diticaol inforuction macrdina "mill Duff". (Soo Ettoaamet A5) Lieutenant E. L. Cur4minflan cemtacted 13ro. tlitticy at 42..1 Ozh Lana who cave addlUezml inforzntion en U1119.1%2 E=Scan W/8/32, 4719 San JZOLE'...0, Apar,Iazat 214, TM-6134. lb% rtu is an Amigvazt (ma Eavlinni it.o coma to L.?lea cm t:.ata.-±1.7r 4, 1957. Ma joimtl tho Air Faroe in Daccl-fisr, 19;7 cAtam Me- e:barged in Caa=3ar, lc:LO. la sew to Dallom frem Lea Anzioa, California is OJtobcr, 1;62 =1 carried 'zir3cair Da=aavd, 5:31 Willis. TA7-2;73. The rsgs-lac,a tna atcr t<uc.7.41m. Mr. Duff had it told a ruaular job sinit:o crolv1v3 in Callan. Mr. Duff =3 Atrree41, queetionad,peto3Teptod end fin3expr1Lnted and Una roletoed pondia3 further invuntizatlea. (Zoo attcatzonts 7, 8 and 0-A.) In Juno, 1963, too private invosticatoro, br. toster, MU5-2743, Manna City, 0 1ot7za end Mr. Cliff P.7.- e7to, i15-1Z7 aumtautad Lic-atommat E. L. C1--Ilirap auying the., =70 mplpyad by General Mapco 's attornoro, Locaoy, tatte cz Lez=y of °Idaho=City, Galehrme. Mc, tore inveuticotir3 a Del". Thuy had cuaaated Hr. tuff and brotlottit up the szh:nat el k.A119.Ea Gamma' Walker. ApT.mrcLUy both Mr. rum tad the 1.77e:Ainatora sensidered tha cthara ecataaa aa the inuenticatoTs cost4t4Se1 nla 0spartsunt and gr. C:slf rc:crtod their entioza to Spacial Az=t Bootie of tam local F.D.I. Of TAO invaaticatwa Punic:n .4 a taps of part of thar convorsotion 4th hr. Duff. (Sec attachment 9 and separate exhibit H.) William Mauna Duff M63 given a polyereph ocmaination by Dctontiec R. D. Luis an Jura 12, end tha aparator Coca not bait= tit Mr. Duff had any km-ma:edge of tho identity of asaailacl eta fired at General Walker. (Sec attoshment 10 acd 11). • Page 3 - General Edwin A. Waltar General Walker rezeived • threat by a long diatanco telephone prior to 8155 p.m. on D.:camber 20, 1953. Thu call was from Kaplan, Louisiana. This infortation lame givcm to Special Agent Carl Underhill of the local FBI Offiao. Special Agent Bob Barrett of the local FBI Office notified this Departesnt an Des-bar 30, 1913, that the long CiateMse tall cm Doce=nor 20, 1553 vas nada by Gerald Crauford Vimeat, Mans mils of Kaplan, Louisiana. The Fcdoval District Attorney at Bow Orleans declined to authorise a oczapleint being filed an Virment. (Smo attaci,ments 12 and 13). The bullet recovered in General walker's hen* en April 10, Ivo, was raloaeod to Spacial AC. zt Eardrall Odem of the lose/ F.B.I. on Desezber 2, 1953 to be femardal to the F.B.I. Lc:I:oratory im Washington. The laboratory cada =perinea toots with tbin ta*llot and the bullet and frcGneata I-nog-dared in cceneatitn with the aeaaccination cf Prcaid©t fic=x4y. It eat; elto ;=::,ared with toot bullets fired tram the riflo rceclored in the amoanalmation inveetigation. Thor• wore not euffioiczt catkins to mesh a positive conoluaica although sovcral similaritica were present. (Soo attaah=ant 14) Hr. Forrest 3-camel's, Spaniel iv-ant in charge cf the local Scsnet Service Field Office, forvanded to this Dc7artaant cf Desencr 21, 1963 an canon% of on iatelview with lira. Lariam Oaeald in wIlLsb she stated hsr husband, LC3 Canvey O:. 1d, returned bar= fen tta night of April 10, 1913 vcry late *ad wo mitscamlye =Tata. Ho finally told her that he had tacit General Walker with his rifle. The excerpt also =Alta, a rate that was left en a dresocr with a poet affiss key for hap to cats in cepa of his arrest. Ilaa note was wtitten during the Walter episode and had nothing to do with Presidaut Kocesdyls aseacsinatica. (This nate is in honde of • fedora' money) (See attestmont 15.) Although definite and absolute proof has not been cbtairad, the= is a strong probability that tho chat fired at Gtnaral Walker at p.a. on April 10, 1953 was fired kr, Lae Harvey Oswald. Respectfully, 4)AJ we i • t . gENETILL OFFENSE WORT .• qt) ice DEPARTMENT $::••• 'CiTrOP DALLAS IWO kw.. a tw111•141.1•11 4*. *"." • W. ,--,......-■ W., • ; ...-- .• ■ I: -.'-....1. 7.711, A 11 A /11,w 21.0156 .... g-.--111,z. • wwww, NI Pow. imeartby 11......./ Pony. le,...Y... .:-.:-.a Done n_r. • ...• es l'"'"' ' *Swoon Ito.. *in tgesk...- Layngas V: a". .-•T 1:f 1:1Z•:: 0;71 Lk1 41.15 - ImIVI L ken ...as '''''' . an= VI 1 T',1-tle /..-x-,;1.:: .p:Ta._. 1.- 11-1'('r• 110 r. G. ran:rill n2.1 .7.-a- • •.. row ,...". 4,1, -• -. ' ;rex • 0 6 c•• : lb... At...1.41 ..b..tio...1.5. fr c..... r v.:. :leer; r.t. .••• 1/ .--- ry. -.•q .. v. ... - . .7.1".!•11:17.1C•21 . Mow ameba/ •--Furs. (......11.4... Now famoliValmed bei.....ic L-1111-• -•-!.. hrm --1 tory.pyr gy awirlyom U -Moo. el Jura. YAM. Wei-Now T1YY*4 SOW. ell 0/1.... COIA:1 eat= alrat gins be woo siitting at his dank dainc nom ;aver eat, or.1 the VI rvzsz tUs' • uaro, lower 1203,4 when.
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