September 12, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11503 dedication to our country and our cated reporting of our local news orga- fusing to use additives or preserva- State during the many years he has nizations—not just WGNO, but also tives, rendering an unrivaled product. served. I have enjoyed working with their colleagues at WWL-TV, WVUE- What makes Look’s so unique is that it him on a variety of issues and appre- TV and WDSU-TV, our local radio sta- is the last remaining multiproduct food ciate the compassion and under- tions, the Times Picayune and our vi- cannery in Maine, and one of just three standing he has shown to the men and brant weekly community papers, and food canneries in the State. women under his command, especially all the others who have stayed with us Forming unique partnerships, Look’s during these very challenging times for every minute of these difficult 2 years. teams up with other local companies to our Nation and our military. Even as many of their own reporters, produce high-quality foods. For in- His efforts to recruit, train, equip, engineers and other personnel have stance, Look’s has five different sauces and mobilize South Dakotans for serv- faced their own tremendous challenges, that it uses when packing its herring ice have been critical to the Guard’s having in many cases lost homes and fillets, including one made using prod- mission accomplishment, as has his loved ones, they have continued to be a ucts from Raye’s Mustard which is commitment to care for our State’s voice for our great city and State. made locally in Eastport. Additionally, veterans. His outstanding service on I congratulate WGNO as they cele- to bolster another small business, behalf of our State’s service men and brate their new home, and thank them Look’s gives discarded mussel shells to women is appreciated; he has set an ex- and all of our local news media for Artful Wares, a Maine enterprise that ceptional example for military per- their continued service.∑ makes silverware handles from crushed sonnel to follow. f shells, thereby reducing waste and en- I commend him for all he has done suring Artful Wares a supply of shells. HONORING LOOK’S GOURMET FOOD for the people of South Dakota. His In listing Look’s Gourmet Food on COMPANY, INC. dedicated service to our grateful Na- its 5,000 list, Inc. noted that Look’s is tion will not be forgotten.∑ ∑ Ms. SNOWE. Madam President, growing due to its use of all-natural in- f today I celebrate the recent inclusion gredients, as well as the sale of prod- of a small business from my home ucts in both specialty and mainstream TRIBUTE TO WGNO-TV, NEW State of Maine on the Inc. 5,000 list of grocery stores. Inc. also points to ORLEANS this Nation’s fastest-growing private Look’s export business to Japan and its ∑ Ms. LANDRIEU. Madam President, companies. Look’s Gourmet Food Com- desire to sell in Europe. This proactive today I wish to speak about a tele- pany, Inc., of Whiting has been a domi- business model has benefitted Look’s vision station in my hometown of New nant player in the canned food indus- as well, and the company has certainly Orleans. As all our local news media try since its inception in 1917. Notably, earned the recognition it has received. have, WGNO-TV/ABC 26 has been there during the past 3 years, the company I congratulate Mike Cote and everyone through thick and through thin, telling has grown over 200 percent, garnering at Look’s Gourmet Food for their ex- Louisiana’s story of recovery following the attention of Inc., a magazine that ceptional achievement.∑ Hurricane Katrina. But often missed as reports on small business and entrepre- f you watch the local news broadcasts neurship issues. Companies on the list and read the local papers is that the were ranked based on their percentage MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT story of rebuilding and recovery these of revenue growth between 2003 and Messages from the President of the journalists are telling is as much their 2006. Moreover, all the firms had to be United States were communicated to own story as it is the community’s. based in the United States, inde- the Senate by Ms. Evans, one of his After many years broadcasting from pendent, and privately held. Of par- secretaries. New Orleans’ World Trade Center, ticular distinction is that Look’s Gour- f WGNO moved into a new studio facility met Food Company placed 41st among EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED at the New Orleans Centre, near the 160 food and beverage companies sub- Louisiana Superdome, just a few weeks category. This is truly an honor for the As in executive session the Presiding before Katrina hit. Forced out of the State of Maine—especially for Officer laid before the Senate messages space by the approaching storm, they downeast Maine. from the President of the United broadcast their coverage from ABC sta- When Mike Cote became the owner of States submitting sundry nominations tion WBRZ-TV in Baton Rouge, as well the former A.M. Look Canning Com- which were referred to the appropriate as various locations on the road, re- pany in April 2003, he set out to in- committees. porting from the heart of the devasta- crease sales and promote a positive (The nominations received today are tion. view of canned seafood. He began by printed at the end of the Senate pro- When they moved back to New Orle- changing the seafood processor’s name ceedings.) ans to begin telling the story of re- to Look’s Gourmet Food Company and f building, they told it from a facility all redesigning the labels on the cans. REPORT RELATIVE TO THE CON- too familiar to their viewers—a set of Since that time, sales have tripled, and TINUATION OF THE NATIONAL trailers parked behind the Superdome. the company has acquired new equip- EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO A makeshift studio and control room ment to keep up with growing demand. THE TERRORIST ATTACKS ON were assembled in part with equipment In addition, through the community THE UNITED STATES OF SEP- procured on the Internet. Months later, development block grant program, TEMBER 11, 2001, AS RECEIVED after a decision was made to not reopen Look’s has purchased a warehouse in DURING RECESS OF THE SENATE the New Orleans Centre, effectively the nearby former Cutler Navy base ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2007—PM 24 evicting the station, WGNO moved dedicated to packing and shipping. A The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- back into the World Trade Center facil- business that continues to grow, fore the Senate the following message ity they had vacated in July 2005. Look’s currently employs 21 full-time from the President of the United Tonight, WGNO formally celebrates workers. the opening of a brand-new broadcast Look’s Gourmet Food Company States, together with an accompanying center in Metairie, Louisiana. Their boasts a line of over 30 products includ- report; which was referred to the Com- first broadcast from their new home ing: whole Maine lobster meat, Maine mittee on Banking, Housing, and was on August 29—the 2-year anniver- cherrystone clams, clam chowder, lob- Urban Affairs: sary of Katrina—and I was proud to be ster bisque, and clam juice. Look’s also To the Congress of the United States: their first in-studio guest. cans four varieties of beans, a tradi- Section 202(d) of the National Emer- It took 2 years for the hard-working tional downeast Maine dessert known gencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), provides staff of WGNO to move into a perma- as Indian pudding, and more recently, for the automatic termination of a na- nent new home. For many of my con- has added kippers, herring, and mack- tional emergency unless, prior to the stituents, it will be much longer. But erel to its seafood repertoire. The com- anniversary date of its declaration, the one guiding light will be, as it has been pany produces small, 60-gallon batches President publishes in the Federal Reg- since the storm first struck, the dedi- of its chowders and bisques, while re- ister and transmits to the Congress a VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:55 Mar 13, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2007SENATE\S12SE7.REC S12SE7 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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