Chen_Rev_Index 12/6/06 11:09 AM Page 497 Index Abstract functions, 281 Application Compatibility Toolkit, 287–288 Accelerators, 215–216 Application Data vs. My Documents, 450–451 Accessibility, 57, 472–480 Application Verifier, 288 Active Accessibility feature, 480 Arithmetic library for Calc, 337 AddRef method, 274 Arrows,up-down controls,354–355 Address spaces, large, 451–455 Auto-reset events, 112–114 Adjustor thunks, 274–275 Advanced Options dialog, 2–3, 57 Background operations in power management, All Programs list, 403–404 455–457 Alt key for blinking caret, 343–344 Backward compatibility, 283 Alt+Esc hotkey, 58 16-bit DOS and Windows, 288–290 Alt+Tab order, 58–59 BIOS clock, 301–302 Always on top, 58, 436 bugs in, 293–294 Analog clocks, 51 Deer Hunter, 293 Animal-named functions, 22–23 DirectX video driver, 298–299 Animations, stealing, 305 Display Control Panel, 308–309 ANSI code page, 379–390 drive letters, 292–293 converting with Unicode, 391–392 error code, 297–298 UTF-8 as, 431–432 GetWindowText, 45–46 ANSI strings, 164 hardware, 141–142 Anti-aliased fonts, 459–462 intentional crashes, 283 Anti-piracy holograms, 25–26 listview controls, 300–301 Anti-symmetry rule, 243 operating system patches, 299–300 AOL CDs, 487 Printers Control Panel, 306–307 497 Chen_Rev_Index 12/6/06 11:09 AM Page 498 498 index Backward compatibility (Continued) BS_* button styles, 232, 234 QueryInterface, 303–305 “Bug Bunny,” 494 reserved filenames, 290–292 Bug reports, whimsical, 482–483 Shell Folders key, 294–296 Bugs undocumented behavior, 286–288 debugging as security hole, 397–398 undocumented functions, 23–24 identifying, 293–294 undocumented resources, 305 Build numbers undocumented structures, 284–286 service pack, 39–40 version numbers, 302–303 Windows 95, 38–39 visual style, 309 BUNNY function, 22–23 Balloon tips, 4, 427–428 Base addresses, DLL, 351–353 CabView PowerToy, 36 Based pointers, 401 Caches, memory leaks from, 259–266 Battery power detection, 455–457 Calc tool, unnoticed changes to, 336–337 BEAR function, 22–23 Callback functions, 23–24 Behavior, undocumented, 286–288 Cancel button Beta release numbers, 38–39 as default, 3–5 Betamax format, 249 and X buttons, 237 BIOS clock, 301–302 Caption icon, 85–86 BitBlt function, 442 Caret, blinking, 343–344 Bitmap brushes, 95–98 Carriage return (CR) in line terminators, Bitmaps on high DPI displays, 464–465 334–335 Black clock icon, 54 Cars Blank taskbar buttons, 59–60 check engine lights, 5 Blaster worm, 67 door locks, 15–16 Blinking caret, 343–344 electric, 249 Blue-screen crashes, 396–397 Case mapping, 373–375 Blue swirling arrows icon, 53 Casts to LPARAM, 321–322 BN_CLICKED notification, 236 CComPtr template, 267–269 Boeing 747, modems on, 147 CD AutoPlay PowerToy, 36 Boldface on menus, 62 CD-ROM ghost drives, 142–143 Boot sectors, Windows setup for, 409–410 CDs Booting in Windows 95, 20–22 AOL, 487 Border wars, 20 autoplay settings, 406–407 BOZOSLIVEHERE function, 24 ejecting, 408–409 Brady Bunch, The, 312 Certification process for drivers, 145–146, 397 Brickell, Edie, 28 Changes BROADCAST_QUERY_DENY value, 421 nonlocal effects of, 484–485 Broadcasting messages, 340–341 timestamp, 241–242 Brushes unnoticed, 336–337 DC, 98–100 Check engine lights, 5 hollow, 119 CheckDlgRecursion macro, 156 for tiling effects, 95–98 Class brush, 118–119, 96–97 Chen_Rev_Index 12/6/06 11:09 AM Page 499 index 499 Classic templates Content Watson, 329 16-bit, 164–172 Context menus 32-bit, 172–181 boldface on, 62 ClearType technique, 459–462 for caption icon, 85–86 Client areas timed, 138–139 in frame windows, 199–200 Contracts, interface, 245–248 sunken, 432 Control Panel applications, 245–248 Clocks and Tweak UI, 33 BIOS, 301–302 and Windows 95 installation, 34 black, 54 Controls on taskbar, 50–51 for dialogs, 202–204 painting, 89–93 focus on, 227–229 Clocks chips, overclocking, 148–150 IDs for, 225–227 CloseHandle function, 425 Converting CoCreateGuid function, 298–299 DLUs to pixels, 199, 202–203 Code bloat, 31 nonmodal dialog boxes to modal, 207–211 Code-modality vs. UI-modality, 123–126 between Unicode and ANSI, 391–392 Code pages, 379–388 Cooperative multitasking, 45 ANSI, 388 Coordinated universal time (UTC) OEM, 388–390 and BIOS clock, 301–302 Code segments, 72 and daylight saving time, 239–240 CoGetMalloc function, 324–329 Copying Color displays,monochrome text on,459–462 timestamps changes in, 241–242 Color, icon label, 56–57 when dragging files, 64–65 COLOR_WINDOW, 119 Costs, product-support, 32 Columnists, 28, 34–35, 76 CoTaskMemAlloc function, 324–329 COM objects CoUninitialize function, 268–269 layout, 272–274 Countries in geopolitics, 20, 439 teardown, 268 Covered windows, determining, 93–95 COMCTL32.DLL file, 338 CP/M operating system, 333–334 Command Prompt Here PowerToy, 36 CPU meter, 63 Comments? button, 408 CPU usage, 411–412 Commutative diagrams, 187–188 CR (carriage return) in line terminators, comp.unix.wizards problem, 490–491 334–335 Compaction process, 72 Crashes Compatibility. See Backward compatibility intentional, 283 Compatibility subsystems, 289 from uncertified drivers, 396–397 Compilers CreateActCtx function, 248 code pages with, 383 CreateDialog function, 197, 222 Visual C++. See Visual C++ compiler CreateDialogIndirectParam function, CON filename, 290–292 197–198, 206 Connectivity, network, 457–459 CreateDialogParam function, 197–198, Connectors, blowing dust out of, 68–69 213, 221 Chen_Rev_Index 12/6/06 11:09 AM Page 500 500 index CreateEvent function, 112 dialog box IDs, 232–233 CreateFile function, 331 menu commands, 62 CreateFileMapping function, 398 selectors, 319 CreateMenu function, 86–88 shell font, 412–415 CreateMutex function, 332 Ta skbar p ositi on, 4 9 –50 CreatePatternBrush function, 96–97 DefDlgProc function, 152–159, 226–227 CreatePopupMenu function, 86–88 DefDlgProcEx macro, 156 CreateProcess function, 249 Defect tracking system, 289 CreateStdAccessibleObject function, 478 DeferWindowPos function, 435–436 CreateThread function, 332 Defragmenting undefragmentable structures, 284 CreateWindowEx function, 166, 201, 203 Defrauding WHQL, 145–146 Critical sections, 110–111 DefWindowProc function, 85 CSIDL_APPDATA directory, 451 for accessibility, 479 CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA directory, 451 for default colors, 99 CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS directory, 450 Delay-load feature, 418 CSRSS.EXE program, 423 DeleteObject function, 96–97 CTL3D.DLL library, 16 Deleting Ctrl+Z, 333–334 Device Manager, 65–66 Custom right-click menus, 85–86 options, 12 Customers, death threats from, 486–487 DeliverIncomingSentMessages Customized Web site icons, 62–63 pseudo-function, 360, 368, 370 DeliverMessage pseudo-function, 359–360 DAD (Desktop Applications Division), 490 Denial-of-service attacks, 393 Data tampering attacks, 393 Descriptors, 73–75 Date/Time Control Panel, 350–351 DeskMenu PowerToy, 36 Davis, Jeff, 493 Desktop Daylight saving time, 239–241 disabling, 433–434 DBCS (double byte character sets), 431 Remote Desktop Connection, 440–443 DC brush, 98–100 taskbar on, 343 DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) window, 120–121 messages, 371 Desktop Applications Division (DAD), 490 ddeexec key, 66 Desktop composition, 95, 466–467 Death threats, 486–487 desktop.ini file Deaths from improper case mapping, 374–375 opening at logon, 55–56 Debugging for folders, 59 as security hole, 397–398 Desktop Window Manager (DWM), 95, psychic, 410–412 466–467 vtables in, 401 Destroyed windows, messages for, 139–140 Decoys, 306–309 Destroying Deer Hunter game, 293 menus, 88–89 DEFAULT_GUI_FONT font, 353–354 modal dialogs, 121–122 Defaults DestroyWindow function, 203 dialog box answers, 3–5, 151–159 Destructors, 267–272 Chen_Rev_Index 12/6/06 11:09 AM Page 501 index 501 Dev O’Day hat, 494–495 DIALOGEX resource, 187, 194, 412, 415 Device Manager, deleting, 65–66 Dictionaries, spell-checking, 27 Dialog boxes, 151 Direct Annotation feature, 480 accelerators in, 215–216 DirectX alternative designs, 154–163 DirectX 4, 330–331 controls for, 202–204 video driver interface, 298–299 focus on, 227–229 Disabled controls IDs for, 225–227 focus on, 228 converting nonmodal to modal, 207–211 X buttons, 237 creating, 197–198 Disabling default answers to, 3–5, 151–159 desktops, 433–434 default IDs for, 232–233 vs. removing, 12 DefDlgProc for, 226–227 windows, 120–122 destroying, 121–122 Discardable resources, 313 frame windows for, 198–202 Discarding code, 72 hidden, 335–336 Disco parties, 495 IsDialogMessage for, 229–236 Disk quotas, 394 loops, 204 DispatchMessage function, basic, 204–207 130–131, 214, 224–225, 365 need for, 224–225 Display Control Panel, 308–309 structure, 207 Displaying subtleties in, 211–214 pop-up windows, 471–472 navigation in, 214–215 strings, 103–110 nested, 216–224 Displays procedures, 151–163 high DPI, 462–467 resizing, 222–224 monochrome text on, 459–462 with unanswerable questions, 7, 8–9 Distribution list names, 490–491 unexpected, 3–5, 489 DLGC_* flags, 232, 233–236 Dialog templates, 163–164 DLLs. See Dynamic link libraries (DLLs) 16-bit DLUs (dialog units), 165 classic, 164–172 converting to pixels, 199, 202–203 extended, 181–187 for dialog templates, 414–415 32-bit in high DPI displays, 462 classic, 172–181 DM_GETDEFID message, 229, 232–233 extended, 187–194 DM_SETDEFID message, 227–229, 232–233 purpose, 195 Documents, printing order, 66–67 summary, 195, 196 DoesDriverSupport function, 298 Dialog units (DLUs), 165 DoModal function, 157, 208–212 converting to pixels, 199 Dongle rumor, 28 for dialog templates, 414–415 Door locks, 15–16 in high DPI displays, 462 DOS DialogBox function, 129, 208 backward compatibility for, 288–290 DialogBoxIndirectParam function, 205 code page in, 389 Chen_Rev_Index 12/6/06 11:09 AM Page 502 502 index Double byte character sets (DBCS), 431 Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) messages, 371 Downward-pointing blue arrow icon, 53 Dynamic link libraries (DLLs) DPI in high DPI displays, 462–467 16-bit Windows resources, 314 Dr.
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