2590 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 3, 1867. 1G69. And to William Robert Lake, of the "In- of Oldham, in the county of Lancaster, En- ternational Patent Office," No. 8, Southampton- gineer, for the invention of tl improvements in buildings, Chancery-lane, in the county of Mid- lithographic, zincographic, and typographic dlesex, Consulting Engineer, for the invention printing machines." of " improvements in breech-loading fire-arms."'1095. To Thomas Howard Head, of the Teesdale —A communication to him from abrond by Works, Sfcockton-on-Tees, for the invention of Henry Huntington Wolcott, of Yonkers, New "improvements in machinery for rolling iron York, United States of America. and steel." On their several petitions, recorded in the Office 1096. To William Clark, of 53, Chancery-lane, of the Commissioners on the 10th day of April, in the county of Middlesex, Engineer and 1867. Patent Agent, for the invention of " improve- ments in apparatus for propelling vessels."—A 1071. To Francis George Flcury, of Southward, communication to him from abroad by Eugene in the county of Surrey, Engineer, for the in- Bachelier, Machinist, of 29, Boulevart St. vention of "improvements in machinery or Martin, Paris. apparatus for measuring fluids." 1097. And to William Clark, of 53, Chancery- 1075.' To Samuel Smith, of Prince's-sfreot, Lei- lane, in the county of Middlesex, Engineer and cester-square, in the county of Middlesex, Gun Patent Agent, for the invention of " improve- Manufacturer, for the invention cf " improve- ments in apparatus for obtaining isochronous ments in breech loading sporting guns." movements applied to clocks and other time 1077. To William Robert Lake, of the "Inter- keepers." — A communication to him from national Patent Office," No. 8, Southampton- abroad by Joseph Pizzocheri, Clock Maker to buildings, Chancery-lane, in the county of the Royal Family of Italy, of 29, Boulcvart St. ' Middlesex, Consulting Engineer, lor the inven- Martin, Paris. tion of " an improved mode of and apparatus On their several petitions, recorded in the Office for multiplying power, more especially applicable of the Commissioners on the 12th day of April, to hoisting or lifting machinery."—A commu- 1867. nication to him from abroad by Henry Josiah 1098. To Robert Shortrcde, Major-General on Griswold, of lioston, Massachusetts, United the Retired List of Her Majesty's Indian Army, States, of America. - residing at Surbiton, in the county of Surrey, 1079. To James Higgins, of Salford, in the for the invention of " improving the process for county of Lancaster, Machine Maker, and finding the variation or error or deviation from Thomas Schofield Wliitvvorth, of the same the meridian on the common steering compass." place, Manager, for the invention of "improve- 1099. To John Aitken, of Totlington, Higher ments in machinery for preparing and spinning End, in the county of Lancaster, Cotton Spinner cotton and other fibrous materials." and Manufacturer, for the invention of " cer- 1081. To George Slater, of No. 130, St. John's- tain improvements in apparatus employed in road, .Hoxton, in the county of Middlesex, the process of refining sugar." Engineer, for the invention of " improvements 1100. To Kenneth Henry Cornish, of No. 7, in sewing machines." South Molton-street, in the county of Middle- 1083. To Josiah John Snow, of 70, Wilstead- ' sex, for the invention of "improvements in street, Euston-road, in the county of Middlesex, breech loading fire arms." for the invention of "improvements in the con- 1103. To John Jobson, of Derby, Iron Founder, struction of locomotive figures and automata." for the invention of " improvements in kitchen 1085. And to Reginald Courtenay, Bishop of ranges." Kingston, Jamaica, now resident at 19, Somer- 1105. To William Gregory, of the township of set-street, Portman-square, in the county of Ardwick, in the county of Lancaster, Machinist, Middlesex, for the invention of " improvements for the invention of "improvements in ma- in apparatus for propelling vessels." chinery for grinding and polishing metal and On their several petitions, recorded in the Office other surfaces." of the Commissioners on the llth day of April, 1106. To Reginald Samuel Mordaunt Vaughan, of 1867. 54, Chancery-lane, in the county of Middlesex, 1087. To William. Henry Dawes, of Bromford and Arthur George Harston, of High Holborn, Iron Works, West Bromwich, in the county of . in the said county for the invention of " an im- Stafford, Iron Master, for the 'invention, of " an proved window latch or fastener." improvement or improvements in the manufac- 1107. To Charles Crockford, of Holywell, in the ture of iron." county of Flint, Gentleman, for the invention 1089. To Henry Patterson Boyd, of Low Walker, of " improvements in obtaining useful products near Newcastle-on-Tyne, in the county of from certain materials produced in the process Northumberland, Bolt Manufacturer, for the of galvanising or coating iron with zinc." invention of "improvements in the manufacture 1108. To Charles Grace, of Liverpool, in the of screws chiefly applicable for fixing armour county of Lancaster, Engineer, for the inven- plates." tion of "improvements in rudder pins and 1091. To Constant Wilmet, of Brussels, in the gudgeons." Kingdom of Belgium, Tanner, for the invention 1110. To John Richardson, of Bradford House, of " an accelereted tanning by means of new Harrogate, and Charles Greenwood, of 20, Par- processes and apparatus." liament-street, Harrogate, in the county of York, for ihe invention of "improvements in 1092. To Richard Longden Hattersley, of the apparatus for coupling railway carriage's and firm of Geo. Hattersley and Sons, of Keigh- vehicles." ley. in the county of York, Machine Makers, 1112. To George Tomlinson Bousfield, of Lough- and John Smith, of Sutton Cross Hills, in the borough-park, Brixton, in the county of Surrey, same county, for the invention of "improve- for the invention of "improvements in the ments in looms for weaving." manufacture of files."—A communication to 1093. To Charles Henry Gardner, of West him from abroad by Carl Gustaf Gustafsson, Harding-street, in the city of London, Printing a person resident at Tonkoping, in the King- Machine Manufacturer, and Joseph Bickerton, dom cf Sweden..
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