Structure and Growth of Mite-induced Galls of Hoberia sexstylosa Col. B. C. ARNOLDI THE FIRST ACCOUNT of mite-induced galls of The basis of this vananon in susceptibility is Ho heria populnea A. Cunn was publ ished by at the moment unkn own. Lamb ( 1952) . Attention was devoted chiefly The chief aims of the present investigation to a description of the gall mite Eriophyes were to find which of the plant organs of H o­ boberiae, and no details of the anatomica l struc­ heria sexst ylosa are transformed into galls, to tur e of the gall were given (Lamb, 1952 ). Galls examine the structure of the gall, and to ac­ of H oheria sexstylosa Col. caused by the same count for the perennial mode of growth. mite were reported eight years later (Lamb, METHODS AND MATERIALS 1960 ) . Th e present study is concerned only with Galls, flower buds, and leaves were fixed at H oheria sexstylosa, an evergreen tree widely various times throughout the year in formo­ cultivated in gardens in Christchurch, Canter­ acetic-alcohol. Selected specimens from five dif­ bury, and often seen to bear galls of varying ferent trees were embedded in paraffin, and size and age. serial sections 10 fL in thickness were cut and .. Young galls are greyish-green in colour, stained in safranin and fast green (Johansen, shaped like a top, and attached to the smaller 1940 ) . branches by a-prominent stalk, In-older speci­ Numerous.freehand sections of living .galls mens the gall-stalk is generally obscured as the were also made. continued grow th of the gall encompasses the Three unsuccessful attempts were made to twig which bears it ( Fig. 1) . Galls arise also indu ce galls on immature leaves and stem tips on leaves but this is of less common occurrence. of seedlings of H oheria sexstylosa. Twenty­ The salient characteristic of all galls of H 0 ­ four seedlings about 9 inches high were raised heria sexstylosa is the uneven, creased surface, in pots in the glasshouse and used for these tufted with grey epidermal hairs, below which experiments. the mites live in numerous small cavities. In winter (July) small slices of living galls As the result of insect attacks, dead greyish containing moving mites and eggs were in­ brown galls are common, but many galls grow serted into three tender, freshly opened leaf vigoro usly for several years and are readily dis­ buds in each of 10 plants. tinguished by their greener hue from moribund A second experiment involved a crude gall specimens. This perennial habit of prolifera­ extract. Thirty grams of fresh galls were macer­ tion which produces galls up to 4 cm in diame­ ated in 200 ml of 30% glycerol (Parr, 1940) ter is often associated with the loss of leaves in a domestic blender at room temperature. A on the infested branches and a consequent dis­ fluid containing the mites was obtained by ex­ figurement of the tree. pressing the macerated preparation through silk. N evertheless trees vary greatly in their pro­ The fluid was smeared on 30 freshly cut soft pensity to gall formation and it has been ob­ stem tips on each of five seedlings. Th irty stem served that two trees may grow close together tips of five other plants were smeared with 30% for several years with branch es interlaced, and glycerol only. only one of the trees bears evidence of galls. With the remaining four plants a tap water extract of macerated galls containing moving 1 Departm ent of Botany, University of Canterbury . Christchu rch, Ne w Zealand. Manuscri pt received mites was smeared on freshly cut stem tips in a Ap ril 30, 1964. similar manner except that glycerol was omitted. 502 Mite-induced Galls of H oheria sexstylosa-ARNoLD 503 On some trees hardly one in a thousand flower buds escapes attack, so that by autumn the plant is festooned with the new growth of galls and it is difficult to find one seed head on the whole tree. Sections through living galls show them to consist chiefly of a solid mass of green paren­ chyma interspersed by clear mucilaginous cells. Within the parenchymatous cells crystals of the druse type are not infrequently encoun­ tered. The cavities beneath the surface in whi rh mi tes can be seen moving are lined by a defi­ nite grey meristematic layer. The exterior of the gall is bounded by a well-marked and active periderm. In older galls the core of the gall is white, being made up of abundant vascular tissues and non-chlorophyllous parenchyma. This massive development of vascular tissues is readily dem­ onstrated by allowing a gall to decompose for a week in tap water. Disintegration of the soft tissues reveals a compact mass of xylemcradi- FIG. 1. A large actively growing mite gall. In all the above experiments plastic bags were kept over the treated plants for a week. After two years no galls had appeared on any of the plants. It remains to repeat these ex­ periments at other seasons of the year. OBSERVATIONS The opening of flower buds of H oheria sex­ stylosa in late summer marks the recrudescence of gall formation. Some infested buds show traces of stunted petals and stamens, but often only the calyx and pedicel remain unchanged, and a mass of convoluted greyish-green tissue takes possession of the interior region. It is the persistence of the pedicel and calyx which gives to young galls their top-shaped appearance (Fig.2). A small percentage of unfolding young leaves may develop galls at this time. The distortion may be considerable and the leaf blade may be almost lacking. In other cases leaf develop­ FIG. 2. Flowering twig of Hoberia sexstylosa Col., ment may not be greatly impeded and the galls showing some flower buds recently transformed into may be relatively insignificant. galls, and one older gall at base. 504 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XIX, October 1965 lead backwards in an anastomosing system with vascular traces from other mite cavities to unite ~==:~~;~i~irH.EEE~ in the central stalk (Fig. 3). A coherent and efficient conducting system is thus constructed m-MW--B and the gall is able to flourish to the detriment p m---:mf--~- of the rest of the twig ( Fig. 5) . p To the superficial glance the app earance of H oheria sexstylosa galls, whether borne on X - - --"@.---". leaves or on flower stalks, is of an irregular spherical or conical shape, furrowed by indefi­ nite crevices. But the underlying histogenetic processes of periderm formation, cavity growth, and vascularization are remarkably regular. No essentially different cellular components, except the mites, distinguish the galls from the normal GS ------jl~/ shoot tissues, but the growth pattern is unique. FIG. 3. Diagram of a cut gall (not to scale ). m, DISCU SSION mite; e, epidermal hair; x, xylem strand ; pm, pouch m eristem; 0, orifice of mite cavity; p, per iderm . So little is known of the biology of Eriophyes hoheriae that it is prem ature to consider in what aring from the embedded pedicel, and giving manner the gall mit es may influence growth of rheappearance of the spiky..''s:()a( of a_chest­ galls in H oheria sexstylosa. Whether the mites nut fruit. provide -i stimulus in--tne -mechii:nical ac(of The mite-containing cavities are undoubtedly feeding, or by the liberation of growth sub­ the most remarkable feature of the galls. The stances or enzymes, remains to be investigated. mouths of the cavities are irregularly creased The preliminary attempts to induce gall (Fig. 3) and surrounded by stout epidermal formation (described in the section on Meth­ hairs which are also found in clumps on other ods and Materials ) proved ineffective, possibly regions of the gall surface. The lining of each because the winter season was an unfavourable mit e cavity is in fact a sac-like growth centre­ time. However, other workers have reported a kind of pouch meristern analogous to the promising results from experiments in which shoot growing point of higher plants (Figs. galls were artificially induced by extracts from 3 and 4) . various insects ( Bloch, 1954; Boysen-jensen, Mitotic divisions are found most often within 1948; Braun, 1959 ). a zone about three cell layers from the cavity. Alth ough the onset of galls in young leaves has been noted at the same time as the galling The histological methods used in this investi­ of flower buds in summer, observation of sev­ gation were selected to provide a general ana­ eral trees over a numb er of years has failed to tomical picture of the gall and a cytological disclose galling of leaves in spring when there analysis of mitotic rates was not intended. is a mass unfolding of leaf buds. The lack of What clearly emerges is the fact that peren­ success in the attempted transmission of mite nial growth of the mite-induced galls of Ho­ infection to young leaves in the glasshouse in heria sexstylosa is dependent on the regular July, though not very cogent evidence, tends activity of the "pouch merisrerns." to support the view that new galls arise pre­ Only at the orifice of the cavities are the domin antly in late summer. epidermal hairs differentiated (Fig. 4) , no The production of galls on leaves would ap­ doubt giving shelter to the colonies of mites pear to be less favourable to the maintenance of below. To the interior of the gall and close to the mite population than the induction of galls the middl e region of the "pouch meristern," on flower buds, which give rise to longer lived xylem elements are seen to differentiate and galls.
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