The Journal of Neuroscience, November 1989, 9(11): 38183827 Sexual Maturity-Dependent Changes in Neuronal Morphology in the Prepacemaker Nucleus of Adult Weakly Electric Knifefish, Eigenmannia Giinther K. H. Zupanc13 and Walter Heiligenbergi12 ‘Department of Neurosciences, School of Medicine, and 2Neurobiology Unit, Scripps institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, and 3Neural Systems Laboratory, The Salk Institute and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, La Jolla, California 92037 Knifefish of the genus Eigenmannia (Gymnotiformes, Te- Varicosities may represent growing buds or regions of leostei) are seasonal breeders that spawn only during the synaptic input from afferent areas or both. Reconstruction tropical rainy season. Both sexes modulate their otherwise of individual PPn-C neurons showed maturity-dependent constant wave-like electric organ discharges (EODs) in the changes in the pattern of dendritic proliferation in females. context of courtship and aggressive behavior by “chirps,” Such dynamic changes in the structure of neurons might abrupt frequency modulations with brief interruptions. Play- subserve seasonal modifications in an animal’s propensity backs of recordings of male courtship chirps can induce to execute specific behaviors. spawning in gravid females (Hagedorn and Heiligenberg, 1985). South American knifefish of the genusEigenmannia (Gymno- The EOD, produced by a specialized electric organ, is tiformes, Teleostei) produce continuous, wave-like electric or- under the control of a pacemaker nucleus (Pn) in the me- gan discharges(EODs) at very stable but individually different dulla oblongata. Injections of HRP into the Pn label only a frequenciesin the range of 250-600 Hz. In the context of social small cluster of cells bilaterally at the boundary of dience- communication, however, their EODs can be modulated. phalon and mesencephalon, constituting the prepacemaker “Chirps” are a very common form of modulations: abrupt fre- nucleus, PPn (Heiligenberg et al., 1981). Microstimulation quency modulations that may lead to a brief interruption of the experiments have shown that chirp-like EOD modulations EOD for several cycles. Short chirps, 40 msec on the average, can be elicited from a subnucleus of the PPn, the PPn-C are produced during agonistic encounters,while longer chirps, (Kawasaki and Heiligenberg, 1988; Kawasaki et al., 1988). 90 msecon the average,are common during courtship (Hopkins, By retrograde HRP labeling, we investigated the depen- 1974; Hagedom and Heiligenberg, 1985). Chirps are produced dence of the PPn’s morphology upon the sexual maturity of by both sexesbut are most frequently and most strongly emitted the fish. The most prominent effect was that, during the by dominant males during aggression,courtship, and mating. breeding season, females developed an abundance of “var- During the night of spawning, a male may chirp up to 60-80 icosities,” swellings l-4 pm in diameter in distal regions of times/min. dendrites at a density of approximately 1 /lO pm. In contrast Each EOD is driven by a single command spike from the to mature females, immature females had none or only a few medullary pacemaker nucleus, Pn (Bennett, 1971). The pace- varicosities. Such a clear correlation between the abun- maker appearsto be exclusively innervated by the prepacemaker dance of varicosities and relative gonadal weight was not nucleus(PPn), a bilateral cluster of neurons at the boundary of found in males, most likely because testicular and dendritic the diencephalonand mesencephalon(Heiligenberg et al., 1981). development are not strictly synchronized. After the onset On the basisof anatomical and physiological studies,the PPn of the simulated dry season, however, relative gonadal has been subdivided into a dorsomedial and a ventrolateral weight, as well as the number of varicosities, was reduced subnucleus(Kawasaki and Heiligenberg, 1988; Kawasaki et al., drastically in both sexes. This reduction in the number of 1988; Rose et al., 1988). Since L-glutamate stimulation of the varicosities is accompanied by a decrease in their diameter. ventrolateral subnucleuselicits an abrupt form of EOD mod- ulation resemblingthe “chirps” observed in natural courtship, Received Nov. 8, 1988; revised Mar. 14, 1989; accepted Mar. 15, 1989. it was named “PPn-C” (Kawasaki et al., 1988). Intracellular We thank Marianne Altstetter, Grace Kennedy, Peggy Leong, and Georgia Ma- stimulation and injection of Lucifer yellow have shown that Ian for excellent technical assistance. Dr. R. Glenn Northcutt from the Neuro- chirps are triggered by firing of large multipolar neuronsof the biology Unit of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, kindly provided the photomicroscope, and Dr. Larry W. Swanson from the Salk Institute, La Jolla, PPn-C (Kawasaki and Heiligenberg, 1988). the Magiscan computer imaging system. We also thank Drs. James T. Enright, Gonadal recrudescenceand breeding in gymnotiform fish are Masashi Kawasaki, Clifford H. Keller, and Gary J. Rose for helpful suggestions induced by the conditions of the tropical rainy season,i.e., a concerning the manuscript. This work was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the Friedrich Ebert-Foundation, Bonn (FRG) to G.K.H.Z., and NIMH Grant rise in water level, dilution of the water, and occasionalrain. 2ROl MH26149-13 to W.H. Gonads regressduring the intervening dry seasons(Hopkins, Correspondence should be addressed to Gunther K. H. Zupanc, Scripps Insti- 1974). These seasonalconditions can readily be simulated to tution of Oceanography, Neurobiology Unit, A-002, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093. breed such fish in captivity, and variations in the light-dark Copyright 0 1989 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/89/l 13816-12%02.00/O cycle are not required to induce gonadalrecrudescence (Kirsch- The Journal of Neuroscience, November 1989, 9(11) 3817 baum, 1975, 1979). Casual observations suggested that the large 2-3 mm. A recording glass capillary electrode (inner diameter about 10 multipolar cells of the PPn-C have more extensive dendrites in pm) containing a 3 M NaCl solution was used to determine the location of the pacemaker. The center of the nucleus could readily be recognized animals with developed gonads, hereafter referred to as “sex- by the maximum of its field potential, which is phase-locked to the ually mature” animals. Similar maturity-dependent changes in EOD. After the center had been determined, the electrode was retracted. the morphology of brain structures involved in the control of A second electrode, consisting of 3 barrels, was then introduced in the song behavior have been reported in birds (for review, see Ar- same location: one barrel filled with 3 M NaCl and 2 barrels containing nold, 1985; DeVoogd, 1986; Nottebohm, 1986; Nottebohm et unconjugated HRP (type VI, Sigma Chemical Co., approximately 10% in 0.1 M Tris buffer, pH 7.6). After confirming the correct position of al., 1987). Our preliminary findings appeared to be in accor- the tip of the triple-barrel electrode on the basis of a maximal pacemaker dance with the observation that chirps are exclusively produced field potential, HRP was iontophoretically injected by applying a pos- in the context of aggression and courtship. Therefore, we set out itive direct current of l-8 PA with reference to the ground electrode. to study the morphology ofthese neurons quantitatively in order The injection into the Pn could be recognized by an immediate rise of the pacemaker discharge frequency and, occasionally, by a complete to explore its dependence upon sexual maturity. Such an in- shut-off of firing. We chose to inject HRP over a longer period of time vestigation appeared to be especially interesting since Eigen- whenever frequent clogging of the electrode suggested poor transport. mannia is a seasonalbreeder, spawning only during the rainy After a total injection time of 5-25 min, the electrode was retracted, season(Hopkins, 1974). the wound was dried, and the cut in the cartilage was sealed with tissue Preliminary results of this investigation have previously been glue (Histoacryl from Braun or Vetbond from 3M). As soon as the fish had recovered, it was transferred to a holding tank and kept there for reported in the form of abstracts (Zupanc and Heiligenberg, 3-4 d. 1988a, b). Under deep anesthesia by MS 222 (3-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester, Sigma Chemical Co.), the fish was intracardially perfused with Hick- Materials and Methods man’s Ringer containing 66.7 mg/liter heparin sodium salt (Sigma Maintenanceofanimals. We used 97 knifefish ofthe genus Eigenmannia Chemical Co.), 1 gm/liter NaNO,, and 10 ml/liter 2% Xylocaine (probably E. lineata) of various total lengths (88-280 mm) and body (Astra Pharmaceutical Products), pH approximately 6.8, followed by a weights (1.1 S-33.7 am). Thev were nurchased from tronical fish im- perfusion with a fixative solution of 2% paraformaldehyde and 2% porters 0; raised in 0~; laboratory. we kept these fish in-large glass or glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.2). After a fixation time clear acrylic, 200-800 liter tanks at temperatures of 24-28°C and pH of 30 min, the brain was removed from the skull, the right tectum was values of 4-7. They were fed daily on tubificid worms. Some animals, marked by a cut, and the tissue was postfixed in the fixative solution especially females, enlarged their gonads on this high-protein diet. The for 2 hr. The brain was transferred to phosphate buffer and placed in transparencyof Eigenmannia made it possible to judge the develop- the refrigerator (4°C) overnight. mental state of the gonads in intact specimens. Systematic growth of Brains were sectioned on a vibratome (Lancer, series 1000) in the gonads, mating, and spawning were induced by imitating the tropical transverse plane at 50 pm. The HRP was detected histochemically by rainy season (Kirschbaum, 1975. 1979). Each dav deionized water was using a modified procedure described by Metcalfe (1985), based on a adddd to thegquarium sd that the waier level r&e by l-5 cm.
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