r It Pays 1' To Advertise j Family | In The Times I Newspaper I . I -” >'i|K NEPTUNE TIMES Vol. LXXXIX, No. 46 . OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE. NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1064 SEVEN CENTS Outlines Service Tugs Tow Outfall To Sea Site Boy & Girl Scouts Grove Police Nab j S i For Grove Night 5 Asbury Y ouths Clubwomen To Aid : OCEAN GROVE — Mr. Ezra Smith, a resident In Philadelphia OCEAN GROVE — Five As­ of the Methodist Home, here, will celebrate his one- Board Of Health bury Park High School youths, •hundreth birthday on Thanksgiving day at a party Public Invited To Frank- who ran into the Grove after given by his friends. Township Lauitches Civic Inking several packages of Program Against Mos­ ford Meth. This Sunday cigarettes from an Asbury A century is a long time and it brings back many Gives Route From Shore newsstand were "apprehended memories to Mr. Smith,.amoriig them the 'Spanish-. quito Breeding In Spring ..- just minutes later by the police American war. “ I remember President McKinley PHILADELPHIA — Final pre­ department here. very well; he’s always been my favorite president.... NEPTUNE TWP. — A civic parations have been made for Phil Jones, who runs the The way he handled the war with Spain, bottling Up program with Boy Scouts, “Ocean Grove Night” at Frankford stand al Emory St. and Lake their,whole navy and destroying their fleet.” - Girl Scout and Woman’s Club Memorial Methodist Church, Ox­ Ave., saw the youths flee . cooperation is being launched ford avenue at Dyre street, here, across the bridge into Ocean by the township’s board of • -this Sunday night. Grove. He Immediately called health to. attack mosquito At 6:30 p.m. a brief reception the police. Chief David Lake breeding- in the spring i n the for Ocean Grove trustees will be capturcd them at the North hope of eliminating any ; ex­ • held, followed by a combined choir End boardwalk. cessive spraying during the rehearsal at 6:45. All members of The five from 14 to 16 years summer months. the Ocean Grove Auditorium Choir of age, admitted under Ques­ Andrew Peluso, a member of the or choristers in the Choir Festival tioning that they were respon­ health board, said th at Senior Boy at the Grove the past summer arc sible and offered to make re­ Scouts will locate and map poten­ Invited to take part. Dr. Walter stitutions. They were turned tial breeding sites during a two- D. Eddowes, the Ocean Grove Audi- over to Asbury Park police. week period in April or May, de­ . torium minister of music, will di­ pending on rain conditions, and will rect tie choir. spray these public sites with oil • . ' The worship service will; begin during the second two weeks. This at 7:15 p.m. with an organ recital four-week period will be establish-, by Mrs. Eddowes. This will be fol- Reception Honors ed in the spring by the Monmouth ' ’ lowed by a hymn sing, led by Dr. County MosQuito Control Commis­ fiddowes, with Mrs. Tddows at the TheK.N.Merritts sion, keyboard of the new Schantz or- Neptune’s Senior Girl Scouts will prepare posters and distribute .. gan. TWO TUGBOATS from New York arc pulling the 1,200 feet Elizabeth Church Fetes The Rev. Dr. George G. Dilworth MR. EZRA SMITH, seated before a large birthday cake handbills, urging residents to re­ Sewer Outflow pipe out to its ocean floor position bfetween Avon and will bring greetings from the Ocean Ocean Grove President-Em­ 'and surrounded by friends from his former home town of move potential breeding sites from Bradley Beach on Tuesday* aided by a derrick and several workmen. Grove Association and will preside eritus & Wife For Service Ridgewood, will celebrate his 100th birthday Thanksgiving day their own property. The Neptune A 3 J4 niile trunk line from the new. Neptune sewer plant under con­ • ■ during; the service. Other partici­ at the Methodist Home in Ocean Grove, where he has been a Township Woman’s Club will as­ struction west of Brighton avenue leads to this outfall, which ser­ pants .will be Rev. Louis W. Mit- ELIZABETH — St. James Meth­ resident for the past 11 years. sist in informing residents of the. vices both Neptune and under contract, fteptune City. The sewer chel) and Mr. Eldon Bockmeyer, odist Church, here, feted Ocean program. plant is scheduled for completion by mid-1965. Grove Association President-Emer­ He noted the great progress made' in this coun­ Ocean Grove trustees, and Rev. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouta who itus and Mrs. Kinsey N. Merritt at try since his childhood, pointing out the airplane as William A. Sharp, Frankford participated will Qualify for the a reception in its chapel Sunday, the foremost achievement in his time. “I remember church pastor. Civic Duty Merit Badge, accord­ Nov. 1. Mr. and Mrs, Merritt have . Thomas Edison saying that man would never be The combined choirs will sing Central Jersey Bpnk Establishes ing to the district Scouting Coun­ sold their Elizabeth home , and are able to fly.” ‘‘How Lively Is Thy Dwelling cils. currently residing in Ocean Grove. •j,: -Asa youth, he favored lacrosse to baseball, and. Place” and “A Mighty Fortress Is In other business Tuesday night, Data Processing For 14 Offices Mr. Merritt, a nationally1 known played the game often. Swimming and sailing, how­ Our God.” The service will con­ the board instructed Secretary Methodist lay speaker, is . immedi­ ever, remain his favorite past-times although he clude with the “Hallelujah Chorus” James Rogers to notify ai! food FREEHOLD—-.Samuel A, Bel- extensive training in the computer ate past president of the koard of doesn’t actively participate in either any more. from Handel’s “Messiah.” handling establishments in the , lingrath, who. organized and set up field, starting with one of the first trustees of St. James. He led the A social hour in the church hall Asked what he attributes his long life to, he he- township of the new state code the elaborate, data processing sys- computers ever put. into commercial board more than 10 years, and for­ plied, “I have no secret, I've just drifted along with' will follow the service. that has been adopted. These firms tem for the 14 offices of the Cen- -use. merly, was a Chapel- Class teacher. the tide,” Mr. Smith was born in Brooklyn in 1864 The easiest route from the Shore will be reQuired to secure a $2 lic­ tral Jersey Bank & Trust Company > When he joined the Central Jer- He and Mrs. Merritt have been at the close of the Civil War. He attended school area to Frankford ..Methodist ense during the month of January. at the Freehold Accounting Office, sey Bank & Trust ; Company, he members of St. James for 30 years. there and later went into business for. himself. He Church is via Route 33 to Trenton, They will receive a copy of the has- been elected Director of Data brought: in only one outsider, John The couple has participated .ac­ was an engraver, working with all sorts of jewelry crossing the river to Route 1, Food Handling Establishment Code Processing by the bank’s directors, j. Kosovec, formerly; employed by tively in affairs of the NewaTk for. Better than -55 years. After retiring, he lived in south on Route 1 to Oxford Circle at that time. • on the Roosevelt Boulevard, around Robert B. Barlow, President'of the the United States Steel Corpora- Annual, Conference. Mr. Merritt Ridgewood for a- time and belonged to the Meth­ the circle and then over the under­ hank,' announced! “This is a new tion, who became - chief program- has served as chairnian of the Faith odist Church there. In 1953 he moved to the Meth- ; The board tightened its regula­ pass to Oxford avenue, then three office created,”* Mr. Barlow said, mer. He recommended the rental of In Action Cjrusade of the confer­ odist Home, and until the past few years has con­ tions over faulty septic tanks. blocks down Oxford avenue to the “As the control of the data pro- the I.B.M. 1401 computer with disk ence which raised ?1 million for tinued to follow •engraving with some of his best Heretofore owners received a 15— , church with the lighted cross on cessing'system is now in our elec-' pack, and, with the help of I.B.M. conference tieeds. work beitig given to friends at the Home. day grace period to eliminate sep­ tic tank problems. Feeling that an top, reports Mrs, William Nichols, tronic age, a vital function ofour technicians, he trained-a select Jlr. Merritt is a retired vice ■'I love Ocean Grove very much, the people are overflowing tank is a severe health secretary of the Auditorium, Choir. organization.” group of employees in the bank’s president of the Railway Express wonderful and the Auditorium services have al- menace, the board shortened this She also advises, drivers to keep ■ Mr. Bellmgrath became affili- Accounting Department, in, the Agency and is a past president, of i ways been great.” period to five days. The only ex­ to the extreme right after coining ated with the Central Jersey Batik operation of the system. Mrs. Ade- the-Rotary Club of New York City, . He spends much of his time either listening to ception is when major repair or • to Devereau street on -Roosevelt about two yeaifi ago, after having line .Madden, a former bookkeper, He was a founder of the Commun­ the radio or talking with friends who find him a re­ reconstruction of the tank is nec­ Boulevard.
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