'/ r_' . ' . Member of . Intercollegiate ·Press North Carolina Collegiate and· College Humor Press Association Mail .Semee Published Weekly by the Stu~tmts of Wake Forest College • . ' 't WAKE FOREST, N. C:• S~TURDAY, MAY 24, 1930 ~~en Cents Per Copy Vol. 13, No. 29 ==========~==========================================~-~-===========================================?~======= ·~$_80~)~0~0_0~-~~·_-o_w_.S_-u_b_s_c~ri~j~ed_·_~~o~Bui~ngf~nd -.Med., Graduates old cia$s, tss5, To HoldKeunll.on , 296 PerSons, Covering One­ ··1 o Enter Noted .Medical Schools Thifd of Territory, Have ' ..........,. This Majority. Ready- To .:M:a~ Been Liberal In Donations hers ~ible triculate. At Senio~.. en- Medical Schools Moveltlent Is Sponsored "By Alumni and Intends :tson To Raise $250,000 for the Construction of a dian ~HREE MEN WILL GO TO re- New. Gymnasium and Students' Activities > be DUKE FOR ITS FIRST TERM 1any _Building Here; Loyalty of Alumni GratifYing. .nity Pennsylvania, Northwestern, Sy- :cus- T~e joint committee, comprised of alumni, trustees, and faculty Ling. '·racuse, Duke,· Tem'ple, Mary- Medical of Wake Forest College, met here recently in b~half of the Loyalty land, Jefferson, and Building Program,· for which $250,000 is being solicited with "college . of Virgiilia Among which to construct a new gymnasium and students' activities Prominent Schoo~ To Receive building. Wake Forest Stuclents. '• It was reported that already $80,000 had been subscribed by 1885 . ' 296 individuals, and that scarcely one-third of the territory had As the annual graduation time W. C. Allen, J. A. ~eam, H. B. Conrad, 'E. F. Eddins, J. B. Harrell, J. J. ·H~pdren, J. W. Hendren, A. T. Hord, draws near at Wake F~rest, many W. W. Holding, J. R. Hunter, J. M. Lucas. J. B. Pruett,-A. T. ~bel'tson, Everett Ward. been worked. of the prospective graduates. of most ~~ '' ~~w-~~~ Members of the committee, who represented every part of North Carolina, reported to the group the whole-hdarted loyalty of Wake of the schools and· departments. of C . E . 1V l:f:l B a· l the college begin to think of entering ommencement xe rczses i . e e 'J Forest men in their respective areas, and if the spirit evidenced a business or professional career out a here today is an accurate 'barometer, Wake Forest will have- a couple of new buildings. in:~;~~~d.so-called senior medical June 1 t~ 5; Dr. C. A. Bar~our To Speak students, who in reality are only + ·: Those present were Chairman J. M. Broughton, Raleigh; Egbert sophomores, it is a matter of choos­ L. Davis, Winston-Salem; E. J. Britt, Lumberton; Basil M. Wat­ in·g or being chosen for at least two Program Promises To kins, Durham; C. C. Bridger, Bladenboro; Leland Kitchin, Scotland more years of further medical study Neck; and Profes:;ors Gorrell, Jones, Earnshaw, Wilson, Carpen­ in the senior schools of medicine in Be One of Best Ever the different colleges and universities ter, Reid, and Memory. of the country. For a number of Held Here years Wake Forest bas been and still is fortunate in being ab~e to transfer ,Many Prominent Federation Plan its men int,o the junior class of the DR. COUSINS, DR. 'GAINES I leading schools of the country. TO. DELIYER ADDRESSES -Practically every member of the Alumni Plan To 1 Endorsed By the graduating class at Wake Forest this :Year has already been accepted on Faculty .and Graduates To Wear advance standing by some of these Attend Exercises 1 Student Body schools. The University of Pennsyl- Academic Costumes on Sun- ;::;:,• which isfi.!if:~ffiioLifvt4~h;sett~:is='of::·:tJie+->~Y ,.~d.,~~d~~<;:.la.§;s~ .Ex, ··-Seven ·chisses ':Piaii ··rro~l student ·-Body-- ul1ani- country, and which has the distinc- ercises Thursday Afternoon. Hold Reunions During rnously Votes To Enter· tion of having the oldest im~d:"al • J school in the New Worl~. was among Commencement exercises of Wake I Commencement Student Federation the first to announce tlie acceptance Forest College, year 19 29-30, will be l of four members-.of this class, which held :rune 1 to 5, bringing to a suc­ included Wake Forest'S' first medical cessful close another year's activity .• , T. A. AVERY IS TO MAKE PLAN TO PROMOTE BETTER co-ed. This university was established and marking the college's ninety-· ADDRESS TO OLD ALUMNI CO-OPERATION IN STATE by Benjamin·"Franklin, and is proba­ sixth milestone along the path,of lib­ bly th.e- richest school in _the United eral education and arts. The program States. It is located in the city of which has been arrange~ for the clos­ E. L. Davis, of Winston-Salem, President Hightower Reads Part Philadelphia, the leading medical ing exercises of this year's adminis­ Will Preside At Meeting of Constitution In the center of the world. Dr. William tr~ion promises to feature one of the. Pepper, dean of medicine,- who visited most delightful and interesting com: of Alumni Chapel Dr. T. D. Kitchin on our campus last mencements ever held here. month, has since that time notified The exercises "will begin Sunday Meeting in chapel Monday, May 19, the following students. of their ac­ morning at 11 o'clock, when both Commencement promises to be an faculty and graduates will make ,. unusually fine _occasion this year, espe- the Student Body of Wake Forest Col· ceptance at Philadelphia: Marga_!ette lege heartily endorsed the action of Lineberry, R. B. Outland, :r. Sam their appearance at the local church cially since so ma"ny of those illustrious its newly elected president, Felda Holbrook, and H. M. Patterson. in academic costume, where all alike sons of Wake Forest who have left her Hightower, in pledging the support of will have the good pleasure of hear- sacred portals will be with us again. Northwestern University, which the college to the newly formed North · has in connection with its school of ing the sermon of the oc'casion, Dr. A. C. Reid, c.hairman of the which is to be preached by Dr. faculty committee on alumni affairs, Carolina Federation of Students. medicine the largest hospital _in the President Hightower read the pre­ S. B. Cousins, who at present occu- MR. '1'01\l ARRINGTON AVERA, '15 stated in an interview by a represent- ~aonti11ou.ea on page two amble to the constitution of this or­ pies the pulpit .of the First Baptist Prominent Rocky Mount lawyer. who will deliver fl1e Alumni address at ative of OLD GoLD AND BLACK that he ganization, and then called for a vote Church of Richmond, and who is dis- · his Alma Mate1~ on June 4. had sen~ out persona~ letters of invita- to indicate the wishes of the Student tinguished as being among the tion to 57 oldest alumni. These in- fore~ Body. It was unanimously voted' thnt Band Makes Good most in Baptist leadership of the G• · 0 f M d s elude members of the class of 1885, Wake Forest College should cooperate South. This service, coming on Sun- 0 and all living alumni graduated before fully with th'e other schools of the day morning, marks the innovation Ives rigin e ica1 tudents. that. He has also invited by personal Record ForYeat State in this attempt. of a new custom with regard to the W k ·F t S I S. ct· . H letter the members of the classes of The preamble of the constitution is Sunday se~:vice, and a departure from -.a e ores ea ee ., Jmc ome 1890, 1895, 1900, 1910, 1915, 1920, and as follows: the accustomed program, it having 1925. A large number of these men Trox~l Introduces Many New "We, the students of North Carolina, heretofore been customary t<l have have already indicated that they will Classical Numbers; Three in order to improve and strengthen the opening sermon on Sunday eve- Dr~ W. L. Poteat Describes the Sophomore Medical Class Visits be present for their class reunions. student government throughout the Radio Concerts Given ning.. As this service., opens oificially Meaning of College Emblem th O th d' Cl" . The alumni exercises will begin June the commencement exercises and e r ope lC IDIC At 4th and will consist of the class re- State, to achieve a spirit of friendship, cooperation, and reciprocity among the The 929-30 edition of the Wake For· promises to be both beautiful and de- In Chapel Address Goldsboro 1unions, the alumni dinner at 6:30, and 1 various student bodies of the State, to est band got away to a fine start \JY lightfully inspiring, it is earnestly '-Continued on page two develop th.e proper student considera· playing for all the football games last requested that all members of the Dr. W. L. Poteat spoke in ~hapel The entire sophomore class of med- tion of important problems and solu­ fall within the State, except the one graduating class sacrifice other en- Wednesday morning, describing the ical· students of the college, twenty­ • A d I uze laDS war t~on~ in au phases or student and pub­ with Duke. This trip was cancelled gagements in order to attend. Ab- meaning of the college seaL "I am six in number, accop1panied by Dr. E I he hfe, to promote the general welfare because band instrume~ts and sleet do sences will be permitted only upon the light of the world," quoted Dr. C. C. Carpenter, professor of pathol­ • T D t of student interests everywhere, and not mix well. oificial excuse by the presiden~ or the Poteat. "The words which are so ogy in the School of Medicine, visited Prize 0 ea on to foster a better acquaintanceship, un- The first radio broadcast·in the his· de~n.
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