Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 138 / Wednesday, July 18, 2018 / Notices 33973 139, Efficient Environmental Reviews DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (Project). The Project has been advanced for Project Decision Making, to identify in accordance with the requirements of and document opportunities for project Federal Highway Administration the Council on Environmental Quality involvement by the public and other regulations for implementing the agencies. Hunts Point Interstate Access procedural provisions of the National The project coordination plan will Improvement Project; Comment Period Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (40 promote involvement from stakeholders, Extension CFR parts 1500 through 1508), the agencies and the public as well as AGENCY: Federal Highway FHWA Environmental Impact and describe the proposed project, the roles Administration (FHWA), DOT. Related Procedures; Final Rule (23 CFR of the agencies and the public, the ACTION: Notice of availability of Draft part 771), and the NYSDOT Procedures proposed project purpose and need, Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Implementation of the State schedule, level of detail for alternatives for the Hunts Point Access Improvement Environmental Quality Review Act at 17 analysis, and the proposed process for Project; extension of comment period. New York Codes, Rules, and coordination and communication. The Regulations Part 15. plan will be available for public review, SUMMARY: The FHWA is extending the The Project is located on and in the input, and comments at public comment period for a notice of immediate vicinity of the Hunts Point meetings, including scoping meetings availability for a DEIS for the Hunts Peninsula in Bronx County, New York. held in accordance with the National Point Access Improvement Project, The purpose of the Project is to provide Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and which was published on June 1, 2018. improved access between the Hunts upon request at the TxDOT Austin The original comment period is set to Point Peninsula and Sheridan District Office. close on July 16, 2018. The extension is Boulevard and the Bruckner Expressway In accordance with 23 U.S.C. 139, based on the FHWA’s desire to allow for automobiles and trucks traveling to cooperating agencies, participating interested parties sufficient time to and from the commercial businesses agencies and the public will be given an review and provide comprehensive located on the peninsula. In addition, opportunity for continued input on the comments on this DEIS. Therefore, the the Project will address structural and proposed project. A public scoping closing date for comments is changed to operational deficiencies related to the meeting is planned for the summer of July 31, 2018, which will provide those existing infrastructure within the 2018. An agency scoping meeting will interested in commenting additional established project limits. also be held with participating and time to discuss, evaluate, and submit The DDR/DEIS describes the Project; cooperating agencies. The purpose of responses. the consideration of social, economic, the agency and public scoping meetings DATES: and environmental effects that would is to present the project studies The comment period for the notice of availability for the DEIS for the result from implementation of the completed to date and identify Project; and measures to mitigate significant and other relevant issues Hunts Point Access Improvement Project, which was published on June 1, adverse effects. related to the proposed RM 150 corridor The DDR/DEIS will be available for as part of the NEPA process. The 2018, at 83 FR 25451, is extended. Comments must be received on or review during business hours at the scoping meetings will provide an following locations on and after June 1, opportunity for participating agencies, before July 31, 2018. ADDRESSES: Requests for further 2018: cooperating agencies, and the public to • review and comment on the draft information or submission of comments Hunts Point Public Library, 877 regarding the Project may be sent to Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY project coordination plan and schedule, • the proposed project purpose and need, [email protected] or the Bronx Library Center, 310 East individuals listed below. Kingsbridge Road, Bronx, NY the range of alternatives developed to • date to be considered and evaluated in Erik Koester, P.E., Project Director, West Farms Branch Library, 2085 Honeywell Avenue, Bronx, NY the EIS, and methodologies and level of Region 11, NYS Department of • detail for analyzing alternatives. Transportation, 47–40 21st Street, Soundview Library, 660 Soundview Avenue, Bronx, NY In addition to the agency and public Long Island City, NY 11101, Phone • scoping meetings, a public hearing will (718) 482–4683 Parkchester Library, 1985 Westchester Avenue, Bronx, NY be held. Public notice will be given of Sara Gross, P.E., Area Engineer, Federal • the time and place of the meetings and Highway Administration, Leo O’Brien Bronx Community Board 1, 3024 Third Avenue, Bronx, NY hearing. To ensure that the full range of Federal Building, 11A Clinton • issues related to the proposed project is Avenue, Suite 719, Albany, NY Bronx Community Board 2, 1029 E addressed and all significant issues are 12207, Phone: (518) 431–4127 163 Street, Bronx, NY • Bronx Community Board 3, 1426 identified, comments and suggestions SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Boston Road, Bronx, NY are invited from all interested parties. • Such comments or questions concerning Background Bronx Community Board 6, 1932 this proposed action should be directed On June 1, 2018, at 83 FR 25451, a Arthur Avenue, Rm. 403–A, Bronx, NY to TxDOT at the address provided notice of availability, including a Draft • above. Environmental Impact Statement for the Bronx Community Board 9, 1967 Hunts Point Access Improvement Turnbull Avenue #7, Bronx, NY (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance • Casita Maria, 928 Simpson Street, Program Number 20.205, Highway Planning Project, published in the Federal Register. The New York State Bronx, NY and Construction.) • The Point, 940 Garrison Avenue, Department of Transportation Bronx, NY Issued on: July 10, 2018. (NYSDOT), in cooperation with the • Bronx Borough Hall, 851 Grand Michael T. Leary, FHWA, has prepared a Draft Design Concourse, Bronx, NY Director, Planning and Program Development, Report/Draft Environmental Impact Federal Highway Administration. Statement/Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation The DDR/DEIS may also be accessed [FR Doc. 2018–15301 Filed 7–17–18; 8:45 am] (DDR/DEIS) for the Hunts Point at https://www.dot.ny.gov/SouthBronx. BILLING CODE 4910–22–P Interstate Access Improvement Project Authority: 40 CFR 1506.9 and 10. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:19 Jul 17, 2018 Jkt 244001 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\18JYN1.SGM 18JYN1 amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1 33974 Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 138 / Wednesday, July 18, 2018 / Notices Issued on: July 13, 2018. ADDRESSES: BTS seeks public comments Type of Review: Approval of data Christopher Gatchell, on its proposed information collection. collection. Director, Office of Engineering, Federal Comments should address whether the Respondent: Oil and gas industry Highway Administration, New York Division. information will have practical utility; companies involved in the exploration [FR Doc. 2018–15416 Filed 7–16–18; 4:15 pm] the accuracy of the estimated burden and/or productions working in the Gulf BILLING CODE 4910–22–P hours of the proposed information of Mexico (GOM). collection’ ways to enhance the quality, Number of Potential Responses: One utility and clarity of the information to hundred. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION be collected; and ways to minimize the Estimated Time per Response: 40 burden of the collection of information hours. Bureau of Transportation Statistics on respondents, including the use of Frequency: Annual. Total Annual Burden: 400 hours. [Docket Number: DOT–OST–2017–0043] automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. II. Public Participation and Request for Agency Information Collection Send comments to the Office of Public Comments Activity; Response to Comments on Information and Regulatory Affairs, On May 7, 2018, BTS published a Notice of Request for Approval To Office of Management and Budget, 725 Notice (83 FR 20139) encouraging Collect New Information: Oil and Gas 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20503, interested parties to submit comments Industry Safety Data Program Attention: BTS Desk Officer. to docket number DOT–OST–2017–0043 AGENCY: Office of the Assistant FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: and allowing for a 60-day comment Secretary for Research and Technology Demetra V. Collia, Bureau of period. The comment period closed on (OST–R), Bureau of Transportation Transportation Statistics, Office of the July 6, 2018. There were two comments Statistics (BTS), U.S. Department of Assistant Secretary for Research and non-relevant to the topic of the Notice. Transportation. Technology, U.S. Department of To view comments, go to http:// ACTION: 30-day Notice and Response to Transportation, Office of Statistical and www.regulations.gov and insert the Comments. Economic Analysis, RTS–31, E36–302, docket number, ‘‘DOT–OST–2017– 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, 0043’’ in the ‘‘search’’ box and click SUMMARY: On May 7, 2019, the Bureau Washington, DC 20590–0001; Phone No. ‘‘Search.’’ Next click ‘‘Open Docket of Transportation Statistics (BTS) (202) 366–1610; Fax No. (202) 366– Folder’’ button and choose
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