Georg** L. W in a n s Wallace C. Wood Paul L. Bollinger Larry A, Chapman Clarence W. Wood Thomas C. Smith Sylvia S. Ferguson Mariheth Soule For Clerk —- -Fot-Tmmrer" For'TrusTee For Trustee For i riisloe For Assessor For Library Board For Library Board - ------- ----- -------- ------------- ----------- WEATHER QUOTE ■ ■ Min. M#x.„Pu!i!ln. Wcanc^.'S. t;Vn.,U7 is No -language can express- tha ......h~"""2ir....oratT ...... 7yowcii> arid benutv. and heroism^ Mj'ich 2 i » !» and majesty of a mother’s love, s.imi.iv. Mill t h .1 . 'ft ^E-dwrn—Huhbe 11 Chapin ISfea-'i'iC- ■« - Xi.cs.hiy, Mol ch . Jti. a.,1'1 • , / . '• •.. - A -^IN&T-Y-SKCQN'D- YEAR— No. 36 — . _-14-BagesJThis Week jCH-ELSEA,--mC^GAN^THUIiSI)A¥;^IA tOaperTIoRjC I ’ll SUBSGRIRTION $3.00 PER YEAR Cagers Close Farm Tractor Independents Offer eason with Accident Kills s m SaltireW m Lima Resident 3 - 'Carlos I,. Beckington, 54, . of Face East Jackson 4(i!)5" Peckins ltd., died about' IT This Evening in__ a.m. Wednesday.'Fpb. 27; howev.or^ Posts -liis—body was-not discovcred. until District '1 ourney '>;30 ’p.m. when one of his-• em­ ployees, Raymond .Ding.ee, 47, be- No Opposition : The Chelsea Bulldog? success­ ?an cbecking a barnyard near-tho fully closed out tTieir regular sea­ -Jeckington home.- 7 Is Expected’in “ son schedule last Friday by defeat-, Beckingtop was the victim of" a ing .the_ Saline Hornets, 07-55, on freak accident —. he apparently Monday’s Voting the, Bulldogs’ homeicourt._____ _i_ slipped “ami. tell" against the body In the first - quavteiv of play of a fertilizer spreader, his left Chelsea’s village election, Man- ■ Chelsea boomed, into a 24-14'lead,; nim becoming wedged between the _-da, March 11, apparently will bo and coasted to an easy victory as spreader body and thc moving a quiet affair since only tHe Inde­ they -led, 03-25,' at half-time, -52-40 drive .shaft which was attached pendent Party has named candi- JAM ES 1>. TRY AND at the three quarter mark, 'and to a power "take-off on “the tractor. ' dates,--..... — - - ■ ■■ posted a winning score of 67-5.5, Almost immediately the spin- Electors' are reminded, ’however, Again,k-the-keyi": to -viCtory was -mng—drive—rshaft pulled—Becking^ of the ruling .that if they fail to balanced scoring and superior re- ton’s heavy . ■' winter ^clothing cast their ballot in four successive bounding. Four Bulldogs scored in around it, pulling him .downward. elections,: the clerk is required to double, figures,-led bye Bob_Rie^ The- elothing-wte^puHed taut- by" — send -ouf-eards—to—remind- them- For Private menschne(d'er with 16 points,' Curt the fast-movirig drive shaft and their registratian \vill.hnve expired i ' Farley with 13, Carl Walker with formed a-noose around Bccking- and unless they ■'re-register,-■■ they 14, and Don Joseph with 12, ton’s neck, according to reports o f will pot be eligiiye fo vote at future Law Practice Other Chelsea scorers were Dud tiie ■ accident. elections.. ' Mondny, -March 4, James P. Ti y- Holmes'With 6 , Cordon'Carpenter Beckiiigton appnrently- died only It was also iiointe'd out by party .■aa[,w]kJuLfi livedat Loch Alpine, with 4, and "John .Ashley' with 2. minutes after Dingee. wJio lives in * committees, that _a vote for. the . Chelsea out-rebounded Saline, near Dexter, the past five' and a house trailer on the ■farm, left Roherl'L. Daniels candiiliitcs,' even though’ there is cnc-haft years, Gogjin private law. 58-30,'led by Curt Farley who ■col­ to attend a -funernl."Dtffgeo .told - no opposition, is a1 Vote of confi- lected'-2 0 ..: practice ‘in Chelsea,- 1 1 1 • ' officers he helped Beckington start Seeks 3rd Term (lerice for the jnen who will be.civ- FtAvas^also-Ar-finu. wire"- also--- tc Hire -evening-evening for a tractor ,which had a fertilizer 7 mg ‘their time and effort to com. File has opened an office in the the parents of-varsity players, as inanity affairs for the' next year James. C. Hendley office building spreader -attached, to it just before- th&y_.\yere guests 'of honor for the he left the farm. (two years in the case of trus­ at llo Park St,; however, he and event'. Introductions . of all par­ SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADERS at the lyn .Miller,1 Donna Bolanowskiv'Sharon Davis, l.ynne ; : Becking.ton’s wife, Catherine, tees) . Homlley lui-yo no partnership con- ents and their sons were made Junior High school in yesterday’s spelling bee <o ILin and-Sherry-Blackwelf. In the'center row the Load Limits A'cdiort. - — ..‘ ---- ; ' ' ■ hn<l - Jcrft home - earlieV - to report ■ - -Replacing' AlCTlo~;Barrr Jr,, Wil-" prior to the start of the varsity select a school champion”foy .distrkt,ci>miietition seventh grade students are David Lindsay,'Rockey to her job in Ann A.rbor liaii) Chandler and-Dr. L. j, Paul, Vryand, Avho is .42 years old,' Contest. - • were 13 seventh grtide pupils and seven from the Moyne, - Tom Rich, Roger t Frisingcr and Ivirn^ With no one else at home, Beek- g]a(hijiie(L_f i:uin—-W- ayner/U ni vers - In Effect on w h o have completed their term sc in - “(The Chelsea Junior Varsity-lost Eighth-grade.-.Seventlv-gnulcrs im1 shown in fhe—- Flintoft; and (host1 Iff Thu. front* row, also seventh ingtoii was ifot^mTSsed until'"late office, candidates for trustec foi KyrDctroi:, before entering •mili- to"',Saline’s JV’s, '4^42/ to ffimh afternoon when Dingee and ■mem­ tary service.:.He whs in -the- In. first and second row of the above photo iviih tlie graders, are Carole .Sharrard, Connie Carlson, two-year terms-are Paul Bollinger, their .season with a 7 - won 7- lost Shari Stofor, Diane Brand, Judy Salyer and Shirley bers of the family returned. County Roads ••Larry-- Chapman --and Clarence Jaatry ami Transportation . Corps record. '’exception of Linda Beentnn, extreme right in the nom lD-lo serving oyer-- center..mw, who is an eighth grade student. -The 1 Howard. Two-'seventh grade "students who were' Born Ang. 17, 15)08, at Garden Wood, i ■ The Bulldogs arc now, ready for Prairie, HI., the son of-Garth and - Roads in this area show no in­ seas in N’dijh Africa apd, Italy", the State Tournament compete remaining eighth grade students ifre m (lie hack oligil>Ie"-to'"cr»nipe1 e yesterday were not present dication, as yet, of spring break­ Bollinger, who is- self-employed,' Edna- Childs Beckington, he later owns and i)i)crates Bollinger' Sank Hd cai rivd, ,a mas'lei/s degree in tion, which begins..for them to­ row. They are, from left, Nancy Pndghnm, Marj-' for tlievphoto—Paul Schnake and Evelyn Estes. moved t.o Saline -and-was mnrried up, according to Wilbert Biei.ten- .economics in IP 17 and his bachelor night at East .Jackson; Chelsea wischer, (fistrict foreman at Chrl- tatton-Rcrviccr He is a .1 IMS in-iuln. tliei'e Feb. 2 2 . 1030. to Catherine. ate of Chelsea Highi school and is- ■Hi laA-Vs..dektj'i';>! ..in. 1H51, both-at the will- -play- a- tough East ■■■■Jackson ■ Maxwell, who survives.- They seu -for the Washtenaw County ln|veisity yf Michigan, ..He has squad who; defeated -Jackson RoftTi Commission. .... married to the .former Betty Field- ' farmed in .Saline until- moving, to. er,.- They have a family ' of four teen admitted to practice law in Northwest on Tuesday to extend the present farm in 1 0 0 0 . ..Jiroitemviseher,' iii common with • uchigaii, Illinois and 'the. United Howard . G, Minicr. Waslitcnavv children, ranging in age from three their Reason record to .16-0. ■ Surviving in \ addition to the , states.di«trietr-eourts in ~Aiame 'time is._T_B.,rm. County -Road Commission - .superin­ to 15 years. Their homo is at 415 also. 1Thu ‘Supreme Court of the Jacksop High School with Jthc dis­ wrdow, .are five- diroghtars, Missmr tendent-manager, W a r-n s that "West iMuTdle St. “ ” ■.- 77 United Staton. -•............ ..........' Carol Marie and Donna .'1C. Beck* soupy, road,.'.conditions and wash- lie has been a member since trict championship game to ,be rrrgtmr“uf~A1 hnmbnr; -eiri ifr“ Miss" —hytkn? graduation he served outsn n t a ■ oni\>r.. -isgrave Pfitwi 1I - - -Lhighways t irh n iii • mayits n« * beU s cFTldhood of the Cligisoa Congre­ played at 7:30 p.m, on Saturday. Anita and Rita Beckington at as attorney for the Grand Trunk exiu'Cted if a' iirolongod rain should gational church; ns a- lieutenant honve7 -i\irs^Delia""C;irtnvels "nf“iil- Westcrn-ivaiIiuitd^dfr^betroif' and occur before the frost has left the with t)ic Chelsea Fire Department ^iiicHgo, From In57 until 15101 he Monte, Calif.; one son, Lany C. ground; exceptionally dee)) frost and is a member. ..of. the...Chelseu ’ Beckington of Ann Arbor/ four 'Vitlv tile George F. Alger Co., 60 Women this year, combined with unusually Rod and Cun eluln brothers, Mark, of Toledo, O., Jl-igL—P-iloS__of snow along nil'll 1 C'luipman, a l!>55 graduate of \ ? .,.' fil'd his .traffic^maiu- ok^~'of— ~BellevtlIol GlirtTf- of ll,l(L: oinpany..counsel and roads are contributing factors. Chelsea High school, lias been-em­ Whitmore Luke and Thomas of, In ini' effort to -forestall oxoes- ployed the past eight' years as a Ir hiinu'd vice-president and Ahmchestcrt—throe—3rstersr~~MTrr sive damage to highways, spring laboratory TOchTiltmn .aT^Ch'fysjcC gcITTUo... ..a - motor Margaret MeJlougall of Ypsilnnti, '■I c'r i'11'111’ specialiZes in steel weight restrictions .were imposed Proving 'Ground.
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