EXPLORERAAPG 2 JULY 2010 WWW.AAPG.ORG Vol. 31, No. 7 JULY 2010 EXPLORERAAPG PRESIDENT’SCOLUMN Leading With an Eye to the Future By DAVID G. RENSINK n seven years AAPG will celebrate its nothing inherently wrong with complexity, 100th anniversary – and I believe the but it can make an organization difficult Iactions AAPG takes in the next seven There never will be a substitute to manage. Our ability to further the years will be pivotal in preparing AAPG for the geoscientist who is able science of petroleum geology and our for its second 100 years. continued financial health are inextricably It may seem ridiculous to think we can to assimilate data from multiple linked. prepare such a long-range plan when One of the changes we can predict there is no guarantee that the oil industry sources and generate a rational is that our membership will continue to still will be relevant to society in 2117. It interpretation of the subsurface. grow outside the United States. At the is certainly true the world and the oil and RENSINK growth rates we have experienced in gas industry will change in unimaginable the last 10 years, more than half our ways in the next 100 years, just as it has technology has advanced in recent valuable service AAPG provides to its members will live in the international in the past 100 years. years, nor how far it will advance in the membership. regions in less than 20 years. We are Change is inevitable, but that does not future, there never will be a substitute for Our publications give us credibility, developing a strategy that will encourage mean that it cannot be managed. the geoscientist who is able to assimilate and they have made us what we are. and accommodate that growth – but in data from multiple sources and generate However, an organization can only last as doing so, we do not want to marginalize * * * a rational interpretation of the subsurface. long as it is financially sound. We have the U.S. members who have long been That geoscientist needs AAPG, and we been blessed with very good financial and will continue to be an integral part of There has been one constant for the need that geoscientist. Although the stewardship from members and staff. AAPG. We are a global industry, and the last 93 years, and it likely will persist for medium will change, the publication of AAPG has grown into a complex, $18 globalization of AAPG is inevitable and the next 100 years – AAPG is first and the science will continue to be the most million per year enterprise. There is desirable. foremost about the science of petroleum At the time AAPG was formed in 1917, geology. We disseminate it through the number of automobiles in the world our publications and we archive it in Candidate Slate Announced was measured in the millions. Today they Datapages, GIS-Udril and Search and are measured in the hundreds of millions. AAPG officer candidates have been President-Elect Discovery. The underlying principles of Approximately 75 percent of the crude oil announced for the 2011-12 term. p Edward A. “Ted” Beaumont, petroleum geology have not changed consumed in the United States today is Biographies and individual independent consultant, Tulsa. dramatically in the last 40 years, but used for transportation. That compares information for all candidates will be p John C. Dolson, DSP Geosciences our understanding and application of with approximately 61 percent worldwide. available online in mid-August at www. and Associates, Coconut Grove, Fla. those principles has improved greatly. It Until we find a viable alternative to the aapg.org. is the improvement in the tools we use internal combustion engine, crude oil will For the first time, video comments Vice President-Regions to apply those principles to explore for continue to be a significant part of the by the candidates also will be available p David C. Blanchard, El Paso Egypt and develop oil and gas reserves that world’s energy picture. online. Production, Lasilky, Maadi, Egypt, has been truly incredible. Forty years AAPG members will be there, leading The president-elect will serve in p Stuart D. Harker, Circle Oil Plc, ago, the most valuable tool a geologist the search for new reserves – just as they that capacity for one year and will be Finchampstead, U.K. could possess – besides a Brunton have for the past 93 years. AAPG president in 2012-13. The vice compass – was the ability to visualize in president-Regions and secretary serve Secretary three dimensions. The ability to visualize two-year terms. p Charles A. “Chuck” Caughey, a geologic interpretation in 3-D is not Ballots will be mailed in spring 2011. ConocoPhillips, Houston. as important as it once was because a The slate is: p Denise M. Cox, Storm Energy, computer can generate it for you. Panama City, Fla. No matter how far computer STAFF TABLEofCONTENTS REGULARDEPARTMENTS AAPG Headquarters: The new term begins: David G. Heads up: The moon may be Geophysical Corner .............................26 1-800-364-2274 (U.S. & Canada only), 6 Rensink assumes the presidency of 16 important to Earth in more ways others 1-918-584-2555 AAPG, leading the members of this than we realized. Washington Watch ................................28 Communications Director year’s AAPG Executive Committee. Larry Nation Making a Difference .............................32 e-mail: [email protected] Renaissance era: Geoscience In for the long haul: A new study says the Marcellus Shale play, 8 research – often more practical 18 Foundation Update ...............................34 Managing Editor already a headline grabber, may Vern Stefanic than theoretical – is enjoying a get even larger. e-mail: [email protected] strong revival. In Memory ............................................34 Communications Project Specialist Going, and going, and going Is it safe? The Environmental Membership and Certification ..............38 Susie Moore 12 … The Mars Exploration Rovers 30 Protection Agency is studying e-mail: [email protected] continue to provide spectacular hydraulic fracturing to determine Readers’ Forum ....................................40 Correspondents views – and important information its impact on surface, ground and David Brown – to geoscientists on earth. drinking water resources. Louise S. Durham Classified Ads ......................................42 Susan R. Eaton Diane Freeman Director’s Corner ..................................43 Barry Friedman Divisions Report (DPA) .........................43 Graphics/Production Matt Randolph e-mail: [email protected] ON THE COVER: Advertising Coordinator Brenda Merideth These hikers are on their way to P.O. Box 979 Mount Wapta (center) and Fossil Ridge Tulsa, Okla. 74101 in Canada’s beautiful and geologically telephone: (918) 560-2647 (U.S. and Canada only: 1-800-288-7636) significant Yoho National Park, site of (Note: The above number is the famed Burgess Shale. It’s also the for advertising purposes only.) Photo by Douglas O’Brien site of one of 16 field trips planned fax: (918) 560-2636 in conjunction with the upcoming Takakkaw Falls, located in Canada’s Yoho National Park. e-mail: [email protected] AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, set Sept. 12-15 in nearby The AAPG EXPLORER (ISSN 0195-2986) is published monthly for members. Published at AAPG headquarters, 1444 S. Boulder Ave., P.O. Box 979, Tulsa, Okla. 74101, (918) 584-2555. e-mail address: [email protected]. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, Okla., and at additional mailing offices. Printed in the U.S.A. Note to members: $6 of annual dues pays for one Calgary, Canada. For more meeting year’s subscription to the EXPLORER. Airmail service for members: $55. Subscription rates for non-members: $75 for 12 issues; add $72 for airmail service. Advertising rates: Contact information see page 30, or go online Brenda Merideth, AAPG headquarters. Subscriptions: Contact Veta McCoy, AAPG headquarters. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and videos must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope to ensure return. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) does not endorse or recommend any products or services that may be cited, used or to www.aapg.org/Calgary. discussed in AAPG publications or in presentations at events associated with AAPG. Copyright 2009 by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to AAPG EXPLORER, P.O. Box 979, Tulsa, Okla. 74101. Canada Publication Agreement Number 40063731 Return undeliverable Canadian Vol. 31, No. 7 No. 31, Vol. address to: Station A, P.O. Box 54 • Windsor, ON N9A 6J5 • E-mail: [email protected] WWW.AAPG.ORG JULY 2010 3 EXPLORERAAPG 4 JULY 2010 WWW.AAPG.ORG WWW.AAPG.ORG JULY 2010 EXPLORERAAPG JULY 2010 WWW.AAPG.ORG WWW.AAPG.ORG JULY 2010 5 EXPLORERAAPG RENSINK WEIMER BRITTENHAM GUzMáN McGHAY HOUSTON LAUBACH HAWK Rensink Takes Helm of AAPG avid G. Rensink, a consulting will serve as AAPG president in 2011-12. p Treasurer – James S. McGhay, p Vice president-Regions – Alfredo E. geologist in Houston, has His father, Robert J. Weimer, Mid-Con Energy, Tulsa. Guzmán, consultant, Veracruz, Mexico. Dassumed the presidency of AAPG professor emeritus at the Colorado p Editor – Stephen E. Laubach, p Secretary – William S. Houston, with on July 1. School of Mines, served as AAPG Bureau of Economic Geology, University PTTEP, Bangkok, Thailand. A Minnesota native, Rensink retired president in 1991-92. of Texas at Austin. Also on the new committee is David H. in 2009 as senior geological adviser for Others elected to the 2010-11 Both the vice president-Sections and Hawk, a consultant in Boise, Idaho, who Apache Corp. Executive Committee are: treasurer will serve for two years, and the assumed the chairmanship of the AAPG He previously has served as p Vice president-Sections – Marvin elected editor serves for three years. House of Delegates. EXPLORER offshore exploration manager for D.
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