MIATB. PAr•• n ••t ...,. II ""•• ra ft ••'" nit• • raOO.,88ED rOOD8 ••••••tamp. N2 ' ....rb D ••• At Ik,.. ,.. BI ••,.. ..... IIIQU•••• k t .., .1•• , Partly Cloudy .. ,.e4 'or 'I.. , ••••• Ib'..... 4... II. IB08., " ... Ibroe .,.,1 •••• 1.. ,. I, % ad • I ••' •••.,Iallel,. QASOLINE. 11 .. 04 ....... , ••• I.r I •• r ,aU••• e:ae .. lOW • Partly cloudy and U ..... ., h •• :1 ....... jt-1. 0 ..... C·, •••• r., • ~"htLJ w.rmer, flU r.U... ...... rU8" OIL. ,.rI.. ••• I .. ' ..... fI.. THE DAILY IOWA ~•• , ••• , ... '''' •• f.'' A.,. "; ..- ".,'. pert.. I ••, ... fl•• e •• , ... a •••• ,Ir• . \ ••. 11. Iowa City', Marnln~ Uew,pClpe, FIVE CENTS ===========~==ftP===u=~===An.===~============~====~====K)=VV==A==C~tt==y=,=k)==~~A====~~S~A~TURD==~A~y~,~ru=· ~NE==9~,~1~9~45~======~========~==~nu-==.=qom==~A~r~u~"~__ ~====~ V~O=L~mME~~X=X~I ====NUMB~~:ER 219 Circuit (ourl RECAPTURE OF LlUCHOW NEAR Doclare's Ward U. S. --Forces Reduce Jap Seizure Legal Mail Order House Ruled to Be Engaged Pockets in Okinawa -Battle In War Production CHICAGO (A P )-Govern. Bomber Crashes- D1eD~ seizure of Montgol]1ery Make Swift Wird arid com pany properties Yanks Pound iu seven eitie Dec. 28 wa de· ~arOO legal yesterday by the Strange Primitive Land Visited Advances United tates circuit cou rt of Statut. Mil •• Borneo Bases I , ; , ----------------------~--~~----~--------- appeal , which ruled the mail MANILA, Saturday (AP)-The Ralph Morton, who new down to (lnler hous was en<>aged in wllr o 100 200 300 «)0 lumbering army plane came out of HoJlandia (rom hel e ~ cover the n Nip Garrisons production. Philippine Mop-Up the sky and crashed in flames half story, ave this Be-coun : Two of the judges upheld the HARD-FIGHTING CHlNESE 'roopa are reported close to capture of Driye Penetrates way up 8 towering mountain at F'oocI, medical upplie, a walkl - Compressed Into 19 late President Roo 'evelt au. Llucbow, former vUal allied all' base, under and air umbrella provided the edge oC a strange and primitive talkie and two FIlipinO medical 's land. Square Miles thority to take over the proper· by the United Slales 14th Illrforce. The vlelerlou Chlne.e cleared more Magat River Valley · technician were dropped. ties ill a labor dispute while the than 75 mUea of the China ea.t coa,t, and then closed In Oil the main It was a land never before vis­ Ooe native village was near the tks Kwancsi province air base from three dlrecUons. Map. above. shoWl MANILA, Saturday (AP)­ ited by a white man. where naUv wreck. and lhe trib en who (Ill .1 •• 'allll·day (AP)-Ad­ Hurd, Judge Will M. Spa/'ks, warriors grow six feet tall. carry came out to look at th e lrnng \'011 in \\irt/r on a broad .aId he concurred In a district (1) Llucbow fI,hUn•• (I) drive leward Canlen. (I) Jap ,arrJ on wiped Heavy aerlal pounding of Japanese out on IlIland of Yuhwan and (4) drive on KweUln aDd the tak .... be es on Borneo is conUnuJn" spears, rotate crops, irrigate. and birdmen yi Ided rnou h to cook Cront , nJ,.ril'a~ forr qu U'd COIIrt ruling of Jan. 27 that the raise pigs "as bi, as dooke ." some wet't potat (or thrm. .Izure had no ('onstitutional or of PaJUIL with daring torpedo-boat sweeps Nnw u landing strip i being OIl!' of tilt> two plit Japan e The day was May 13, the hour 3 On May 20, Capt. Cecil E. Wai­ Ita rri-1I1l on n\11 h m Okinawa .titutory basis. off that bl, Island's norU! coast, tHull 0 a ghder can b nt in and p. m., and somehow out ot the ters and Ight F'llipino p tal'hut into a th"I'p lJuar mill' pocket l\ Ward's spokesman said the General MacArthur announced to­ wreckage, 7,200 feet up the 13.000- trooJ}l w{'re dropjX'd IOto til val­ bl:' towed hut by a trlln [lOlt. bul ~pany wo~d ask for a rehear· At a Glanc.- day as the ground forces In the toot mountain crawled an army ley about 10 mile from the ur­ til (. r e 1 aIPC" b leve it Will Fl'itiar tllI,l hrtlll"ht th ther in \ I House Cuts OWl be a w ek before the party can be \111. Philippine recorded gains of one oWcer. a WAC and a serg ant. vlvors to begin work on a landlO& th fortifi tl Yaeju.nok{' cs· brou ht out. Want's In opposlne the leisure., to seven mUes In the cleanup Behind them in or near the strip. carpm lit und r inlt'ns ]lIane, Fund by S17,000,000 Til II _teD;ded It was 00\ eneale~ tn drives on Luzon and Mindanao. wreckage of the C·47 were the They reached the. urvivor and Ir moralc w w summed w rship nnll 111'1i1h'ry bomb I'd­ wir ,tired.cllon al meani In "'" Today's Heavy. medium and t I g h t e r bodies of 20 ot their comradll6, lhe two other P rachull' tr()()(lH& lip by 100-JI()und, 31-y r-old '1 mrn'. fill tit) • The hov ring pi n ~ labor dllPutes act and there­ Republican. Win bomb rs hit Borneo with 170 tons who had set out on lhat day tIJ see May 25, lind by June 1 hud th III • Hl'i7.in" n l\h,tlllltia!Pllmenl from the air the wild beauty Illnrd her ('It· II. iii m voicc uv{'r I," wa. not subject to replatlon o[ bombs, cratering airdrome run­ ot back in the villley ennlp alter a of thr onthw t eooq\ and draw­ Major Victory ways, destroying two grounded Dutch New GUinea. slow and tortuous tllP 1I110U 'h in­ the wull I -talkie saying: .-.er the ael. With th,l, view, the j II" tip I/{·{ Ir!' IllI' 150 foot hiab Iowan · planes and setUng many fires, A oclated Press Correspondent credibly WIld country. "[ "m flU!, and n}oying il ull." ..., court of a.,peals dhacreed, In Economy Drive C I:/lrpm n in preparation tor a "UD': ' MacArthur', communique stated. .> • stron!: pu h, the Unltcd States Lla'hl eoui&l foreM • helle d "Considering the nature of the U. S. forces* compress * * remaining WASHINGTON (AP)-Repub­ 10th army rnmprr:< d th divided Domen's north eoutal defe 1& .ct, Its purposes, and the back­ Jap garrisons on Oldn'awa into liClins scored a major victory last Syria-Lebanon Nipnn . e holdout mto I ... ss than ""und lMretore, we conclude a.dded, and a'" pal.rol II&Dk a Chinese IsolatelBig Five Proclaim 1~ square mHes. nlllht in a drive to slash lunds of 19 oC klOaw' 485 qu re miles. sehooner near Keodart. aUa.clte4 that without' the ai<:l or tne clefinl­ war-created agenei by cuUlng dOl rill ,h ter lV. NimH" an­ airfields In Ole Celebes, ~ of Strife Unsettled tipn «of production) found In the ClrcuU court of appeals up­ $17,000,000 {rom the 1MB fiscal nOUII .. pd rlday' Iround advance t.lr·llI.bOr 'standards act, we must year allotment (or the omce of Borneo, and ha..-ed Japanese holds government right to seize faellUJes In Ole leallei' UIId.u &0 In a mmunlque toda" whleh also In~ , d,o hold that act appLied to Ward's. war Information. French Undecided 200,000 Japs V~~b~~t:e~tl~~::ntial rtllortl'd ub t ntl I enpm), air as· Ward's.- . The 138 to 128 roU-call vote that the outh and In &.be Mohaccal ualn. On Conference ult. 011 Oklnaw Wedn!' day and . "We would go ~urther and say Borneo bues hit by Yank tor­ left OWl with only $18,000,000 for ·a Problem to Small Thur da durIn&'" hkh 67 raiders t~a, the tl10usands ol boys and pedo boats. Its operations-unless the lenate While this softening process was Of Big Five Powers Nations at Conference wl'rt d .... tro t'd. The raldera dam- lirla who g~tfJer waste paper are restore. the house reduetlon~lI­ In progress a nlnst the east Indies, In South ASI and two lIIlIll Amen an VI' Is. enpged In prodUction w 0 r k maxed a G.O.P .-powered cam­ the land drive in the Philippines • B-Z9'1I blast Nagoya. By TUE A OOIATED PR S Thursday, 0 k J n a w a-b a se d w,tbln the lTleanillg ol'thls statute. paign to withhold any funds for continued s teadily. The French were old to b SAN FIlANCI. CO (AP) - The CHUNGKING (A1')- A h III ( nlg Fiy;! Cirmly Dnd furmally )Jro­ Thundl'rbolts hit th I' takeoCf '"Also, the thousandl of bond tbe office of economic stabiliza­ The 37th InCantry division thrust waverinl! la t night in their de­ <'i al mcd ye [!rday th t their vrto POJnt lor thc ('n ... my Illrforce on .;hsqlea aDd women en,a,ed In tion and the office of Inter-Ameri­ northeastward beyond cap~ u red termination to Cree a five-power army poke. m n said Yl 1 'I day power is "e [-nUal" If a world Kyu.hu. They shot down eight ....Inl United Slates war bonds carl IIflalrs and to curb the allot­ Bayombong down Ul8 narrow conference ov r th enUre mlddl - that approxlmat Iy 200.000 ,Jllr­ I 1I !:1l is tf) be ('leal d in whi('h int rt pUn'S but h;ld a dlWcuH II lba~ the proc~eds ma" he used men of the war relocation au­ Mallat river valley 27 mil lrom e t problem roth r th an dlst'u An .
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