5 GREAT DEFENSIVE PISTOL DRILLS ELITE OFFICER MOREGUN REVIEWS FN’S 509 KAHR CT380 • • CONTENTS FEBRUARY/MARCH 2018 | VOLUME 32, NUMBER 1 | PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY | www.handguns.com FEATURES 22 ASWEETELITE By PATRICK SWEENEY 6SULQJÀHOG $UPRU\·V QHZ 5DQJH 2IÀFHU (OLWH PP GRHV LW DOO³KRPH GHIHQVH FRQFHDOHG FDUU\ DQG HYHQ FRPSHWLWLRQ 22 28 GIDDY UP, 509 28 By BRAD FITZPATRICK )1 $PHULFD·V QHZHVW VWULNHUÀUHG JXQ FKHFNV DOO WKH ER[HV IRU DQ HYHU\- day carry pistol. 36 COLT STRIKES By JEFF CHUDWIN 7KH &REUD UHYROYHU LV EDFN³WKLV WLPH DV DQ DOOVWHHO 3 WKDW·V QLFH WR FDUU\ DQG QLFH WR VKRRW 42 POCKET PORTABILITY 36 By BRAD FITZPATRICK $ ORRN DW ÀYH KROVWHUV WKDW ZLOO NHHS \RXU SRFNHW JXQ VHFXUH KLGGHQ and ready to draw. 48 ROCK SOLID By BRAD FITZPATRICK 42 .DKU·V &7 JHWV DOO GUHVVHG XS ZLWK D QHZ &HUDNRWH ÀQLVK JULS H[WHQ- VLRQ DQG JULS VOHHYH³FUHDWLQJ DQ H[FHOOHQW FDUU\ JXQ 48 52 FIVE FOR FIGHTING By RICHARD NANCE )LYH GULOOV WKDW UHLQIRUFH WKH VNLOOV \RX QHHG WR NQRZ WR GHIHQG \RXUVHOI ZLWK D KDQGJXQ DEPARTMENTS 4 LETTERS 18 ESSENTIALS JAMES TARR 8 SPEEDLOADS 6XUH)LUH·VQHZ0DVWHUÀUHKRO 52 •Gettingyourgunsback ster looks weird—but it works. •Advance/Retreatdrill •IMRTargetreview 64 BACK PAGE 14 EN GARDE BEAUTIES FIRING LINE STAN TRZONIEC RICHARD NANCE REPORT Colt’s Detective Special was Gaugeyourpreparedness via special indeed. suprise role-play. 60 ROCK ISLAND 16 GUNS&GEAR BABY ROCK By JAMES TARR J. SCOTT RUPP 2 HANDGUNS FEBRUARY/MARCH 2018 SURVIVAL IS MANDATORY NOW AVAILABLE for GLOCK FULL-SIZE & COMPACT • LL-807G • LL-807 FOR ALL CURRENT OFFERS &PROMOTIONSVISIT CRIMSONTRACEOFFERS.COM/HANDGUNS crimsontrace.com 800-442-2406 | LETTERS UHSO\ ZRXOG EH ´0DULQH \RX EHWWHU know if you are loaded or not when youpickupthatpistolandputitin yourholster.”Ithinkthispractice is new and some just like to use the forwardserrationstodoapress FKHFNMXVWWREHFRRODQGVD\´SUHVV check.” How in the world can you not know if you are hot and ready to roll at all times as soon as you SLFNXSWKHÀUHDUP" RICHARD FIGURA CHARLOTTE, NC Long-Range Hi Power I enjoyed the article by Stan Rounds Count in the December/January issue on 7U]RQLHFRQWKH%URZQLQJ+L AfterreadingJamesTarr’sar- SDJH -DPHV ZULWHV ´*UHHQ LV Power (December/January). I own a ticle on the new M&P 2.0 Compact actuallyattheoppositeendofthe Hi Power from the Nazi occupation (December/January), imagine my colorspectrumfromred,whichis RI %HOJLXP ,W LV D QXPEHUPDWFK- surprise in discovering I’ve been why it works so well.” This is not ing, Waffenamt marked pistol. The ZURQJO\ VWXIÀQJ URXQGV LQWR exactly true. Have you ever heard oddthingaboutmypistolisthatit magazines for the S&W M&P9c RI5R\*%LY"7KHYLVLEOHVSHFWUXP hasthetangentsightontherear I’ve carried for the past two years spans from the longer wavelength thatcanbesetfora500-metershot. since.Heassuresusnofewerthan red to the shorter wavelength Iamnotsurehowmuchenergy three times that magazines for my YLROHW *UHHQ DFWXDOO\ VLWV ULJKW LQ wouldbeleftatthatrange,butitis JXQKROGRQO\7KHQHZ0 3 themiddleofthespectrum.Asa a nice talking point. Keep up the &RPSDFW LV D ÀQH LGHD +RSH- retired science teacher, I just had good work, Stan. fully,S&Wwillfeature2.0models to speak up. FRED R. MAVROUDIS ofthreehigh-capacityframesizes: RICK GANDY PHOENIX, AZ full size, compact and subcompact. CONCORD, NC I would cheerfully own all three. Resurrection F. PAUL VALONE PressChecksAreDumb In the latest December/January BRYSON CITY, NC Ihaveownedandhandled issue,Ireadtheletteraboutthe Mr.Valoneis,infact,correct,and ÀUHDUPV IRU RYHU \HDUV LQ- 6PLWK :HVVRQ 0RGHO +LJKZD\ Iaminerror.Meaculpa.I’mnot cluding four years in the Marine Patrolman,anditremindedmeof sure how I made that mistake.— Corps, where I carried the iconic something I hope will be of inter- James Tarr DPRQJ RWKHU ÀQH ZHDSRQV , HVW %DFN LQ , UHFHLYHG DQ practice strict safety protocols, and 6 : 0RGHO IURP P\ ODWH XQFOH·V Color Blind Ithinkmyplatoonsergeantwould estate.Itwasaservicegun,andit Firstofall,IloveHandguns turn over in his grave if I told him showedholsterwearandhadloose magazine and the writings of James Ihadtopress-checkmysidearmto lock up. I contacted S&W and was Tarr. I must point out a mistake see if I had a round in the pipe. His happily surprised to learn that for justover$200Iwasabletogetback CONTACT US a gun that looked brand new inside For letters and comments on the magazine, contact us at [email protected] or write andout.Ibringthisupbecauseif to us at Handguns, P.O. Box 271245, Fort Collins, CO 80527. Please include your town and state you found a gun like an old Model DVORQJDVWKHEDUUHOZDVRND\ of residence. Letters may be edited for brevity and clarity. ADDRESS CHANGE OR SUBSCRIPTION QUESTION? Note we have a new email address for this. you could get it refurbished, which Please email [email protected] or write to Handguns, P.O. Box 37539, Boone, IA makes sense to me. MIKE MCGARGHAN JR. 50037-0539. If changing address, please send both old and new addresses. BURLINGTON, VT 4 HANDGUNS FEBRUARY/MARCH 2018 WWW.HANDGUNS.COM AN OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN GROUP® PUBLICATION WWW.HANDGUNS.COM PUBLISHER Mike Schoby ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Patrick Hogan EDITORIAL STAFF EDITOR IN CHIEF J. Scott RUPP ART DIRECTOR Heather FERRO STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Michael ANSCHUETZ GROUP ART DIRECTOR David KLECKNER CHIEF COPY EDITOR Michael BRECKLIN CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jeff CHUDWIN, Brad FITZPATRICK, Rick HACKER, Richard NANCE, Bob SHELL, Patrick SWEENEY, James TARR, Stan TRZONIEC, Joseph VON BENEDIKT PRODUCTION MANAGER Kathryn MCGLOTHLEN PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Al ZIEGLER ENDEMIC AD SALES NATIONAL ENDEMIC SALES Jim McCONVILLE (440) 791-7017 WESTERN REGION Hutch LOONEY [email protected] MIDWEST/SOUTHEAST REGION Rob WALKER (309) 679-5069 EAST COAST REGION Pat BENTZEL (717) 695-8095 NATIONAL AD SALES EAST COAST ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Kathy GROSS (678) 589-2065 MIDWEST ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Kevin DONLEY (248) 798-4458 WEST COAST, MIDWEST & MOUNTAIN ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Carl BENSON (312) 955-0496 DIRECT RESPONSE ADVERTISING/NON-ENDEMIC Anthony SMYTH (693) 693-8700 BER 6. Published bimonthly by OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN GROUP®, 1040 6th Ave., 12th Floor, New York, NY 10018-3703. Periodical postage paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change (Form 3579) to Handguns, P.O. Box 37539, Boone, IA 50037-0539. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 500 R. 46 East, Clifton, NJ 07011. Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 41405030. SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES Should you wish to change your address, order new subscriptions, or report a problem with your current subscription, you can do so by writing Hand- guns, P.O. Box 37539, Boone, IA 50037-0539, or e-mail us at hgscustserv@ cdsfulfillment.com, or call TOLL FREE 1-800-800-4486. BE AWARE THAT HANDGUNS ONLY ACCEPTS SUBSCRIPTION REQUESTS FROM AUTHORIZED AGENTS! WE MAY NOT HONOR REQUESTS FROM UNAUTHORIZED AGENTS, AND YOU THEREFORE MAY LOSE YOUR MONEY IF YOU BUY FROM AN UNAUTHORIZED AGENT. If you are offered a subscription to Handguns, please call 1-800-800-4486 to determine if the agent is authorized. For more information on subscription scams, please visit www.ftc.gov. Subscription rate for one year is $19.94 (U.S., APO, FPO, and U.S. posses- sions). Canada add $13.00 (U.S. funds) per year, includes sales tax and GST. Foreign add $15.00 (U.S. funds) per year. Occasionally, our subscriber list is made available to reputable firms offer- ing goods and services that we believe would be of interest to our readers. If you prefer to be excluded, please send your current address label and a note requesting to be excluded from these promotions to: ® Outdoor Sportsman Group, Inc. 1040 6th Ave, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10018-3703 Attn: Privacy Coordinator, or email your label information and note to [email protected] FOR REPRINTS: For Reprints/Eprints or Licensing/Permissions, please contact: Wright’s Media -- TOLL FREE 1 (877) 652-5295. Printed in the U.S.A. FEBRUARY/MARCH 2018 HANDGUNS 5 SPORTSMAN CHANNEL | THURSDAYS @ 10:30 P.M. DECEMBER <<< Appendix carry gets a bad rap, but 14th Rich Nance shows you how this carry 2017 style can be safe and effective. On “Help Desk” Rich and Jim Tarr examine carry conditions for handguns and AR-15s. DECEMBER <<< Do you practice or do you train? Is there a difference? Jim and Rich debate 21st this misunderstood topic. On “This or 2017 This?” the guys go at it on whether com- pact or subcompact pistols are a better choice for carry. DECEMBER <<< Practice doesn’t have to be dull, and Rich, Jim and Scott demonstrate several 28th fun ways to spice up your range time. 2017 On “Help Desk,” Jim and Rich do a “bag dump” to show what they consider to be must-have range gear. ARE YOU READY? 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