UNlVERSllY OF HAW..Nl ~IBRAR't arianas %riety;;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 '&1 ews Teno on reunification:. 'United front' for 'It will all be up to the CNMI people' I, Gualll eyed By Zaldy Dandan Variety News Staff By Jan Furukawa ments are exploring the possibil­ GOVERNOR Pedro P. Tenorio Variety News Staff ity of reintegrating the two enti­ yesterday said it will be the HAGATNA-Lawmakers from ties, but that it was premature to people of the Northern Marianas Guam and the Commonwealth of say whether a reunification would who will decide whether or not the Northern Mariana Islands are be feasible. to reunify with Guam, which working to bring the islands closer In a brief interview during has a larger population of US together, with Guam Sen. Mark yesterday's centennial conference citizens. Charfauros leading the effort. at the Hilton, Sablan said, "We 're "I don't want to contradict Charfauros is spearheading the a commonwealth, and Guam is (whatever Lt. Gov. Jesus R. fonnation of a non-profit organi­ looking at that. Well, we have Sablan) has said about it, but zation that would "look at things that already. If the Guam Com­ this issue will be discussed fur­ Pedro P. Tenorio ther and it will be up to our like customs, law enforcement re­ monwealth Act is taking 12, 13 is still premature to conclude people to. (settk) it," Tenorio sources, increasing the amount of years already, perhaps it would that th~ unification of Guam told reponers. federal funds that the islands re­ be less painful if we start sponsor­ and the CNMI will push "Of course, the people of ceive, and ye~, reunification." ing joint resolutions." through. Guam will· also have to make a The Guam senator said yester­ Sablan said it would take "mi­ Sablan was on Guam yester­ decision about this," he added. day he is working with Sens. Ben Edward U. Maratita, Juan P. nor changes" in the CNMI's Cov­ day to discuss the issue with Sablan, in an interview with Pangelinan, Felix Camacho and Tenorio and House Speaker Di­ enant agreement with the United unidentified Guam officials. Willy Flores in I Liheslaturan the Vari~ty Monday, revealed ego T. Benavente in forming the States to allow for reintegration. He was quoted on Monday as Guahan and CNMI Senate Presi­ that CNMI and Guam officials association. "We brothers and sisters of saying that the CNMI and Guam dent Paul A. Manglona, Vice Pres. be are discussing a possible reinte­ CNMI Lt. Gov. Jesus R. Sablan Chamorro descent should re­ are already "close to being re- Thomas P. Villagomez, Floor disclosed to the Variety Wednes­ united," he said. gration of the Marianas. Leader Pete P. Reyes and Sens. day that officials of both govern- ~C~o-n=ti-nu_e_d~o_n_p_a_g_e~5 He clarified, however, that it Continued on page 5 '. Japan.·recession brings.····· .gloomy ou~look .for NMI. ' . By Aldwin R. Fajardo CNMI's tourism industry is Variety News Staff largely dependent onJapanese THE NORTHERN Marianas .. travelers. · · · · business sector has joined world He also said the Japanese gov-· leaders in pressing theJapanese emment seems to have been tak­ government to stabilize its ing the recession idly, echoing economy, fearing a gloomier Chinese legislator Li Pen g's call economic outlook for the Com-· for the setting up of effective monwealth as a result of the measures to shore up the Japa­ shrinking value of the yen. nese economy. Saipan Chamberof Commerce · "It seems like there's very president Joe C. Ayuyu said the little action taken by the Japa­ uncertainties in Japan is putting nese government to stimulate more pressure to the Asia-Pa­ its economy," he told Variety. cific region, which, in. tum, is Reports claimed that Japan, adversely affecting Saipan 's big- · world's second largest gest revenue-generating indus­ economy, looks like more of a try. liability to its neighboring Asian "I~ [Japan recession] may countries than a potential sav- mean an uncertain future for the ior. Northern Mariana Islands," Japan's Economic Planning Conductor Carles Coll, left and bass player James Testi, members of the Orchestra de Ampurdan from Spain, Ayuyu. said, adding that the Cof!tiriued on page 72 entertain the audience with witty comments about their musical selections. The orchestra is touring the world as part of the Centennial Celebration and played Wednesday night at the Hilton Hotel. Photo by c.J. urqulco [i~:.,-==, '" , ...,--·.' ;;:::, 'liiGli>A,, "'"'"=""'"""' , M?ld/llt,•,, 1B iF, • &ltf.t "i!J.Wt,,'I' "'·==;, 1 11! •,, , ,, , , • , -,,,;~......,.,.-! j Sablan off to Nevada conference I PSS starts enforcement ~,.: p!~;o:,,:~:r to shop for e~~:~=:~~.'.:.~:~gon . of 'school zoning' policy Variety News Staff Sablan, Calvo said, left with By Haidee V. Eugenio SAIPAN Mayor Jose C. Sablan his comptroller to assist him in Variety News Staff has left for the U.S. mainland to scouting for best-priced heavy PUBLIC School System Com- I attend a local chief executives' equipment in Oregon follow- missioner Rita H. Inos yesterday conference and shop for heavy ing the conference. said the enforcement of a strict 1 _ · equipment his office needs. Calvo said the mayor may . zoning pol•;:,y in all CNMI public Sablan, who left Saturday will buy some equipment "if the schools has started, just in 'time be staying in Nevada for a week- price is right." I for the August school opening. long conference, his PIO, The trip is reportedly on gov- 'Tm asking all principals to I; • , . Maryanne Calvo said. emment expense. .. allow me to see their list of out- '.' J ,_,,: / ' ': Calvo failed to give an account It was the second time Sablan ( of-zone registrants. They should ~ Rita H. !nos 1 ==!!:©~!!~==~~~~::=~~~-~~!,~~~~'~;!t~_:,=-,~~:.~~~~~~!~~~~:.:~.~ forward ~~~~i~:~~t;l~~~~p;~ PAC NEWSPAPER STACKS 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- JUNE I 9. I 998~----------;:::========:;=:::=======, FRIDAY, JUNE I 9, 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 US Senate kills Gadhafi ·denies Teno es out new taxes he was wounded By Aldwin R. Fajardo Saipan Chamber of Commerce taxes to refill public coffers," he 3.5 percent users fee by .02 per­ Variety News Staff president Joe C. Ayuyu said told Variety. cent. By Martin Benedyk "We hear of these things, WITH THE worsening local Tenorio assured members of the Ayuyu said Tenorio reiterated The users fee is imposed on TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) such as was reported this week. economy and ailing business sec­ business community that his ad­ that his administration has no in­ locally-made products that are But these are deliberate lies," tobacco bill Libyan leader Col. Moammar tor, Northern Marianas business ministration is not likely to in­ tentions to impose new or increase shipped out of the CNMI. By Laurie Kellman D-low:1. ability io advertise. Gadhafi appeared before West­ Gadhafi said, speaking on \·,' leaders yesterday emerged victo­ crease taxes at this. point. taxes this time when the economy Policy makers are expecting to \\"ASIU:\GTO'\ tAP) - ThL' RL'publicans counwred that the The legislation would have ern journalists for the first time camera at his quarters, a large, r rious from a meeting with Gover­ "We were in some kind of agree­ is down and the business sector is generate $3 million from the in­ Sc'll low-slung white and gray tent cilL' ,nu ffcd out Cong res,· first bill essentially killed itself after seukd three dozen state lawsuits since a reported assassination I nor Pedro P. Tenorio, who ruled ment with the governor that this is already hurting. crease. against the industry in which lo­ attempt, denying that he had in the middle of a tightly '( r bill 1,1 c·urb teen smoking, but m1rnl'rous amcnd111<.:nts bloated it out the imposition of new taxes. not the proper time to increase "We 're kind of delighted to hear Rep. Melvin Faisao has com­ bw111:1kc'1·s insist they will rcig­ beyond its original focus - 10 cal governments arc trying to re­ been wounded or that such an guarded military barracks in I. that from the governor. But that mented that imposing higher fees nitl' cff,,ns to p:1ss ,1 1ob;1cco bill coup the cost of treating sick attack occmTed. Tripoli. I curb teen smoking. was the side of the Administra­ only on the gannent sector is not smokers. "People say Gadhafi has u this ckc1i,1J1 year. "We ·vc lost sight of the origi­ Gadhafi appeared relaxed tion, we don't know what people fair, a<itln,g that the government "We :m: going to c,intinue this nal noble cause of just dealing "Next week you ·n: going to pick been a target of numerous as­ and confident and wore light ' CDA okays $16M in the Legislature are planning," should a,,o impose increases to t'i,ght in \I hatcvcr 1chick. what­ with teen-age smoking and drug up the paper and hear about all of sassination attempts," he said brown military fatigues and a he said. Pedro P. Tenorio other foremost income-generating c, er form. whatc,·cr opportunity abuse," said St:natc Majority the altomcys general going 10 in an interview Tuesday with large brown head scarf. Ayuyu said the Legislature 'splan ers, so the government is making sectors such as tourism, airline 11 c' ha, e ... Senate i\ 1inon ty Leader Leader Trent Lott. R-Miss. court," McCain said. Associated Press Television. His short-sleeved cloak was for PSS projects to increase fees collected from the the average consumer pay for it," and banking industries. To111 Daschk. D-S.D .. told re­ "It frankly wasn't fixable." said "I can guaranlcc that the allor­ "I have never seen any as­ bare to the elbow - the re­ private sector will eventually choke he told Variety.
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