Last Resolution No. 18-1049 Last Ordinance No. 18-0331 REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOLVANG CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1644 OAK STREET May 29, 2018 (Tuesday) 6:30 p.m. Please be advised that, pursuant to State Law, any member of the public may address the Council concerning any item on the Agenda. Please be aware that Items on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and are normally enacted by one vote of the Council. If you wish to speak on Items 3 or 4 please do so during Public Communications. Regular City Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 23 in the Santa Ynez Valley, and stream live on the City’s website at www.cityofsolvang.com/City Council CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITY MANAGERS REPORT 1. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS – WRITTEN OR VERBAL At this time, please direct comments to the City Council regarding Consent Calendar Items or matters NOT on the agenda but within the jurisdiction of the Council. (Speakers are limited to three [3] minutes). 2. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REQUESTS Comments and requests from City Council Members. No action will be taken at this meeting. 3. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY CITY COUNCIL 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of Agenda as Presented b. Approval of Draft Minutes of the May 14, 2018 City Council Meeting c. Receive and File Sheriff’s Department report for April 2018 d. Agreement for Contract Services for FY 2018-19 through 2021-2022 between City of Solvang and Solvang Conference and Visitors Bureau Approve Contract with Solvang Conference and Visitors Bureau with a three-year term and Authorize the Mayor to execute 1 e. Update regarding Short Range Transit Plan Dial-A-Ride Recommendation Review and file staff recommendations regarding Santa Ynez Valley Transit (SYVT) Dial-A-Ride service f. Approve the proposed License Agreement to allow Hovering Tours, LLC to use City streets for a mini-Segway rental operation g. Adopt on Second Reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 18-____, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Solvang amending Title 5 of the Municipal Code to add comprehensive Cannabis Regulations h. Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Building Fee Study Approve an amendment to the Agreement with MGT Consulting to allow a time extension for completion of the Building Fee Study i. Notice of Completion – Various Road Repairs & Concrete Work Accept the Various Road Repairs & Concrete Work project, PW 105, as complete, and direct the City Manager to execute and record the Notice of Completion j. Renewal of Segway Tours of Solvang – Adventures Out West License Agreement Approve the renewal of the Segway – Adventures Out West conveyance license for use of city streets for guided Segway tours REGULAR AGENDA 5. AMBASSADOR CITY FOR GLOBAL KINDNESS CONSIDERATION Hear presentation, discuss and provide staff direction on pursuit of a World Kindness City designation. 6. 2019 AMGEN TOUR OF CALIFORNIA HOST CITY CONSIDERATION Discuss and provide direction on submitting a proposal to serve as a host city for 2019. 7. UPDATED CITY COUNCIL GOALS Review and discuss the final Goals/Visioning consultant report and the goals established during the prioritization exercise in the April public workshop, and provide direction to staff as to further review and refinement of Council Goals. 8. COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS (Oral reports: Each Council Member will give oral reports on their activities in relation to the following committee or agencies. In addition, each member may report on items that will be included on the agenda for such committee or agency and seek guidance from the Council as a whole on such items, including on what position to take on behalf of the City) • Santa Barbara County Association of Governments • Air Pollution Control Board • Joint Wastewater Committee • Chumash Tribe • Library Ad Hoc Committee • EMA Groundwater Sustainability Agency • CCWA/Water Ad Hoc Committee 2 9. ADVANCE CALENDAR Informational Calendar – No Action. 10. CLOSED SESSION Government Code Section 54957.6–Conference with Labor Negotiators–Agency Representative, Designated Negotiator – Dave Fleishman, City Attorney –Employee Organization Teamsters Local 986 11. ADJOURNMENT Copies of staff reports and supporting documentation pertaining to each item on this agenda are available for public viewing and inspection at City Hall, 1644 Oak Street, Solvang, during regular business hours and on the City’s website www.cityofsolvang.com, in addition, any writings relating to an open session agenda item provided to a majority of the Council that is distributed within 72 hours of the meeting, after the posting of the agenda, will be identified and available separately at City Hall and may be posted to the website. In Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact the office of Administrative Services at 688-5575 or the California Relay Service. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting would enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. 3 4 Lisa Martin From: Karen Waite Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 10:45 AM To: Brad Vidro; Lisa Martin Subject: FW: sb 54 I received this email fyi From: John Roney <[email protected]> Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2018 12:56 PM To: Karen Waite <[email protected]> Subject: sb 54 Dear Solvang City Council We the law abiding people of California along with Attorney General of the United States Jeff Sessions would like for you to join the list of growing cities that oppose the Un Constitutional pro illegal SB 54 by signing the amicus brief https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice- department-files-preemption-lawsuit-against-state-california-stop-interference . These cities include Dana Point , Beaumont , also Orange County cities that have passed resolutions backing the lawsuit include Aliso Viejo, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Los Alamitos, Newport Beach, Orange , San Juan Capistrano and San Diego County along with Loma Linda , Corona and many others soon to follow together we can make our state great again Sincerely John D. Roney 1 5 6 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOLVANG CITY COUNCIL ____________________________________________________________________________________ Council Chambers May 14, 2018 1644 Oak Street Monday Solvang, CA 93463 6:30 pm ____________________________________________________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Richardson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Richardson, Council Members Jamieson, Toussaint, Waite, and Zimmerman STAFF: Brad Vidro, City Manager; Dave Fleishman, City Attorney; Matt van der Linden, Public Works Director; Sandra Featherson, Administrative Services Director; Lisa S. Martin, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITY MANAGERS REPORT Informational report only. 1. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS – WRITTEN OR VERBAL Tracy Beard, Solvang Chamber Discussed E-Commerce and Economic Development Summit Tracy Farhad, SCVB Tourism update Susan Bott, Save Our Solvang Pleased to see the Annexation goal is off the list as a result of the Goal workshop and that only existing sphere of influence areas will be considered for annexation Frank Peters, Bicycle Coalition Announced the Mayor’s Bikeride, a CycleMania event, at 12 noon on May 24, 2018 starting at City Hall 2. COUNCIL REQUESTS Council Member Waite would like to see us pursue designation as a World Kindness City. There is Council Consensus to bring back a Resolution of Support. 7 Council Member Waite would like an agenda item regarding the parallel parking along Mission Drive to come back to Council for review. There is Council Consensus to bring back the item at a future meeting. Council Member Toussaint inquired as to when the goals from the public workshop would be agendized and discussed. City Manager Vidro indicated they would be on the next Council agenda. Council Member Zimmerman mentioned a storm drain issue at Third Street & Elverhoj and inquired whether the problem was scheduled to be corrected. Public Works Director van der Linden responded that they are aware of that situation but are holding off until the Storm Drain Master Plan is completed and reviewed by Council. 3. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY COUNCIL No discussion. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of Agenda as Presented b. Approval of Draft Meeting Minutes of the April 23, 2018 Public Goals/Visioning Workshop and Regular City Council Meeting c. Approval of Warrant Register d. Receive and file Sheriff’s Department report for March 2018 e. Receive and file Summary of Public Records Act Requests Received f. Approve Amendment to Animal Control Services Contract Approve Amendment No. 6 to the Agreement between the County of Santa Barbara and the City of Solvang for Animal Control Services for Fiscal Years 2018-2020 g. Adopt Resolution No. 18-1047, approving and adopting the updated Roadrunner Management Services/Santa Ynez Valley Transit Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Zero Tolerance Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy h. Adopt Resolution No. 18-1048, designating the City Attorney as the designated Agency Representative for Labor Negotiations with Teamsters Local 986, Non-Represented Employees, and City Manager i. Adopt Resolution No. 18-1049, authorizing the City Manager to accept on City’s behalf all interests in Real Property Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented by Council Member Toussaint, seconded by Council Member Jamieson, and carried with a roll call vote of 5-0. REGULAR AGENDA 5. JOINT USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SOLVANG SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF SOLVANG FOR USE OF PARKING LOT Staff report by Brad Vidro, City Manager. Mayor Richardson opened the item to public comment at 6:52 p.m. and, seeing none, closed the item. 8 Motion made by Council Member Jamieson to approve the agreement, seconded by Council Member Toussaint, and carried with a verbal response of 5 ayes. 6. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE REGULATING ADULT USE AND MEDICAL MARIJUAN CULTIVATION, PROCESSING, AND TRANSPORT WITHIN THE CITY OF SOLVANG Staff report by Dave Fleishman, City Attorney.
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