THE CATHEDRAL CONNECTION A QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2014 VOLUME XVIII, ISSUE III ST. JOHN’S UKRAINIAN Phone: 780.425.9692 10611-110 Avenue ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL Fax: 780.425.3991 Edmonton, Alberta GREETINGS FROM THE CATHEDRAL DEAN Христос Рождається! Славімо Його! IN THIS ISSUE Дорогі брати й сестри в Христі! PRESIDENT’S 2 З Празником Різдва Христового й Новим 2015 Роком MESSAGE Божим, хочу від себе та своєї родини скласти всім GREETINGS FROM 3 Вам щирий, сердечний привіт. Цього Різдва навернімо PARISH COUNCIL всі свої думки, своє серце та свою істоту до Царя CHAIRLIFT 3 Миру – Христа. А Він Наш Спаситель подасть нам PROJECT найбільший дарунок – ВІЧНЕ ЖИТТЯ! UWAC EVENTS 4-5 In this Holy Season, we gather around the Son of God, Who is born of the Virgin. We JR. CYMK 6 are called to bear strong witness to our faith in Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, showing our commitment to His Holy Incarnation. For us, daily life must be undertak- SR. CYMK 7 en in the light of His coming from the Heavens for the recreation of the nations. This CYMK 8-9 Christocentric direction inspires many acts of communion, sacrifices and generous vol- Honorary 10 unteer efforts in our communities. Member Profile As the day of Christmas approaches, let us be mindful of the words of the angel who Greetings from 11 told the shepherds: “This very day in David’s town your Saviour was born – Christ the Cathedral Lord! (Luke 2:11). As we prepare to celebrate this holy day, we must not forget who CHOIR Christ is. Looking into the face of Our Saviour we can see and meet the holiness, the In Memoriam 12 grace and the love of our Eternal and Heavenly Father. Upcoming 12 May you all experience inner peace and joy and may the worldwide rejoicing in the Na- Events tivity of Christ enrich all your lives. Let us all go to Christ to give Him our life and in Christmas 13- return receive from Him the Gift of ETERNAL LIFE! Articles 18 Нехай Новонароджений Спаситель Христос зміцнить у наших серцях сильну віру та братню любов, як також настановить нас до постійного служіння Богові та нашій Катедральній Громаді. CHRIST IS BORN! LET US GLORIFY HIM! In Christ’s love, Father Stephan & Dobrodiyka Diana. PAGE 2 THE CATHEDRAL CONNECTION PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE This advent season should be a time of quiet preparation for the wondrous nativity of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Instead we are constantly bombarded with mass me- dia: the clamor of Christmas carols, “winter songs” that have nothing to do with Christmas, stores calling for us to spend more and do our Christmas shopping, charities begging for more donations, political parties wanting our financial support before the end of the year in order to qualify for income tax receipts; all to increase our material wealth. But what about our spiritual wealth? We should be ever mindful of the true reason for this time of joyful celebrating. We have a beautiful temple wherein we can gather to pray and worship. There are things to be done to maintain our Cathedral. We all should be undertaking missionary work to increase our Church attendance, increase our number of members, and increase our participation in the Church activities. We can no longer remain passive and expect oth- ers to do it. We must set aside our personal biases and grudges that we may have. As Or- thodox Christians we are all called upon to continue the work started by the Disciples. As we celebrate the Nativity of our Lord, may we find the true meaning of Christmas. I wish to thank all of our donors, volunteers and workers, our clergy, choir, cantors, elders and Parish Council for making our church community a better place. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. In closing, I want to extend best wishes to everyone for the Holidays. May the prom- ise of the First Christmas fill you with hope and peace and grant you health and happiness in the New Year. ХРИСТОС НАРОДИВСЯ! СЛАВІМО ЙОГО! Eugene Topolnisky, Parish Council President PAGE 3 THE CATHEDRAL CONNECTION GREETINGS FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL З нагоди Різдва Христового, Нового Року та Богоявлення, сердечно вітаємо Високопреосвященнішого ЮРІЯ, Архиєпископа Вінніпеґу і Середньої Єпархії, Митрополита Канади, Первоієрарха Української Православної Церкви в Канаді; Преосвященнішого Владку нашого ІЛАРІОНА, Єпископа Едмонтону і Західньої Єпархії; Протопресвітера Віктора Лакусту, Канцлера Української Православної Церкви в Канаді; Протопресвітера Степана Семотюка та ієрея Корнилія Зубрицького з їхніми родинами; Членів та прихильників Катедральної Громади та бажаємо всім веселих Свят, Різдва Христового і щасливого Нового 2015 Року! ХРИСТОС РОЖДАЄТЬСЯ! СЛАВІМО ЙОГО! On the glorious occasion of the feasts of the Lord’s Nativity, New Year, and Theophany, we warmly greet His Eminence YURIJ, Archbishop of Winnipeg and the Central Eparchy, Metropolitan of Canada, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada; His Grace Bishop ILARION, Bishop of Edmonton and the Western Eparchy; Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Victor Lakusta, Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada; Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Stephan Semotiuk and Rev. Fr. Cornell Zubritsky and their families; all our Cathedral members and adherents. May the NEWBORN CHRIST and the NEW YEAR bring you peace, hope and spiritual contentment. CHRIST IS BORN! LET US GLORIFY HIM! Eugene Topolnisky, Parish Council President Parish Council, 2014. Pictured Above: Geraldine Nakonechny, Pauline Mudry, Paul Jereniuk, Eileen Yewchuk, Rev. Cornell Zubritsky, Rt. Rev. Stephan Semotiuk, Gerald Kruhlak, Marshall Kachmar, Eugene Topolnisky, Olesia Talpash, Cheryl Moisey, Leona Bridges, Michael Hnatiw. Not pictured: Greg Yewchuk, Larissa Ewanchuk, Susan Jereniuk, Merrie Zubritsky, Katelyn Kuchta. CHAIRLift project For the convenience of many seniors in our congregation, a chairlift will be installed at the southwest entrance to the church vestibule. Donations to- wards this project would be greatly appreciated. The cost of the chairlift is estimated at $9800 and electrical work at $2000.00 We have collected $4055 as of December 5, 2014. PAGE 4 THE CATHEDRAL CONNECTION Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, St. John’s Events Our branch cooperated with the four other UWAC branches in sponsoring the Bishop’s Tea on October 6, 2014 at St. Anthony’s Parish. Picture from left to right are Dr. Gerri Na- konechny, UWAC National President; Leona Bridges, St. John’s President; Betty Corlett, St. Elia President; Lesia Perritt, St. Andrew’s President; Rt. Rev. Father N. Rauliuk, Western Eparchy; His Grace Bishop Ilarion, Western Eparchy; Cheryl Moisey, UWAC Provincial President; Kim Gutsche, St. Anthony’s President and Dorothy Stachniak, St. Michael’s President. The Branch held its Annual General Meeting on December 7, 2014 and Leona Bridges was elected President for another term. The Branch is looking to revamp its activities and its operations to encourage new members to join. Please join us at our Membership Event coming up on Sunday, February 8, 2015! Eileen Yewchuk receiving her award at the UCC-APC Hetman Awards October 18, 2014. PAGE 5 THE CATHEDRAL CONNECTION Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada, St. John’s Events Joint TYC-UWAC Speaker Series #4 at St. John’s Institute featured a lovely dinner with wine in- cluded and news about the recent elections in Ukraine from Emil Yereniuk, a Canadem observer. Top photo: young and older election officials in Ukraine setting up the voting station. Middle pho- to from left to right: Christine Zwozdesky, Vice-President UWAC St. John’s and event organizer; Emil Yereniuk, Mitch Makowsky and Ed Bridges. Bottom photo: Donna Kowalishin assists Emil with a map of Ukraine, showing where he did his observations (near Kharkiv). Submitted by Leona Bridges. PAGE 6 THE CATHEDRAL CONNECTION St. John’s JUNIOR CYMK On September 19, 2014, St. John’s Junior CYMK held our annual general meeting electing the following executive: President: Nikolai Kruhlak, Vice-President: Pavlo Tsisar, Secretary: Anastasia Wat- son, Treasurer: Justine Jereniuk. We thank Vivianne Kruhlak and Susan Jereniuk for acting as our parent advisors this year. St. John’s Junior CYMK has been very active since we started our new year in September. The following is a summary of our activities: October 3- We visited the Edmonton Corn Maze, along with Sr. CYMK, which also included a weiner and smores roast. It was a really fun evening. 24-25- Provincial CYC Convention/Western Eparchy Youth Summit- this year the Convention was combined with the Western Eparchy Conference. With this combination, our cymkivsti participat- ed in the Western Eparchy Youth Summit which included the following: Friday night- Laser Tag, religious talk, movie night, sleepover at St. John’s Saturday- Religious talk, lunch at Boston Pizza, West Edmonton choice pass activity At 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, we attended the Vechirnya service after which we held our annual pro- vincial CYMK meeting in the CYMK room. We then proceeded upstairs to attend the banquet and youth appreciation evening. November 2- Monthly meeting after the church service after which we did some Remembrance Day art- work which we displayed in the foyer 7- Attended University of Alberta Panda and Bears volleyball game 11- Attended the Remembrance Day service in the church after which we sponsored a fellow- ship lunch for the parishioners. We held a short program as well with Major Jade Watson speaking on the theme of Remembrance Day. 22- Attended and participated in the Holodomor Commemeration event at City Hall. Our cymkivsti represented our association as a group along with other youth associations. Ivanna Kruhlak, Provincial CYMK President, represented CYMK in the laying of the wreath with TYC and UWAC rep- resentatives. Our December activities include the AB Provincial CYMK Curling Funspiel as well as a Fun Day to be held during the Christmas break.
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