DOMESTIC MISSIONARY POLICY— Stowe Circulation Office: €140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 931 Tribune Building, New York City. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS OF THE CHURCH For 74 years Shattuck has been a leader ST. MARY’S SCHOOL among church college preparatory schools in MOUNT ST. GABRIEL Gttp <£ttt?ral GHpolugiral the west. Not operated for profit. Aims to Peekskill-on-Hudson develop ^ m its a rg HIGH SCHOLARSHIP, BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS MANLY CHARACTER. Under the care of the Sisters of St. Mary. Three-year undergraduate course CHRISTIAN CITIZENSHIP. College preparatory and general courses. New of prescribed and elective study. Military system trains for service and modern fireproof buildings. Extensive recrea­ patriotism. Boys may be entered at mid-year tion grounds. Separate attention given to Fourth-year course for gradu­ or fall. young children. For catalogue address THE ates, offering larger opportunity SISTER SUPERIOR. Address the Rector, Shattuck School for specialization. Faribault, Minn. Provision for more advanced work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. CHATHAM HALL and S.T.D. SHATTUCK A Church School in ADDRESS » » S C H O O L « Southern Virginia for Girls Rev. Edmund J. Lee. D.D. THE DEAN MODERN PLAN OF Rector Chatham Virginia 4 Chelsea Square New York City EDUCATION Ft>r Catalogue Address the Dean Girls successfully prepared for leading col­ leges East and West. High scholastic rec­ AI NT J AM ES SCHOOL ords. Strong faculty. Washington County, Maryland General courses include: Domestic Science, Episcopal Theological School Music, Sculpture, Painting, Costume Design, Diocesan School for Boys Interior Decoration, Emphasis on Current CAMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS Events in relation to History. The Mother of Church Schools Affiliation with Harvard University offers Leisure interests developed by athletics, Dra­ on the English Plan unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as matics, Studio, Choir, Shop, etc. philosophy, psychology, history, Junior School— Grades 3 to 8. Progressive Dr. Adrian H. Onderdonk sociology, etc. methods. Headmaster For Catalogue Address the Dean For catalog address The SISTERS OF ST. MARY, Box 25-H. DIVINITY SCHOOL IN HOLDERNESS H A l l - e f « " PHILADELPHIA KENOSHA .WISC, In the White Mountains. College Prepara­ Undergraduate and Graduate Courses EMPER tory and General Courses. Music and Crafts. Privileges at University of Pennsylvania For boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 acres of woods. New fireproof building. Individual instruction. Home atmosphere. DEAN BARTLETT, 42nd and Locust Streets KTRINITY COLLEGE Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector The Protestant Episcopal Hartford, Conn. Box W Plymouth, N. H. Offers a general cultural education, with Theological Seminary in Virginia special emphasis on the Classics, Modern For catalogue and other information Languages, English, Economics, History, Phil­ CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL address the Dean osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, New York City Biology and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineer­ REV. WALLACE E. ROLLINS, D.D. A boarding school for the forty hoys of ing. For information apply. The Dean. the Choir of the Cathedral of Saint John Theological Seminary Alexandria, Va. the Divine. Careful musical training and daily singing at the Cathedral services. Small classes mean individual attention and high Berkeley Divinity standards. The School has its own building St. John Baptist School and playgrounds in the Close. Fee—$250.00 per annum. Boys admitted 9 to 11. Voice School For Girls test and scholarship examination. Address New Haven, Connecticut In the country near Morris­ The Precentor, Cathedral Choir School, Affiliated with Yale University town. Under the care of the Cathedral Heights, New York City, Address DEAN W. P. LADD Sisters of St. John Baptist. 86 Sachem Street College Preparatory and Gen­ eral Courses. Music and Art. SAINT AGNES CHURCH SCHOOL Modern Fireproof Building. FOR GIRLS Ample Grounds. Outdoor Sports. Riding, Tennis. New fire proof building ideally situated in For Catalogue address 33 acres of the best residential section out­ 1 Sister Superior, Mendham, N. J. side the city of Albany, New York. Excellent college preparatory record. Moderate price. Sports of all kinds. An Honor Christian. School with the highest Miss Blanche Pittman, M.A. academic rating. Junior School from six Loudonville Road Albany, N. Y. years. Housemother. Separate building. Upper School prepares for university or business. St. K atharin e’s School R.O.T.C. Every modern equipment. Catalogue, TRINITY SCHOOL Dr. J. J. Wicker, Box 104, Fork Union, Va. Under the care of the Sisters of St. Onekama, Michigan. A country boarding Mary. A thorough preparatory school for school for boys nine to sixteen. Semi-mili­ a limited number of girls. Recommended tary. Fee $55 per month covers cost o f uni­ by leading colleges. Beautiful grounds. form and all expenses. Also Summer Camp. ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE Outdoor sports, riding and swimming. Tutorial system of instruction. Pupils may Ask for our catalogue. enter any time. Write for catalogue to Rev. Vicksburg, Mississippi F. L. Carrington, rector. An episcopal school for girls. Accredited SISTER SUPERIOR high school and Junior College. Music, Art, 927 Tremont Ave., Davenport, la. Expression. Sports, riding and swimming. For catalogue, address Mary Leslie Newton, M.A., Dean Virginia Episcopal School Stuart Hall An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old DE VEAUX SCHOOL traditlbns and high standards in the beau­ Niagara Falls, N. Y. Lynchburg, Virginia tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara­ tory, general courses, and secretarial Boys now housed in Prepares boys for college and university. Splendid environment and excellent corps of courses^ Two years beyond high school. modern, fireproof dormitory. Music, art, expression. Graduates success­ teachers. High standard in scholarship and ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. For catalogue address athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in the mountains of Virginia. New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid­ Rev. Wm. S. Barrows, D.D., Headmaster For catalogue apply to ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector ICarr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. E ditor ' Associate Editors Irving P. Johnson F rank E. W ilson Managing Editor THE WITNESS Bernard Iddings Bell i W illiam B. Spofford John Rathbone Oliver Literary Editor- A National Paper of the Episcopal Church C. Russell Moodby Gardiner M. Day Irwin St. J. Tucker Vol. XVIII. No. 46 JULY 19; 1934 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly by the Episcopal Church Publis hing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year;, in bundles, of ten or more for sale at the church, the paper selling at five cents, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter April 3, 1919, at the postoffice at Chicago. Illinois, under act of March 3. 1879. Domestic M issionary Policy B y WALTER H. STOWE Rector of Christ Church, New Brunswick, N. J. E R T A IN Missionary Districts in continental in the lifetime 'of any man now living the district of C United States were established when conditions Salina from becoming a self-supporting diocese. The were radically different from what they are now. ( i) same is true of Western Nebraska although the delib­ It was assumed that the rural, agricultural regions of erate endeavor to keep any very large city out of the the Middle West would grow as rapidly as they had in district is not so flagrant. In both cases, however, the the past. This we now know is not to be expected. In sensible thing in view of the means of transportation fact, they are losing population because of the increase was to have drawn the lines east and west and not in the use of agricultural machinery by which one man north and south. The future solution is not even that. can now produce on the average enough to feed 12 peo­ It is to incorporate the district of Salina into the dio­ ple whereas a generation or two ago one man could cese of Kansas, and the district of Western Nebraska produce only enough to feed 6 people. It would ap­ into the diocese of Nebraska. pear that certain agricultural regions will have to be ROM the available evidence it would appear that withdrawn from production unless there is a develop­ F no domestic missionary district considers that it can ment of foreign markets not now apparent on the exist on less than $20,000 per year from the National horizon of world economy. (2) The means of com­ Council. This was the lowest appropriation for any munication were so limited that a large area made ad­ domestic district as adopted by the General Convention ministration difficult and the solution appeared to be in of 1931, and the figures run from that to $112,700 for reducing the area to be administered. Now, however, South Dakota. No district is getting its full appropria­ any region which cannot be reached by railroad can tion as adopted by General Convention and no district with considerable and increasing ease be reached by is likely so to do for some years to come. But the G. C. automobile, and the rapid development of automobile appropriations are what they claim they need to have. highways in the Middle West has been going on at as The question before the house is : How can the rapid a pace as in the more settled East. This highway weak be made stronger with less money at their dis­ development has not reached its end there because of posal? the subsidies of the national government for national One thing is-certain, weakness begets weakness and highways running north and south as well as east and not strength.
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