Akron Beacon Journal

Akron Beacon Journal

AKRON BEACON JOURNAL Index to Obituaries 1962 - 1979 M-N Compiled by the staff of the -anguage, Literature and History Division, Akron-Summit County Public Library NAME DRTE DBIT WP M. Alice Sister '3- 1 9-79 Maag , Byron H: 4-1 9-78 Maag, Carl 9- 1-66 Maag , Clarence 4-6-68 Maag, Ida C. 2-7-62 hag, John J. 7-24-76 Maag. Myrtle L. 7- 15-72 Maag. Oris L. 6-1 8-79 Maag, Wally 8-27-69 Maag. William H. 9-1 4-77 Maahs, Anna 16-27-68 flaahs, Louise 5-20-76 . Maahs. Pearl 7-9-78 Maahs. Robert H. 4-9-79 Maahs, William 5-20-67 Maas, Behrend 12-3-68 Maas. Calla 2-15-62 Maas. Paul 4-23-73 Maass, Elda 1-24-79 Maass, Elda C. 1-4-78 Mabe. Ada M. 11-16-64 Mabe, Lloyd P. 12-1 9-62 Mabius, Frank 6. 6- 12-73 Mabius, Marht.a 4-30-73 Mable, Ruth L. 12-2-63 flabry , Alonzo 1-22-78 Mabry. Donald D. 5-8-78 Mabry, Edwin A. 3- 13-70 Mabry, Hazel I. 6-1 -64 Mabry. Henry H. 7-24-69 Mabry , Lizzie 4-27-63 Mabry. Raymond L. 8-12-71 Mabry, Winnefred J. 8-30-76 MacAdam. Joseph E.L. 9-1 1-74 Macelone, Dorothy 12-1 2-75 Macale, Mary 6-19-71 Macale, Thomas 7-2-7 I ' Macaluso, Antonia 1-1 9-71 Macaluso, Frank 3-1 7-65 . Macaluso, Rose 6-6-66 Macaluso, Thomas J. 4-1 3-76 Macandles, Anna 6. 12-1 4-71 Macbeth. Susie 7-9-74 Macbeth, William 2-1 4-77 Macbrais, Harriet 4-3-76' MacBride. Oanial K. 5-6-79 MacBride. Earl F. 1-11-66 MacBride. Eugene 9-23-72 MacBride, Robert W. 1-9-77 Maccabea , Eugene 1-25-63 MacCallum, John 4- 18-69 MacCauley. John S. 7-16-74 Macchianole, Mike 1-4-72 Macchiarella, Orazio 7-1 3-71 Page 1 NAME DATE DEIT WP Macchiarole, Daniel 1 - 10-77 Macchiusi. Angelo 2-10-68 Macclellan, Susie 1-26-65 MacCourtney, Eva M. 7-4-69 MacCready, Clearence W. 1-16-67 MacCundy. Mildred 9- 10-70 MacCutchen, Florence 10-1 0-62 MacDermott. Richard 6-1-78 MacDonald, Alvia F. 4- 15-68 MacDonald, Clyde 7- 15-69 MacDonald. Colin 4-26-68 MacDonald, Fred J. 1 1-6-65 . MacDonald, Gerard 9-1 9-69 MacDonald, Gladys K. 2-25-79 MacDonald, Jane 12-1 3-63 MacDonald. L.R. 6-30-67 MacDonald. Lenora 2-3-64 MacDonald. Mildred L. 5-22-78 MacDonald, Robert R. 6-28-73 Macdonald, Ronald 10-1 -65 MacDonald, Scott Norman 7-2 1 -70 Mace, Albert ' 8-1 3-68 Mace, Albert W. 10-5-67 Mace. Bertha 1 1-9-70 Mace. Carl, A. 7-6-74 Mace, Cecil H. 5-1 7-63 Mace, Claude 1-26-68 Mace, Donald P. 12-1 9-66 Mace, Edwin E. 9-24-68 Mace. Floyd J. 1-1 8-73 Mace, John F. 9-23-79 Mace. Katherine M. 2-3-76 Mace, Leon 10-1 3-74 Mace. Mable 8. 3-28-71 Mace, Mary 11-4-66 Mace, Mary F. 4-1 8-73 Mace, Paul 6-29-71 Mace. Ralph C. 8-2-78 .. Mace, Raymond 5-1 9-75 8-28-72 Mace. Rebecca F. 1-1 8-73 Mace. Roy 8. 2-27-77 Mace. Ruby L. 3-1 5-79 Mace. Rufe A. 10-28-66 Mace. Ruth M. 3-20-69 Mace, Uirpinia 6-1 4-76 Macejak; Anna C. 12-1 7-72 Macerol , Frank R. 12-24-79 Macerol. John A. 11-14-77 Macfarlane, Alice 8-1 4-79 Mac6owan , Mary 8-1 3-73 Mach, John 8-2-63 Machainer, Della May 5-1 1-71 Machamer. David A. 10-25-67 Page 2 NRME DRTE OBIT RP P Machamer , James 3-28-63 Machamer, Nelson 9-6-78 Machamer. Thomas L. 12- 16-73 Machan. Catherine 5-7-69 Machan, Ethel A. 10-9-65 Machan, Lloyd 5-5-71 Machan. Russell 11-9-79 Machek. Margaret 2-28-76 Machek; Martha 7-6-64 Machen, Abraham 9- 12-75 Machen. Gertrude H. 3-29-77 MacHose, Emily H. 1 1-20-63 . Machulsky, John 2-27-64 Macias, Michael 1-5-74 Maciel, Karin 7-5-69 Maciel, Laura M. 7-30-73 MacInerney. Patrick J. 1 1-20-62 Macinleuski. Henry 8-3 I -66 MacIntire, Frank 7-2-77 MacIntyre, Donald M. 4-24-68 MacIntyre, James W. 7-8-78 MacIsaac. Harold 5-1 8-63 Mack, A.S. 4-22-69 Mack, Apolonia 8-25-72 Mack, August H. 6-24-64 Mack, Bernard 1 1-6-65 Mack, Charlas I 1-1 0-74 Mack, David S. 7-8-74 Mack, Edith. 12-1 8-62 Mack, Edward H. 4-22-70 Mack, Effie 1-2-74 Mack, Eileane 1-29-79 Mack, Emily 4-26-63 Mack, E.mma 10-2-73 Mack. Flora 5-1 1-68 Mack, Frank 2-1 8-63 Mack, Gordon C. 12-1 7-77 Mack, Harry 10-5-64 .. Mack. Helen T. 11-21-74 . Mack, Herman 12-6-63 Mack. Hllda L. 9-26-72 Mack, James 12-1 0-62 Mack, John 9-19-71 Mack, John C. 8-15-71 Mack, John R. 2-5-69' Mack, Joseph A. 5-23-68 Mack, Kathryne 4-29-68 Mack, kEarl E. 'Bud" 7-2 1-70 Mack, Kenneth L. 5-1 9-79 5-2 1-79 Mack, Laura 2-23-62 Mack, L.eonard M. 7-2-69 Mack, Leslie H. 7-5-67 Mack. Lloyd 2-2-70 Paga 3 NhME PhTE OBIT t3PP Mack, Lula 6-27-69 Mack. Mable 3-26-79 Mack, Mary 6-24-69 .Mack. Mary 8. 3-8-65 Mack, Orange S. 7- 1 4-64 Mack, Reney 12-24-68 Mack, Robert C. 2- 10-67 Mack, Ruth 4- 10-65 Mack, Sim 4- 15-65 Mack, Una 5-23-68 Mack, Walter 5-23-68 Mack, William 11-12-64 Mack, Willie 3-23-68 Mackay . Irene 1-26-77 Mackay, J.W. 2-1 1-79 Mackay. Sandra i. 10-1 2-66 ' MacKeigan 7-23-66 Mackel, Evelyn 4-16-69 Mackenzie, Alice 7-28-65 Mackenzie. Annie 2-3-71 Mackenzie. Charles 6- 10-74 Mackenzie. Eleanor 9- 1 7-63 Mackenzie, Marian E. 9-23-70 Mackenzie, William S. 4-1 9-68 Mackeown. Robert 4-2 1-70 Mackey. Alfred 3-6-72 Meckey, Bessie E. 6-25-62 Mackey, Betty E. 9-8-76 Mackey. Carrie L. 12-20-65 Mackey , Charles 10-29-66 Mackey, David 1 1-6-62 Mackey. Dwipht R. 1 1-23-73 Mackey, Effie R. 10-30-70 Mackey, Floyd J. 4- 1 -79 Mackey , Frances 6-2-64 Mackey , George 2-2-62 Mackey, Geraldine E. 1 1-26-73 Mackey. Harry A. 2-1 8-65 .. Mackey, Henry A. 3-1 1-62 ' Mackey , Howard E. 3- 10.-78 Mackey, Jennie 12-1 6-73 Mackey , Judy 1-17-63 Mackey. Martin 2-28-66 Mackey, Mary 3-1 0-70 Mackey. Mary L. 7- 15-73 Mackey , Melvin 6-16-64 Mackey. Ralph 0. 12-30-73 Mackey, Roy Dee 1 1-28-75 Mackey, Sumnie A. 10-31 -64 Mackey, William 7-1 9-68 Macki. Sal1 2-22-78 Mackie, Eunnia J. 5-27-65 Mackie, Helen 5-23-69 Mdckiewidh. Frank 8-2 1-78 Page 4 NAME MTE OBIT APP Mackim, David 3- 14-78 Mackim. Wllliam D. 4-22-75 Mackln, Francis E. 5-7-62 Mackin, Helen C. 2-5-65 Mackin. Vincent F. 2-1 2-62 MacKinnon. John C. 7-3 I -73 Mackley. Evert Roy 8-24-69 Macklin. Dorothy K. 8-29-77 Hacklin. Otto H. 8-27-66 Macklin. Roselee A. 7-7-73 Macko. Helen M. 9-22-74 Macko, Margaret 6-2-70 ' Macksyn, Brian 11-18-79 Maclachlan, James 7- 14-66 Maclachlan. Muriel 10-13-66 MacLaren, Albert J. 12-1 5-63 Maclaren, Anna 6-22-68 MacLaren, Charles 0. 10-8-66 MacLaren , Ruth 2-24-69 MacLean, Florencs 5-5-69 HacLearie. Millie 7-24-74 MaCLellan. John Allen 4-28-66 HacLeod. A. Muriel 6-1 2-76 HacLeod , Ruth 9-1 6-72 MacLucas , L. 3-28-70 MacMillan, Florence 4-9-79 MaCmOnagle, Arthur 6. 2-1 0-66 Macflonagle. William D. 8-1 4-73 MacMoniQal, Arthur w. 9-8-78 MacMullin. Elizabeth 2-13-70 HacNab, Halcoln J. 5-23-76 Macnair, Ian A. I -I 0-74 Hacoluso, Laura G. I 1-30-78 Macomber, Eva M. 9-17-71 Macomber, Leon 8- 14-73 Macomber, Philip A. 3-1 8-78 Macomber, Russell 3-5-71 Macomber. Stanley 5-16-67 ' Macon, Alo R. 12-5-74 .Macowan. Linda M. 10-1 0-63 Macoy, Guy E. 1 -I 6-63 Macrae. Marparet 4-22-67 Macrides, Michael 6. 12-9-71 Macrino. Catherine 2-5-65 Macrino, James F. 5- 1 4-73 Hacroa, Norma Ruth 8-7-70 Macula, Jackie 9-1 9-75 MacWherter. Terry S. 3-8-79 MacUhinney, Gertrude 10-30-73 MacWhinney, W. Carl 2-15-73 Macy. Ethel 3-25-63 Macy.

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