°f °¾f° ½ A°g¾y & Gwy°dd J° Lcf Dv½m° Pf° Fb 2015 Initial Consultation Report Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 2 2.0 JOINT PLANNING POLICY COMMITTEE AND PANEL .................................. 3 3.0 DELIVERY AGREEMENT ................................................................................ 3 4.0 EVIDENCE GATHERING ................................................................................. 4 5.0 PRE-DEPOSIT PARTICIPATION STAGE ........................................................ 6 6.0 PRE-DEPOSIT PUBLIC CONSULTATION ...................................................... 7 7.0 DEPOSIT JLDP ................................................................................................ 9 Appendix 1 – Local Development Plan Self-Assessment Form ................................ 11 Appendix 2 – Details of Joint Planning Policy Committee and JLDP Panel .............. 21 Appendix 3 – Consultation Bodies ............................................................................ 26 Appendix 4 – Response to the Delivery Agreement Consultation ............................ 33 Appendix 5 – Letter from Welsh Government regarding slippage to timetable ......... 42 Appendix 6 – List of Topic and Background Papers ................................................. 44 Appendix 7 – Call for Sites Official Notice and Article .............................................. 47 Appendix 8 – Pre-Deposit Stage Participation – Key Stakeholder Feedback ........... 49 Appendix 9 – Official notice advertising of Pre-Deposit Consultation ....................... 75 Appendix 10 – Summary of Pre-Deposit Representations and Councils’ response . 76 1 Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan Feb 2015 Initial Consultation Report 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 makes it a requirement for Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) to prepare a Local Development Plan (LDP) for their areas. Gwynedd Council and the Isle of Anglesey County Council have decided to prepare a Joint Local Development Plan (JLDP). 1.2 Once adopted the JLDP will replace the following documents: • Gwynedd: Unitary Development Plan (2009) • Isle of Gwynedd Structure Plan (1993), Anglesey Local Plan (1996) and Anglesey: the Anglesey Unitary Development Plan (stopped in 2005 but still used as a material planning consideration when dealing with applications). 1.3 The JLDP will provide the development strategy and policy framework for the Gwynedd and Anglesey Planning Areas until 2026. 1.4 This Initial Consultation Report has been prepared in accordance with LDP Regulations 1 and seeks to provide information on the activities and processes that the Joint Planning Policy Unit (JPPU) on behalf of both Councils has undertaken in the preparation of the JLDP. It will identify whether the consultations within the LDP process undertaken to date comply with the agreed Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) and identify the main issues raised within the engagement and consultation process. For each stage of the JLDP’s preparation this report will highlight the following: • Who has been involved and engaged. • A summary of the main issues raised in engagement events/seminars. • The recommendations as to how the Councils’ considers the main issues raised in engagement events/seminars. • The steps taken to publicise engagement initiatives or consultations. • The total number of representation received for the consultations and a description of these (comments, supporting representations, objections). • The recommendations as to how the Councils’ considers the individual representations received during consultations. 1.5 Local Development Plans Wales: Policy on the Preparation of LDPs (December 2005) identifies a series of criteria or tests of soundness that the LDP is required to satisfy. There will be a presumption that the LDP is sound unless evidence considered through the examination stage shows to the contrary. There are ten prescribed tests or criteria for assessing the soundness of a LDP which are set out in three categories namely procedural, consistency and coherence and effectiveness which are included in Appendix 1 of the Deposit Plan. Since assessing the JLDP’s soundness involves determining whether the Plan has been prepared in accordance with the Delivery Agreement, including the Community Involvement Strategy, an assessment of the Councils’ progress to date in meeting the tests is set out in Appendix 1 of the Report. 1 Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005 2 Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan Feb 2015 Initial Consultation Report 1.6 The LDP process is briefly set out in the following flow chart, with the shaded area representing the progress so far. The following sections of the consultation report are ordered chronologically by each stage of the JLDP’s progress so far. Delivery Agreement Pre-deposit Participation Pre-deposit Public Consultation Deposit Joint Local Development Plan Advertisement of Site Allocations Representations (Alternative Sites) Submission of JLDP to WG for Examination Independent Examination Publication of the Planning Inspector’s Report Adoption 1.7 Following the consultation period about the Deposit JLDP this document will be revised to include this latest stage in the development of the Plan. It will also outline in summary the comments received during the consultation period and how they will be taken into consideration when revising the Plan. 2.0 JOINT PLANNING POLICY COMMITTEE AND PANEL 2.1 On 15th June 2010 Gwynedd Council and the Isle of Anglesey County Council agreed to establish arrangements to work together to provide a Joint Planning Policy Service for both local Planning Authorities. A Joint Planning Policy Committee was established as a formal, cross-boundary body to make decisions at appropriate stages during the Plan preparation on behalf of both Councils. The Committee includes 7 Councillors from each County. Agendas, minutes and reports for the Committee can be found here: https://www.gwynedd.gov.uk/en/Council/Councillors- and-committees/Meetings,-minutes-and-agendas/Meetings,-minutes-and- agendas.aspx – select the year, then select Joint Planning Policy Committee. 2.2 The Joint Local Development Plan Panel (consisting of the same members as the Committee) meets on a monthly basis to consider draft documents, emerging evidence, discuss policy development and to consider views presented by stakeholders during public engagement and consultation periods. It doesn’t make decisions about the content of the Plan. 2.3 The table in Appendix 2 provides a list of committee and panel meetings and what topics were presented/discussed. Minutes of the Panel meetings can be found here: 3.0 DELIVERY AGREEMENT 3.1 The first requirement in preparing a LDP is the preparation of the Delivery Agreement (DA). The DA represents a public statement of the Councils’ commitment to prepare a LDP and details, through its Community Involvement Scheme, how the Councils’ 3 Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan Feb 2015 Initial Consultation Report will consult and engage with groups, organisations and individuals during the JLDP’s preparation. 3.2 A draft DA was published for a six week consultation period between 17 th April and 2nd June 2011. In line with the LDP Regulations the consultation targeted specific and general consultation bodies and government departments. A list of the specific and general consultation bodies can be found in Appendix 3. The JPPU also contacted individuals, organisations and groups that are on the JLDP mailing list i.e. those who have expressed an interest in the JLDP process and have requested to be informed when the plan reaches a key stage. Adverts were placed in the local press notifying the public of this consultation. Adverts were also placed on both Councils’ websites. 3.3 A total of 25 representations were received. The issues arising from the consultation were summarised in the DA, which may be viewed at either www.gwynedd.gov.uk/ldp or www.anglesey.gov.uk/ldp . The main issues arising from the consultation can be found in Appendix 4. 3.4 The Isle of Anglesey County Council and Gwynedd Council approved the Delivery Agreement on 13 September and 20 October 2011 respectively. It was submitted to the Welsh Government and supported by the Government in November 2011. 3.5 Following a slippage in the timetable to publish the Preferred Strategy the Joint Planning Policy Committee recommended that the period to publish the Deposit Plan for public consultation should be extended as well as a minor extension to the period required to finalise the Plan. A summary of the reasons for the slippage, which included a need to accommodate 2 local elections, were set out in a report to the Joint Planning Policy Committee in June 2013. Following a public consultation period about the revised timetable between July and September 2013 the Isle of Anglesey County Council and Gwynedd Councils resolved to approve the revised timetable on the 10 October 2013 and the 5 December 2013, respectively. The Welsh Government supported the revised timetable during January 2014. A copy of the letter is included in Appendix 5. 3.6 It wasn’t possible to adhere to the revised timetable referred to above for a number of reasons. Stakeholders were informed of the delay in August 2014. A summary of the reasons for the slippage is set out in a report to the Joint Planning Policy
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