COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2003 SESSION OF 2003 187TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 37 SENATE The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Reverend Messick, who served for 9 months in New York City after the 9-11 catastrophe, WEDNESDAY, June 4,2003 so we all thank him very much. Reverend Messick is the guest The Senate met at 10:30 a.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. today of Senator Anthony Williams. The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Catherine Baker PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Knoll) in the Chair. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled.) PRAYER JOURNAL APPROVED The Chaplain, Reverend PERRY MESSICK, of First Baptist The PRESIDENT. A quorum of the Senate being present, the Church of Collingdale, offered the following prayer: Clerk will read the Journal of the preceding Session of June 3, Let us pray. 2003. Almighty Father and Everlasting God, as we gather today we The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding recognize that You are the author of life, liberty, and truth. Lord, Session, when, on motion of Senator BRIGHTBILL, and agreed You rule over the affairs of men by Your sovereign grace. You to by voice vote, further reading was dispensed with and the provide wisdom to the simple, compassion to the outcast, and Journal was approved. mercy to the weak. And yet we confess that we do not always follow the precepts and examples that You set before us in Your BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED word. For that we would ask forgiveness. The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Senate This day, I thank you for the men and women of this great Bills numbered, entitled, and referred as follows, which were assembly. Thank You for their faithfulness in serving their com­ read by the Clerk: munities, thank You for their passion in looking to establish jus­ tice with mercy, and thank You for the insight and discernment June 4,2003 that You provide to each Member from day to day. And now Lord, I pray for each of our legislators. For those Senators JUBELIRER, CORMAN, KUKOVICH, DENT, who are married, bless and encourage the relationship that they COSTA, EARLL, LOGAN, GREENLEAF, HELFRICK, have with their mates; for those who have children, deepen and LEMMOND, MOWERY, PILEGGI, RAFFERTY, enrich the bonds between parent and child; and for every Mem­ TARTAGLIONE, TOMLINSON, WAUGH, D. WHITE, ber, watch over and protect them physically and spiritually. As M. WHITE, ARMSTRONG, ROBBINS, STACK, PUNT, this assembly seeks to establish the laws of this great Common­ SCARNATI, ORIE and C. WILLIAMS presented to the Chair wealth of Pennsylvania, with conviction and in righteousness, SB 757, entitled: may they set the guidelines by which our people may be gov­ A Joint Resolution proposing integrated amendments to the erned. In addition, help each Member to continue to recognize Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing that they stand as Your representative in providing both structure for disqualification to hold other office and for vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor. and stability to our communities. Lord, we pray for President Bush. Bless him in his attempts to be a peacemaker today. We pray for our Governor. Grant that Which was committed to the Committee on STATE he might have the wisdom to lead our Commonwealth in the GOVERNMENT, June 4,2003. years ahead. And finally, we also pray for those who enforce the laws es­ Senators C. WILLIAMS, MELLOW, O'PAKE, SCHWARTZ, tablished by this assembly, the Attorney General, district attor­ FUMO, WAGNER, MUSTO, STOUT, KASUNIC, STACK, neys, our judges, but in particular we pray for our State and local TARTAGLIONE, FERLO, KUKOVICH, LAVALLE, COSTA, police. Be a shield and guard over those who place themselves in LOGAN, WOZNIAK, KITCHEN, BOSCOLA, HUGHES and harm's way to protect our citizens from evil. A. WILLIAMS presented to the Chair SB 792, entitled: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No. 14), As this Session continues, we ask for Your guidance and known as the Public School Code of 1949, providing for student blessing on all issues that will be addressed. In Jesus' name. achievement programs; and making an appropriation. Amen. 508 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE JUNE 4, Which was committed to the Committee on EDUCATION, LEAVE OF ABSENCE June 4, 2003. Senator BRIGHTBILL asked and obtained a leave of absence Senators A. WILLIAMS, MELLOW, FERLO, for Senator PUNT, for today's Session, for personal reasons. TARTAGLIONE, KASUNIC, MUSTO, LOGAN, LAVALLE, Senator PIPPY remains on military leave pursuant to Senate KUKOVICH, C. WILLIAMS, COSTA, STACK, STOUT, RuleXXI(3). HUGHES, O'PAKE, WOZNIAK, FUMO, SCHWARTZ, CALENDAR KITCHEN and WAGNER presented to the Chair SB 793, entitled: HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No. 14), No. 131, ADOPTED known as the Public School Code of 1949, providing for family resource networks; and making repeals. Senator BRIGHTBILL, without objection, called up from page 3 of the Calendar, as a Special Order of Business, House Which was committed to the Committee on EDUCATION, Concurrent Resolution No. 131, entitled: June 4,2003. A Concurrent Resolution authorizing the Joint State Government Senators STACK, TARTAGLIONE, WAGNER, KITCHEN, Commission to reconstitute the Task Force on Services to Children and FUMO, C. WILLIAMS, FERLO, COSTA, LOGAN, MUSTO, Youth. MELLOW, SCHWARTZ, STOUT, O'PAKE, HUGHES, KASUNIC, WOZNIAK, LAVALLE, A. WILLIAMS and And the amendments made thereto having been printed as KUKOVICH presented to the Chair SB 794, entitled: required by the Constitution, An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No. 14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, establishing a math and On the question, literacy coaching program. Will the Senate concur in the resolution? Which was committed to the Committee on EDUCATION, Senator BRIGHTBILL. Madam President, I move that the June 4,2003. Senate do concur in House Concurrent Resolution No. 131. Senators COSTA, MELLOW, O'PAKE, WAGNER, MUSTO, On the question, FUMO, KASUNIC, STOUT, STACK, LOGAN, KUKOVICH, Will the Senate agree to the motion? KITCHEN, TARTAGLIONE, C. WILLIAMS, FERLO, LAVALLE, WOZNIAK, SCHWARTZ, BOSCOLA, HUGHES, The yeas and nays were required by Senator BRIGHTBILL A. WILLIAMS and MOWERY presented to the Chair SB 795, and were as follows, viz: entitled: An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, providing for the Science YEA-48 and Applied-Knowledge Program. Armstrong Helfrick Musto Tartaglione Which was committed to the Committee on EDUCATION, Boscola Hughes OTake Thompson Brightbill Jubelirer Orie Tomlinson June 4, 2003. Conti Kasiinic Piccola Wagner Gorman Kitchen Pileggi Waugh LEGISLATIVE LEAVES Costa Kukovich Rafferty Wenger Dent LaValle Rhoades White, Donald The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Earll Lemmond Robbins White, Mary Jo Lebanon, Senator Brightbill. Erickson Logan Scamati Williams, Anthony H. Ferlo Madigan Schwartz Williams, Constance Senator BRIGHTBILL. Madam President, I request a Fumo Mellow Stack Wonderling temporary Capitol leave for Senator Tomlinson, and legislative Greenleaf Mowery Stout Wozniak leaves for Senator Armstrong, Senator Dent, Senator Helfrick, and Senator Wenger. NAY-0 The PRESIDENT. Senator Brightbill requests legislative leaves for Senator Armstrong, Senator Dent, Senator Helfrick, A majority of the Senators having voted "aye," the question and Senator Wenger, and a temporary Capitol leave for Senator was determined in the aflBrmative. Tomlinson. Without objection, those leaves will be granted. Ordered, That the Secretary of the Senate inform the House of The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Berks, Senator Representatives accordingly. O'Pake. Senator O'PAKE. Madam President, I request a legislative SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS leave for Senator Schwartz. GUESTS OF SENATOR ROBERT C. The PRESIDENT. Senator O'Pake requests a legislative leave JUBELIRER PRESENTED TO THE SENATE for Senator Schwartz. Without objection, the leave will be The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from granted. Blair, Senator Jubelirer. 2003 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 509 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Madam President, I have the YEA-47 great privilege and honor of introducing some constituents today. It is my pleasure to introduce a group from the Bedford County Armstrong Helfrick Musto Tartaglione Chamber of Commerce who are here visiting the Capitol on this Boscola Hughes O'Pake Thompson Brightbill Jubelirer Orie Tomlinson beautiful spring day. So if the Chair would be so kind as to Conti Kasunic Piccola Waugh recognize them, I am sure they would be grateful, as would I, Gorman Kitchen Pileggi Wenger people from the Bedford County Chamber of Commerce who are Costa Kukovich Rafiferty White, Donald Dent LaValle Rhoades White, Mary Jo here today in the gallery. Earll Lemmond Robbins Williams, Anthony H. The PRESIDENT. Would the guests of Senator Jubelirer from Erickson Logan Scamati Williams, Constance the Bedford County Chamber of Commerce please rise so the Ferlo Madigan Schwartz Wonderling Fumo Mellow Stack Wozniak Senate may give you its usual warm welcome. Greenleaf Mowery Stout (Applause.) GUESTS OF SENATOR JOHN C. NAY-1 RAFFERTY PRESENTED TO THE SENATE Wagner The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from A constitutional majority of all the Senators having voted Montgomery, Senator Rafferty. "aye," the question was determined in the affirmative. Senator RAFFERTY. Madam President, I am fortunate this Ordered, That the Secretary of the Senate present said bill to morning to have with me a young man who is interning in my the House of Representatives for concurrence. Chester County office, Mr. Steve Rowe. He is here with us at the front of the Chamber. He graduated from St. Pius X High School BILL OVER IN ORDER in Montgomery County, and is now a student entering his junior year at Alvemia College in Berks County.
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