Kiwanis Club of Ottawa (INCORPORATED) ANNUAL REPORTS of STANDING COMMITTEES for the year 1950 The President 1s Message .... IViinute s of f1rmual Meeting 1. Agricultuxe and Conservation Committee Report 4. Air Cadet Civilia.n Committee Report 6. Attendance Comwittee Report 7. h.ttendance Percentages of Hembers 9. Election Committee Report 10, Finance Conwatt ee Report 12. Audit or 1s Repo r t 13 . Financial st atements 14. 21- 1951 Budgets 22 . Interclub Comnittee Report 23 . Key Club Committee Report 26 . Kiwanis Education and Fellovlship Committee Report 27 . Laws and Regulations Comraittee Report 2$. Membership and Classification Repo rt 30. Husic Comiuttee Report 31. National Kids l Day Report 33 . Programme CorMnittee Report 37 . Pr operty Committee Report and Inventory 39 . Public and Busine ss J.ffairs Comilli ttee Report 40. Public Relations Cownuttee Report 43 . Re ception Committee Repo rt 41-:. Roster Comr;uttee Report 45 . Sport s and Social Committee Repo rt 46 . Suppor t of Churches Comnittee Report 4$. vfays and Means Committee Report Youth Service Committee Report To the 11embers, Kiwanis Club of ottawa: Gentlemen: The work of the Kiwanis Club of ottawa in 1950 is now merely history. During the year gone by our members participated in the traditional community enterprises and new and worthwhile endeavours were under- taken by the Club. The heretofore good financial position both as to current and welfare account has been maintained if not improved • .... We tried to make the luncheon T{leetings pleasant and meaningful to the membership. It is our endeavour throughout the year to promote Kiwanis fellowship both as between our members as well as our wives and families. There was no r adical departure in the set-up of our club, board and committee me6tings, and much worthwhile discussion took place and much important business was apministered. There were several new ventures undertaken, namely, National Kids ! Day which was an unqualified success, and the bazaar which was also highly successful, not only from the point of view of the financial gain, but also from the point of view of the fellowship as between the women themselves and as between nillny men who helped out . Our attendance record of 80 .9%, I believe is an all time high. Too much credit cannot be given the attendance, program and music com- mittees which made this possible. The adnunistration for 1951 is a particularly strong one and our whole club looks forward to a year of even greater activity, a year replete , . with fine work in all phase s of community endeavour and a year of mighty building in Kiwanis. Yours in Kiwanis, A. H. LiE\ff, President, 1950. December 31st, 1950. Page 1 IVlinutes of the "mnual Heeting held at the Chateau Laurier February 3, 1950 Fresent: B-S per Attendance Register. IJIoved by Cec Burgess, Seconded by Jim Hoir, THAT the minutes of the last Annual Meeting, having been included in the Annual Report, be taken as read. MOTION CARRIED Hoved by Ray Linnen, Seconded by Hike Armand, THAT the report of the Elections Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Stan Higman asked why the recommendation passed at the last Annual Meeting re sending out a questionnaire prior to the primary ballot had not been carried out. ImJnediate Past President Charlie explained that the Board had not approved of this. Moved by viliitney Spratt, Se conded by Harold Nettleton, THAT the report of the Agriculture and Conservation Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by George Perley, Seconded by Cliff lifahoney, THAT the report of the Air Cadet Civilian Committ ee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Frank Astley, Seconded by Phil Perkins, THAT the report of the Attendance Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED At this time Frank Astley presented attendance tabs to those having 100% attendance. Moved by Bill Gourley, Seconded by Hike Arnand, THAT the report of the Interclub Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by George Perley, Seconded by Ray THAT the report of the Key Club Committee be adopted, MOTION CARRIED Moved by Ray Linnen, Seconded by Cliff Mahoney, THAT the report of the Kiwanis Education and Fellowship Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Roy Kennedy, Seconded by George Wolf, THAT the report of the Laws and RegUlations Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Bill Henry, Seconded by Jack OIBryan, TllilT the report of the Membership and Classification Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Stan Slater, Seconded by Sol THAT the report of the Music Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Jim Moir, Seconded by Charlie Wright, THAT the report of the Programme Committee be adopted, HOTION CARRIED Moved by Archie McDonald, Seconded by Charlie Wright, THAT the report of the Property Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by President Abe, Seconded by Heir Stewart, THnT the report of the Public Affairs Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Harold Nettleton, Seconded by Hal Craig, THAT the report of the Public Relations Committee be adopted, MOTION CARRIED Moved by Charlie Hright, Seconded by Vic Castledine, THAT the report of the Reception Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Nelson Ogilvie, Seconded by Harold Nettleton, TllilT the report of the Roster Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Hoved by Mike Armand, Seconded by George Fingle, THAT the report of the Sports and Social Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Page 2 Minutes of the Itrlnual Heeting - 2 .. Hoved by President Itbe, Seconded by Ralph McBurney, THAT the report of the Support of Churches Committee be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Jack Sj.m, Seconded by Basil McEnery, THAT the report of the Ways and Means be adopted. MOTION CARRIED The report of the Youth Service Committee was then discussed as the paragraph dealing with a $200 .00 recommendation to the Public School Milk Fund was questioned by Roy Kennedy and also Stan Higman , in view of no such donation appearing in the financial statement . It was pointed out that, although this had apparently l:EaJ. approved by the youth Service Com- mittee, it had never actually been presented to the Board for definite action. Moved by Stan Higman , Seconded by Harry Ansconbe, THAT the current admin- istration consider the $200.00 item in the youth Service Committee's report re the matter of a donation to the Public School ¥ulk Fund. This motion was left for further discussion as the Secretary was asked to check over the minutes of the Board for additional inform- ation on this matter. It was then: Moved by Dave Hurphy, Seconded by Hal Craig, THAT tho report of the youth Service Cormni ttee be approved. MOTION The Chairman of the Financial Committee, Orian Low, presented the Financial Statements for approval. Moved by Orian Low, Seconded by Ced Burgess, THAT the Financial State- ments as shown on pages 15 to 22 be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Orian Low, Seconded by Cliff Mahoney, THAT the sum of $919 .40 be transferred from the General Account to the Reserve Account. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Orian Low, Seconded by Cliff Mahoney, THi ,T the budgets for 1950 be approved. MOTION CARRIED Immediate Past President Charlie expressed his Ovffi and the Club's appreciation to Al Merrikin for acting as auditor. Moved by Al IvIerrikin, Seconded by Cliff Mahoney, THJlT Ran Hartin be the auditor for 1950. MOTION CARRIED Moved by Dunc Longmire, Seconded by Ray Linnen, TllilT the signing officers for 1950 be the President, the two Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer. MOTION CARrtIED Moved by Stan Higman , Seconded by President Abe, THAT a suitable letter of appreciation be sent to the three newspapers . lvlOTION CARRIED Moved by Stan Slater, Seconded by Roy Kennedy, THAT appreciation be expressed to the President, Directors and Officers of the Club for 1949. MOTION CARRIED New Business: Moved by Roy Kennedy, Seconded by Harry Anscombe , THAT the By-laws of the Club be amended by adding thereto the By-law lIi1.rticle XXlII re a Kiwanis Trust Fund. '. HOTION CARRIED Roy Kennedy then suggested that the Chairman of the Laws and Regulations Committee for 1950 be asked to investigate the matter of having all monies donated to this Fund made free from Income Tax or Succession Duty. MOTION CARRIED Page 3 Minutes of the Annual Meeting - 3 The matter of appointing the five Trustees was then considered • .. Roy Kennedy read the original recommendation made by the Special Committee appointed for that purpose in 1945 as follows: "Five Trustees shall be appointed; two by the Past Presidents; one by the Board of Directors and two by the members at large. Roy suggested that the two members to be nominated by the members should be selected before any others were appoint- ed. He, therefore, moved that Harry Anscombe and Dune Longmire be nominated. Stan Higman said he was afraid that if two Past Presidents were nominated by the General 1,leeting, other Past Presidents might be selected which might result in f our Past Prosidents being Trustees. He also said that, in view of the order in which the appointments were mentioned in the orig- inal recommendation, this order should be adhered to. In view of this, Roy Kennedy was asked to withdraw his motion which he consented to do. Moved by Stan Seconded by Harry Ansc ombe, TR4T the Board shall nom- inate one trustee, then the Past Presidents shall nominate two trustees, after which these noninations shall be announced at a general meeting of the Club to be held as early as possible at which time the final two trustees shall be appointed. MOTION CARRIED The question Qf the Fund donation was again discussed. The minutes of the Board Meeting of January 24th relative to this was read from the Chair' after which the following motion was presented.
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