Apollo /3 i5 an exciting movie-and a true story! It i5 Monday. April 13, 1970 and Apollo 13 is flying ta the Moon. Suddenly, something goes wrong. The ship is losing power and oxygen. Will theastronauts walk on the Moonl Will they get home againl Pengllin Reoders ore simPlified texts w/lich provide a Hep-by-s1ep opproQch to ,t/Je jays or rcading (or Series ',Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Patter ---'-'-~--" --._-_. 2'00 headwords "300 headwords Beginner l (''II' pl :t (.00 ,h":ldw;,nl< C/COll'fltl1ry Level 3 1200 headwords Pre-Intermediate Level 4 1700 headwords Intermedlate Level 5 2300 headwords Upper-Intermediate Level 6 3000 headwords Advanced Contemporary American English Number ofwords (exduding act/vities): 8,119 Caver art copyright © 2000 Universal H~S ~ON PAll'ON s!i\me HA'liRIS "HauItDn.. __ I~blwn." Studios Publisning Rights, a division of Universal Studios Licen~ng, lnc. Ali rignts reserved. APÔLL~)13 Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England andAssociatod Companies throughout the world. ISBN: 978-1-4058-8156-2 Apollo .13 Fir.t published in the UK in 1995 by Sapling, an imprint ofBoxtree Lld. London. Fint published in tbe USA in 1995 by Grosset & Dunl'p,IIle., a member oITbe Putnam & Grosset Group. NewYork. Fint publi,hed by Penguin Hooks Lld 2001 This edition published 2008 Adapted from the junior 9 10 8 novelization by. Copyright C 1999 by Uni""mù StUdios Publishing Rights, a division ofUnivenal Studios Uceming, Ine. DINA ANASTASIO· All rights reserved Based on the motion picture screenplay The moral rights of the .uthOts have been a"orted written by 1)rpeset by Graphicraft Ltd, Hong K011g WILLIAM BROYLES,JR. & Setin 11/14ptBembo Peinted in China AL REINERT,aIidJOHN SAYLES SwrC/OS· Based on the book Lost Moon by Ali rights resflw.d; 110 part <if thiJ public.tio~ ...y b. reJ'rvduœd, stond JIM LOVELL and JEFFREY ·in a retri"",1 system, or tra..mitted ÎI! ".fform or by a"y ",earu, eledronic, ",e""mical, photocopying, recorr/illg or otherwise, willtout the . KLUGER. prior written pelmi"io. of the Pub/Isker;. Published by Pearson Bducation Ltrl in association with Penguin .Books Ltd, bath campanie, being subsidi.ri~s ofPe.non Pic Level2 Retold by Brent Furnas Series Editors:Andy Hopkins andJocelyn Potter For a complete list of the titlès .""iIable in the Penguin Readers '<;rie, please write to your local Pearson Longm.n office or ta: Penguin Re.ders Marketing Department, Pèarson Education, Edinburgh G.te. Harl<>,\,. Essex CM20 2]E. Engl.od. ------._~-~...--._.._.. _.~ - -_._.-­ ",,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,",".",",,",,,,,'r!t."~oIi1R!I\IGu!Ilt~.~,i/jlIIdIJIl/iIIi,~nlr.l';l!:,':r.!,,"",~,-'~'\'''''~''''''IlI"r'" Contents Introduction Suddenly, there was a loud noise andJim Jlew into a wall. page "VVHAT WAS THAT?" he shouted. Introduction iii Jack sat in his chair and watched papers and bags offood fly around Chapter 1 July 20,1969 1 inside the command module. "What happened?J1 Jim asked again. He looked at the other Chapter2 Thursday, April 2, 1970 2 astronauts, but they didn 't answer. Chapter 3 Thursday, April 9 5 Then there was a second noise. Chapter 4 Saturday, April 11 6 "Look!" saM Fred. "The lights on the controls are going crazy! l Chapter 5 Monday, April 13, 20:24 13 never saw that bifore!" Jack spoke into the radio. "Houston, we have aproblem. " Chapter 6 Monday, April 13, 21:07 15 Chapter 7 Monclay, April 13, 22:35 18 It 1S Monday, April 13, 1970, and Apollo 13 is flying through Chapter 8 Monday, April 13, 22:45 19 space. The three astronauts in the command module are going to the Moon. Suddenly, something goes wrong. There is a loud Chapter 9 Monday, April 13, 23:00 21 noise and the command module loses power. Oxygen is leaving Chapter 10 Tuesday, April 14, 18:15 22 the ship. The astronauts can't live,without oxygen or power. What Chapter 11 Tuesday, April 14, 20:40 24 . can they do? What can their controllers in Houston do? Will the Chapter 12 Tuesday,April14,23:00 26 astronauts walk on the Moon? Will they get home again? Chapter 13 Wednesday, April 15,01:30 26 . Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger wrote a book about ,this trip, Lost Chapter 14 Thursday, April 16,04:14 27 Moon. Then, William Broyles, Al Reinert, and John Sayles turned Chapter 15 Friday, April 17, 05:14 30 the book into the great mo~e, Apollo 13, with Tom Hanks. This Penguin Reader comes from DinaAnastasio's story of the movie. Chapter 16 Friday,April 17, 10:43 32 Chapter 17 Friday,Aprill,?,11:53 34 Chapter 18 Friday, April 17, 12:07 35 Activities 38 111 ------ ~~~~~-,.,-~"'... --,..........,--~ Chapter 1 July 20, 1969 . The lunarmodule was on the Moon. Astronaut Neil Armstrong came out of the door and looked up into black space. He looked down àt the gray rocks. The Moon waited. Slowly, he moved down the stairs. When he got to the bottom, he stopped. Then, he carefully put his,Joot down on the ground. He was the first man on the Moon. ' Three hundred and twenty thousand kilometers away on Barth, people watched Neil Armstrong on television. They laughed and shouted.A man'was on the Moon! Jim Lovell sat in front of his television with his wife and children. "l'm not the first man on the Moon," Jim said to his son Jeffrey. "But l will go there." Jeffrey was only five years old and he was excited. "Look at the rocks, Dad!" he shouted. "Look at the moon rocks!" "1 see them, Jeffrey;' Jirn ahswered. Jeffrey's sisters-Susan and B.arbara-and his fifteen-year-'old brother Jay watched, too. They saw a second astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, come out ofthe lunar module. He stopped at the top of the stairs, then he too climbed down to the Moon. Jeffrey .1ooked at his father. "Are you really going to the Moon?" he asked. Jim smileô. "Yes, l am. But l went before, remember? l was on Apollo 8. We only went around the Moon on that trip--we didn't walk on it. But when l go on the 4pollo 14 trip, Fred Haise and l will walk on the Moon." "When will you go?" askedJeffrey. "Neil Armstrong is on Apollo 11," said Jim. "Pete Conrad will go on the next trip. Alan Shepard will be on Apollo 13. Mer that, Neil Armstrong was thefirst man on the Moon. ru gowith Apollo 14." 1 ' ___~_'_·_"""",~~"""'~!f!I!IIII'I'I11l'll!l1"'-· "And will you hring me a moon rock?" Jeffrey asked. The picture of Aquarius slowly ~oved close to the X. Jim srniled. "1'11 try." "You're looking good," Mission Control said. "Really?" asked Jeffrey. "We're at twenty meters, Houston," said Fred. Jim put his arm around bis son. "Yes:' he answered. "1 will The mission controllers were in another room. One ofthem bring you a moon rock." turned away from bis radio. "Let's make things difficult for him," he said to another man. The other man smiled and pushed a control. Chapter 2 Thursday, April 2, 1970 Suddenly, the lunar module on the cont~ols moved quickly to the right. Jim didn't have ta wait for Apollo 14-the plans for the Apollo trips "We have a problem," said Ken. He tried to move the picture changed. Astronaut Alan Shepard had a pro blem with one of bis of Aquarius back to the X. "l'm losing control." ears and he couldn't go on Apollo 13. Sa Jim J;..ovell took bis place. "It's going to the right," said Fred Haise. "We're moving away." "It's my time now," thoughtJim. "l'm going to the Moon." Ken tried again. Jim wasn't the only astronaut on Apollo 13. The other men "No, now it's OK," he said. 'We're OK." were Fred Haise and Ken Mattingly. Ken was .the command Fred watched the numbers. module pilot and Fred was the lunar module pilot. They had "Three meters," he said important jobs. The command module was the Apollo astronauts' There was a noise. home for the long trip from Barth, and the small lunar module "Houston, we did it!" Ken shouted. took the astronauts down to the Moon. "Goodjob!" said Mission Control. "You men are quick." It was now nine days before the trip. The three astronauts were But Ken wasn't happy. "1 want to do it again," he said. iilside the command module simulator. They watched the Jim looked at him.O<Again?" controls in front of them. "It has to be right," Ken answerea. "1 was slow. 1 don't want "OK, Ken;' said a controller at Mission ControL "You're the any problerns in space." . command module pilot. Can you dock Odyssey to Aquarius?" Jim srniled. Ken always worked hard in the simulator. Sometimes "yes, sir," answered Ken. Jim and Fred stayed and worked with him. But not tonight. On the controIs in front ofhim, there was an X and a picture 'Tm tire d," said Jim. "And l'm a better pilot when l'm not of the lunar module. Ken had to get the X over the picture. That tired l'm going home to my family." way, the lunar module and the cornrnand module could dock. This was important. The lunar module was behind the command • module when Apollo 13left Barth. ln space, the astronauts had to Jim opened the door of bis nouse and saw his wife, Marilyn.
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