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S. Bhangoo 12-14-12 12-14-12 B-1 DRILLING CONTRACTOR BOREHOLE LOCATION (Offset, Station, Line) SURFACE ELEVATION Pitcher Drilling DRILLING METHOD DRILL RIG BOREHOLE DIAMETER Rotary Wash CME 55 5 in SAMPLER TYPE(S) AND SIZE(S) (ID) SPT. HAMMER TYPE HAMMER EFFICIENCY, ERi SPT, MC Automatic,140 lb 75% BOREHOLE BACKFILL AND COMPLETION GROUNDWATER DURING DRILLING AFTER DRILLING (DATE) TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING READINGS 14.0 ft 91.0 ft DESCRIPTION Remarks ELEVATION (ft) DEPTH (ft) 0 Material Graphics Depth Sample Number Sample 6 in. Blows per foot Blows per Moisture (%) Content Dry Unit Weight (pcf) Strength Shear (tsf) (%) Recovery RQD (%) Drilling Method Depth Casing ASPHALT 3" of AC over 6"AB. 1 Poorly graded SAND with SILT (SP-SM); dense; gray; moist; fine SAND. 2 3 4 5 1 10 41 20 6 21 DS 7 8 9 10 2 11 38 16 11 (+#4=0%, -#200=8.2%). 22 14 PA 12 13 14 15 Wet. 3 14 42 17 16 25 18 17 18 19 20 4 12 40 20 21 20 18 DS 22 23 24 25 (continued) LOG OF TEST BORING LA SELVA BEACH TRESTLE STRUCTURE RETROFIT PARIKH CONSULTANTS, INC. SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA Geotechnical & Materials Engineering Date: Job No.: 2011-157-LSB This log is part of the report prepared by Parikh Consultants, Inc. for the named project and should be read together with that report for complete Plate: interpretation. This summary applies only at the location of this boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations PCI-CT 5 BR 2011-157-LSB.GPJPCI-CT TEMPLATE 1/31/13 7-22-11.GDT and may change at this location with the passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions encountered. 6A DESCRIPTION Remarks ELEVATION (ft) DEPTH (ft) 25 Material Graphics Depth Sample Number Sample 6 in. Blows per foot Blows per Moisture (%) Content Dry Unit Weight (pcf) Strength Shear (tsf) (%) Recovery RQD (%) Drilling Method Depth Casing Poorly graded SAND with SILT (SP-SM); dense; gray; 5 9 42 moist; fine SAND. layer description continued from 16 26 previous page 26 Poorly graded SAND with SILT (SP-SM) (continued). 27 27 28 29 30 Medium to fine SAND; (+#4=0%, -#200=7.9%). 6 5 47 21 31 26 21 PA 32 33 34 35 Very dense; dark gray. 7 19 90 40 36 50 17 37 38 39 40 8 19 82 39 41 43 23 42 43 44 45 9 18 50 50/6" 19 108 DS 46 47 48 49 50 (+#4=0.3%, -#200=7.9%). 10 25 60 30 51 30 21 PA 52 53 54 55 (continued) LOG OF TEST BORING LA SELVA BEACH TRESTLE STRUCTURE RETROFIT PARIKH CONSULTANTS, INC. SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA Geotechnical & Materials Engineering Date: Job No.: 2011-157-LSB This log is part of the report prepared by Parikh Consultants, Inc. for the named project and should be read together with that report for complete Plate: interpretation. This summary applies only at the location of this boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations PCI-CT 5 BR 2011-157-LSB.GPJPCI-CT TEMPLATE 1/31/13 7-22-11.GDT and may change at this location with the passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions encountered. 6B DESCRIPTION Remarks ELEVATION (ft) DEPTH (ft) Material Graphics Depth Sample Number Sample 6 in. Blows per foot Blows per Moisture (%) Content Dry Unit Weight (pcf) Strength Shear (tsf) (%) Recovery RQD (%) Drilling Method Depth Casing Poorly graded SAND with SILT (SP-SM); dense; gray; 11 20 69 moist; fine SAND. layer description continued from 33 56 previous page 36 17 57 58 59 60 Fine SAND. 12 21 81 32 61 49 18 62 63 64 65 Poorly graded SAND (SP); very dense; gray; wet; fine 13 50/6" REF 20 106 PA SAND; (+#4=0%, -#200=3.2%). 66 67 68 69 70 14 36 50 50/5.5" 19 71 72 73 74 75 15 35 50 50/6" 18 76 77 78 79 80 Yellowish brown; (+#4=0%, -#200=4.3%). 16 36 50 50/5.5" 22 PA 81 82 83 84 85 (continued) LOG OF TEST BORING LA SELVA BEACH TRESTLE STRUCTURE RETROFIT PARIKH CONSULTANTS, INC. SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA Geotechnical & Materials Engineering Date: Job No.: 2011-157-LSB This log is part of the report prepared by Parikh Consultants, Inc. for the named project and should be read together with that report for complete Plate: interpretation. This summary applies only at the location of this boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations PCI-CT 5 BR 2011-157-LSB.GPJPCI-CT TEMPLATE 1/31/13 7-22-11.GDT and may change at this location with the passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions encountered. 6C DESCRIPTION Remarks ELEVATION (ft) DEPTH (ft) Material Graphics Depth Sample Number Sample 6 in. Blows per foot Blows per Moisture (%) Content Dry Unit Weight (pcf) Strength Shear (tsf) (%) Recovery RQD (%) Drilling Method Depth Casing Poorly graded SAND (SP) (continued). 86 Poorly graded SAND (SP); very dense; gray; wet; fine SAND; (+#4=0%, -#200=3.2%). layer description continued from previous page 87 88 89 90 SILTY SAND (SM); very dense; dark gray; wet; fine 17 38 50 18 SAND; ( -#200=34.7%). 50/6" 91 Bottom of borehole at 91.0 ft bgs/Elev. 0 ft. 92 93 This Boring Record was developed in accordance with the Caltrans Soil & Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual (2010) except as noted on the Soil 94 or Rock Legend or below. 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 LOG OF TEST BORING LA SELVA BEACH TRESTLE STRUCTURE RETROFIT PARIKH CONSULTANTS, INC. SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA Geotechnical & Materials Engineering Date: Job No.: 2011-157-LSB This log is part of the report prepared by Parikh Consultants, Inc. for the named project and should be read together with that report for complete Plate: interpretation. This summary applies only at the location of this boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations PCI-CT 5 BR 2011-157-LSB.GPJPCI-CT TEMPLATE 1/31/13 7-22-11.GDT and may change at this location with the passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions encountered. 6D ."","# &- + * ) %'(# +&- )- 2(&3 ," +"" )" %& %& !"#$ "/ 0,1 %'(!" $%!) *!(%! !" !"#$! %&% +% *%%* ( )& ( )(' %&' $$ $ *+'##' *)# *% &# #&#* !,-./ 01/ !,-./ 2/3"2 01/ &*'#5 % ..0!,1 ## # ! " !"#"$%&'( !"#"$%&'( !"#"$%&'( !"#" !"#" &*'#5 % % % % % -4/ 13 340(10 (!#+!#!,'#-&#&.,&.##&/%& 040(0( 010(2 5( *) 6 6# () Parikh Consultants, Inc. Direct Shear Test (ASTM D3080) Peak: Phi = 53.0 C = 0.4
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