TheImmaculate Assumption ofHeart the Blessed of Mary Virgin Catholic Mary, August Church 15, 2021 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 100 * New Melle, MO 63365 Website: www.ihm-newmelle.org Office Phone: 636-398-5270 Deliveries only address: 8 West Highway D, New Melle, MO 63365 Schedule of Holy Mass August 8, 2021 Saturday: 8:00am, 4:00pm Vigil Mass for Sunday Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, changing to 10am on Sept. 5 Weekdays: 8:00am, in church Weekly Devotions and Prayers Eucharistic Adoration: Monday 8:30am until Friday 11:00am, St. Joseph Chapel Rosary: Prior to Saturday evening 4pm Mass Weekday devotions after morning Mass: Tuesday: Mother of Perpetual Help Wednesday: Litany to St. Joseph Thursday: Celebrating the Sanctity of Life First Friday: Litany of the Sacred Heart First Saturday of the Month Devotions 8am Mass, Rosary, 15 minutes of meditation Sacraments Reconciliation: Wednesday in church, 7pm Saturday following 8am Mass Marriage: Contact the parish office at least six months prior to the wedding Baptism: Contact the parish office to register for class and to arrange date Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Contact Shawn Mueller in the parish office Deeper Understanding of Scripture They are courageous, wise women Jesus needed His mother. She had to and directs us toward our final who ground us, focus us, and in- to be that faithful anchor, that guid- destiny. Life eternal waits! Any dis- spire us. They are the good mothers ing presence, in His life. Jesus need- appointment, fear, or anxiety can who walk with us and light our ed to be affirmed and encouraged be set aside as she gently reassures way. They teach us life lessons and just like any other human being and us of God’s love and promise. Al- help us heal and navigate through Mary had to be there, right by His ways a mother filled with grace and challenges and difficulties. We need side, doing precisely that. Even hope, she calls us to reaffirm our people to point the way. Some- when her heart was pierced as He faith in God and in the gifts we times, these wise ladies are not our was nailed to a tree, she did not have each been given. We can per- biological mothers but women in give up hope. Most certainly, she severe and do what we need to do our lives, who through their strong continued to wait, watch, hope, to live life well, with faith, hope, and faithful presence, anchor us and and love until He took his final and love as our guiding lights. remind us that we are loved. We breath. That’s what mothers do. Knowing who we are and who we need these women. Human beings Even when their heart breaks, they will one day become helps us to do their best when they have cheer- persevere. better chart the course and direction leaders in their lives. They show us of our earthly lives. Looking to the Today, our Blessed Mother is our that even when facing despair there example of our Blessed Mother, we cheerleader once again. Taken up to is always a brighter tomorrow. receive the assurance we need. heaven in body and soul, she points ©LPi Welcome! Immaculate Heart of Mary: Informed—Hospitable—Missionary Parish Staff Religious Education Parish Office: 636R398R5270 Shawn Mueller, Director Fr. Tom Miller, Pastor [email protected] 636R398R5270, [email protected] (for emergencies only: 314R303R2428) Parish School of Religion (when restricons are li ed) Grades 1 thru 8, September thru May, 8:45R9:45am, Sundays Deacon Chris Ast [email protected] Deacon Tony Falbo [email protected] Confirmaon Preparaon Laura Orf, Business Manager [email protected] 8th GradeVSeptember thru May, 8:45R9:45am, Sundays Peggy Dupree, Office Manager [email protected] Children’s Liturgy of the Word (when restricons are li ed) Bryan Beams, Director of Music and Liturgy September thru May, during the 10am Sunday Mass [email protected] Adult Educaon Michael McDonald, Plant Manager [email protected] Wednesdays at 8:45am and 6:10pm, September thru May Karen Wappelhorst, Child Safety Coordinator [email protected] Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of AdultsVcontact Shawn for schedule Quick Contacts Directory Liturgical Videographer Parish Organizaons Stan Kostecki 314R397R5965 Budget & Finance Weddings, Recepons, Events Larry Graves 314R799R9804 Pat Gentry, Hall Rental 636R398R5270 Cemetery Commiee Kelly Meyer, Wedding Coordinator 636R828R4994 Mark Keune 314R220R7075 Jean Hi, Wedding Coordinator 636R987R2131 Dinner Commiee 636R398R5270 Jeff Comoo 314R570R6972 Mary Keune, Event Coordinator 636R398R5270 Funeral Lunches Ruth Neske 636R398R5699 Prayer and Devoon Vicki Grunz 636R497R5230 Eucharisc Adoraon Helping Hearts Shawn Mueller 636R398R5270 John Grady 314R662R2138 Legion of Mary Mary Hardesty 636R398R5663 Maria RomineRKantor 314R614R0857 Tim Lebb 314R775R7717 Prayer Chain Maria RomineRKantor 314R614R0857 Brenda Hutchcra 636R248R8493 Knights of Columbus Prayer Intercession/Jonah Team Tim Lebb 314R775R7717 Debbie Gillespie 636R398R4971 Marian Council Prayer Shawl Ministry Julia Keler 314R616R0096 Barb Pope 773R383R8602 Meal Train Liturgical Ministries Kelly Meyer [email protected], 636R828R4994 Extraordinary Ministers Meals on Wheels Irene Caldwell 636R398R4311 Jean Bammann 636R798R2718 Lectors Pro Life Joe Willis 636R398R2106 Bill Winters 636R828R4133 Gi Bearers Quilters Peggy Dupree 636R398R5270 Vanita Joerling 636R544R0416 Ushers Ruth Willis 636R398R4597 Gary Struckhoff 636R828R6067 Scoung Altar Servers Chuck Hinkle 636R544R6639 Deacon Tony Falbo [email protected] Cub Scouts: John Lyons 217R778R3760 Altar Society Boy Scouts: Chad Peters 314R807R7177 Pam DeBold 636R482R4765 St. Vincent de Paul Art & Environment Joe Willis 636R398R2106 Ashley Czuchna 636R578R8774 Welcoming Commiee Music Ministry Teresa Berfanger 636R398R5565 Bryan Beams 636R398R5270 Adult Choir Youth and Young Adults Mary Sweeten 314R324R3249 High School Youth Leader Children’s Choir Janet Hespen 314R369R6521 Elizabeth Jaeckle 636R828R4811 Young Adults Julie Lassiter 636R357R0121 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, 2021 Top Ten Things to do as a Catholic Christian Fr. Tom will be speaking about this over the next few weeks. 1. Worship at Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation 2. Make more frequent Confessions, at least quarterly 3. Pray with Sacred Scripture as part of your daily activities 4. Develop a daily habit of examining your conscience 5. Pray the Rosary frequently 6. Be generous with your blessings through charities and tithing 7. Give of your time to the faith on the parish level or within the local Catholic community 8. Continue to form yourself in learning as a disciple of Christ 9. Examine your conversations. Are we criticizing or complaining more than we are praying? 10. Go to Mass more than once a week and find time to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryNYear B While Jesus was speaking, a woman from the crowd called out and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that carried you.” Luke 11:27 “After we have poured forth prayers of supplication again and again to God, and have invoked the light of the Spirit of Truth, for the glory of Almighty God who has lavished his special affection upon the Virgin Mary, for the honor of her Son, the immortal King of the Ages and the Victor over sin and death, for the increase of the glory of that same august Mother, and for the joy and exultation of the entire Church; by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own authority, we pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the Immacu- late Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.” Apostolic Constitution of POPE PIUS XII Munificentissimus Deus - Defining the dogma of the Assumption November 1, 1950 Welcome! Immaculate Heart of Mary: Informed—Hospitable—Missionary Ministry Schedule Ministry Schedule August 14—4pm August 21—4pm EM: Deacon Chris, Pat Roche, Bryan Potter EM: Deacon Chris, Becky Wilson, Wilma Zurweller Lec: Clare Holifield, Mike Greene Lec: Theresa & Jim Risch Music: Mary Ann & Bryan Music: Mary Ann & Bryan Serv: Izzy Scheer, volunteer please Serv: Zoey Panus, volunteer please Ush: Bill Pollihan, Chris Cuddihee, Larry Graves, Mike Rieker Ush: Andy Pope, Bryan Potter, Tim Wilson, Bill Pollihan August 15—7:30am August 22—7:30am EM: Maureen Blondin, Betty Tuepker, John Fiacco EM: Deacon Chris, Mary Keune, Emily Cooksey Lec: Karen Wappelhorst, Mary Hardesty Lec: Mary Hardesty, Chuck Kettler Music: Elizabeth & Verdi Music: Brooke & Verdi Serv: Mary & Janie Becker Serv: Emma Clifton, Izzy Scheer Ush: Terry Schneider, Gary Potter, Rick Scharf, Mike Hardesty Ush: Ron Neske, Ron Jacob, Chris Molitor, Dave London August 15—9:30am August 22—9:30am EM: Janet Hespen, Chris Richter, Michelle Greiwe EM: Deacon Chris, Laura Orf, Donna Wolff Lec: Patrice Riley, Pat Gentry Lec: Bill Winters, Chuck Hinkle Music: Amelia, Betsy, Mary, Bryan Music: Amelia, Betsy, Mary, Bryan Serv: William Lassiter, Izzy Czuchna Serv: Thomas Kokker, KaBella Bruno Ush: Alan Raymond, Joe Weber, Larry Smith, Ron Simpson Ush: IHMformation Station IHMformation Station 4:00: Pat Roche 4:00: Chris & Jim Warren 7:30: Maureen Blondin 7:30: Maureen Blondin 9:30: Pat Gentry 9:30: Chuck & Laurie Hinkle Heavenly Duster Schedule Week of August 16: Carol Grady Week of August 22: Lois Cobleigh Week of August 29: Maureen Blondin We welcome to our parish family through the Sacrament of Baptism Purificators Joseph Paul Funke Month of August: Mary Stassi son of Matthew & Leigh (Kessler) Funke November Tiffin Tubb daughter of Benjamin and Alyssa (Evans) Tubb Madelyn Taylor Williams Pope’s Intentions for August: The Church daughter of Kyle and Katie (Neporadny) Williams Let us pray for the Church, that She may re- ceive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Recycling bins are located on the gravel lot behind Fr.
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