Sample file ..-*•: TABLE Of CONT Introduction 4 Hags 36 Using Darklords 4 Appearance 36 Powers and Destruction 4 Background 36 Creating Your Own Lords 4 Current Sketch 39 The Mood of Ravenloft 5 The Domain 40 Confronting the Hags 41 Anhktepot 6 Headless Horseman 44 Appearance 6 Background 44 Background 6 The Domain 44 Current Sketch 8 Confronting the Horseman ... 44 Confronting Anhktepot 9 The First to Follow 46 A Recipe for Mummification ..11 The Last to Follow 46 The Winding Road 47 Banshee 12 House of Lament 48 Appearance 12 Background 48 Background 12 Current Sketch 50 Current Sketch 14 Confronting the House 51 The Domain 14 Destroying the House 52 The City of Dead 16 The Hand 17 Confronting TristessSamplea file20 Bluebeard 22 Von Kharkov 54 Appearance 22 Appearance 54 Background 22 Background 54 Current Sketch 24 Current Sketch 56 Bluebeard's Castle 25 Confronting Von Kharkov .... 56 Confronting Bluebeard 26 Castle Pantara 58 Ebonbane 28 Merilee 60 Appearance 28 Appearance 60 Background 28 Background 60 Current Sketch 30 Current Sketch 62 The Four Keys 31 Confronting Merilee 62 The Domain 31 An Account of My Meeting with Confronting Ebonbane 32 the Child Vampire 63 Shadowborn Manor 33 Monette 64 Appearance 64 Credits Background 64 Design: Andria Hayday (Banshee, Bluebeard, Current Sketch 66 Hags, Headless Horseman, House of The Domain 66 Lament, Introduction, Phantom Lover, Confronting Monette 67 "Recipe for Mummification," Tiyet, Zolnik) Excerpts from a Ship's Log... 67 Additional Design: William W. Connors (Ebonbane, Merilee, Monette), Bruce Nesmith (Anhktepot, Von Kharkov), and Phantom Lover 68 James Lowder (D' Polarno) Appearance 68 Editing: Mike Breault Background 68 Current Sketch 68 Cover Art: Tim Hildebrandt The Domain 70 Interior Art: Stephen Fabian Confronting the Phantom .... 71 Cartography: David C. Sutherland III Fragments of a Diary 73 Graphic Design: Roy E. Parker Typesetting: Tracey Zamagne D'Polarno 74 Production: Paul Hanchette Background 74 Invaluable Assistance: Troy Denning Current Sketch 77 The Domain 77 Special Thanks: Karen Boomgarden Confronting D'Polarno 79 ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D and FORGOTTEN REALMS are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. RAVENLOFT and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Samplee1991 TSR, Incfile. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Tiyet 80 Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Appearance 80 Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by Background 80 regional distributors. Current Sketch 84 Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United The Domain 85 Kingdom by TSR, Ltd. Confronting Tiyet 88 This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. Zolnik 90 Appearance 90 ISBN 1-56076-137-7 Background 90 Current Sketch 93 Gregor's Children 94 TSR, Inc. TSR, Ltd. The Domain 94 POB 756 120 Church End Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton Confronting Gregor 94 WI 53147 Cambridge CB1 3LB U.S.A. United Kingdom ••:•< -*/V: INTROO tfce one that on a lonesome road lord were attempting to harness the forces of Doth walk in fear and dread, that city? And having once turned round Anhktepot, lord of Har'Akir, is a mummy walks on, described in this book. He has slumbered in his And turns no more his head; tomb for nearly a century. In the adventure Because he knows a frightful fiend Touch of Death, someone—or something—is Doth close behind him tread. attempting to usurp Anhktepot's power. The —Coleridge usurper drives the plot of the adventure, not Anhktepot himself. Within this book are tales of 16 dark lords and ladies, each imprisoned in the shadowy abyss Powers and Destruction called Ravenloft, each waiting to be arklords have an ally that most creatures loosed in your campaign. Patience do not have: the Land of Ravenloft itself. is perhaps their only virtue. What O The darklords can be assumed to have mortals blithely call "forever" is no any power that logically fits the mood and tone more than a moment in their bleak of their realm. For example, if it is important to and dreary existence. Still, they an adventure that Strahd can sense the use of know that the time to emerge is nearing. By magic in Barovia, then grant him that ability. opening this book, you have opened a door into This is not to say that he can do Darkness, releasing the horrors that lurk within. anything—merely that you can be more flexible with darklords than with other creatures. If player characters kill a lord, and you'd like Using Darhlords to use that lord again, that too is possible in he more powerful a lord in Ravenloft is, Ravenloft. In fact, many of the lords, as written, the more daunting and hopeless an are rarely destroyed even if they disappear. T encounter with that lord Samplemay seem. Lord files Three hags rule Tepest, for example. If two are need not always take center stage, however. In killed, the third can conjure them up again in fact, it can be more interesting if they linger in her cauldron of regeneration. In the desert the background like a malevolent threat, kingdom of Sebua, the lord may turn to intruding into the foreground only when glittering sand, dispersed by the wind, only to adventurers foolishly provoke their attention. be formed again later by the land. Rebirth as For example, Keening's banshee is a deadly well as reincarnation are possible in Ravenloft. force; to enflame her wrath is to join her other victims as spirits and other undead. But she rarely attacks anyone who stays away from her Creating Vour Own Lords mountain. Even by day (when she is able to he RAVENLOFT™ boxed set offers several walk about), she may not attack unless tips for DMs who wish to create their own someone disturbs her. What role could she then T lords. A detailed history, which explains serve in an adventure? The banshee has an how the villian became a lord, is one of those enmity with the drow of Arak. What if the PCs elements. When creating such tales, keep in unwittingly aid the banshee in exacting her mind that the Dark Powers and the Mists of revenge—or vice versa? Keening has no living Ravenloft rarely trick or entice a lord into their inhabitants, only a city filled with undead that midst. A character is not offered power, for listlessly continue the routines of their former example; he demands it. He willingly takes the lives. What if a necromancer serving another step that seals his fate; the Dark Powers welcome him, but they do not force him to become a lord. The Mood of Ravenloft dventures set in Ravenloft demand more of a DM, because their success depends as A much—or more—upon the ability of the DM to be a storyteller rather than a rules lawyer. Rich description is vital to maintaining the mood of this campaign setting. While running an adventure, remember that the shadows of Ravenloft are more likely to conceal an opponent here than in other lands. PCs seldom know the true nature of a threat initially. You needn't lie or mislead the players, however. If PCs are facing a rat in broad daylight, obviously they'll know it's a rat. But bright light is a rarity in Ravenloft. Catching only a glimpse of some small, black creature slipping into the shadows, the player characters cannot be sure of what they've seen. Take advantage of the murkiness and uncertainty of this setting. Quoting the numbers intrinsic to the AD&D® game—"You suffer 5 points of damage," for example—tends to detract from Ravenloft's mood. If someone suffers damage, always Sample file describe the effects of that damage. For example, a swing from the Headless Horseman's scythe may cause "Id4 points of damage," but the numbers are secondary. First, a DM will tell the player that the blade caught his PC's face, creating a painful, gaping wound that is certain to leave a scar. In some encounters, it's appropriate to calculate damage for the PCs yourself, describing the wounds to players, and any weakness that results, but keeping the numbers to yourself. Before you design an adventure using one of •:» the darklords in this book, review the chapters titled "Techniques of Terror" and "From Gothic Roots" in the boxed set. They'll help you fine-tune your story and prepare you for unnerving even the most unshakable PC. Then call your players together late at night, dim the lights, and play. -V- he desert of Har'Akir is ancient stalked into the Kharn temple, greatest of all in beyond belief. Not all of its past is Har'Akir, and cursed the gods for not granting marked by noble deeds and great him his heart's desire. Ra, sun god and patron kings. In ancient days, the evil of the pharaohs, answered Anhktepot. He told pharaoh Anhktepot ruled the the pharaoh that he would live even after death, nation of Har'Akir. Although he though he might wish otherwise. Ra did not died long ago, his mummified elaborate. body occasionally awakens to stalk Anhktepot left the temple elated but the burning wastelands and remind confused. He still did not know how to cheat the people of his reign of terror. death. That night, everyone he touched died. His wife, several servants, and his eldest child—all were dead.
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